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Everything posted by andromeda331

  1. Maybe that's really why Jill took time off from her studies she finally has an excuse to take a break after a lifetime of taking care of her brothers and sisters. She was tired and wanted a break. Its got to be kind of nice not having to do all that work, not having to clean up after so many kids every day, not hear the screaming and howlers. Go to bed when she wants, get up when she wants, go where she wants when she wants to go.
  2. So do I mostly because when you seem them to together, they don't act like close friends. Like when the one where Erin told them she was engaged. The reaction wasn't really a reaction to learning your close friend is engaged. They looked like people you have to put up with. Why I don't know because Michelle and Kelly don't seem to like each other. I'm not sure if JimBob and Gil are friends either. I do think they like to compete with each other. I'm still convinced the only reason Jill and Jessa were allowed to court was because JimBob saw how much attention the Bates were getting with all their courtships, weddings and babies. He can't stand attention not being on him and his family.
  3. I wonder if its because she's eating for two or finally can actually eat without having to split a meal twenty different ways. You know JimBob probably takes big helpings with no regard to how much food that leaves for anyone else. Some of the boys' probably do too.
  4. I'm curious on how Jennifer's going to handle Jill's baby. The poor girl had to deal with Jill moving out but has been able to visit her and sleep over. But that's going to change after Jill has her baby, obviously she's going to be very busy dealing with a newborn, her own baby. She's not going to be able to given Jennifer as much attention as she has had before.
  5. That reminds me how people would get on her case for being a workaholic. She was but it was because she loved her job. What was wrong with her loving her job? They do it on other shows too as if their trying to make the person feel bad or in the wrong because they happen to love their job. No, they need to see the light, to relax, or learn to have more in their life besides the job they love.
  6. At the wedding Jesus turned the drink into wine. Mr. Keller says it wasn't really wine it was grape juice. I'm confused on why they need to explain away anything the their Savior did. To me that seems like a big no-no. They really are on an odd path especially since they do condemn others for not taking the Old Testament literally, but claim to be followers of Jesus. As followers, didn't they read the part where we don't need to follow the Old Testament rules anymore. Why? Because Jesus said so.
  7. Given how they treat Anna, that's probably true. Michelle resents and hates it every time Anna announces she's pregnant. JimBob makes her go on a bus tour despite being very close to delivery. You know he was hoping she'd give birth on the bus or somewhere on the tour. Showing up with in minutes after she gave birth being loud and obnoxious, without any consideration too the poor girl who just spent hours in labor and you know just gave birth. Or you know giving the actual parents time with their new baby. Making the stop to pick up Michelle who doesn't care while she's in labor, Making the poor girl sleep in the RV or what ever with three small children including her newborn just days after giving birth and without any of the baby stuff? Also, did anyone else think the picture they had of Anna during their opening rundown of the family in the pink shirt was most unflattering?
  8. I hope that's what she wanted but seriously there are ways to be modest and still look nice. Despite what the Duggars believe many brides do manage to pull of a modest but very pretty dress. I did like the bridesmaids dresses and I loved what they did with the flower girls. It really was a cute idea. Mr. Keller's comment about the wine still makes me laugh all these years later. I love how they try to explain all of the wine and drinking in the Bible. It wasn't really wine. Yes it was. Not only was it wine Jesus said so. Why of all people would you not believe him? I know religions especially one like there's is all no alcohol and that's fine. But it bugs me how they seem to forget the era of the Bible. In those times, the wine was the safest thing to drink. It really isn't until fairly recently that water was made safe enough to drink. But in those times? Definitely not safe.
  9. What a thing to say to the girl who has spent her entire childhood raising her brothers and sisters, running her parents' household and doing all the work. And to the same girl who only gets to come visit her brother and sister-in-law when they need someone who watch their children so they can go skiing. I would love Jana to tell Anna off or even her whole family but that'll only get the poor girl sent back to be reprogrammed.
  10. Ah, I just saw the episode where the Mother of the Year didn't notice Jackson was missing at the airport and once he found very calmly interviews how scary it is when your child is missing. Michelle, you didn't know your child was even missing, and when you didn't look worried or scared. Neither did JimBob for that matter. Also, you didn't comfort him when he was found. I've never seen a child who was lost crying and being comforted by his sister after being found.
  11. I just want to thank everyone who's been posting information about missionaries. I know nothing about them and its been nice learning about them and that there are different types of them.
  12. I can't decide whether its Jessa or Jill that's the next Michelle. Jessa basically does nothing and I can't see her doing the stay at home wife cleaning her house and taking care of kids. She doesn't care about her buddies or doing her chores, she happily skips out on even more since she entered into a courtship. Just as Michelle does nothing all day long. But Jill does do all of the talking and correcting her sisters for years in past episodes. Jessa was also suppose to be the first one to court but Jill blew ahead with a courtship, wedding and now baby so the attention is firmly on her. Just as Michelle loves having all the attention on herself. Six days after her sister's engagement is announced she announces to the world she's pregnant? Most people I know would have waited a couple weeks or even a month to give their sister their time in the spotlight before making that kind of announcement. They could have even waited until this season "ends" which probably is with Jill's wedding to make the announcement. Instead she chose just days after Jessa's engagement was announced?
