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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I caught this for the 1st time last night after Deadliest Catch...I was oddly fascinated and couldn't change the channel for about 20 min. I'm relieved that this is fakery b/c I was so worried for the health and welfare of the kids... and for anyone who had to come into contact with these nut jobs! The teeth and the accents creeped me out. I was wondering how the "kids" all had effed up accents when the Papa Bear didn't. It was bizarre. I finally flipped the channel, but can someone tell me if the Mama Bear ever speaks? I don't plan on watching this show again but I will check out this forum to see what's up!
  2. I still do like this show and most of the boats, captains and crew. However there are some things I just cannot take any more. * Stop showing the Ghost of Phil anytime the CM is shown. Most of the long time viewers liked & respected Phil. Let him rest in peace. Josh will never replace Phil no matter how many times they super impose Phil over Josh's shoulder. * Stop showing Josh with the "Boat Owner" title. We get it... he was born to be a crabber,he's risked everything, scraped and saved for 4 years blah-dy blah blah. I still don't know how he secured a mortgage to "buy" the CM * Stop showing Elliott. Period. - I will not watch him twitching on a boat I will not watch him rutting like a goat. I will not watch him in a port. I do so hope Val wins in court. I do not want to know about his pee. He's just so gross, can't you see? He is worse than moldy Spam. I DO NOT LIKE HIM, Sam I Am!!
  3. Adding to the list of incredulous and/or sloppy mistakes: * Male science guy's evil intentions telegraphed in his first close up "See, I'm smiling! I'm smiling like a snake closing in on a nest of baby birds, but you can totally trust me!" * The pretty lady scientist is out in the 10's below-zero freezing arctic air, squatting on permafrost with her parka hood barely on her her head and no face protection. But the Navy guys on snowmobiles had better weather protection * Of course the first casualty is an African American male * Setting aside the probability of two scientists being able to create a vaccine on an under-supplied ship, and one of the scientists is apparently Boris Badanov, how much vaccine can be produced in those conditions? * The Captain's family video broke the last tenuous thread of credibility But, with all its egregious goofs, The Last Ship is still more snarkily "believable" than Under the Dome.
  4. Jimmy reminded me of a less funny less likeable Colin Quinn. I never thought Aida was better than some of the others who were cut during semi final rounds. Not sure I have anyone I'm really rooting for, but I like Rocky, Joe, Rod Man and Nikki enough that I'd pay to see them. After watching 10 minutes of any recent NBC sitcom, I'm not sure I'd consider a development deal a "prize". Maybe the funnier comics can stay on long enough to get exposure and dodge the bullet of "winning" certain cancellation death (see Whitney, Michael J Fox Show, Sean Saves the World, etc, etc). NBC hasn't been Must See TV in decades.
  5. Carole's hiking gown was perfectly appropriate...if she were appearing in a Ralph Lauren ad. The geocaching thing would be fun with another group, but not these women. Kristin should've known better. Sonja and her overt sexual predator act is so disturbing. Flirting is one thing but mentioning the status of your eggs or lack of underwear in the first 5 minutes of meeting a male specimen is just barely south of "George" level pervy. Other than men like George, who does Sonja attract with that act? Wish I knew that facialist... Heather is a know it all bossy pants. I think the stress and alcohol from earlier in the day magnified those traits. Still loving LuAnn this year! Still not missing one bit of Aviva. Please let the next tip be exotic enough for Sonja and in even higher elevation for Aviva. Katmandu anyone???
  6. Yes, I'm sure once he hits the beach with a drink in hand he'll be able to turn off his phone and "relax". Selfish prick couldn't ignore his phone for 5 solid minutes to interact with his daughter during her therapy. He reminds me of my BIL a bit. He's oh-SO-BIZZZZY every waking moment and he's constantly.texting, responding to calls & emails. However this is only when he's around my sister and their kids or our side of the family. He's all Mr. Laid Back when he's with his family/friends, The phone rarely comes out of his pocket. It's rude. It would be slightly less rude if he just came out and said the words "I don't like any of your friends or family. I have no interest in you or the kids unless we're doing what I want to do." Josh appears to be someone who wants to live 3 lives; the perfect American family w/ Model wife + Son + Daughter, the super successful self-made business man & the frat party dude. I guess it's possible to truly have a balance of all 3, but trouble is the show has only given us glimpses of JoshLives 2 & 3.
