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Everything posted by Neurochick

  1. I'm so glad there is a thread for this episode. I hated that douche; what a drama puss with a gag reflex. I guess that means he won't change diapers/pampers either. That guy was a terrible person IMO, I mean what would he do if his child were seriously ill, or his wife or his dog for that matter? What pissed me off was when he said that they would get rid of the cat; so, why was his word law, because he's got a penis? Fuck him, the way he acted about that cat, he'll act that same way if a child acts in a way that displeases him; in fact he'll probably tell his wife, "Look what YOUR child did."
  2. This is where I agree with Sherri. In the media and in society today, the only "real" and "acceptable" women are tall, thin double zeros. The term "real women have curves" was supposed to counter that opinion; not to say that women who don't have curves aren't real.
  3. If he finds cat urine so disgusting, what will he do with a sick baby, child or what would he do if his wife got sick? Would he head for the hills?
  4. Why are so many of the men on this show, except for Jackson, such douchebags?
  5. I don't know if Sammie's "social cues" were off or not. People are different, not everybody reacts to things the same way. For me this whole episode seemed off, mainly because of Tracie's reactions and not Sammie's. Maybe it's because I'm older and have seen all kinds of strange stuff in fandom, but to me, the most offensive thing Sammie did was to take a video of a relative's funeral and send it to Tracie. As for the fake persona, I've seen that before; I just wondered why did it seem so strange to Tracie. I guess I'm jaded after seeing the Kidd Cole episode, where someone was seriously scamming people out of real money, this episode seemed meh to me.
  6. I don't like the phrase "age inappropriate." I think people are being too prudish where age is concerned. IMO as long as the two people are adults it's all good. I've seen women marry dirtbags in their "appropriate" age group. As for George, I wouldn't marry him for all the money in the world. If Dana Cody is marrying him for the money, so fucking what? It's a lot better than marrying some asshole who doesn't want to work, has no money and four or five baby mamas. I agree with this, their own behavior is taking them down. Now I'm not one for ageism, I'm over 50 myself and I don't believe that once you turn 50 everything sould die below the waist; but Ramona and Sonja's problem is that they're trying to act like twenty somethings and it's not cute.
  7. But sometimes addiction is part of what happens to the men across a number of boats. Phil himself was in recovery as well. Addiction and alcoholism isn't separate from life, it's part of life, not a great part, but a part just the same.
  8. I hate to admit it, but Deano was talking about the brain of an addict/alcoholic, that our brains are different from people who aren't addicts. An alcoholic might think something is a good idea and be convinced of it, where a non-alcoholic would think, "that's insane." That's the insanity of addiction. But it's not that our brains want us dead, it's alcoholism itself.
  9. I may start watching again if Matt is different than Joe.
  10. Drug and alcohol abuse is real life. People go to rehab or they don't; some make it, or they don't; Edgar, Jake Anderson and Matt (forget his last name) on the Northwestern, are all in recovery.
  11. I watched about half of this last night. To me the whole thing screams fake and scripted. IMO Dean's cheated more than once. Tori won't care until all the mistresses get together and write some tell-all, then she'll bail. But who the heck wants to admit to sleeping with nasty Dean?
  12. I agree with this, but then again, what's wrong with that? I know a lot of highly educated people who are just like Sherri, dumb about certain things in life.
  13. I'll have to watch the first half again, but it looks like I saw the most interesting stuff. Elliot is an addict. Addicts are irrational. That is the nature of addiction; you tell yourself, "this time it'll be different" or "this time I'll be able to stop." He was in denial until the last second. I felt for his crew because in reality you never know who will and who won't have an issue with addiction. I once met a woman who told me she went to a party, met a guy she liked and when he offered her something "to smoke" she went for it; it was crack and within a month she lost everything, and this woman has a Masters degree and had gone to private school as a child. So you never know. What's bad about Elliot is he seems to be such a douche through and through, meaning even if he wasn't an addict, he'd be a pain in the ass to deal with.
  14. How old are these women? Annabelle has her nerve talking shit about anybody with her chicken neck. Is she fifty? She looks it to me.
  15. I think Ethan is responsible for the killings because during the "absinthe montage" I saw the mother and daughter bloodied and dead as well as the prostitute who was sitting on the bench. Why would Ethan think about them, unless he did it. But I do think Sembene is creepy as all hell; for some reason I think Sir Malcolm is afraid of him.
  16. I agree with this. I watch on my computer with the closed caption on (the only way I can understand what Brona is saying) and I rewound the scene about 5 times because I was like, "WHAT OMG...YAY" I mean two hot guys kissing AND taking off their shirts. Dorian didn't surprise me because in the first scene he was with a man and a woman, but I really didn't expect that from Ethan. Hope he doesn't blame it on the absinthe. Is Brona dead? She was lying in that alley wasn't she? Was Sembene at the theater? In the shadows. He scared the shit out of me when he killed that cat, yikes, but at least he didn't let Fenton just tear it to shreds alive. Also, I could tell the cat wasn't real; the rats were real but I could tell that when the dog was killing them (wouldn't it have made sense if a cat was killing them?) that it was fake.
  17. Why was Tyrion sentenced to die if the Mountain's dead too? Was the Mountain dead? I hope so, that was one gruesome death they showed, I wonder how many buckets of blood they had on set for that. Yikes.
  18. I agree. Tony comes off as a serious OG. Drea must have been desperate to pick that loser.
  19. I guess the demon spoke to Sir Malcolm in Lingala because the demon knew he'd recognize that language, Sir Malcolm's head went up when he heard it.
  20. I just watched this episode as well as the first two. I watched with the closed captions on this time. During the seance, when Vanessa was possessed by whatever, the caption said she was "speaking Lingala." I know that Lingala is a language that is spoken in the Congo. Why would the demon speak to Sir Malcolm in that language? I too think Brona will end up as the bride and I wonder if Ethan is a werewolf, or maybe he's Mr. Hyde?
  21. I laughed when Nev through "Kidd Cole's" phone in the river; but I knew the producers would chastise him for it. No matter how scummy someone is, destruction of property is a crime. I get why Nev did it, but it's still a crime. I had a friend who was scammed about 14 years ago; she was promised a job but the person who "offered" her the job wasn't even working there himself. She never contacted the HR department of the place she was supposed to work. I think sometimes what happens is, you get an offer that's so good and you just want to believe it's true. I think that Kidd picked Loretta because he knew she was a small business owner who probably was happy to get a call from NYC and when she heard the words "Kanye West." A larger limo company IMO wouldn't have been so gullible. To me "Kidd Cole" reminded me of David Hampton (Six Degrees of Separation) I think this was the most interesting episode yet.
  22. IMO, I wouldn't trust that nasty, greasy Sal person to take care of a goldfish. There was always something about him that seemed, skeevy, greasy and slimy to me. I have the same reaction to him that I do to Terrance Howard; I wouldn't touch him with someone else's hand.
  23. I think Elliot would be the same douche even if the cameras weren't there. In fact, he might have been worse; now at least there's a record of his douche-ness.
  24. Elliot is such a waste of space; and it makes me wonder about Val because for some reason I think Elliot's always been a douche. What did Val see in him? Did she think she was going to change him? Or maybe both of them did drugs together but Val cleaned up when the kids came. So what happens to Elliot's crew now?
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