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Everything posted by Neurochick

  1. I don't like MJ but she was right on the money about AJ. Kandi would have been up shit's creek if she married that loser. I think he had like 8 children with 6 different women or something like that. This is really true. There are some people who equate boundaries with disrespect, especially when it comes to family. A lot of folks believe that family is forever, meaning your husband might not always be your husband, but your family will always be your family no matter what. I guess one of the reasons a lot of people feel that way is because so many marriages end in divorce. It's sad because boundaries are important in relationships; they ensure that you won't be run over and resentful at others.
  2. I don't see the husband as being abusive. He felt he was protecting his child. I don't see the child as a brat, he was being a kid. To me, the problem was Teresa. She had a cat when she was single and thought even though her life had changed it would be all right. Sometimes it is and sometimes it's not. Some cats and people are more sensitive than others. When Teresa got into a relationship and had a child, Lux was no longer the center of her life. I think it's great that Lux got out of that house. He needed to be with people that will make him important in their lives. An older couple with no children was the perfect fit IMO.
  3. Does Dorian have some kind of power that no one, man or woman can resist him? I find him hot even though he's not my type, he just seems so up for anything. Interesting thought: Both Brona and Ethan have screwed Dorian, maybe they should compare notes. I thought the scene with Dorian and Vanessa was flipping hot. I didn't see it as rapey, because Dorian did ask to kiss her, I thought Vanessa was like, "damn, you must be dense if you have to ask." So sex unleashes the demon in Vanessa? Or was it Dorian who unleashed it? I thought it was interesting when Sembene was talking to Sir Malcolm. Interesting that he referred to him as "Malcolm" and not "Sir Malcolm." It's like Sembene is a servant, but not really, as he basically told Malcolm that maybe Mina can't be saved and what will he do if that happens? Also in last week's episode, when Vanessa came to see Sir Malcolm at the end, he and Sembene were speaking in, perhaps Lingala, so I wonder if Malcolm and Sembene often speak in Lingala when they are alone.
  4. I never did like Niecy Nash. Basically she told Sherri to date someone who could play the part of daddy to Jeffrey, even if the person wasn't solid, just as long as he wanted to play that part. Years ago, when Star Jones had a show on Court TV (Now TrueTV) she had Whoopi on and I think it was during the time Sherri first came on the show. Star made a comment about Sherri making a fool of herself and told Whoopi that they were going to have to sit her down and have a talk with her. I believe they probably did have that talk with Sherri, but Sherri probably thought Star and Whoopi were just a couple of old ladies who couldn't realize just how fabulous Sherri was.
  5. I saw it this way. The ME was on a crusade. He took his granddaughter to a play date and when he went to pick her up, she was dead. She drowned in a swimming pool. Many people, especially when a child dies look for someone to blame; they can't say, "it was just an accident" though accidents do happen to children. He, the ME felt that his granddaughter died because of negligence. The woman who killed him was a victim of his witch hunt. She said that she and her daughter went out shopping. Her husband had a beer and fell asleep, their son hit his head on the floor and died. The ME managed to prove that the child had been abused because the child had bruises on him (no one thought that...um...maybe the kid got bruised because he fell off his bike); so the husband was sent to prison and murdered by inmates. And it was the ME's fault. I think this show can work. In Law & Order:CI the audience basically knew who the killer was, but the fun of that show was watching the police figure out the motive and solve the crime.
  6. Here's how I saw the episode. Teresa got Lux when she was younger and single. She mentioned that Lux was rejected by his own mother. Did the mother sense a problem with Lux? Is it true that in nature a mother will reject her young if the baby is ill? Anyway, Teresa then meets someone and then has a baby. Those events were life changing for Lux. Just like people, some cats are more sensitive than others. Maybe Lux is the type of cat that needs to be in a home with just one or two people and no children. I do have sympathy for the people; sure humans have all the power where the cats don't, but some humans are CooCoo Bananas when it comes to animals; they'll get upset when an animal is harmed but won't do shit if a child is harmed. I've met plenty of people like that. As far as Lux being kicked. I don't know what I'd do if I saw a cat scratch my child; I wouldn't be calm I'll tell you that and many parent wouldn't be. I don't think violence is the answer, but sometimes people don't do the right thing in the heat of the moment. And as far as leaving a child unsupervised with a pet, true, that is not the smart thing to do, but many times things happen in the blink of an eye. You can turn your head for a second and in that second, all hell could break loose.
  7. Nope, I don't think it's unfair, to me, it's the truth. When it comes to black women on reality TV, Carla unfortunately is the exception, while women like Sherri Shepard and that woman on "The Talk" are the rule. If you're a black woman, TV wants you to be "sassy." If you're not, they accuse you of being "inauthentic."
