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Everything posted by andromeda331

  1. I'm betting Madyson or some spelling of that name too. But This would be a cute idea too.
  2. Yes, that's what a normal person would have said. Along with checking on the cat afterwards to make sure it was okay. That's what normal people do when they think they accidently hit a cat or any animal.
  3. What is wrong with people? Its still a living creature.
  4. I'm surprised I thought the baby was a boy. I guess Mac will be happy to have a sister. It would be nice if both girls, well all Duggars could grow up and be who ever they want to be.
  5. I'm surprised Jana was the one to throw a fit. It was kind of un-Jana like. Same with Joy.
  6. Seriously, I couldn't believe they were picking their own preferences instead of what their sister would have liked. Brandon would have been better off going alone. That was really weird. I mean if your that worried about your boyfriend around your own sister then you really shouldn't be in a relationship let alone getting married.
  7. I had hoped in this episode they would go into Whitney's background more. I'd love to hear. I know she lost her parents at a young age and was adopted by another family. Maybe it'll come up in later episodes but it would have be nice to hear her own stories about her life, her family and childhood.
  8. I completely agree. Now she has her kid but my sympathies are still with the two families she ripped her daughter away from.
  9. Jessa's dress was really beautiful and looked good on her. The whole bridal shop was weird maybe it would have been more fun if it was just Jessa and Jinger. The rest of her sisters looked bored. Of course Michelle can't have a normal reaction. I honestly wonder how Jill and Jessa react being around normal mothers like Cindy and Guinn who know how to act like a mother. Poor James looked so bored hanging out with Jill and Derick. I can't imagine hanging around your newly married sister and her husband would be that fun. Poor James and those third grade flash cards. Its depressing to see him and the rest of his siblings not getting a good education. Its nice that Jill keeps her siblings around but its got to be awkward for both. I can't imagine how fun it is for I worry what's going to happen when she has her baby. It makes me even more angry at JimBob and Michelle, Jill should be focusing on her new marriage and her baby. Its her parents job to raise their kids not hers. Loved Guinn's expression when Michelle mentioned she could be a grandmother in a year. I at least hope she tried to talk some sense into her son.
  10. How does the sundae bar work? Is it set up like different flavors of ice cream and you scoop or someone else scoops? Did it take a long time to scoop up for everyone at the wedding or is it already scooped? I've never been to a wedding with an sundae bar. I did feel bad for Jessa having her sisters complaining about the bridesmaids dresses.
  11. Me too. Watching this kids not being allowed to do anything. Go to a real school or have a real homeschool education, go out and meet people and make friends, have interests and hobbies, get jobs, and decide who and what they want to be. Or simply go to the movies or a book store. Or watch tv. Their whole lives consist of nothing. How their parents could chose to deny them so much I'll never understand.
  12. Me too. I have no problem with abstinence if that's what Carlin or anyone else actually choses. I have a problem with people telling other people what they should prefer. Or be made to feel bad or think they committed a huge sin if chose to have sex. Bradley is one cute baby. Erin and Chad are so cute too.
  13. She probably does. But she also knows it does her no good to voice her feelings or anger. The poor girl admitted to feeling angry in the past and her parents sent her to be reprogrammed. What's the point in saying anything? I can't understand why her siblings dump more work on her. They grew up in the house they knew she does everything and yet Josh has no problem using her to help his wife who can't take care of their three kids, Jill has no problem dumping making all the bridesmaids dresses and ties on her. I've know crappy parents who have dumped all the responsibilities on their kid but I've never seen their siblings adding to it. They usually try to lessen the work load and help him or her out. The ones who move out usually invite him or her over for a break, to relax, or convince to leave.
  14. It probably was but they chose to ignore it because God's plan didn't line up with what they wanted. Just like with what happened to Josie but again they chose to ignore it because again that didn't go with what they wanted. Its always about what they want.
  15. Only on tv does your husband or wife come home looking nothing like the person they've been married and they don't question it. Same with their parents either Mom or Dad, or sometimes every time they show up its a brand new person. Also, you never notice that you yourself change like on One Life To Live Blair went from being half Japanese to an blond with a Southern accent. Or Jesse who suddenly became Greek. Also, some times you have a sister or brother and sometimes you don't.
  16. I wish they would realize if they have to do this, they really aren't cut out for polygamy or all for it. They could save themselves somuch pain and actually have a happy life and happy marriage if they went the normal route. I can't imagine what it must be like to be in marriage like that every day.
  17. I'm guessing 3/31 7lb 11oz that's mostly due to most of my family and friends' first kid was late.
  18. Your probably right. Although, I'll keep hope all the way until she announces she's pregnant. I did that for Alyssa, Anna and even Jill.
  19. I noticed that too. Kelly parented. She didn't act as if it was cute and my favorite part was her saying how the shops would look at them when they came after being bad. I've often wondered if shops think that when they see the Duggars coming into their shop. She also shopped for her younger kids instead of making her older daughters do that. And kept reminding Jeb (sp?) not to touch things.
  20. Erin is pregnant! Confirmed on tonight's episode. She looked so excited.
  21. I've wondered this especially since they bring it up so much I can't remember the last time anyone was arrested for it. Usually, when the cops do show up which is rare its usually when they've received a complaint about child abuse. If it turns out to be nothing they leave without ever arrested the parents for polygamy. Does anyone know of any case of being arrested for polygamy?
  22. So do I. This maybe a little cold but I honestly don't understand why there's huge rallys for children who aren't even born when there's millions of kids stuck in foster homes or orphanages. Instead of focusing on the undead, how about focusing on finding good homes for the kids that are already here?
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