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Everything posted by andromeda331

  1. I don't know I think after dating Carrie, he probably saw Natasha as someone a lot easier to be with. No drama or stalking. After dating Carrie, I can see how he might try next dating someone so completely different then Carrie. I don't think he ever loved Natasha, but she was easier.
  2. V, I still think this show could have been good both versions. The first one started out good only for them to turn it into a magic show. The second one also started out good I really liked that Anna and Erica's children ended up liking the other one best, and bring back Diana from the original? Then they made so many stupid decisions like making the Resistance members so stupid and Diana is nice? Both had so much potential only for both to end so badly.
  3. I forgot how much I actually liked the first episode Carrie it surprised me given how much I hate her but right now she seemed normal and I liked that it showed Carrie actually doing work for her column with the random people talking to camera. I liked Miranda and Charlotte but I always liked that they each one with different views on love and men, I really didn't like Samantha hooking up with Charlotte's date. Its just wrong to me.
  4. After finding a person murdered, police find evidence or confessions that other people also tried to kill the victim today, not just the one who succeed.
  5. LOST's Sawyer and Jin, I've never would have thought by the end of the show I would love them both. They were so horrible in the beginning. Everyone hated them in the first seasons but they both got so much better.
  6. I give Natasha credit go going off on Carrie period. If I had been the one sitting there while the woman my husband cheated on me ambushed me at my lunch, stole my drink, made me listen to her crap, and then expected me to apologize? There would have be bloodshed. The fact there wasn't and Natasha managed to make herself look even more awesome with everything she said to Carrie.
  7. Yes, after Tony's young daughter died he lost it. Everyone treated him like crap ever afterwards which angered me because Sonny and Carly's crimes were much worse. But no Tony is the bad guy. Same with AJ. Basically same with everyone who wasn't Sonny, Carly or Jason. I agree GH made a big mistake turning the show into Mob Show lots of fans dropped the show because of it. I held out a long time hoping it would go back to the way it was before but I finally had to quit. I'm still upset about that, it used to be a good show.
  8. Not only that but they would have been right. Getting back together with your ex but remaining friends with person he/she cheated on you with despite the fact they have no kids or anything that ties them together? That's a huge red flag.
  9. Well, at first Carly named Tony, her mother's husband as the baby's father but it turned out to be AJ, then yes Jason decided he would be a better father so he lied saying he was Michael's father. AJ eventually found out about it when Robin got sick of lying and told him. Jason had the nerve to be mad about that. There was some custody fight I don't remember except Michael ended up with AJ for a few weeks when Carly married AJ, then she ended up with Sonny and they both wanted Michael. So Sonny forced AJ sign away custody of Michael. I do mean forced, Sonny kidnapped AJ and threaten him to sign over his parental rights. My hatred for Sonny was cemented.
  10. I felt really bad for the Qs I mean their son nearly is killed, then he wakes up wants nothing to do with them and becomes a criminal. Any time they show up or come around you know wanting to be with their child who almost died he treated them like crap as if he was unable to understand why they would want to see him or why they hated his life choices. Once again you nearly died and then became a criminal. Also, when Michael was a baby, Jason and his pals would always say how horrible it would be for Michael to grow up with Qs, because being raised by a mobster, bodyguards, and bullets flying is so much better for a child.
  11. I agree about Full House for me its Michelle and Joey. Michelle for the obvious reasons but Joey. From beginning to end he's living with someone else's family. He never has a family of his own, no wife, no girlfriend, no life, nothing? Its sad.
  12. I completely agree! Their the reasons I finally had to stop watching General Hospital, it stinks because I used to really love the show but they completely ruined it for me. Completely agree about Kate on LOST. Not only was her back story was boring, she was boring. She did nothing on the show but runaway. Why be invest with Kate and Jack? She'll be with Sawyer in a few minutes. Same with Kate and Sawyer. Getting them all captured because she wanted to come along and they said no? I'd added Adam and Kristina along with Max because their the reason Max is so horrible. They lethim get away with everything, they expect everyone in the world to cater to Max. Every time Maxdoes something wrong, its always someone else's fault. When that girl got mad at him for taking a picture of the crying girl, it was the girl's fault. When Max got kicked off the yearbook it of course wasn't his fault. Max being disruptive in class? Well, the teacher obviously should abandon all of his other students to focus on Max. Haddie, remember Haddie? Listening her explain to her dad all the times Max has ruined something or she had to change something she wanted because of how it would effect Max?