  13. Does anyone else have a hard time seeing Jessa as a mother? She never really does anything with her own buddies and happily checked out of all chores thanks to her courtship. Maybe it'll be different if its her child but I still can't see her taking care of a baby all by herself. The diapers and late night feedings? In her world that's her job but I can't see her doing any of that. Or even wanting too. She won't have her sisters to pass the work onto.
  14. That's how its always been with my friends and family with their first kid. With their parents about to rip their hair out in frustration over their 'ideas'. Its never bothered me let them have their fun, they'll figure it out sooner or later. Plus it makes for great stories later, that they'll tell and laugh about. Kind of like those commercials with the first time mom no one can touch the baby without washing their hands, and with her second baby she's handing the kid over to a man with uncleaned hands. The problem with the the Duggars continue to think their the experts at everything. We saw it with Josh and Anna at first they believed they were experts at courting, then experts at marriage just weeks after getting married, then experts at one child, then two, or three. They continue to believe they are the experts despite the fact their not saying anything that anyone else married with children would say. Now we're getting it from Derrick and Jill.
  15. I've often had that feeling when it comes to Jill or tell her to shut up because she nearly does all of the talking for the girls. From early on to now its nearly always Jill talking. The other girl sitting with her usually has a bored expression on her face like why am I even here? Even when a question is asked to all of the girls or another girl Jill usually is the one who answers or corrects her sisters answers. Jill, some of us actually want to hear from the other girls especially, when their the ones being asked a question.
  16. They really are more refreshing I wonder if I would think the same way if their show would have continue but I'm honestly enjoying the Bates tv show. When they were interviewing the older kids about crushes on the episode today. The kids were funny and making jokes. They were at the Big Sandy conference and admit that its a good place for potential crushes because they were around so many different people so there is a chance for one of them to like someone. Then Zach jokes that he's surrounded by twelve boys so for him not so much. They all spoke so naturally about it, especially when Erin and one of her sisters (Alyssa?) were talking more about it then Erin stays she isn't going to say anything more that might incriminate her. What made that funny and normal was Erin sounded like she was going to keep going or had someone in mind but stopped the way anyone with brothers and/or sisters would because they realized they were about to admit or say something that would result in teasing from their brothers and sisters if/when they realized their sister has a crush on a boy.
  17. I would recommend it. I understand the excitement to tell everyone right away. But I've had friends and relatives who did the same thing only for it to end in a miscarriage a week or so later. They were obviously devastated by the miscarriage, but then the pain of having to tell everyone that you lost the baby made the pain ten times worse.
  18. TLC has been airing United Bates of America really early in the morning, thanks to insomnia I've been watching it. It really wasn't too bad of a show aside from their horrible theme song. Kelly made a point of mentioning that she raises her children and not having her children raising them. They each seem to have their own personality and it shows. Like Alyssa who loves to go hunting and actually goes hunting with her dad. The way the celebrate Valentine's Day sounds like so much fun. Erin even mentions college which makes it so cool that she actually graduated from one. There was even an episode where the parents were teaching their younger child how to behave in a restaurant.
  19. Wow, I really did miss a lot by not checking in here for one day. I just found out watch TLC when they had a scroll going across to say they were going to announce a Duggar Baby and came into see everyone's reactions to that only to find out I'm way behind on the news. Boy was I praying it was Anna despite the fact four children that young is crazy but nope it was Jill. My first thought was how fast their announcing it given what happened to Erin. Its still crazy. I'll never understand why everything is a rush. I also agree about the front page of People magazine why it goes to them instead of Ferguson or Lauren Bacall? Seriously?
  20. Tom Mison who is the lead in Sleepy Hallow Blair Underwood Jon Tenney Matthew Bomer Tom Mison who is the lead in Sleepy Hallow Jim Caviezel Ingo Rademacher Noah Wyle Benjamin Bratt Dean Cain Paul Gross Jimmy Smits And my first love Paul Anthony Stewart-aka Danny Santos on Guiding Light.
  21. Brennan on Bones basically everything about her. She thinks she's so smart when she's really stupid, nearly everything that comes out of her month from her theories to the stuff she says to people that if she's suppose to be smart she'd know not to say, but never seems to understand what she did or said that was wrong. I know its suppose to come of as socially awkward but to me she comes off as a stupid. I now hate Penny on the Big Bang Theory, she use to be fun and nice. Now she's just a mean, drunk bitch who mooches off everyone, and treats her boyfriend like crap.
  22. Emily Gilmore who repeatedly treats her daughter like crap, tries to destroy her relationship with Luke because he doesn't fit into "her" world, constantly puts down her daughter who worked her butt off to move from a maid at an inn to running the place, bought her own house, and started her own inn. None of that matters to Emily because she wants Lorelai to live the life Emily wants her to live. Lorelai's wants and happiness doesn't matter. Had no problems forgetting all about Rory committing a crime but never forgives or forgets a single thing Lorelai has ever done. Her and Richard's constant praising and treating Christopher, Rory's father, like he's some kind of God despite the fact he never did a single thing to raise his child while putting down and treating the one person who actual raised the perfect grandchild they love so much like crap. They also have no problem under-minding Lorelai's authority as a parent.
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