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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I just agree with the take on the 1991 direction.
  2. I think we discussed this before, but the setting in the 60s seems a cop out to me since it's so removed from us in actually having been around. I didn't live in LA in 1991, but I lived through it, watching it unfold in real time. It happened to people that we know and we still remember it. That's the real creative risk. This just strikes me as use of the nostalgia and the IP to get viewers tbh. Which begs the question - what's the fresh take here?
  3. Related - I know a guy that uses a monocle. A. Monocle. I'm an above average funny guy in my job. I love the one line jokes - take my wife. Please. If I see him - Hey, where's your top hat (Mr Peanut)? I want to 'harummmph' a lot. I mean. I can't be in the same room.
  4. I didn't not like it, but I think it wasn't fair they didn't get a two hour finale. There was a lot going on that was crammed in that could have used the extra time to breathe. There was a larger context there that Sam really didn't have time to really ponder. In the end, he basically made the decision to erase himself from time, but getting to that point was hugely rushed, and it didn't give the viewers the room to understand what was really going on.
  5. I thought Don Knotts was funnier. But no one could smack their face on the kitchen door like Ritter.
  6. I really was hoping Outlander would be more about the time travel. I wanted to see another iteration of trying to stop Collodeon and realizing they were making it worse.
  7. I assume they all aren't particularly nice people. It's a vicious business.
  8. I wonder why Halloween isn't a thing in France. I don't know when the show was filmed, but does covid exist in this world? I do have to say, the staircase was really good work.
  9. I hope he gets well and is ok. He's been clear about taking precautions (the audience has been masked and he's talked about testing), so, cautionary tale I suppose. I would be ticked. Snide aside - oh, no, Tyson was scheduled *eyeroll*.
  10. I caught those later on with the Game Show network. Wow. I mean, we so need the 70s to come back right now. Could you imagine if twitter tried to cancel Richard Dawson?
  11. That's the one. You have to read it like Lucille Bluth a la - He's out with Kitty, the whore.
  12. All I knew from the Love Boat was that Charo was a whore. Wasn't Fantasy Island rebooted for a short stint?
  13. That's two different things for sure. I'm not going to fault authors for having an ego. But if it's so much of a violation to them, then issue a cease and desist. I would rather my own work foster more motivation in others. Also you look like a jackass complaining about fan fiction. I think the examples we're citing here too are from authors who created their own original IP based on fan fiction itself, so pot kettle.
  14. That cake joke is flat out brilliant. I love the one line BAM comedy. My wife called me at work. She said, 'come on over, no one is home.' She was right. I went home. No one was there.
  15. That still seems a little condescending to me on the pov of the author. Coming into your house is trespassing. No one writing fan fiction is trying to profit off the original IP. Keeping consistent - it's someone buying the same furniture as you and arranging their own living room differently. And having a party with people commenting how much they like the living room.
  16. That show does *not* hold up. I kind of knew what gay vaguely was, but I didn't understand why Jack couldn't live with the two women. Kind of the same. I caught some of it. Blanche - So I waved at him with my foot that was draped over Mr. Smith's shoulder. I kind of got where his face would have been. Though I wasn't entirely sure what he would be doing there. It's weird though. It's Wednesday. These are the shows you can watch. If you wanted to watch one that was on the same time as the other, too bad.
  17. I guess this episode is dump on Martha. I can buy the cabinet falling for tabloid gossip; again, naive because you want her to have his ear. No excuse for Olav though. I'm surprised she didn't smack him.
  18. I forgot when Truman was selected for VP. Obviously, I knew he was for 1944. I knew they didn't talk much, so I was confused. I know the show is taking some liberties, which I already said isn't a big deal to me, but that would have been a little much. It was highly short sighted of the Cabinet to deny Martha the tour and really just politically naive. They could have asked the US for security support under the auspices of Lend Lease. The Ambassador needs to get with the program too. Martha killed with the speech and is bringing aid to Norway. He was fine with latching on to her to get an audience with FDR, but he's all tepid about the tour. He could have arranged to be with her on the tour to up his own political stock.
  19. I think sports can unite. That certainly was one instance. It can be overused to be sure, but there's a place for that.
  20. Dumb question - Harry is supposed to be Harry Truman? He doesn't look like him.
  21. I'm on the one with the passage of Lend Lease and Martha looked live she was going to kill the ambassador with that champagne glass. It looked like Olav was going to toast her though. Every time they mention Lindbergh I keep thinking about The Plot Against America.
  22. I mean, come on, you can't seriously expect your husband to cough up a couple of thousand dollars. Me and Jackie agree with you. 'I could sell dick brownies to a dyke on a diet' could arguably be the best line in all of television.
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