  13. Yep, that's Carrie. Heaven for bid she considers someone else's feelings or you know learn something. It cracks me up how she thinks she's such an expert with men but doesn't see the many things she does that would make a man run away from her fast. Like spying on her boyfriend and his mother. Most men would dump her and possibly get a restraining order, same with the way she went after Aidan after she decided she wanted him back. And of course all the drama. It never once seems to occur to her that Big could be toying with her, since she does drop everything and run to him. Did it ever occur to her he comes and goes as he wants because she always comes running when he calls?
  14. Phoebe Halliwell, the top reason being that Cole was about to give up the Source's powers and she stopped it, then when she decided she couldn't be evil she chose to vanquish Cole because he was too evil. He was going to give them up and you stopped him. This is a fact that is never, ever brought up or the fact she willingly joined Cole to be his Queen. Instead he's blamed for everything while she gets of scot-free. When he manages to come back Phoebe treats him like he's evil, never giving him a chance, and acting he was the one who treated her badly. Aside from that she was selfish, self-absorb, constantly abandoning her job to save lives including those of her sisters because apparently writing her column, men and going to a party is more important. She had no self control and nothing, was ever her fault.
  15. I completely agree! I loved this show in the beginning and it had so much potential.
  16. For a second when I saw those guys in the park or square I was scared it was John David and some of the older boys and we were about to get more dinner theater or worse one of their "funny" tricks. The proposal and song was nice, it was obviously TLC idea, but considering the Duggars' ideas on being creative with things, I'll take TLC's instead. I really wish Michelle was capable of normal human emotions because that looked nothing like a mother taking her daughters to look at wedding dresses. All I could think of the whole time they were in that bridal shop is how it should have been so much fun, their should have been tears and hugs. Even if you go just for fun with your daughter who is dating or courting someone there's usually emotions. Like seeing your daughter in a wedding dress and realizing this could be it. Or just seeing your little girl all grown up trying on wedding dresses. My mother would be crying and probably telling stories of when I was five years old or stories of her going to look at wedding dresses with her mother. That should have been a real fun experience for Michelle and her daughters. When you compare that to Derick and Cathy when he was getting ready and leaving to go propose, it made me feel really sorry for Jill. And for the rest of the girls. They'll never have that.
  17. Not only was her book boring, you already knew everything that was going to happen. Its like they forgot what made all five books interesting. The twists. Not just following a pattern. Cathy's experiences in the attic shaped her entire life, but Heaven's experiences stopped shaping her and her story, once she learns Tony's her father nothing really happens until he attacks her and she goes home with Logan. Maybe she could have found out some twist about Jillian,what turned her into what she was, or who Leigh's real father was. Maybe he ditched her for someone more younger and more beautiful, or something. Or Jillian had more secrets, or something. Or maybe more on Tony's family. Like how their parents produced two very odd sons. There really could have been more different directions they could have gone instead of the ones they chose.
  18. The Bat Cave. Hardison wanting to keep the Bat Cave. Elliot doesn't until Hardison mentions an Elliot Signal, cue Elliot asking what kind of signal that would be.
  19. I liked Alyssa's dress but so far my favorite wedding was Whitney's, Her dress was beautiful and I loved the colors.
  20. Nope, that's exactly what rapists say in court when trying to defend themselves "but she liked it", no, no she didn't. That brings up an interesting point, where the five books a series even necessary? Most of them usually lost steam or stop giving out new information after the first couple books. In Heaven, Web of Dreams and Gates of Paradise there really wasn't anything knew except Tony was creepy, which you pretty much figured out by him wanting complete control over Heaven and you know raping his thirteen year old stepdaughter. In the Ruby series, you really could do without Pearl and Gabrielle's books.
