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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The fundamental flaw is that you have to assume the judge is clear and unbiased. That's obviously not been the case historically to the point where anything could be questioned. I'm surprised there's not more strict parameters. You did a double axle - 2 points. Threw the lady up and she spun around 3 times - 4 points. Brian Boitano - all the points.
  2. Season 1 finale I was surprised they killed off Kenna. Although, Aldus probably had no use of her was defeated so easy. I wasn't surprised he fired bombed the old queen. She was way too arrogant and would always be trying to extract consessions. I get the point of installing Amena as queen, with the theme of killing the gods, but I didn't see Aldus plotting with her beforehand, unless I missed it. It kind of came out nowhere.
  3. Oh wow Pampage. If I didn't love Pam enough. I'm confused though. The poster shows a clearly aged Archer, but the trailer looks like 'present day' for lack of a better term.
  4. Invariably, anyone who is a fan has 'their' Doctor and more affinity for those stories at the time, whether Nine, Three, or Six. It might be a good idea to have someone outside of that who will just produce a good action-adventure drama series about a 2000 year old time-space traveling know it all. Don't ignore the past, but I don't know if we still need to delve into the Doctor's origins. In fact, that might be a good turn. Given what Thirteen knows about their origins now, they may want to regenerate into a more live in the moment figure. That was kind of the gist of Nine to Ten in a way, but I thought Ten tended (ha) to get too fill of himself and pompous.
  5. The worst showrunner of Doctor Who is the current showrunner. I enjoyed this latest iteration of the show, and I'm sure I'll enjoy their remaining shows. And, I'm sure I'll enjoy the next group too. (I want Jenny and Vastra to meet Thirteen. There's still time!) It seems like 3 years is about average for the modern era anyway. I wonder if they're going to continue with Fourteen being a lady or maybe a person of color, who also could be a lady.
  6. I loved it. You should watch it. The movie is something else. I don't think you can beat the Navigators. Also Sting. I did like the SciFi miniseries in part because it aired every night so it was kind of a throwback to 'event tv' like when Shogun was on in the 80s. The miniseries nailed the 'handtalking', and I hope we see some of that in the movie. I'm not really a purist from the book who is going to complain about the adaptations. There's plenty of takes you can pull out of the book for a movie. I do think it's really just too dense for a single movie, simply due to the world building, so I don't mind this was split up. You have all the prequels, which are considered canon, that weren't around for the miniseries to draw on for that. I am interested where they will end the first part. The only thing is I heard they aren't filming 1 and 2 at the same time and that 2 isn't even green lit yet.
  7. I don't think Lenny is the killer either. The timeline doesn't seem right to me. I also don't see his motivation for killing the reverend or only focusing just on Blair. Dawn caused black Monday, you'd think she'd be more of a target.
  8. I'm actually the hot guy next door, so please feel free to move in.
  9. They did say it was the first show to flip it with the man keeping the house and the woman with the high powered career. I can see the importance there. On the other, it is fair that it's a family show because Tony was raising his own daughter and the other kid. I mean, most of the shows don't fit into a particular box. You have to put them somewhere though. The series isn't over yet. They might show some of these other shows that have been skipped over so far. I would like to know how the decisions are made of which to include. I think it's easier with decades of hindsight to pick Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore, Facts of Life; also, it's easier because there weren't as many shows back there. I don't know if maybe these good shows that weren't included didn't really change the paradigm. I liked NewsRadio. By any assessment, it was a good show. Did it bring something new to the office sitcom? I'm not so sure. Same with Wings. If it's 'Taxi at an airport', and they covered Taxi, what new ground can you mine with Wings? They may mention them coming up though. I was surprised they covered Facts of Life, but not Different Strokes. If anything, Strokes was the first to do the 'very special episode' than Facts of Life.
  10. I liked that Stan getting a pudding pop and everyone knew he was going to rip on them. I thought at first that Stan didn't know Roger was Josay. Rod Stewart wasn't that much out of nowhere because his hair is literally the 80s, but running with the restaurant gag was killer. This show rules with the tempting b plots. I do like the point that 'telling it like it is' is just bs.
  11. Episode 1.6 I wasn't surprised that the mousey girl had a destiny, but I didn't connect that it was the runes on the back of Kerra's neck until they met. The underworld vision was cool, but whack a doo druid's incredulous HER?! reaction was priceless. I thought he was nuts, but this demon possession deal seems legit. I also liked the 'hey, what happened to that Caesar guy?'
