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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm really hoping they do something interesting with channeling. It could be a good sight gag too with two of them all sweaty and concentrating really hard and Mat just looking at nothing saying, 'bloody women!'
  2. Preach. I wouldn't call Reaper a cult show, but it was a good show with interesting characters and a good storyline. I don't know if the networks *purposefully* shit on a show, but more often than not over think. To the other side though, to be fair, I love Fringe, but I don't know how in the fuck that stayed on as long as it did because there were like 7 people watching and it aired on Friday nights.
  3. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Yeah, but Rodman was the only one in the documentary who didn't really say or imply Jordan was an asshole. You can like someone and not really talk. New England/New York fans are horrible. Throw in Philadelphia too.
  4. Frank Stallone junior high got a good laugh. I'm not sure I bought this. When Frannie and Roger get together, it usually goes sideways fast. I did like when they were doing the audition that Roger noted Hayley's sandwich experience.
  5. The Critic?! It stiiiiiinkksss! I think 'cult show' gets thrown around way too much. It's like players being voted into the hall of fame. You need like 7-10 years to understand if a show was cult. What the tv landscape was back then, etc.
  6. *Even* with that scene, it's clear she had no fucks to give, and it was only going to get worse from there. You go to the whole ocd 'bend the knee' to the scene where she burns the Tarlys for not, it's clear this isn't ending well for anyone.
  7. I mentioned that before too. She hid behind Norm because it looked like she was going to break up. Several of the characters genuinely laugh especially at coach
  8. Selling the dragon to the guy and then telling him she understands valerian was bamf though.
  9. They should have never adhered so close to the books. It went excruciatingly slow and overly detailed and then they were traveling the length of the land in two days and everything happened at once.
  10. You don't necessarily need the visions at all per se, if we're going that far.
  11. Part of what was interesting was that she was a fairly good leader but couldn't get past the 'they all love me and want me on the throne, wait, they don't, I'll show them.' I think they just flipped the switch a little too fast, and they didn't really have to.
  12. So was mine in the SF Bay. It was about 10% of the size. Diane came from money but she said she didn't want any of it sometime in the first season iirc.
  13. I vaguely remember the pie to the face. I know that we never see Vera. They did the same thing on Broad City with one of the main character's roommates. I LOVE wife/ex-wife jokes. To the point where a whole bunch of people thought I actually had an ex-wife. I even got in trouble for it!
  14. Oh, I'm going to have to get this Cheers reunion then. Diane's apartment is a typical tv cheat I suppose. I think the only tv person with an appropriate apartment was Mary Tyler Moore. It's just funny she's got what looks like a full kitchen, giant living room with enough space for a dining area and separate bedroom and bath.
  15. The lady said something about him being a lousy lay, and Lewis was like, 'no shit. And?' She also gave him a totem. I'm wondering if that's going to protect him down the road.
  16. People are going to complain about pro athletes making too much no matter what. What's different is that most people are on salary or hourly wage, and they have contracts. Some people do have contracts but it's not the norm. (I actually have a contract, but we're not a union state.) And that's hugely different than an average employee. People don't normally have market value and their job doesn't necessarily raise additional revenue. I don't really blame them either.
  17. Is Diane getting a stipend from grad school? Because I don't know what her pay is at Cheers but her apartment is ENORMOUS. I do like when the actors laugh at their lines. Diane dinged Sam and Danson laughed out his next line while Long looked like she was swallowing her tongue.
  18. They showed other people at the wedding with tattoos though. I suppose if one of them could recognize her as a cop had he been to the island before and noticed them. I don't know why she needed a wig either. It's not a big deal. I was confused as to whose they really were.
  19. I'm glad they showed Ernesto could fight beforehand, so it made it more believable. Now that I'm actually looking, it seems like she's got a lot of makeup on her shoulder, so it must be the actor's tattoos. I don't see why they'd bother. A wedding planner with tattoos doesn't seem that big a deal to me. I think they played it fair because Walker still figured it out, but just a little too late. Amber did play the hippie to the hilt and it was a high stress situation enough that he didn't have time to stop and think. They looked like they were going to kill her for sure anyway. Walker saving her actually helped them get the collar. That fight was really well done too. It looked liked the actor was doing the fighting, but there were a few quick cuts, so I don't know.
  20. I liked how Ernesto was psyched for Kai going undercover. And the little girl shaking down Walker again for gifts. I still get a kick out of Walker not ever having a ride too. I thought the bickering with Kai and Walker was a little too silly. She could have just asked. It's good she's doesn't have enough pride that she knew Walker would be helpful. I was going with the older woman who supposedly killed the 50 men. Then as soon as Walker was telling Kai he figured out what was in the needle, they cut right to Amber. I guess the 'my family is dead' was a tip. I liked that Ernesto was worried for her. I would have thought they'd have two transmitters on her than just the headset if she was going in there alone. I'm confused as to whether the tattoos are supposed to be "Kai's" or the actor. Because the show never hid them before, but she was clean in the undercover role.
  21. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I think you need enough regular season games to warm everyone up and give teams a fair shake in getting playoff positions. That's not that much though, and I think everyone will be amped to get out there. I don't think Shaq would have stayed. The Lakers are too sweet a call.
  22. So far, I'd say no. I think again, the show is being fair, so we probably should have seen that by now because it's likely she'd just have taken the place of Rico in the gang, or Raul to shoot up the cops herself.
  23. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    As having had only three concussions, I can say he either couldn't see to some degree or his depth perception was so out of whack he would have been able to stand up, let alone get down the court. Clearly, he doesn't lack conviction given him playing with the bad back.
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