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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Ullman is so brilliant. Outside of the main players, Larry doesn't have some typical annoyance with her, like the sweater tucking, or the lady in the line, or a million other things. Or here wanting to get the sweater. (I would have waited until they let their guard down.) She's not continually yelling at him or always amping it up, so I don't know how their scenes ever play out. I don't know if anyone was listening, but when Ullman almost backed into the guy with the dog, 'Morning Becomes Eclectic' was on the radio. I listen to that every morning! I actually agree with Larry - I always ask the concierge. For all the constant yelling, as soon as Larry has the plot of getting Susie in on the surgery, she bargains with him, but is right in from the start. I don't know who the desk nurse was, but she was great with Larry. I thought the second vase breaking was a little much. Susie could have taken the vase and still bargained for the surgery. It's not like Jeff is in any position to refuse.
  2. For Louise trying to get out of work, or trying to make a quick buck at work (Valentine's day), or burning things, she's probably the most family oriented out of the kids. None of them had any responsibility to Gene; he broke the record himself. No one was trying to hide it, or take it away from him. She came up with idea and the plan to get him out of the house.
  3. I think part of the problem was the most fans (I'm generalizing) wanted to see some BAMF Vader and Luke, but never really got that in the movies; e.g., the end of Rogue (Vader), and the finale of the Mandalorian (Luke). I think they're could have been room for the BAMF and what we got.
  4. It's different now with having the baby though.
  5. Bob really doesn't put his foot down. I did like how it ended, but I think they could have got there without Gene being a brat.
  6. I tend to agree with Brian about the commercialism but not in the condescending way he was saying it. I'm not 'xmas is bad', but there's too much with the buying things. The whole Life is a Highway was so out there and hilarious.
  7. I just can't with annoying Gene. I mean, just tell him to turn the music off. Then the constant whining. Was Jerry (Ron Funches) from the Great North the record store owner? I liked the Oil Spill tour poster. Tina with the Tea Time call. Good joke! That album cover wow. High. I always like when Louise calls Bob 'Father'.
  8. I like that Ham is the still the cake lady. Great po-tat-toh joke too. The christmas dip was a nice ending!
  9. I want at least some minor credit in the movie for sparking the idea in the first place. Actually, no. Make it two women and double down on the holiday pride. Keep the allergic bf though.
  10. I can buy that maybe he developed feelings for her while they traveled together after the group was separated. Especially being through such a traumatic experience with Valda, confusion as to why the wolves are his friends, literally everything since his childhood town was ravaged by monsters out of scary bedtime stories. Saying he always had feelings for her and only married Leila as consolation is just tacked on and not necessary imo. I didn't see anything between them while they were all in the Two Rivers. I don't see the reason for all the arguing scene beyond Rand defending Mat. The whole triangle is just derivative and seems out of place over the course of the season.
  11. tbh, I couldn't stand the ending so much that I wasn't going to even watch the show, but hearing that there would be changes piqued my interest.
  12. I'd be fine with Rand dying because he's going to live again when the Wheel turns. Same with Egwene. But hold his child before the last battle would be fine. tbh, the ending fell way flat for me. If it were the turning of the Age, then the unBore should have eliminated channeling entirely for me. Basically, they won the battle and then everything was back to normal. I mean, he's walking around looking like Ish. What if someone thinks it's actually Ish and tries to take a shot at him? Although it would be cool at the end to flashforward to like a steampunk world or something and we see the characters reincarnated.
  13. That's better. At that point in the movie, they were just doing quick hits, and maybe could have cut another hit to add some more time there.
  14. There's a million characters we don't need that Perrin could take on some of that while still doing wolf things. This would be different though. You're kind of selling me on it because Perrin did give her the idea for the reverse balefire that defeated Taim. She was never super strong, and he was kind of the last 'modern' bad guys that needed to be defeated. Of course, if Taim is going to be Demandred, Lan absolutely has to defeat him, buy you could still have another Demandred powerful acolyte. Any of the Asha'man could be taken from the background to fill that role. Even Dashiva. He didn't really do much in the books but ger blown up, and we all thought he was a Foresaken most of the time anway. I think she has to, and Perrin has to live. He can be inspired by her death to raise the Manetheren banner again. Taking out the ridiculous Faile stuff, he's got a nice story on that end.