  12. Parker making stabbing motions behind the camera was worth the episode. It's a bit silly, but I think you need an episode like that now and then. 1 out of 16 isn't that draining on the core themes of the series. I did think it was a little bit much the 'mastermind' took halfway into the show to ask who Sophie was. It's fair Nate kept her out of it, but when he was naming off 'hitter', 'hacker thought you were a guy;' there's no 'oh, I don't think I know you?' I like the Wilson isn't still totally cool under pressure, but still chatting up the guard to get information. And it was very lawyerly. I did like how they found the 'superpower'. This seemed a very Nate 'mastermind' thing to do. I liked in the standoff there at the end, when Sophie was explaining about Interpol, Wilson perked up and smirked as he was putting 2 and 2 together while she was talking. Nice touch. I liked the actor that played the king. He's good in everything I've seen him in. Always seems to play off everyone really well. Kind of like Mark Sheppard tbh. Casting has a eye.
  13. I suppose you could install sensors in the pool, but there aren't really just water polo pools, and it probably costs a lot. They could make a rule where one hand has to be above the surface all the time.
  14. "Donovan said the Hurdy Gurdy Man is the one who re-awakens this knowledge". It seems like the song might have been a deliberate choice and one of the characters would fit the bill.
  15. I'm only on episode 5, but this Amena must have super plot armor. All she does is snip at people. I had a good laugh when Phelan backhanded her, but he could have just slit her throat. I'm on the fence as to whether the head druid actually is buying into his own bullshit or not. I do believe he definitely doesn't want the Romans there and knows the political lay of the land well enough. Naming Kerra queen was the right call, but I don't think he knows what he's getting into with her. She's not going to be led around by the nose by simply being told it's the gods will.
  16. No, this was Lenny. That's why they showed the flashback - Larry and Keith fed him to wolves. It seems he's behind the killings but I don't know if I buy that. I'm not buying Tiff is dead either. The whole conversation with Werner was brilliant, just being built around a poly sci minor. Great job on Dawn's sight gag of 'testing' ski poling while Blair was explaining it too.
  17. As god as my witness, I swear turkeys could fly there were carolers on my block. Only the one time though.
  18. My friend in Boston had a multi room apartment with a fire escape. Which helped because I had to use the bathroom but walked in on some chick doing coke, then somehow we got locked in, so she got on to the fire escape and shimmied over to the kitchen to knock on the window.
  19. I don't think that's Ted's hair, so that helps. I thought Linden looked all right. I finished a run through of the Mary Tyler Moore show just a couple of weeks ago, so it was fresh in my memory when they did that segment. I'm going to have to call a out the show quitting while it was ahead. The back half of season 7 was uneven at best. Taxi is next on my list so I was glad to see it covered here. I was too young for MTM, but I remember catching some of Taxi. I think it was my treat if I got to stay up late. I always felt like Judd Hirsch was underrated in everything he's been in. I never really bought that people at work are so much of a part of everyone's lives outside of work. I rarely go out with people from work unless it is work related. I had already done a watch of WKRP a couple of years ago. I mean, the turkeys. You can't beat that. I'm not going to be like the 70s sitcoms are better than today. Each era had good and bad. However, I just really like the one line zingers, and I don't know if they do that enough anymore or if the art of timing isn't stressed enough. I'll concede that Veep and Arrested Development had impeccable timing. I consistently use 'I know how to give a motherfucking speech' when people think they know how to tell me to do my job. 'How do you like narcotics?' 'I don't think they're working for him.' I had couple I used to use in class, but some wet blanket gave me a libelous evaluation so I had to get rid of them. It doesn't work when you have to make a whole bunch of disclaimers before you say a joke. I agree the editing on the show is much better this time around.
  20. In keeping with the surprise theme, here's a tv one that happened in real life over here - christmas carolers! I think it was actually last year because I didn't travel for xmas. There were actual carolers that showed up at the houses across the street and started singing. I froze - I thought I was trapped in tv - then I realized I better shut the blinds and turn off the lights. I'm just not into traditional xmas songs, they're too treacly. I'm not a grinch. I like stuff like Bruce Springsteen's Santa Claus is Coming to Town, even some Sinatra.
  21. I don't how they do that and tread water. And not drown.
  22. I'd really like a conclusion to this first batch of 16 with the return of Sterling to team up with the gang to arrest Maxwell.
  23. My friend was always showing up at my place unannounced when I lived in the SF bay area, usually to use the bathroom. It was very sitcom. But he was always down to get a drink or play x box, so I didn't really mind. Now, with a house elsewhere, I do have someone text first if he can come by if he's in town.
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