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Everything posted by Harvey

  1. I have to say, the critics were right. The Hopper storyline really is the weakest and least interesting part of the season.
  2. So based on what we have seen here, the creatures of the upside down hail from 001, and they go after 11 because she betrayed 001. That also explains why all of the previous creatures (demodog, demogorgon etc.) seem to have similar abilities to each other and 11, its because 001, the being that created them, is exactly the same thing 11 is... theoretically... 11 could create something like this too.
  3. I don't like this storyline with the self-righteous needlessly aggressive jocks. I wish that wasn't included and the show spends so much time on them. Unnecessary.
  4. I felt so bad for Will when he tried to hug Mike but he just patted him on the back. Poor baby 🥺.
  5. I'm re-watching right now and the "OH MY GOD MY BRANZINO" parts are so funny 😄. This show has aged well.
  6. Does anyone else feel like this episode didn't have a "season finale" feel to it? Maybe because they werer renewed well in advance, but nothing particularly big or outstanding happened. We know that when the show comes back in October, everything will just carry on as usual.
  7. I'm gonna disregard the sheer idiocy of Marty proposing to someone who only appeared in 2 episodes before this one, because the writing was really on point this episode. I liked the cold open with the hallelujah box, that was really funny. And also the part where Tina made the proposal all about herself. And the line about being good at weddings but not at marriages? Amazing. The scene where Dave gave Gemma the ring was very sweet and just the right amount of emotional. I like that even in an episode centered around Marty, the Johnsons also got their moment to shine.
  8. Goodwin was so entitled in this episode. And for what? He is not management, end of story. If he really is such an important team leader the company should appoint him as such (in a middle-management level), above the other workers but below Bob / Dottie / Kofo, and then it would make sense for him to get a bonus and wield some more power within the company that he supposedly already does in an unofficial capacity. Not doing this official appointing can be seen as an issue in the organizational structure of MaxDot, but those kinds of problems persist in real life too so that situation is true to life in that aspect.
  9. The Dave plotline was not that engaging. Why do we care about that barber? Oh right, we don't. I did like Tina and Calvin's conversation when Calvin was afraid of her and in the end took away the knife.
  10. I didn't get why Abishola was so mad Dele went to Christina. She is his aunt. They met many times. Abishola likes her. It should be no problem to visit a family member.
  11. It was confirmed during the press interview that season 3 happens 1 year after the events of season 2. So there is a small time jump
  12. I think you are right. Thank for the advice 💗
  13. When is this show coming back, does anyone have any idea? I am so excited.
  14. It was nice to see Abishola's sheer enthusiasm at the surgery contrasted with Dele's disturbed reaction. Good acting there.
  15. I had high hopes for this episode, but it didn't give what it was supposed to give. Calvin and his mother's issues remained very surface level, I wish the episode went deeper into how this ongoing preferential treatment towards his younger brother affected Calvin and how it made him feel - another interesting thing is that Malcom gets a lot better treatment than Marty from Calvin & Tina, so Calvin is doing the same thing to Marty that his mom does to him. You would think that as someone being treated as less than, Calvin would be more sensitive and try not to make the same mistakes. But none of this is explored or acknowledged.
  16. I binged season 1 over the last 2 days, and my question is: is it worth it to keep watching? I started watching it because it was mentioned as a show similar to Bridgerton, but it's really not. Sanditon is too dark and heavy, so much of it is just about a struggle and the lack of money. It's not fun and really doesn't measure up. And as I read here, most of you are not impressed with the series either. On the other hand, I read it has been renewed for season 3 already. So I guess my question is, does it get better, is it worth watching season 2 or should I just give it up?
  17. I love that Allison knew that Bud was lying about exercising simply because he wasn't getting fitter 🤣. And the few scenes we got of her thinking Bud is cheating on her were quite entertaining. Also Brianna's apology was really good! Great scene.
  18. The way Sol saved Robert with the song change idea at the end of the episode was really sweet 🥺.
  19. Peter's boyfriend is so gorgeous. He is endlessly fascinating to watch. Great casting choice. Also the "he could be with anyone, why would he be with you" line was delivered very well and I loved the reactions to it.
  20. I loved the scene when Frankie yelled at the people about she being her own person, and them perceiving her to always be paired with Grace. That was very powerful. Also, the line where the Japanese assistant explained that it't frowned upon to be disrespectful to business partners was hilarious 🤣. Really good episode. It kinda made me want to throw a funeral for myself too.
  21. I am not clear on what happened to Bud - he quit being a lawyer, that much is clear. But why is he in a school? Did he become a teacher? It was not explained. And his daughter is too young to be in school yet.
  22. This show had a great concept, but the second half of the season went off the rails. It just takes itself too seriously to the detriment of it's own entertainment value. And if there will be a second season, they need to make Joyce more likeable. She gets along with no one, except for those who always agree with her. It's always her way or the highway and watching 10 episodes of that is just exhausting. The show did not manage to make me care about any of it's characters. And sure, Lennon Parham did great, but a wife discovering she's secretly lesbian is not this big shocking plotline anymore, it's been done to death. And also too much of the show was about these random magazine politics - we didn't really need a storyline about being sued or distribution troubles - even though the mob wives were the most interesting set of characters in the series. The series was mostly about addressing these different sets of problems and after a while it's tiring intead of entertaining. I was really looking forward to the last episode just being over.
  23. What was the photographer's problem exactly? "This doesn't feel like Minx". Okay, so what? Things can evolve. I also didn't get why it was not allowed to publish a magazine with a fully erect D on it, I guess some sort of legislative reason.
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