  15. YOU ARE ALL OF US. Please yes. Although I don't know what Perrin would be doing otherwise. Perhaps he could marshall the forces of the wolves as part of the last battle. He's separated so much from everyone, there's not much else for him to do. That's what I took. Showing the scene with Tam probably led Rand to think he might be the Dragon + Loial calling him an Aiel. Like I said, I give TPTBs an A-, so I'm not tearing the show down. I think it's fair to criticize that they've been too subtle with Rand though. The connect with Tam delivering the baby would have landed better if they explained the Foretelling in more detail in the prior episode. They showed a baby being born on the slopes of Dragonmount. The non bookers are like, 'and?' You have the both together AND Tam is there, it's like, oh, ok, that baby is the Dragon then. I mean, he's not really really the Dragon until Callendor for me, so having some doubt adds to the drama imo. That's because Rand could channel. I hope they keep that though. Mat actually has the most growth for me tbh. Rand is trapped by his own destiny until the last page where he doesn't whatever nonsense body switching that all of a sudden he doesn't explain internally. Viewers are going to need to buy into Mat's growth. I mean, the guy invents artillery and has the brilliant idea of using the Gateway to harry the dark forces. Well, those incels probably couldn't attract someone like her anyway. I hope the show gives Min more depth in exploring the whole philosophy of the Wheel. She did give Rand the idea that he would likely have to unBore the Bore because in the future/past there wasn't a Bore at some point. Moiraine was saying what Moiraine wanted to hear at that point because Mat was a 'stupid boy' (which he was for taking the dagger), and she didn't want it to be him. Lan was making too much sense, and she wanted to shut him up because they're going to the Eye and that was that. While I still think it's silly that all five could have been the Dragon, not knowing *who* it is (it could have just been the guys) is actually a better choice. show-Moiraine has been much more interesting to me, and I generally liked her in the books. Her being all out of sorts was a fantastic narrative choice. She just wants to know who the Dragon actually is so she can sit down for five minutes. I didn't like that she was trying to 'handle' Rand, and I liked their relationship when she returned. I wonder if the show will kill her off for real? You still need Mat to lose the eye, but I suppose it doesn't necessarily have to be the price to free her. I can't imagine who else Rand would trust with Callendor at the end other than her and Ny though. Avienda? Are they airing the finale on xmas eve next week? I don't know if I'll be able to watch. I'm going to be chomping at the bit if I can't talk to you people for 2 weeks.
  16. Neal on White Collar faked his death and is living in Europe though. SFPD could team up with Peter on a special case, and they could all go to New York! No way Monk would travel though. I would like to see Gus be abducted. James knows these characters pat, and I'd like to see how terrified Shawn would be and to what lengths he'd go to find Gus. He wrote the horror episodes really well, so I think he has the chops to pull off something not as light as this movie.
  17. He probably was in the library. Humans are loud and fussy. We can't really say, but yes, there's some more information or scenes that could have been added that would have made everyone feel a little better. There's a big clue when Rand meets Loial that also ties in this episode too, but I don't know if it landed. All of that has been on the screen so there's no book information coming out here. There was other information mentioned in passing when Moiraine and Siuan were talking privately. But right now, for sure, the prevailing opinion is correct - Rand can channel, and he thinks he's the Dragon. That's it. However, it's been consistent that Rand is protective of his friends too. Once Moiraine copped that the others might die, I can buy that he's thinking, 'well, I know I can channel at least, and I don't want the others to risk it'. I wouldn't even say that he actually thinks he's the Dragon, but he's the Dragon-enough. Also correct - Logain could channel big and thought he was the Dragon. He wasn't because Moiraine thinks the real Dragon Reborn is younger. They haven't literally stated what these so-called prophecies are, which would add to the discussion. Also correct - Ny is perfectly correct in questioning Moiraine. We're only going on Moiraine's word. I think that's fine though. And we still have one more episode. There's no reason that we can't go into the second season still questioning whether the Dragon is really Rand or not. Or that Rand might question himself. To be fair, they're doing an A- job in adapting this story, so I think it will bear out, and we'll get a definitive answer at some point if not next week. Don't forget, at this point, Siuan had only had a dream that the dark one is weak and is at the Eye. Moiraine realizes this is a time sensitive issue, and given how out of sorts she was this episode - She's sick and tired of not knowing, and Rand pops up and says he channeled Traveling with the whole lot of a bunch of country kids No idea what to do with Ny who would argue with her whether water is wet Not much of anything with Min's visions She's not the most reliable narrator, and she's been doing this her whole life. Now she's banned from her girlfriend on top of that. I think she's just over everything and wants to roll the hard six. She also knows damn well that she has no idea what they're going to find at the Eye or what to do when they get there. I think she's confident enough that Rand is forthright and wouldn't be turned to the dark. He's not nuts from the power either. All he's done is knock a door down though. Not quite Logain level at this point.