  21. Best Lassiter and Marlowe (Psych) Hardison and Parker (Leverage) Sophie and Nate Burt and Mary Campbell (SOAP) Peter and Elizabeth (White Collar) Snow White and Charming (Once Upon a Time) Worst Carrie and Big, I never liked them individually and hated them together, also including Carrie and Big and Olivia and Fritz, even Rory and Dean and any couple lovers once they hit adultery, liked said by others I have never understood why I should be rooting for a couple who are cheating or how that's romantic. Shawn and Juliet mostly about Shawn never grows up, he constantly acts like a child. Lorelai and Luke & Lorelai and Christopher. I think they both treated Lorelai like crap and I think she deserves someone better then both of them. Kate and Sawyer & Kate and Jack
  22. Marty. He was her friend and in loved with her. Apparently still so in love with her still in Season Seven. Oh and I just remembered Tristian from Chilton.
  23. I had no idea others hated Carrie! I'd love to join the forum and indulge in my Carrie-hate with others. I personally hate it when all former lovers can't get over someone like Beckett, or every boy Rory ever dated. Or Bella's.
  24. Brennan I can't tell you how many people have tried to get me to like this show year after year despite the fact I keeping saying I hate it. I keep getting told I didn't watch enough episodes. I can watch them all I still hate Brennan. I hated how stupid she is for being so "smart" but its suppose to be cute and funny. I hated her from the first episode when she broke into a suspect's home, found evidence, shot him and he was the one who went to jail? I'm sorry but I hate it when the cops or good guys break all the laws to put people in jail. Then get away with it. Brenda Barrett because Brenda is a special snowflake who no one is allowed to hate, if you hate her you'll be lectured on her greatness, how awesome, amazing and wonderful how she is. Nothing is ever her fault. When she cheated with Jax while he was married to Skye, it was Skye's fault. The way she went back and forth between Jax and Sonny, screwing with them and breaking up their relationships and of course always leaving. But that's never her fault either. I hate Sonny. I hate Carly. Rachel on Friends Regina on Once Upon a Time she's killed hundreds of people or had them killed, ripped out hearts, killed her father, cast a curse to ruin the life of Snow White which also ruined the lives of everyone else for 28 years, made Henry think he was crazy when he realized that he was the only one growing up in that town, teamed up with her mother to kill Snow White's whole family again, planned to kill her whole family again and kidnap Henry, was angry at Emma for rescuing Robin Hood's wife instead of letting her be executed by Regina? But I should feel sorry for her? Nope, sorry. Abby and Gibbs, Abby repeatedly acts like a child but everyone loves her because she's cute, and Abby is always right. McGee should completely take in a dog who bit him, Ziva should make up with her father despite the fact he left her to die, I liked Abby in the beginning she was really cool, but they turned her into a child who gets away with everything. I hate Gibbs because he lets her get out of everything, Gibbs is always right, the way Gibbs treats everyone Tony, his ex-wives, EJ, the creepy way he married red heads over and over, Gibbs can break any and all the rules because he's Gibbs, again I hate when the cops break the rules in order to send people to jail. Everyone on Merlin but Morgana (I think I was her only fan). Annie on Covert Affairs Annie is always right, she breaks rules, she disobeys orders, and gets away with everything. Was told when if she went to Russia the CIA wouldn't help her if she got caught, she got caught then had the nerve to be mad when they didn't help her. The fact everyone things she's a great spy when she actually stinks at it. Carrie from Sex and the City she really is a horrible person. She cheats with the married Big, then had the nerve to go after Natasha and was shocked when Natasha hated her. You slept with her husband. Being 35 and broke but shocked when Charlotte won't offer to loan her money, your an adult. Cheated on Aiden, then stalked him until he gave in and got back in the relationship with her, then became friends with Big. And of course everything was always about her, her friends could have big problems, but Carrie's little problems were always more important. When her friend Miranda fell, instead of going over she sent her boyfriend over to help. Then when she finally showed up a full day later, it was to complain about her problems instead of checking on her friend. Now I'm sure I'm about to get a million tomatoes thrown at me.
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