  7. No Josh love here; what has been shown of him so far leads me to think he is an egotistical, misogynistic self-centered, entitled prick. MMV of course. The thing that irked me the most about his argument that he needs to be in the Hamptons for the "last weekend of the summer". He said something to the effect of "I'll never get this weekend back! It's the last weekend of summer and I'll never get this time back" He didn't seem to upset over missing Cash & Kingsley's "last weekend of summer 2013". So, I guess Mr. Peabody must be on call to loan Josh the Way-Back Machine to "get back" the missed time with his children then? I will cut him some slack on the care and feeding issues though. Most non-stay at home parents I've known don't keep the mental Rolodex like the primary care taker does. My husband is pretty involved in our daughter's day-to-day, and while he may know where the doctor's office is, I doubt he knows the pediatricians name. Unless it's in their contracts, why does Romona go on these trips at all? She complains constantly before during and after the trip and brings such a rain cloud of negativity. Has she ever planned a trip in the history of this show? I would imagine it would involve everyone sitting around some 5 star hotel suite in Manhattan (with 24 hour catering & a butler to unpack, serve, schlep etc.). Activities would include: getting blow-outs, wearing ill-fitting 80's jewel-tone cocktail dresses and swigging her precious Pinot till it shoots out their noses. Good times! I'm shocked she actually went at all considering its been repeated ad nauseum Avery's going to college - Labor Day weekend is a common 'move in' weekend around my parts. I would expect Ramona to be stowing away in a Louis Vuitton trunk on her way to Emory that weekend. Did Sonja actually say she had the appropriate underwear for an amusement park... in St. Tropez??? Huh?
  8. I guess we are supposed to feel good for Louie? That he "finally" found "love"??? I don't get the Pamela attraction AT ALL. She is a horrible person and I think she makes him more pathetic than he usually is.
  9. I read all the books, but it was so long ago that my memories are fuzzy. LS eventually meets up w/ Brienne and I remember that the Brothers were going to hang her. Did Brienne die in the books??? I have a faint memory that Brienne lives but I can't remember. If it isn't considered too spoilery can someone help me out here? I also have no recollection of Qyburn reanimating/resurrecting the Mountain either. I thought he just lingered in a slow painful smelly death. I wish they had included the Tysha reveal as well. It really would have sold the rage of Tyrion and his willingness to sever all Lanister ties if they had used that part of the story.
  10. I thought the "flustrated" thing was unique to the city I live in! I'm in New England and I hear A LOT of people saying FLustrated vs. FRustrated. They also say "brefast" (breakfast), "bafroom" (bathroom) and "ignoying" (used interchangeably for annoying/ignoring). Drives me nuts. I did a happy dance when Anton got the boot! So glad for once on a 'reality' show they let the most undeserving go instead of keeping him/her around for the drama. Rochelle & Joy are the deserving finalists for me.
  11. LuAnn isdefinitely my favorite this season. She's calm, rational and she isn't coming across so holier than thou like in the past. I agree that Heather should've gotten a little reprimand from Lu as well for being part of the distraction during that charity lady's speech. Rude! Those dresses were...OK. I didn't see anything fabulous that I haven't seen in Marshalls. I guess $150 for charity is reasonable. I was giggling at Carole's mind games w/ Aviva. I wish Carole outbid her then turned to Heather and said "I bought it for you!" Aviva is a liar. She's made herself look foolish for the sake of being relevant. Her lies, inappropriate behavior, attempts at shit-stirring etc have bounced back on her. She is worse than Kelly in the cray-cray department. Kelly was a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but Aviva seems more like an egotistical sociopath. Her "art party" was pathetic. Looks like she continues making herself look like an idiot next week with all her phobia/illness excuses. Sonja...I just can't anymore. How far does the spiral downward go? I have liked Kristin but I was a little put off by her 3rd grade mentality rushing to tell her "friends" the gossip that's going around town. Why put Lu & Carole on the spot and humiliate them (I know, I know, more producer antics)? Since Carole & Russ broke up, there's no reason to tell her (the lie) about Sonja. And she should have just told LuAnn that there's a facialist gossiping about her, so warn her & her friends not to use that lady anymore. No need for spilling the details! And Romona continues to be Queen of the Shit Stir! Wow, how uncomfortable was that confrontation w/ Miss USA? Why couldn't the cameras have stayed behind to film that table's follow up reaction after Romona left?? Does anyone know where Avery is going for school? The way Romona is acting I'm guessing the college is in some remote desolate place half way around the world that has no internet or cellular service and can only be accessed once a year by a single engine airplane. Why is it some of these Housewives (looking at you, Kim Richards) act like sending a kid to college is a life sentence without parole?
