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Everything posted by Neurochick

  1. I never feel sorry for the perps because they killed someone and there is always another way, unless the other person is trying to kill you. For such a smart woman Heather was plain stupid. If you have scores of bad boyfriends, the common denominator is YOU. Meaning you're the one with the issue. Also, if Heather was such a computer wiz; how come she couldn't tell the profile was fake?
  2. I have to agree with you. It was nice to see an interracial relationship on the show, but I guess since the show was on NBC, people couldn't handle it and the relationship went "POOF."
  3. I liked Matt and Carlotta too and I was shocked that a popular opinion was that she raped him or something like that. Didn't get that at all. I thought they had a sweet relationship and I never could get what he saw in Julie. She was so annoying to me.
  4. I see that, but Juliet really looked like an idiot when she went outside and started arguing with Annabelle. At that point I was thinking, "Juliet, how important is it? Chill the heck out; Annabelle is rude, remember that and don't invite her to a party again."
  5. What is Caprice famous for? Is she like that woman Katie Price or Jordan or whatever her name is? I was thinking that; if that was the case, Juliet shouldn't have gotten so upset. I always tell people who are in recovery, if you feel uncomfortable at a party, leave and if people have a problem with that, fuck them. I mean if someone wants to leave a party and leaves, then let them. Juliet was so silly. And Noelle, goodness, what is up with her? Does she want to marry a rich man because she has no talent of her own and doesn't want to work? If Noelle wanted a rich man, she should have found a single one, a married man is a no no, unless she wanted to be a mistress.
  6. I agree. I think the issue with Discovery is that the season when Phil died, DC got its highest ratings ever. I don't think DC has ever matched the ratings of that season and maybe that is a reason the show is trying to push Josh Harris on us. Now, I really like Josh Harris because I liked how he stepped up to the plate when Phil was dying and when he did die. Josh stood out to me then. The problem is that I am not really sure if Josh wants to fish or if what we're seeing is a combination of Discovery and Josh trying to go for a story. I don't mind the personal stories, even Elliot's. For me, just seeing people fish year after year gets boring. I like seeing the stories because it's interesting to see how people change (or not) over the years.
  7. I guess I should have said, "There should be more Black actresses on TV" because hopefully there would be more diversity in colors, but that might not be the case if the people making the decisions as to what actress gets what role have their own conception of what beauty is and who is beautiful.
  8. So how many generations do you go back to consider someone "biracial?" When you start going back to someone's great-grandparents and then say, "they're mixed" if you find a white person, I think that's reaching. Besides, how many Black people in the US are 100% Black? The real issue is that there aren't enough roles for Black actresses. If there were then no one would care if many of them were played by "mixed" people. As I said before, the issue is more about who is considered beautiful, who is considered feminine and who makes that decision. There is a huge piece of sexism in all this as well, since it's women who are affected more so than men.
  9. I hope Sherri finds another job soon. It ticks me off that she might be unemployed while a turd like Elisabeth is still working (even if it is at Fox News).
  10. I kind of feel for her, but part of me feels she brought a lot of it on herself. I remember when she started on The View, I think Whoopi tried to talk to her, tried to tell her not to act a fool probably. But I agree, I never thought Sherri was as mean and nasty as Elisabeth.
  11. And then of course, there's the issue of Black people who have two Black parents and look biracial. And the whole issue there has more to do with, what is beautiful, what is feminine and who gets to make that decision.
  12. An interesting take on Black actresses in Hollywood.
  13. That is the one thing I have realized about the Food Network. They don't care about my demographic. They don't care about people who want to learn about cooking. This channel is about show and production and personalities, which is why I stopped watching this channel and turned to PBS.
  14. Yes, Ethan was basically calling on St. Jude to help him, over and over again. Brona gave him the St. Jude medal and that's why when he was holding the gun on Vanessa, he remembered the medal and probably thought, "why not?" Ethan kept holding the medal and it probably hit him exactly what the medal was for. It wasn't an exorcism, but Ethan probably just gave it a try. As for him knowing Latin, the Catholic mass was conducted in Latin in the 19th century, so if you went to Catholic Mass enough times, you probably picked up some Latin. I loved when Demon/Vanessa asked Ethan, "did you fuck him, or did he fuck you?" Demon Vanessa also told Ethan that Brona had been with Dorian as well. Damn, maybe everybody will get a chance with Dorian.
  15. I don't think they mentioned a mental disorder. It's one thing to get angry and push someone off a cliff, but to go back and bash her head in is psychotic IMO. Not everything is caused by an illness. Some people are just evil.
  16. That daughter should go to jail forever. What a horrible, selfish entitled witch.
  17. I don't get Caprice's "beauty" when she was younger. To me she looks like dozens of young women I've seen in NYC. And that pic of her is pretty close to Jocelyn Wildenstein territory.
  18. I thought it was a pretty shitty story to have her killed off. Shitty writing. To me, it's as I said, these writers have zero idea what to do with a black woman, so they kill her off. End of story.
  19. That may be true, but why not have her character go to the FBI? Why kill her off? It is still my belief that TV folk these days don't know what to do with a black woman, especially a brown skinned black woman. It's like they are afraid to put her with a white man for fear of....well, I don't know what. Or maybe they're just shitty writers.
  20. Person of Interest of course is dead to me. I had heard that the show was huge with black people, so what do they do? Kill off the only black person on the show, that's what they do. Another case where a stupid writer didn't know what to do with a black female character, so they killed her off. They didn't have to kill of Carter, they could have written her off, but because IMO, white, male writers don't know what to do with black female characters, they went to nut city and killed her off.
  21. A shame about The People's Couch ratings being bad. I love that show more than any of the Housewives shows these days. I feel for Kristen because I think Josh is one of those men who got married and had children, not because he wanted to, but because he thought it was the "right thing to do," all his friends were doing it and he didn't want to end up alone.
  22. The issue is more complicated than that. It's not that black women get angry when a black man is with a white woman; it's that black men have no problem dating women of any race, while black women are told not to and if they do get shamed by others in the "black community." I don't think Sherri would date a white man because to me, she seems stuck in that mentality of "only a black man for me."
  23. Annabelle seems like a nasty piece of work. Why did underwear offend her? Doesn't she wear knickers? And Annabelle's at least 50 or she looks it; so why the pearl clutching? Juliet seems nice and harmless, sure she's loud but she seems sweet. Annabelle's lucky I wasn't at that party because I would have said something real nasty to her, especially after her nasty "Special Needs" comment. I wonder if she really was Alexander McQueen's muse; for some reason I think that's bullshit. I don't get why that other woman is becoming a British citizen. I wonder if it's for business or tax reasons.
  24. Maybe Sherri should have visited this website before she married Sal. Oh heck, she probably wouldn't have understood it.
  25. That's a good point. I think the role of a manservant was more personal assistant than servant. I wonder about him though, why did he come to London with Malcolm? I also think you're right about the markings on his face, tribal markings perhaps? What is it about Dorian Gray that makes him irresistible to both men and women? Caliban would probably fall for him too.
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