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Everything posted by Harvey

  1. It was sweet of Emily to try to help out Alfie in french class 🥺. And the scene where they finally made love was very well-done, it was so cute how he wanted to see her again the next morning. I really like how the series slowly built up their relationship and the ghosting storyline was executed well too, I didn't expect that. It's good that the show touched on a fact that was neglected pretty much since the pilot episode of this entire show. That Emily's original company bought Savoir, this french branch where Emily now works, so the power dynamics with Sylvie should have played out differently if Emily were more willing to stand up for herself and lay down the law when Sylvie was being difficult.
  2. Quick thinking on Emily's part with the "it's only a club after 11" idea. I wonder if there are restaurants which really work like that.
  3. I like that they brought in Camille's parents, I did not expect the story to go in this direction. It was pretty funny how Alfie treated poor Emily on the street 🤣. Just leaving her no questions asked, I loved her frantic reaction to it. And wow, the "reality check" discussion at the end of the episode was excellent. Emily made a lot of good points.
  4. Why did the first guy she approach in French class reject her? It shows that the show creators took notice of the feedback that season 1 received and they are trying to show more of Paris and display more of the french culture. The singing C-plot was pretty whatever, it has nothing to do with the main story. It looks more like an attempt to advertise the actress and her singing abilities rather than something that has a point within the series.
  5. I really felt for Camille in the moment she found the skillet in Emily's home. It was such a bummer too, everything was going so well, I thought the show was going to spare us the drama of Camille finding out, but of course not... The little moment where Julien was upset at Emily and at the same time disappointed that he can't go to her party was really funny 😁
  6. I really liked the scene where Camille confessed her feelings to Emily. It was well-acted and emotional. Plus it was nice to see how supportive Emily was through the whole thing.
  7. Emily casually and accidentally stealing her co-worker's account was hilarious 🤣. Poor guy was so out of his depth against her. But I did feel sorry for her in the end of the episode.
  8. It's a hard to follow show but Nilfgaard is the country who attacked the city (sodden) in the finale of last season. Yennifer used the fire magic against them and decimated a big chunk of their army.
  9. Those farm people were killed recently by the fire magician. Yen and Cirilla even say F-him or something to that effect when they see the dead bodies. So the horses were only unattended for a few days max.
  10. Just came here to comment on that. The moment where she spit his fire back to the magician was so cool. I also thought the scene where the male historian mage and Geralt discussed Yennefer and how she is still alive was really well-acted. Geralt didn't have to say his feelings for her, you still understood what was going through his head.
  11. Did anyone else see the Myriapod start begging/holding its hands in a sorry manner, instead of killing Ciri? Maybe it will be answered in one of the upcoming episodes; but it seemed like it wanted to help, not to cause harm.
  12. Wow. The horror elements in the episode were so good! And the effects were nice to look at. They really put the increased budget to good use. The boar man's story was heartbreaking. Thormund is a great actor. Geralt and Ciri has good chemistry. Henry is still killing it as Geralt with his physicality and broodiness. The way the show told us about Nivellen, adapting it to what they had from season 1, Ciri being present, and the way they told his story in 50 minutes. It's almost unbelievable. And the way it focused on Geralt, and now his relationship with Ciri, was really the right way to move forward with the show. Well done!
  13. That vision thing that Yeneffer, the elf lady and the other one had was super weird. I am not really clear what kind of enitity they actually met...although I guess maybe we are not supposed to know at this point?
  14. I loved the scene where Carrie tried to get into Big's computer. I was right there with her and felt every emotion, that situation is so frustrating. But her tumoltous journey in this episode was worth it, because after her talk with Natasha, she found her way back to her sad happy ending. It was illustrated very well. Also, the scene where she called herself was pretty funny 🤣. I really liked that she went back to her old house in the end of the episode. She lived there when she was single so it makes sense for her thematically to return. Amazed by the renewal, every episode has been outstanding so far. ❤️
  15. Wow that is a really well-made poster.
  16. They are still holding out hope that the actress changes her mind for season 2. They left the door open for her.
  17. The third movie, that Sarah Jessica Parker was really desperate to make but couldn't because of Kim Cattrall, was always going to be about Big dying and Carrie dealing with that through the support of her friends. I am happy we finally get to see that storyline play out. It's very fascinating. And the girls are more mature now it's good to let the show evolve instead of trying to recapture the magic of the original. That is why a lot of reboots fail. The writers here understood the assignment.
  18. That was everything and more. I can not tell you how satisfied I was with these episodes 💕 And I'm just gonna say it: the mood of the show is even better with Samantha not being there.
  19. This is an interesting take. Maybe Calvin was not too happy about it either since he slammed the door on him.
  20. Marty was the MVP of this episode. His delivery was so good on multiple occasions. I really liked the brothers storyline and how passionate they were about their petty little argument. And how would I know that? Did you put a post-it on my pillow!?!?🤣
  21. The whole sequence where everyone voted against Bob was fun. I look forward to Ebun being humbled next week. 😈
  22. No one knows. I wouldn't be surprised if they aired the episodes in summer again.
  23. You are completely right. I am watching this now and most of her lines are just about being mean to the other 3 women or tearing them down in some way. It's rarely funny, and gets tiring when she just keeps doing it so relentlessly.
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