  12. Sonja's maiden name is Tremont, but her family is not connected to the Tremont St. In. Boston. The street got its name because in colonial times the area of Beacon Hill originally was a large hill with 3 peaks, or "tri-mountaine". It eventually morphed into Tremont. J. Morgan does have ties to Boston since he was a great great great grandson of John Quincy Adams. That said, Quincy has the illustrious old money Morgan name and all the staid old world elegance that one associates with it on one side and then sloppy drunk, aging party girl on the other. Boarding school is probably safest place for the girl til she is 18 and gets her trust fund cash to move on her own.
  13. I'm going to record tonight's show rather than watch it live so I can FF thru Josh's time on camera. He may not be a bad person, but I just don't like the guy. He's no Captain Phil and he comes across as mugging for the camera IMO. I am very happy Freddy is staying on the Wizard and didn't go back to the CM. I thought Josh mentioned in the past he was going to try to lure Freddy back. I think Freddy knows he will make solid cash w/ Keith/Monte vs. working with an untested Josh. Between Elliott & Josh FF-ing, my Deadliest Catch viewing will be down to 15 min before the end of the season.
  14. I read the books (it was a while ago so I'm fuzzy on details) so I do know Stannis is coming to the rescue. However did the TV version ever address that the NW asked Stannis for help? I am sure they must have and I missed it. Otherwise how will non-book readers understand why Stannis showed up? Another thing I remember from the books is a baby trade between Gilly and Mance's baby-mama. Did they skip that or is that coming up when Jon gets to Mance's camp? And have they addressed "The Gift" -what it is, what it means?? I guess I need to binge watch to make the "what about X?" voices in my head shut up. I wish the finale was 90min or more to get to some of the WTF!! reveals. Brienne/Cat, Tywin/Tyrion...it's very hard not to spill the spoiler beans to my non-reader husband.
  15. Does anyone have the real deal on Josh and his ownership of the boat? Is he part owner? I don't think Phil owned the CM outright so I doubt it was part of his estate. Does Josh have his own quota or does he lease one? Does Josh have a captain's license like Jake A earned? If not, can he still run the boat? I've been watching this show for years but I'm not clear on the licensing/captain title or how a boat gets their own quota vs. having to lease it. Thanks for any knowledge some of you can share!
  16. Too much love story and not enough spy story. Guess I should go back to reading to get my history-nerd fix. I understand they need to make changes to allow for filming, but it makes me crazy when shows have interior night scenes in the colonial houses. There's always a fire roaring in the hearth and a million candles glowing on every surface. In reality, once the sun went down, it was bedtime. All fires were put out. No one would have left an unattended fire going over night because an ember or log could catch the whole place on fire. Oh, well...Hollywood! Not sure I'll be back next season unless the soap opera stuff is dialed back.
  17. Finally caught up and watched this one. I guess I"m backing Rochelle at this point. I kinda like Scott b/c he isn't Anton, but he hasn't impressed anyone with his abilities yet has he? I thought Joy's "crispy-ass chicken" looked freaking delicious. However, for the one order they showed going out, someone dumped gravy or au jus all over it. How is that gonna be crispy when it gets to the table? As for the Ann Burrell show, from what I understand it was almost all fake. They did episodes in two restaurants near me and the "winners" for each never got the jobs. In fact, one of the restaurants CLOSED shortly after the episode aired. The winner was from the West coast, had a family etc. He was ready to move across country and when he couldn't get in touch with the owners he finally got the news the place was shut down for numerous repeated health code violations. I think there were back taxes issues too. After seeing all the bad press for this stupid show I couldn't figure out the point of making it in the first place.
