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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Mo can't trade legally anymore. Dawn can, so she'd have to have a company. Not that it's a big deal, but I don't think hiding Mo from the feds is anything new. I think you're retreading ground at that point though. I guess you could get into the dot com bubble, but again, you want something new. Cable is just becoming a thing. They could run a new network. I totally forgot Tiff's recount of her murder being a huge Culture Club pun.
  2. Poking around online, it seems the show isn't particularly well received. I wasn't expecting too much, but it was a fun watch for me. All the actors are good. It is bonkers, and I suppose that's not for everyone.
  3. I assumed someone would have to be Boud and that makes sense because she's the youngest on the show. The rebellion didn't happen till the 60s, and I think this is late 40s. They probably can time jump and kill most everyone off. Veran wouldn't age and if Aulus is actually Lokka he wouldn't either. They have to keep whack druid around though. For a Chosen one, and I like her, but Cait really hasn't done much yet. That's why I'm thinking the above. In the ending v/o, she's clearly turned a corner. I assume he was looking for 'the chosen one' and he knew they were a young girl from the underworld vision, so he figured just kill all the young girls and maybe get lucky. He knew that a young girl helped her blind father escape the camp. It's not unreasonable to think she might have still been in the area. tbh, I think the show is trying to do too much with the druid v druid plot, and I'm glad it's over. It was boring the pants off me. I don't really get it either. Every so often two kids get taken away and become Harka and Veran? So what? It looked like at the end with the skulls in the lake that Harka always seems to lose. But lose what? It's a more compelling plot that the druids are just full of it with all their 'gods this and that' talk, and the invasion of the Romans is upending the existing power structure. However, the Romans aren't so great either, so it really should be about what the Celts are going to do about it. You take away all the Harka/Veran nonsense, you're still in the same place at the end here.
  4. Whack druid spending about 15 minutes of show talking to a rabbit is brilliant. The actors are killing it with the humor, especially the 'oh ffs now what?' I'm finally all caught up so I'm going to read all the other posts now.
  5. Wow this show. I mean, taking it to Weekend at Bernie's you can see coming, and it's a great way to mesh the plots, but then the health inspector is asking for the lady's number from the cabana. Scottie Pippin is a weirdly good fit for the show. His going on about the novel was great.
  6. I don't really know where they'd go from here unless they did a huge time jump. I didn't guess it would be Corkie, but it makes sense that she was messing up. We all knew it wasn't Lenny. And we knew Tiff wasn't dead! Outside of the main plot, Dawn flipping out about the 'shrimps' and getting nuts for doing butt stuff with Mo was killing me. She put her fist in his face! Cheadle's reaction shot was perfect.
  7. The dude double playing Harka and Veran is killing it. The show is still Cait and the whack druid for me though. I do feel bad for Phelan. He's kind of aimless, and Harka isn't being particularly nice what with killing children. I'm still not really feeling Amena and her out of nowhere backstory. It feels tacked on and she is kind of there to move the plot around when needed. I get that you need a character that doesn't buy into all the gods this and that, and I'm not really feeling much of this druid civil war because I wasn't buying into any of it either. I'm burning through the show because it's just so bonkers, and I can't put it down. I just finished where the Romans got high and then decapitated. I'm not clear on whether they're trying to tell us the general is actually Lokka, or just that all the Celts think he is, which is understandable. I guess the underworld vision is to be taken at face value since both the general and the whack druid believe in Cait. I don't get what Cait is supposed to do. If she's just learning druid ways, I don't think that's going to be enough.
  8. I get the criticism of Different Strokes, but it was a funny show for a kid in the 80s. I never got into Fresh Prince. I think because I was at college and didn't have much access to tv. I loved Martin and In Living Color though. I guess I must have got tv back by then because I watched all those Fox shows. Bernie Mac was a great show too, but I been following him since the 80s.
  9. I said before, there's some kind of feedback loop from society feeding into tv shows and back, and it swings around. I think you have a Normal Lear that's driving the narrative at that time. Now, it may be the other way, as you say, where kneeling gets the show banned. That could be a hazard of chasing too many ad dollars. Frankly, it's cowardly. Hopefully, streaming will stay around. No way it would be on CBS for sure. I was aware of All in the Family when I was a kid, but I was still too young to get it. I always thought the point of the show was to show that Archie is in the wrong and these attitudes needs to go. I had no idea people didn't get it. "The guy that wrote the bible didn't live in this neighborhood. Locketh thy door!" Just such brilliance.
  10. I forgot you could go to the movies at the mall. I think one of my malls got a Chili's too at one point. That's not a bad restaurant for a mall either.
  11. "Fuck all the way off" is definitely going to be used by me. The best part of the joke was John saying Paul couldn't win a fight against his neighbor.
