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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I watched today's show b/c I know the woman who was on. The topic was something about Why My Prince Charming is so Mean or some such BS. I know the show is only 44 min air time so a lot of the stuff gets left off the table, but let me tell you...a LOT was left off! The woman, Beth, was boo-hooing b/c her live in boy friend and soon to be baby daddy makes her "feeeeeelll reeeally baaaaaad!" He's a cheater, an alcoholic and verbally abuses her and she's "afraid" of him being around her kids. It's the same sob story she has shared time and time again. Well here's a little background on Beth, the psycho ex girlfriend you never want... She has 3 kids...3 different fathers ( I am friends of #3 and know all about Beth's manipulations of men and the welfare system). The loser she was on the show with is baby daddy #4. She has planned at least 3 of her 4 pregnancies as a way to get money, housing and of course, attention. She is "disabled" but has somehow bought 2 homes in upscale communities. Her kids all have her name so she can collect from various state agencies. She and the kids are all on the state health program even though fathers 1-3 all work and can provide insurance. Once pregnant, the game is on, and she accuses the here to fore Prince Charming BF of cheating, lying, verbal and the "threat" of physical abuse. She stalks the BF, demands to go through emails/cell phone history, cries to his friends and family about all the horrible things BF has said or done. She tapes EVERY phone call once she gets the convo escalated into a fight. If the BF remains calm or won't engange, she goes ballistic ( I've heard the tapes my friend #3 finally wised up to keeping). She uses the kids as pawns and withholds or delays visitation. Her own family has finally severed ties with her and has even advised #2 & 3 to seek custody of their children ( baby daddy #1 surrendered parental rights years ago). They want more stability in the kids' lives and know Beth cannot give that to them because of her bad life choices. My friend's little one is only 3 and refers to #4 as "Scary Pat" because he yells all the time. When it's time for the little one to leave my friend's parent's house after he has her for the weekend, there is so much crying and fear in that kids face. It's heart breaking. Our hope is now that Crazy has aired her idiot self on national TV the fathers will take action and get their kids removed from her claws.
  2. I've looked at the Dopes website a few times but I never see any of Bella's "art" there. Are the Kool-Aid Kids intentionally blocking Bella from earning money? Doesn't Bella ever get a chance to look at the site to see what's going on (or NOT going on) with her stuff? I DVR'd Friday's ep but I haven't had the slightest inclination to watch it since we all know it's 180 degrees opposite from what really happens on the feeds. I wonder if they'll do a "reunion" type special when this train wreck is cancelled? It'd be great if it were an open format with an audience where viewers (and readers) of the online shenanigans could ask them about their idiocy and immaturity. I'm sure they'd only let "real fans" in to drool over how awesome Mike, Rob and Aaron are.
  3. What happened to the "stop it" convo Production had with these assholes? Is there really no limit to the abuse these fuckers can inflict on others? The way Production allows (encourages) this shit makes me think televised hunting and torturing of people (foretold in stories like "Running Man" and "Hunger Games") is going to show up on FOX's 2015-16 schedule. If the Kroll Trolls want to see spikes in Utopia viewership, they should turn the tables on the bullies. Allow Bella, Amanda, Josh, Ernesto (who???) and Nikki to find out about all the scheming, stealing and lying done by Aaron/Mike/Rob and their minions. Let them get access to the computer to see emails and "secret" messages. Let Josh or Nikki look at the books and see the financial shenanigans. Bring one of them into Production's lair to get inside info on the BS going on. Then give them extra incentive to blow shit up and confront the assholes. I'd pay $29.99 to watch Aaron Mike and Rob back pedal and be reduced to the sad pathetic losers the rest of the world has seen over the last few weeks.
  4. From the New York Post today (Grading the Fall TV shows) Under the "F" category: The Fox reality show “Utopia” is this year’s first stinker. So wretched, the show has been moved to the most funereal night of the week: Friday, where it can die a quiet death. Do I hear the bells tolling for thee, Kroll?
  5. All of these people need to go through "conscious uncoupling" not couples therapy. It will be more difficult for some than others since they are barely conscious at any given point in the day (thanks to detox/using (Jenna) and woeful lack of self awareness (Juan BLAH-blo)).
  6. If they do merge next time, I'd love for the women to band together - but keep it a secret. The yellow tribe females could maybe convince Josh or Dale to stick with them since they still have "loved ones" on the other side. The blue tribe 4 females could convince Reed to join them and maybe Keith b/c he's scared of Jeremy. That'd be an alliance of up to 10 players from both sides and a super secret sub-alliance of 6 females. It may not last them til the end but they could reduce the number of the He Man Women Hater's Club (Jeremy, Jon, Alec) before it fell apart. I wish the women could make a stand and run the game.
