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Everything posted by Harvey

  1. It was interesting seeing an Eda without the curse weighing on her mind, how she was obviously more carefree, but seemed to have anxieties regarding her social life, with her only friend being her sister. Lilith, on the other hand, seems to be struggling with her own ego in regards to Eda, and is starting to push her away which helps paint a fuller picture of the situation the two were in at the time of the coven tryouts.
  2. The moment when Hetty said "she'll have the worst prom ever" and then all the ghosts did this evil laugh was amazing🀣. I'm sure there is a historical reason, but does someone know why Hetty had a problem with the band being irish?
  3. I thought the break up scene was well-done, It got to me. And agreed with Phebermarie, the "sit down" scene was another really good moment.
  4. She was just putting her signature at the end of the letter/text lots of people do that.
  5. I really liked Ava's speech the way she turned it around was unexpected, yet still true to her character. Amazing.
  6. I don't know if this belongs here or in the book thread (?) but the show runners are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. It is explained in great detail in her own book why Francesca barely spends any time with her family. For those who want to know:
  7. I'm surprised that the "mother speaks to you from the grave" ploy worked. It was incredibly simplistic. I would have been happy if Ebun left, the show is better without her. But it is what it is.
  8. Oh Wow, Tyler the Stuff organizer was so pretty. Very handsome actor. The "I've never seen her so happy...it made me so mad" line was hilarious.🀣
  9. I knew this was coming, but I'm still sad.
  10. Lady Featherington continues to be the best part of this show. She was so badass here, once again. I love her creativity and how she finds solutions to these difficult situations. The fight between Eloise and Penelope was also very good, I felt that angst and I was rooting for Penelope the whole time.
  11. For Abishola's culture being a doctor is more about status and being able to say she is one. Giving her mom bragging rights. Stuff like that.
  12. Very good episode with lots of great lines. I liked it when Calvin said "teeth whitening" and then did this grimace that was meant to be a smile. It was so off-beat and cute. And the resolution of the Gemma-Dave plot was also cute.
  13. Yes, I also finished last week. The book was very addicting for me, I could hardly put it down and because of it's length (and therefore it requiring a lot of time to read it all) it kinda overtook my life. But It was very interesting and I am happy I read it. I just wish Maud didn't omit the more juicy parts of her life, and gave more details about the precise problems with Chester. Still it was a great read, my favorite was the repeated mention of how there was no divorce on Prince Edward Island for the longest time and they were so proud of that, meanwhile spouses were poisoning and beating each other up. But hey it's all okay as long as they don't get divorced! 😡
  14. I told you all it was 100% getting renewed, and it still shocks me some people on here actually argued with that. It had the biggest opening ever for a show on the platform. You don't ignore something like that.
  15. The "I kinda like being peed on" line was so unexpected and funny 🀣! Oh my god... I really liked the scene where Asta's daughter asked her to have lunch together. Once again, the actress did a great job portraying the emotions. It was beautiful. I know we complained a bit at the start of the season, but I remember back in season 1 the show needed quite a few episodes to start to get really good and I think that is finally happening here. There were so many funny lines, like when Max told Sahar she doesn't speak for him, only to say the exact same thing. And of course the ending was very interesting with a lot of implications, like why was Harry sent to Earth anyway if his people knew it was so dangerous? This information was kept from him for some reason and it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
  16. I was stunned by the sincerity of the apology scene. That was so good! They could have done more with the sex ed plotline imo.
  17. The part where they implied that the sock helped with Tunde's erections was so funny 🀣. Best part of the episode for me. And I agree, the way Abishola says Bob is adorable.
  18. I'm really happy that cruel agent died. F-ing psycho.
  19. Dave and Gemma were so adversary to each other in this episode. As if they weren't even a couple. On the flipside, Gemma's talk with Calvin about having done his job as a father and letting go was very well-done & wonderful.
  20. Funny thing, I started reading it yesterday too! πŸ˜„ I found it online as a pdf. It's very good. It's so wild when it talks about the intermarriage of the 3 families and how it was totally common to marry your cousins. Not great 😡.
  21. I feel you on this. Like did we really need a conversation about holding in farts? No, we did not. Dear writers please do better than that. I will say though - the scene where Harry had to say he destroyed the medical records was a highlight.
  22. LoL, the "How dare you tell your mother that your house is yours" was kinda genius 🀣. The layers of meaning in that... The scene where Christina, Douglas, Goodwin and Kofo freaked out about their future because of the upcoming child was also very good I loved how dramatic everyone was about it πŸ˜„.
  23. This episode was pretty weak but I did like that after Tina, Dave is the person Calvin wants to go to when he has something to share. Nice to see how their relationship has strengthened.
  24. This episode was crazy good. And when they shared a small moment before entering the ranger's station? Wow, that was powerful. It really made me feel things.
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