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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. The media never learns and Chuck Todd is the worst...
  2. The media has not learned from the error of their ways. It is very interesting to listen to foreign news about the USA. You really get a nonpartisan perspective about things.. I miss Al-Jazeera TV...
  3. Thank you Whoopie for saying what some of us have been thinking regarding a certain person's Covid diagnosis..
  4. I do love Orpheus but he should have remained dead or he should have come back when Marlena came back from the dead in the 90's. I hated that the show made Stefano be behind her disappearance years ago when it was Orpheus.. It was the beginning of Stefano being a supervillain that took away from his mystique in my opinion.. The last time that Marlena was kidnapped and had repercussions that drove stories for years was the pit storyline.. I absolutely adored that story because it was not a gimmick, it was about Marlena and what makes her tick, her resilience and her willingness to fight to survive her ordeal..
  5. She does look beautiful with her baby and I hope she will reevaluate her life and decide to stay home..
  6. Thank you for posting Kristian's montage, Howmanywords, I teared up watching it. I just feel like this is just another loss in a horrible year in 2020. I did not expect Kristian's departure would affect me so much. I wish her well and I hope we get to see Hope one last time in Bo's arms..
  7. So Marlena will once again get kidnap, wow! how original, Ron? You are living up to your nickname, Reron. Marlena should have security at all times, this is ridiculous. These Marlena in distress storylines are now stale and she should be suffering from PTSD from the many time she has suffered trauma over the years.
  8. To be fair, that was so long ago and they do not have a place on the show. Jarlena barely remembers Carrie, their daughter of the heart..
  9. The stimulus bill is also supposed to help the states that are in need of cash from the federal governent to operate, some states are on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. If that happens, what will happen to our hospitals, police departments, fire departments, social services to the people. Small businesses are being wiped out and there are some states dealing with natural disasters in addition to the pandemic. People are losing their homes, evictions have started. So Wolf needs to shut his pie hole...
  10. Pelosi was right, CNN always preface their questions at Democrats from the Republican perspective. You would have to watch the whole interview, he made it seem that Pelosi was being recalcitrant when she has worked her butt off to get a bill out to help the American people. Wolf did not know what the hell he was talking about and she was right to call him out. Bernie used to call out CNN for the same thing.
  11. Amy Coney Barret scares the hell out of me... Sarah is absolutely right in that elections matter especially local ones and we are seeing the results of this via this supreme court nominee..
  12. We chatted with Marty years ago online and he said that Ken Corday has the rights to the music that he wrote for Days... Marty said he had the best time on there as an artist. I think he left in early 90's... His music was awesome.. I think Marty wrote their song but I could be wrong..
  13. Emma Donovan was a great villainess because she owned it, she never relied on a sad childhood to justify her villainy. She was not like Kristen who was constantly feeling sorry for herself.. She went from wanting to be with Shane to just messing with Kim because she enjoyed torturing her and Kim made it so easy for her at times. Soaps knew how to write villainesses much better back in the day..
  14. Cindy McCain was such a pleasure today. What a class act! and the panel enjoyed her as well take note Nutmeg..
  15. I am loving Gwen and if she makes Abigail's life a living hell then I am here for it... This is the only thing that I am looking forward to on this show.
  16. I miss Marlena's penthouse that she shared with John and I also loved the home that she shared with Roman, then, Rojohn. Rojohn raised the kids there and when Roman and Marlena came back, they moved back in with the twins.
  17. I understand Sunny and Anna are institutionalists but we are no longer living in times of fairness and equality. Joy playing that tape of Mitch McConnell smiling and smirking over what he has done to the judiciary said it all for me.. Ana is right the media going gaga over Joe Biden possibly expanding the supreme court is a distraction and as she also said, as President he cannot do anything unilaterally. Only Congress has the power to expand the courts.
  18. It still affects her till this day, I remember Sheryl said that she regrets not getting pregnant on her honeymoon because she would have had a piece of him right now..
  19. Anna is a true conservative, she has been involved in Republican politics for years just because she agrees with the panel on certain issues does not mean she is staunch liberal.. Also, there used to be diversity of thoughts and fluidity in both parties back in the day.. Conservative Democrats and Liberal Republicans were common and active in their respective parties.. Megan has never been a conservative she just plays one on TV and just regurgitates talking points.. This show was never meant to be a political show, it was supposed to be about women chatting about life over coffee, yes politics would eventually come up but it was not the main issue..
  20. Harper was sterile and that is why he paid off the doctor to tell Anjelica his wife that she was the sterile one.. They had an awesome confrontation when she found out that he deprived her of having a child all of those years and it is why Alexander her son by Justin was her miracle, he was her last chance of being a mother. Harper's pride as a man could not handle being sterile and it was what motivated him to poison Kayla because he erroneously believed that she had found Jack's adoption papers when it was actually Melissa who found them. To cover his tracks, he framed Melissa for Kayla's attempted murder, Melissa was in love with Jack and would do anything to be with him.. The show was on fire back then... Harper was an awesome villain who was not a Dimera..
  21. Wendy probably backtracked because of her tearful defense of R Kelly, it was disgusting. It made no sense given that she had seen the videotape of R Kelly abusing a young girl and cried all about it on her radio show.. Wendy is all over the place...
  22. You are right, Eric was supposed to be the troublemaker and Sami was to be like Marlena.. Eric as a kid really struggled with Roman and Marlena coming back from the dead and having to leave John behind. Then, they aged up the twins, the show loved Allison Sweeney and cast her immediately as Sami but they had a hard time finding an actor to play Eric, so the plans that they had for him was transferred onto Sami and the rest is history.....
  23. The show has only cared about Eric when Jensen played the role, he was so dynamic and his chemistry with Deidre as his mother was gold. So many things could have been done with Eric but the show only cares about Sami..
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