  18. "The Notebook" is to "my favorite movie" as "Olive Garden" is to "my favorite Italian restaurant". Ever since she was compared to "Stewie" from "Family Guy", it's all I see when Kelley's face appears. Do they continue to erroneously refer to NotHarry as "Prince of Wales" for the whole season? No wonder people in other countries have the impression Americans are so ignorant.
  19. I can't watch Elliott scenes anymore. My blood pressure can't take it. He is a Class A A-hole and I doubt 30 days in rehab is going to change that. Smokes heroin, confesses to/brags about snorting 100k worth of coke, drinks to excess on the eve of a trip, defaults on child support and has a pretty serious and lengthy rap sheet w/ charges of domestic violence included. He's certainly not much to look at, He doesn't seem to be a witty conversationalist (unless "Fuck you!" counts). He only has temporary crew members and no friends on the boat. He has been shown to be reckless and irresponsible during fishing trips. I personally don't see ANY redeeming qualities in this guy. I find it difficult to sympathize with his addiction(s). He keeps crowing he is "a grown-ass man", so take ownership of your plethora of issues and straighten out your life. I do feel sympathy for his dad and the poor bastards who signed on with him. Hopefully those guys can jump on another boat to make some money. I'm very glad that Elliott's dad read him the riot act when his whiny baby son called home crying about going to rehab. Get your ass inside and go through the program. And if his ex keeps yo-yoing back, I think Val needs therapy too. Time for her to break away from the perpetual cyclone of doom that she's put herself and her children into. If all she's looking for is a paycheck (according to Elliott), I'm sure there are plenty of other fisherman on the docks.
  20. I gave in and watched. Are these "girls" serious with the ages they have posted? I've heard the camera adds 10lbs, so maybe HDTV adds 10 years? Has anyone started a pool on how quickly the school teacher loses her job after this? As a parent, I wouldn't care that she went on a dating show. The fact that my 7 year old has a higher IQ than this teacher would be the deal breaker.
  21. I can only hope the final doesn't come down to Anton & Kaisha...can't stand the way either of them speak! Anton's gravel throat hurts my ears and trying to understand mush-mouth Kaisha without subtitles hurts my brain. I can't imagine spending more than 5 minutes in either one's presence.
  22. George needs to crawl off the planet and die of the numerous STD's he contracted over the years. I don't want to see him again. But of course, he's back in all his disgusting glory at a friggin' SEX museum. Can't even react to his "fiancé". Take what you can get as long you can, girlfriend. He deserves to be ripped to financial shreds by those jewel-encrusted gold digging claws of yours. Only Sonja could botch her pet's funeral. You know as soon as the camera crew left, the maintenance dpt hosed Millou's doggie dust into the river.
  23. Personally I love Better Than Bouillon. I use it to make gravy for assorted roasts (turkey, beef). So far I haven't found it to be overly salty, but then again, I'm not reducing it significantly. I stopped using College Inn a while ago. I use my local super market brand instead if I need quick broth. It tastes much more "chicken-y" than College Inn, but I'm sure it comes from the same processing plant as Swanson/other brands! I should try to make my own stock someday to taste the difference. I really like Italian Wedding Soup but their recipe looks overly involved with the processing of the pork. Plus I get a little grossed out when I see recipes don't pre-cook/ brown meatballs. Dropping raw meat into a soup or sauce is just a big NO for me. I couldn't eat or serve it if I knew that's how it was prepared (I'm sure I've eaten plenty of items cooked this way without knowing- ignorance is bliss!)
  24. I guess I'm not as cool or hip or in on Louie CK's take on comedy as I thought because I have NO idea what that was about.
  25. WTF with Morgan's "Beauty & Boobs" speech?? She self-congratulates herself for being on the "Beauty" tribe (like DUH, totes obvs I belonged there!) and can't fathom how Tony, a MAN!! without BOOOBS!!!! could make men follow him. Do you think she knows those gigantic knockers of her are subject to gravity and that she will eventually need to rely on 'words' and 'thoughts' to communicate with men? If they insist on bringing back players in the future I want to see Tasha & Spencer, but not Tony. Ever. * And keep the number of HII down to one per tribe - once it's used, it's retired not re-hidden * And hide them to a degree of difficulty that my 4 year old couldn't find them * And ban the Tyler Perry Idol...and Tyler Effin' Perry
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