  8. There is something about Lenny that bothers me, like he's probably a douchebag in real life. I think he was in a no win situation when he gave that woman the idea (and she didn't have to take it either, so maybe she knew and wanted confirmation). Had he said no, some people would have thought he was a douchebag who'd do anything to win. The last thing I want to see on my TV is a jerk who'd screw anybody and anything to get a show on Food Network, a show which will probably last one season. So he had no choice but to give her an answer. Besides, according to the judges, Lenny is a better cook than Aryen so why should he worry? To me Aryen doesn't stand a chance because IMO the judges probably don't know what to do with a black woman who can speak several languages and isn't "sassy." Maybe something's wrong with me but I had no problem understanding Luca; I usually watch TV with the closed captions on, but I don't watch FNS with them on and I had no problem understanding Luca.
  9. I can see Tori pushing Dean out of a window, if she thought she could spin it to make her look like a victim, and then get a book deal and a TV show out of it.
  10. I don't know about Tori. I also don't know if Dean is a sociopath, as I'm not a psychologist and have only watched him on TV. To me, both of them are all about themselves. Dean makes things about him and Tori gets mad when that happens, because she wants it to be all about her. Both of them are all about, "ME, ME, ME." Both of them seem to be big balls of need IMO.
  11. I didn't think John was strange, but Adam scared me. He created a profile to get to know Elle, so he, Adam could be what she wanted in a man. Strange. I didn't pay attention to John's mannerisms. To me, people's mannerisms aren't that important, some people aren't comfortable on camera, some people aren't comfortable in front of others, that doesn't make them psycho loner killers.
  12. This reminds me of a situation a friend of mine is in. Her mother-in-law can't stand her, which is her right; but when she started badmouthing her in front of her son (my friend's husband), friend's husband put his foot down and told his mom not to say bad things about his wife, that she is the woman he chose to marry and too bad if his mom can't deal with that. Did mother-in-law back off? Not really, but she won't talk shit about my friend in front of her son. Girlfriend didn't want to come between her husband and his mom, but she didn't want to be abused either. I think the issue with Kandi and her mom and her family is this: Kandi feels that Joyce will ALWAYS be her mother, and that her aunts will always be her aunts, and that her blood family will always be her blood family. She, however doesn't know that Todd will always be her husband. That sounds crazy, but I do know people who feel that way, blood is thicker than water.
  13. I don't know if Dean is a sociopath; I think some people get labeled (and I detest labels) that way when what they are is a people pleaser. A people pleaser is someone who wants to say what they think you want to hear. If Dean is a sociopath, then Tori is something similar. I don't get depth from either one of them, to me both of them are shallow famewhores.
  14. Bravo wants ratings badly for this show. How can I tell? I watch 'on demand' on Wednesday. Normally it's the type of on demand that lets you FF past the commercials. Last night Bravo had it so I couldn't FF past the commercials. It will probably be that way until Saturday. My understanding of the ratings is that the day the show comes on, plus three days on demand, the networks have the entire show, commercials and all, but on the fourth day, you still can't FF, but there are little to no commercials.
  15. I started watching Chicago Fire last season but I think I'm done with the show when it comes back. Something about that show doesn't sit right with me and I now know what it is: The lack of black women on the show, not WOC but black women. There are two black men on the show, Boden and Mills. Boden is brown skinned and Mills is lighter skinned and I don't know if he's supposed to be biracial (because it seems that producers think all light skinned blacks are biracial...NOT TRUE FOLKS). Anyway, there are two black men and no black women in the regular cast. Boden has a secretary who is black, but IMO she's portrayed as being kind of negative, which bothered me because it seems that whenever a black woman is in a TV show, she's more negative than positive, I don't like that one bit. There is Dawson, a Hispanic woman who is the only WOC on the show. I have a funny feeling about her. My feeling is that since the show is kind of generic, the producers wanted a WOC but probably didn't want a black women because maybe they felt that if they had a black woman, especially a brown skinned black woman, they'd have to put her in a romance with a black man because in their eyes, no way would a black looking woman be with a man who wasn't black. I noticed that in the show 'Southland' with Regina King's character, and it happened to Whoopi Goldberg when she made 'Jumping Jack Flash.' For some reason, producers must think that men of other races are repulsed by black women, or that black women are repulsed by men of other races, something ignorant like that. What also bugged me was when Boden finally found love and guess what, it was with a woman whose ethnicity is a question...well to me she looks like my mom when she was younger, but she's not a brown skinned black woman. I have no issue with interracial relationships at all; but I just find it curious. I also found it curious when Mills got involved with a white woman, which again didn't bother me. I don't know, but from watching Chicago Fire and Chicago PD, it seems that brown skinned black women don't exist; at least not in a positive light. And that does bother me.
