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Everything posted by Neurochick

  1. I think that might have happened if the cameras weren't there. The deck boss (I forgot his name too) had to tell Bill what was going on because he knew Bill would see it on the show. Had they not been filmed, deck boss might have taken care of it himself without telling Bill. On the other hand, that shit was serious and IMO the captain should know about it, just so he won't hire the saboteur again. I think Josh Harris' problem are the cameras; but I also think that some people are just waiting for him to fuck up simply because they don't like him for some strange reason.
  2. Maybe they'd rather spend their money on other things than to pay someone to do the yard work. Not everybody wants a yard and that doesn't mean they're lazy; maybe they spend their time doing things they want to do.
  3. What is that Chicago episode called, if it has a name? I have a whole bunch of episodes "on demand." I watched the Toledo one and I'd like to see that Chicago one.
  4. Toledo couple: They said he taught the Zumba class.
  5. What I didn't get about the Toledo couple was they were living in a loft apartment already; they talked about buying a house "in the future," so why not just keep renting the loft apartment, save their money and then move into a house? Now they'll have to deal with selling the loft place before buying a house.
  6. I'm watching this one again. I don't like Carrie, but Tom came off very passive aggressive and manipulative, like he's the type that will make you feel guilty even if he was the one who was wrong. Is Carrie racially mixed? She looked it to me. I don't think you should go on a show called Naked and Afraid if you don't want to be naked with someone you don't know. Sharing body heat is fine if you're freezing. Tom just bugged me. As I'm watching again, I am feeling for Carrie. I've known men like Tom, passive aggressive douchebags.
  7. But if they entertain me, if they make me laugh when I've had a hard day, then they do contribute. People contribute in different ways; we all don't have to do the same thing to contribute. I enjoy watching these fools, they make me laugh, so to me, they're doing their job.
  8. I love Gabby, so as long as she doesn't die it's all good. However, I don't like what the writers did or didn't do to Shay. It really seemed like they'd created this interesting character, a gay woman and then were like, "what do we do with her?" That's the same shit that's often done to black female characters on TV shows, especially brown skinned black females. I didn't like what they did with Regina King's character in "Southland."
  9. I have always wanted to ask this but what is a "real job?" What makes it real? To me, any person on just about any job can be replaced. I've always wanted to know what is the distinction between a fake job and a real job; to me, if you're getting paid, it's a job. I don't think that people other than those who want to be on TV would ever go on a show like this. Most people wouldn't want the world to know they've had cosmetic surgery in the first place. Most people want to keep their medical issues private, not because of shame but because it's not anybody's business.
  10. I think for people like Aviva it's not about the money. She doesn't need money, but what she wants and maybe needs is the fame, that people know who she is. There are many people today for whom anonymity is the worst thing imaginable. Many wealthy people don't crave celebrity, they like the idea of going out and nobody knows who they are, for some that's freedom; for Aviva freedom is being a "star."
  11. I agree. I think Aviva is sick and her disease is famewhoreitus, or mememememeitus.
  12. I felt for Sasha. Barb was evil, no doubt about it, there probably was no other way she could be stopped. A tragedy all around. If Barb had lived, she would have destroyed another generation.
  13. This part of the show is believable. I have known very intelligent people, like surgeons, who do the dumbest things, people with zero common sense and social skills. So that part of the show doesn't surprise me at all.
  14. I can't stand Julie. To me she comes off very entitled. I think she wants to be Ethan's mother, but I think she also wants to be John's wife. Maybe what happened was that she bonded with Ethan and John while Molly was away and resents being pushed aside. On the other hand, WTF is wrong with her, I mean you can't compete with Halle fucking Berry, that woman's 48 and she looks like THAT. Julie, step the fuck aside.
  15. I think most of these episodes are fake, but it doesn't bother me, because I'm not there to hear the lame stories, I just want to see the homes. Most of the time I don't even listen to the stories of why they have to move. I guess it's because I don't give a shit.
  16. I think the only reason Elliot's gf is even with him is because she probably knows he's on TV. She's a pretty girl and I can't see any other reason why she'd be with a jerk like Elliot. To me, it doesn't matter if Many's Sig's adopted daughter or not. Biology really isn't 100% of what makes you a parent.
  17. Totally, my ex-bf was a Spenser junkie and we watched the first episode. Even when I saw Brooks giving a speech here in NYC years later, I kept seeing Hawk. And Tom Felton played a douchebag in "Belle" and is still playing one in "Murder in the First."
  18. Well someone did get very, very ill. Manu caught Dengue fever.
  19. Looks like she did that on purpose, probably to be noticed. I bet she saw Beyonce fall and thought, "I should do that."
  20. To me Caprice just got lucky. She came to London with that "California girl" look that perhaps was considered exotic there at the time. She capitalized on her looks but then as she aged and time passed, she's just not that special anymore, but there she is, trying to stay in the spotlight, trying to remain relevant. If someone offers to throw you a baby shower, you either say yes or no. Caprice could have told Caroline, "Thank you but your home is too far." But she waited and it seemed that Caroline had already arranged things. I mean it's not like Caprice didn't know where Caroline lived when she offered to throw a shower for her. But I have a feeling that Caprice wanted it in a restaurant because she wanted to call the press and turn it into a media event and that couldn't happen at Caroline's home.
  21. Indeed, best commercial ever, by far IMO. And I read they used 3 panthers to play the part of "the panther." Cali, Tiga and Damou and I think all of them were pretty young. On the website, they said they got gourmet food, frequent breaks and were checked regularly by a vet.
  22. Aren't they alone at night? I thought the camera crew left at night, but I may be wrong. I mean if you sign up for that show, I guess you're supposed to understand the risks. After all everybody on the show are adults.
  23. That little dog in the Nellie Bly story was hysterical.
  24. I don't like Sherri but the amount of vitriol about her makes me ill. You would think she was a serial killer or something instead of being a dumb talk show host. And also, she has a better body than many forty year old women I see walking down the street. Things have changed today. People don't keep things private anymore; all types of people do reality shows, heck even real celebrities are doing reality shows now. What I have never been able to understand about her is why doesn't she just let her first husband keep Jeffery and pay him child support? That way she can go out every night and have a good time if that's what she wants to do, for some reason I have never felt that Sherri really wanted to be a mother, but did so because of societal pressure. I wonder if her ex's wife, girlfriend or whatever she is would be receptive to that. What bothers me about the Instagram and Twitter stuff, and this is for all celebrities, not just her, is that a lot of it feels like bragging. It's like she's saying, "I get to go to fabulous parties and concerts and meet wonderful people and you're not." As for Sherri and the dog, who cares? Why is she putting that on Instagram? Why does she think anybody would be interested in seeing that?
  25. I just hope it's not Mills. It can be Shay, she was boring anyway. I don't understand when people say someone is annoying when they haven't even been on screen yet.
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