  12. The Widow was also credited with the surname 'Lane', which can't be an accident. There's got to be some history with Lane and Goode we haven't heard yet. I don't think he resented anything. When she told him she was a lesbian, he basically said, 'no worries, we can still get married'. She was freaking out about bringing the blight to the town, and he was quick to tell her she didn't. 'You have to invite the devil. You didn't do that.' She got scared when she figured out he summoned the devil and was the cause of the pastor killing the kids. She was going to go all witch before all that and went to the Widow's house to get the book in the first place. It was because her brother got killed that she decided to fight back. Once he realized she wasn't going to play ball, he had to go with the witch angle to cover his ass. It's actually kind of funny and a good twist on the typical horror movie. I mean, what if she just said, 'can you save my girlfriend?' 'Sure no problem.' Then what? If anything, the whole Pilgrim/Great Awakening thinking of that era is the real villain. Everything about everything was the devil creeping around to get you. It always makes me laugh because it's so self-important. Yes, the devil is coming specifically for you. Who makes bread and milks the cows. You're that important. The same actor playing Nick played Solomon though. It seems to imply direct lineage. Doesn't mean he couldn't get married again. The whole point was to get the farm going. If he was suddenly prosperous, likely the town elders would want to see him married off. He also 'found' the witch and killed the pastor. Likely he gained some stature in the town. I could see Sarah's father just up and leaving to another place and starting from scratch and starting a new family. You could easily do a movie in the Ruby era where someone gets a hold of all this information. Now that we know the Goodes are in on it, maybe someone is investigating the history of the place, or even Ruby herself, and they have to cover it up. I mean, if we know there are Feir progeny, there's the movie. Just fyi, back in the 90s, malls were just malls. You go there to walk around and maybe buy something. Or get a coffee. This was before Starbucks, etc., was a thing, so the mall had a coffee place. Netflix seems to think malls were houses of horror pre-internet. Good job having a B Dalton's on the show though.
  13. Fox had tons of interesting shows in those early days that only lasted for a year or so. I still think Roc was an excellent show that never got the promotion it should have.
  14. It seemed to me that Solomon killed her and took the book. He said he brought his wife to her and it was too late, so he probably saw the book there. He had said to Sarah early on that he couldn't farm the land. It just got to the point from what I saw that he got fed up, killed her, took the book, and made the deal for prosperity. Basically, Shadyville got screwed because an incel thought he was entitled to a hot girl and got called on his bullshit. Solomon was doing all his devil deal, but really it would have just kept going otherwise. Sarah would have never found out about him if she wasn't running from the town, and even Solomon was trying to get her on his side. He was kind of forced into outing her as a 'witch' in order to cover his ass. I totally buy this whole cursed town through the centuries being based on something so trite. Banality of evil so to speak. I certainly will be looking forward to more movies in this universe. I'd really like to know how the Goodes chose the names. In 1978, Tommy was just some guy; there wasn't any history there. Maybe that's the point. Or how often they have to pick someone. Ruby Lane was in the 60s, then 1978, but I don't recall if there were more names until 1994. It's not clear to me how there are Feir descendants if Sarah didn't have kids and was killed. For that, I assume the Goodes came from the other guy's side since Solomon's wife and child died. I suppose he could have remarried, but it was a small town, and he clearly couldn't leave. I'd be interested in the split of Union into the two towns too.
  15. I was from that era. No one did that regularly. It's really ocd. Goode put the note in her mail slot in 1994. Good selection of songs in 1978 too. You can't get more classic than summer camps axe murderers! I did like how they found the book, so we learned more, and there is an actual solution - putting the hand with the rest of the body. It was mentioned upthread, but I don't quite get how there's a body if the witch was supposed to be immortal. Then again, writing stuff down over 400 years is going to muddle the message. I got fooled initially as to which (see what I did there) sister lived, but figured it before the end. They're really hammering the Shadyside people being down on their luck. Clearly 1666 Union was important because the towns split there. So I guess I'm going to fix a drink and figure it out next.
  16. No, I know he was. I had seen him before. I think kicking off the new era, you needed a name. He's actually better in the Second Coming than he was as Nine, and I thought he was brilliant as Nine. I'm saying widely enough known to an international audience. I'd seen Tennant in a bunch of stuff before Doctor Who too, but I don't know if he was so widely known. Capaldi was probably more well known when he was named. Whittaker was a great choice. I mean someone along the lines of her or Smith. Not someone like Cumberbatch. Like I said, I watch a lot of Brit tv, so most of the actors I know already. I've liked Morrissey in a bunch of stuff, so I was excited he was in one of the specials, but I doubt he'd be widely known either, even though that's a great casting choice. Same with Simm. I think Smith was the only one I hadn't seen before. Not that I'm the final say in who is a name or not, I think the gist here is clear enough.
  17. I heard an interview about the movies on npr and it was favorable, so I added them to my list. I'm not a horror fan per se, but I'll watch them if they're good. I don't know anything about the books either. The movie was fantastic. I was totally engrossed throughout. I was yelling at them to not run around in a dark grocery store, but they weren't listening. I like that it was 1994 because you have the younger kid on AOL chat, which would have been still kind of new. (You have to figure the 'queen' he's talking to is either the witch or someone connected). You also have newspaper clippings, which was a neat trick to slide in some exposition. Also, no parents anywhere. After they 'killed' Sam, there was still a half hour left. I was like 'uh oh'. It's going to rain today, so I'm going to try to knock back the rest.
  18. tbh, I hope the next Doctor isn't a 'name'. I know who Jodi was from Broadchurch and I watch a lot of Brit tv, but I don't know if I'd call her a name at the time she was announced. I had no idea who Matt Smith was and Nine and Eleven are my favorites.
  19. I think the trial bit was for the movie, but certainly he should have filed a police report and got a restraining order. I don't think Iliza was writing Andrea to be in the right there.
  20. They may have bought the right to say that. Hasn't it been on TBS longer now?
  21. As long as the system is consistent, I don't see that as a problem.
  22. Well then it seems like it should translate to the other sports readily then.
  23. It's been awhile, but I got the impression that cutting corners by stealing things from evidence was routine for Dan at the time even though they didn't show a whole picture of it.
  24. The fundamental flaw is that you have to assume the judge is clear and unbiased. That's obviously not been the case historically to the point where anything could be questioned. I'm surprised there's not more strict parameters. You did a double axle - 2 points. Threw the lady up and she spun around 3 times - 4 points. Brian Boitano - all the points. Different subject - "I didn't like the writing" is meaningless. What exactly is 'the writing'? It's become some catch all to say one didn't like something without having to actually give a reason.
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