  16. I agree with this. Aviva seems proud that her dad is a perv and I think she's proud because she knows that without him she has no story. I think Luann was pissed and was trying to sort of break the fourth wall with Aviva, she probably knew Aviva got production to invite Miss USA I too think Aviva told the producers and they invited Miss USA, so Aviva wasn't really lying when she told Luann that 'she' didn't invite her. I think that was the Miss USA who was in the newspapers a few months ago; something about how she was having a hard time finding a boyfriend, or that she was on one of those online dating sites and couldn't find someone. I just remember it was in the NYPost a few months ago; meaning I'm not surprised she was on a TV show.
  17. Who performs the theme song? I'm loving it better than the actual show.
  18. Should I bother to watch this mess "on demand?" What is "self awareness" really? Does it mean caring about how you come off to others? Should people always worry about how they come off to others? Not being nasty, just asking. I think I'll wait until Sunday to watch this mess, so I can FF past most of it. Oh, did Dean sing again?
  19. I think it was years between the time Vanessa's mother died and when she first saw "Mina." Vanessa's hair was short at her mother's funeral but when she was walking on the beach it was long again, so I assumed a lot of time had passed.
  20. I don't mind Josh or care about who or what owns the CM. I hope that Josh is serious, but time will tell. I hate to be so cynical about things, because cynicism upsets my stomach. That said: How long was Elliot out of rehab? I don't think he should be fishing so soon. I guess Jr's really gone. I wonder if he will ever fish again. Poor Jon, good he's off the boat though, he needs to take care of himself and lay off the cigarettes. Edgar is awesome. I'm glad he talked to Elliot and it's true that you have to stay sober for yourself long term; but many people start by telling themselves they're getting sober for their kids and stick around anyway. I really liked this episode but I have a bone to pick with Disco. There was a show that aired at midnight, "Deadliest Catch: uncut" or something like that, where they just showed them fishing with no narration. Well, fuck Disco, it ain't "uncut" if you bleep out the language.
  21. Kandi has no boundaries. She lets people run over her (like Joyce), smiles and does nothing because she doesn't want conflict. She also runs over other people, like expecting Carmon, who was no experience as a wedding planner, to plan her wedding. When Carmon confronted Kandi, the latter was upset, upset because Carmon wouldn't let Kandi run HER over.
  22. I agree, normally I can't stand Jon Snow, but this was the first time he seemed interesting, and I wasn't focused on his hair. I was glad to see Ygritte bite it, whenever she would say, "Jon Snow" it always sounded like she was cursing him out. I never quite warmed up to her being a basass though. Arya Stark, yes, but to me Ygritte always looked like she was on her way to the mall.
  23. My issue with Orange is the New Black are the promos. Why is it in the promos, the black women look so unfeminine and crazy, while the white women look like...well women?
  24. Kandi needs to go to therapy because she has to learn about boundaries. To have boundaries isn't to be disrespectful, it's simply to let the other person know what is your stuff and what is their stuff. Kandi has to learn that it's not disrespectful to tell her mother to not say bad things about Todd in her presence. It's fine that she thinks Todd is "running a game" on Kandi, that's her choice, but it's not correct for her to try to disrupt Kandi's relationship. Kandi doesn't know what boundaries are; she doesn't have them with her mother and she didn't have them with Carmon. If you want a lavish wedding, you hire a wedding planner, you don't impose on your friends and expect them to pull off a Joyce also needs to understand that men she feels are on Kandi's level might not want Kandi; and all that glitters is not gold. I have a feeling that even though Kandi might love Todd, there is a voice in the back of her mind that's saying, "this isn't going to work, so you better not piss off your family." I think that's the real problem, Kandi herself might not truly believe in her relationship with Todd and because of that she will push Todd away. I also believe Kandi's dad because it does seem that Joyce listens to the crap folks in the street say. She probably doesn't even know for sure the man was cheating, just that someone told it to her.
  25. Maybe it's me but I feel that black actresses are being replaced by actresses of other ethnicities. What I mean is that shows where, years ago, the minority would be a black woman, today they cast a Hispanic or Asian woman. I wonder if that is because of romance, having the woman of color get involved with a white male character. I wonder if show runners feel that fans and maybe the show runners themselves have issues with black women in romantic pairings with white men. I don't know, but it's something I've felt for a long time. However, it's good to see other women of color on TV, so it's not totally a bad thing.
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