  7. So my theory is Cal is a former cult leader hiding out in Utopia because he attempted to make "adults" out of one too many of his "sister-daughters" on his last compound. He is a fucking CREEP. These Udopians won't have futures as reality stars but they have a ready made staff for a 'for profit' prison. Or a concentration camp. - Poor leader with questionable financial practices (Mike) - Unsanitary cook who uses starvation as punishment ( Aaron) -Pseudo psycobabbling spiritual counselor with probable sex offender status (Cal) - Rage-aholic correctional officer with "little man" syndrome (Rob) - Unskilled uneducated uninformed unquestioning stooge support staff (Hex, Tyler, Kristen, Chris, Dedeker, Bri)
  8. I can't look at Jenna's over worked face any more. It is a horror show. I am not familiar with her "work", but I have been assured by a few male friends that "back in the day" she was a beautiful woman. I just don't get why women do those God-awful lip implant things. Plumping up your lips with ass-fat for the "pouty" sensual look is one thing, but having a synthetic slug-shaped device surgically inserted into the lip looks beyond ridiculous. It must cause the "duck mouth" problem because every woman I've seen with this stupid implant looks like she can't control her upper lip from rolling out and curling up under the nostrils. Soooo attractive. Do people find that look sexy??? I can achieve the same hideous distortion by holding Pringles chips in my mouth. It provides the same stupid outcome and it's much cheaper. Juan BLAH-blo is a user and a loser but Nikki keeps hanging around for more, so she's the bigger part of the problem IMO. Pet names for you BF/GF are OK, but it makes me crazy that JP calls Nikki "Baby" every time he speaks to (at) her. I think he sees her as child-like and she needs his manly guidance to survive.
  9. Great idea! And since there's not a single Professor among them, we'll never hear from them again!
  10. I was feeling "meh" about this last season and now this season has me falling asleep during each episode. I just can't stay interested. It feels like there's very little forward momentum IMO. Katherine and Weston should both have Snidely Whiplash mustaches to twirl while cackling from shadowy corners. Intrigue! Drama! Scandal!...YAWN. I'm more interested in the other staff members. I'd watch an hour of Clara, Sam, the cook etc Like others mentioned, I don't think Moray and Denise have thought their relationship through. He's expecting her to be his "Little Champion" wifey and applaud his triumphs...from a comfy chair at home... when he gets the store back (and how is that happening anyway??). She plans to be head of Marketing or VP of Creative Design and ply her never fail, always successful marvelous ideas to the entire store. It'd probably be a good idea for them to iron out these little details before they marry. And that doll was creepy fugly! I she "Annabelle's" French cousin?
  11. Forgot to ask up thread...did anything come of the threat/promise of "Red Wedding" style hi-jinx?
  12. The more I read here about Cal the more he sounds like he's Aaron's "soul mate" with his disrespectful manner when speaking with or about females. Another D-bag rounded up and removed from the general public. For those of you still watching the feeds, has there been any emergency vehicles called to Utopia to deal with the wedding aftermath of Dirty Chef's dirty handiwork in the kitchen?
  13. I looked at the Pepto Pestilence cake...blurgh. With all the shopping & food ordering, has no on thought to bring in some cling wrap or aluminum foil to cover food? Do they leave food out and uncovered all the time? I don't watch the feeds, but the way these slobs just accept the heinous hygiene "utilized" by Dirty Chef, I'm guessing they don't have napkins or paper towels around either. I read on the Utopia show forum that a poster saw a cancellation notice for this train wreck. Has anyone else heard anything? We all knew the day would come, but I will miss all the snark. My greatest wish is that Production folds up their tents and sneaks away in the middle of the night without cluing in the Dopes.
  14. That cake prep recap is making me ill. Unsanitary food handling is how Typhoid Mary passed along the disease in the early 1900's. I don't know how anyone will hire "Chef" A-hole once he gets outside the walls. Although I'm sure he thinks his days of cooking will be over due to the "fame" he's achieved from being on TV. I hope future employers for any of these Utopians do a quick search on Google, Facebook, Twitter etc to see how awful they are.
