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Everything posted by Harvey

  1. The moment where Harry told Abigail that he wants her to stay was so sweet. And I loved the big contrast of how happy she was when she finally got his approval, and then the utter shock she felt after catching her husband with the other woman. Very emotional and the actress's delivery is so subtle. Can't wait for season 2.
  2. Season finale time next week! I am very excited because in a pre-release intervew both Abigail and Harry's actors said that their favorite moment of the series is in the finale. Can't wait to see what it will be.
  3. Really really great episode this week. I could sympathize with the stance of both sisters, it is a difficult situation. I am surprised that Crystal was still involved in the episode, 3 episodes in a row now. I thought last week's appearance would be her final one.
  4. It's just how he is even in the original show the headless ghost only appears sporadically. Maybe 40% of the episodes.
  5. I liked the Ghost love story I hope this storyline will continue over the next couple of episodes. And Flower was a lot more likeable in this episode than she has been so far.
  6. I was pleasantly surprised by Gemma's maturity in this episode.
  7. I'm gonna need Ogechi to drop dead already, god she's the worst. Other than that, really good episode. I really liked Kemi's scenes with Abishola and how they tried to handle the situation. However, it is shocking how little screen time Bob and Abishola share with just the two of them being there. The show really needs to focus on the two of them as a couple more, like it used to. And too much focus on Goodwin, god. The quality of this show is going downhill and not because the writing is getting worse, but because they give so much attention to these unlikeable uninteresting characters 🙄
  8. Right there with you. The Roy Kent song has been stuck in my head for 2 days now.
  9. I wonder if Ogechi ever gets tired of being such a consistently horrible person.
  10. It was at the very start of the episode, I don't recall precisely but he mentioned the office bet that she arranged about when would his relationship end and some other way in which she betrayed him.
  11. Oh my god. I just want to say, Dave's cardigan looked so amazing with that pattern, the colors and the neck part. I want it.
  12. Wow. This week's episode was so deep and emotional. The third in that couple was so in love 🥺. I loved that Abigail and her husband seem to be making positive progress. I want them to get back together. I also love that it's becoming more and more apparent that Harry respects and appreciates Abigail more than Daniel, who is frankly pretty stupid and way too uptight. We all know where this is going, Daniel will worry thatt Harry will make Abigail partner instead of him. But that is what he deserves.
  13. Why does Thorfinn watch the Indian guy when he "plays" with himself? 😵 Edit: never mind, upon a re-watch I realized that Thorfinn said that he watched the indian have sex while he was alive, not the other thing 🤣. It makes a lot more sense now.
  14. It's like how the captain did all that exercise and yet, he was not able to improve his performance. Some of their attributes are fixed to a certain position. What should not be fixed is their attitude. They can get with the times and learn new things.
  15. This episode was so good! Who's doing it like The Simpsons, 33 seasons in? Amazing. And as a psychologist, Marge's last words were true. When you become aware of your unconscious programming you picked up from your environment while you were young, their power does become less. Awareness is the key.
  16. Wow, Abigail's therapy scenes were really fascinating. I loved the moment when she realized that Harry had been trying for years, before her mom finally wore him down and he gave up trying to contact her. Hopefully this will cause her to view him differently.
  17. Someone pointed out in the previous threads that there is always a jewish word or reference dropped in each episode, so I was curious to see if it was going to happen for a fourth time in a row, and then it did! I wonder what the intention is with that, since they are clearly doing it on purpose.
  18. This was my perception as well. Things peaked in the episode where Grant trains Chelsea imo.
  19. Yes. Dating is brutal & very hard. Marty getting down on himself because he is still single, living with his brother next door to his parents was so stupid. He already lived on his own, it was his decision to move back there.
  20. I don't like that the show is giving such a big presence to Kofo and Goodwin this season. They were never interesting characters, too much focus on them degrades the quality of the show. The joke with reclaiming the word "bitch" was the best part of the episode. If they are doing a storyline where living in the lap of luxury will corrupt Abishola's principles, well that could be interesting to see.
  21. I'm on episode 3 of the English version and god, I am already exhausted of that poet and his unnecessary crush on the female lead. I hope it doesn't last too long.
  22. I am not sure why the show writers wrote a show where both of Abigail's siblings struggle with the same issue - trouble settling down, not wanting to have kids while their partners reallly want those things. Will this be somehow traced back to Harry and how he was a bad father and that's why they don't want to become parents? That theory might not even check out since in last week's episode the sister said Harry always made her feel adored / accepted. But then I don't know what is the point of giving the two siblings such similar situations. Just a weird place to take the story.
  23. This show is seriously good. I watched the whole thing in 1 day. Praying and hoping for a renewal.
  24. So...about that curse? The curse can't be undone. Hahaha, best line of the episode for me. The Viking ghost is very likeable. I was surprised when the basement ghosts didn't request the light to be turned on. I guess that was more of a one time joke for the opening episodes then.
  25. I liked the little moment of Olu and Tunde getting along before Dottie arrived to their house. The actors really sold that cozy married chemistry.
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