  15. So, Drew flaked out on classes last year because of "girl troubles" and hardly went to class. He barely starts his sophomore year and takes off for a road trip? Is Berkley really that easy of a school to graduate from without attending class or taking exams? I guess he's only following the Braverman Code that one's own emotional immediate gratification is preeminent over other small trifles... like school that someone is paying for you to attend or jobs that pay bills (tuition for example). Lord knows Adam, Crosby and Amber seem to have endless hours of personal time to leave that sound studio for days on end (do you think they remember the ultra cool, but almost insolvent heap of a business they started needs more than ONE artist to keep the doors open?). I've been to San Francisco many times and it's one of my favorite cities. I just didn't realize truly magical the Bay Area is. Everyone has enough funds to start/stop work or school anytime they want. Part time jobs in a coffee house or a relative's biz pay so well you can afford apartments on your own. If you decide one day to be a writer/bartender/shoe designer/photographer, you are immediately lauded as a genius in each profession. You can miraculous conceive, build, staff and fully enroll a school...in 8 weeks. "Downsizing" your empty nest means buying a multilevel Victorian "painted lady" home in one of the most notoriously over priced housing markets in the US. And if you whine loudest and longest and justkeeptalkingovereveryoneallthetime, you win.
  16. I haven't understood the judges' likes/dislikes all season so I will assume I just don't know anything about fashion. Sean's wasn't "horrible"...I guess?? But it wasn't anything to cause the multiple orgasms experienced by the judges. I thought Kini's trench deserved a lot more praise. Even though his skirt was a bit too much, it was more wearable than the saggy baggy hipster cocoon Amanda sent down or Sean's "Space Waitress 3000" outfit. Char is only there b/c of Tim Gunn Save. Can't have one of the show runners look foolish for wasting the second chance pass can we? Char seems like a fun and cool person, but she is so out of her league among the finalists. I wish her well, but I don't think we'll see much of her in stores or in magazines. Korina was a brat but she has sealed her spot on the next edition of All Stars because she brings the drama! The producers "know" what's best for the viewers. All we want to see on Runway is hijinks and cat fights and controversy, right? It's not like we watch this show for FASHION or DESIGN.
  17. I think they only call Aaron "chef" because he's one of the few idiots that knows how to turn on a stove. The lack of basic skills among the "too cool for school" group is appalling. Another reason probably comes down to sheer laziness. The majority of them have zero ambition (aside from future soon to be reality show has beens) and won't lift a finger to do chores like "cook" (aka boil water and toss in ramen). FOX can't possible keep the show on life support much longer. I wish when they finally pull the plug, they'd 'forget' to tell the Utopians and let them languish away a la LOST - Dharma Initative recruits. Of course, they'd make a ton of money off live feeds if they told the public this "twist". There's the experiment! "Watch what happens when 15 self-absorbed, self-important people too stupid to be successful in the real world are isolated from the rest of society"
  18. Did they ever explain what was written on Schmidt's billboard? I know it was Korean but I never heard a translation and my DVR cut off a little early.
  19. Do these dopes know their 15 min of fame has been reduced to 7.5 min now that this show only airs once a week? Shame on FOX and the powers that be for this disaster. It had potential but instead of a real "experiment", they just let the dregs of society rule the roost. I'm not saying any reality tv needs to be educational, but this show had an opportunity to show younger generations some pretty necessary life skills: how to resolve disputes rationally, use critical thinking to map out how decisions made today can affect individuals and the group tomorrow, learn to work in teams, use individual strengths to assist others, be responsible for the care of living things, recognize one's own opinion is not more valuable or more "right" than another, and so on. We ended up with more "proof" to the under 20 crowd that the more heinous, outrageous, anti-social, over sexed & under handed the behavior, the more "fame whoredom" to be earned. I sincerely hope Aaron, Kristin, Mike, Dede,Taylor, Chris & Bri end up walking the streets of L.A, panhandling & mumbling how famous they were. Lord knows they don't have any real work ethic or basic math skills to get past a 1st interview for a job. Good luck to Josh, Hex, Nikki, Ernesto, Amanda, Rob and Bella. I hope they can wash the Utopia stink off as soon as they get their walking papers.
  20. Grammeryn- I was being totally facetious with that "fat girl"comment. I was speaking as Julia might because of her Braverman sense of entitlement and over the top conviction that what is done the Braverman way is the right way. Sydney couldn't ever be the problem, so the other kids that can't get along with her are the problem in Parenthood world. I would never suggest isolating or blaming the victim in any real or imagined scenario. I was the poor little fat girl,
  21. I think the writers read these boards and try to figure out ways to piss off viewers as a joke. There is NO WAY a school would provide 40 individual lunches every day. Even if Christina had interviewed each family about what Suzie & Stevie Snowflake like to eat/are allowed to eat, no caterer or vender would be able to meet that demand. What happens in the real world (even in the most entitled privileged school cafeterias) is there are options to choose from - a vegetarian soup & salad OR a turkey sandwich on whole wheat OR bring your own damn lunch. If I'm a parent of a kid with food allergies or intolerance I would feel more comfortable knowing what she's eating came from MY kitchen and used the brands I am familiar with from my grocery store. And the whole "kew-linary" arts program? WTF? No need for Health Inspectors! Or for anyone on the school's Board to approve the curriculum (or is it curri -KOO-lum?)! Saint Christina needs something for her snowflakes so wave the Braverman wand and tah-dah! It's a miracle! Parents are calling to thank the school for saving their kids! Full kitchen, fully stocked with enough pots and pans and dishes to serve 40 kids? And what about the cracker-jack teaching & admin staff they miraculously hired in 8 weeks? Will they get to eat these lovingly prepared hand-crafted meals too? That's another 10 + orders of organic, gluten-free, free-range, roasted beet quinoa served over fair trade certified cauliflower mash. Please pass the artisinal hand grated dairy free Parmesan. I always knew Sydney would grow into a mean girl. You can't raise a child with such an overblown sense of entitlement & superiority and not expect to get a brat. My only question is why didn't Julia give the teacher a card for the Snowflake Academy? "If the poor little fat girl can't cope with regular school, my brother and his wife run a school for these types of overly sensitive kids." One last nit pick - at the party, someone hands off baby Aida to Amber and Amber looks all freaked out. She's been around babies and small children for a while within her own family and fairly recently (anyone remember Nora? No? Not surprised, her parents barely do). It isn't realistic that Amber would not be comfortable holding a baby. Only thing I liked were Zeek's scenes with Amber and the last one with Camille.
  22. Never liked Korina from the get-go and I'm glad she was kicked out. However, we all know her shitty behavior and smug superiority has sealed a spot for her on "All Stars" or a return to the runway a la Amanda. I can't wait for her to be the one next season's Mean Girl picks on because "she doesn't belong here! She had her chance!". If she starts up her super bitch talk next week when partnered with Char I really hope we see other designers give her a smack down...to her FACE and not just in TH's. And get over the damn "Save" already. It was part of the rules from Day 1. Tim didn't pull it out of thin air. Lord knows if he had saved Korina instead, it would have been extolled by Korina as the right thing to do, completely justified, everyone knows she deserves to be there, on and on... I agree with Amanda's critique of Emily/Korina's collection...waayyy too much "look". Edit Edit Edit! Doesn't Tim say to use the Product Placement of the Season Wall "thoughtfully"? I also agree with Nina that the cape/hat ensemble was a 70's throwback. I think my mom had that pattern w/ the same "Annie Hall" looking model- cape, hat, boots. Only difference is the pattern showed the model wearing corduroy knickers (remember those?) Emily's couch cushion thing had me thinking of "Chairy" from Pee Wee's Playhouse. It looked like a chair cushion, not shoulder pads. I didn't think the source material was transformed enough. I think Sean and Emily showed a lot of grace and maturity. I don't even mind Sean's little dig about being OK to help Char move forward because she'll be easy pickings in the end. It's a contest and players need to use strategy to win.
  23. so, what's the over/under on Alexander winning Fan Fav tonight?
  24. I finally figured out who Kalen reminded me of...a female Chris Farley. Buh- bye Kalen. You were not ready for this (nor are 98% of the other "chefs" competing). I was hoping the last pair of guys would continue to bring up proteins they already chose incorrectly like they did with "rabbit". I always try to root for Bostonian contestants on these shows, but damn if Aaron and Santos aren't making me want to turn in my Massachusetts card. Not sure what was up with Roe this week, but she's still one of my favorites. After listening to Sade have a rational mature conversation with Miss Potty Mouth, I'm liking her more as well. Looks like Katie may do herself more harm next week by talking back to GR.
  25. How is this farce still on the air? It's soooo scripted and as been since mid way through the 1st season. The ratings are in the cellar, so it can't possible survive another season. As the end comes, I sincerely hope whatever money the girls made on this show (thanks to their moms selling their own children's souls and senses of self esteem) is securely deposited in the girls' names. And I think Gianna is just as snotty and badly behaved as Abby. She always looks like she's smelling bad cheese.
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