  18. She does a lot of that in her shows. There might be stand up specials out there too.
  19. It's already been answered, but I thought for a second it was Mat too. I doubt it. The writing on this show isn't strong enough for me to expect that. But we'll see. She wants to believe. Moiraine is the Fox Mulder of this Age. The show has been clear that it's literally her life's work. To be fair, they showed him channeling here when he broke down the door. I can buy that when he knocked on the door and said, "It's me," that he told her he thought he channeled then. Looking at Moiraine in this episode, she knows she is way in deep, so she's going to take the risk. If it's not really Rand, and they both die, then the Dragon still lives on.
  20. I have to add they're doing well with Ny too. There was a little more to her in the books than Lan, but she was still always just angry all the time, and there weren't many actual person moments until way way later on. I mean, you didn't get that she was protective of the kids more than yelling at them. I wasn't expecting them to have sex so soon. Again though, the books were terrible with actual relationships. I thought it was a good narrative choice to reveal Lan's backstory at this point too. I liked that they showed Rand doing the 'flame and the void' with the bow later on because it's so essential to him channeling. I don't think non bookers might have caught on to that, but it seems TPTBs actually got that. It's a well done subtle detail. We're talking about the most powerful channler ever since the last Dragon with no one to train him. I had speculated a while back if they were going to take a GOT approach and have the second to last episode be the 'big' episode. I can't really say the reveal of Rand was particularly well done. I think they hedged too much to not make it obvious, but I don't think they needed to be so subtle either. It's cool you all picked out Rand channeled when breaking the door down. I know they couldn't be so overt at that point, but flashing back and showing the power felt tacked on. If I was a non booker, I'd kind of call it out. tbh, having the Machin Shin say it made no sense if Moiraine is saying not to listen to it. I also very much agree with having Tam deliver the baby as a great choice.
  21. I tend to think in this genre prophecies are a bit of a crutch to force plot. A prophecy is just a guess that happens to be true. However to be a little fair here, this is a world where people believe in literal reincarnation. Moraine's whole purpose is to find the reincarnation of the Dragon. Also to be fair, in general, I'd say a prophecy probably doesn't mean what you think it means, but I can't really call out anyone actually believing in prophecy here. Because it's kind of history at the same time. Nice that they have an in-show explanation why the Trollocs got to the Two Rivers without anyone knowing. I think it's both her and Lan. Once Lan was saying 'what if it's *really* him [Mat]?' when they get in the Ways, she was like, 'we're in deep here'. Even as the show progressed, her jacket was undone, hair out of sorts. I did appreciate Moiraine being raw led her to slowly be more open with the gang after Min. No, I think I have to call bs for the first time on an otherwise very well done show. That was shoehorned in for conflict. The actor did not play it like that at all.
  22. I said before, if anyone is going to call bs on going in the Ways on a goose chase it's Mat. I wouldn't have had a problem without the re-casting if Mat stayed behind. He's obviously essential to the story. I'm sure they'll come up with a way to get back on track. Silver lining - while I'm not a fan of Mat has 'darkness', either we know what's in store, so think of it as a redemption arc. Plus, you have the scene with Rand defending him has some foreshadowing. I have to think non bookers had to be way confused at the opening scene. Did the books have Machin Shin speak to them? That was super! I'm kind of worried, they are making Ny too bad ass too early. I mean, she cleanses the taint and discovers balefire first. She's not even close to Rand. WOW I didn't know that was Min. What and introduction! The scene with just the four was really well done. It seems like a lot of non book scenes are much better. It was like us talking outside of the books or what I thought they should have said in the books. Even 'They're both big and brood.' I hope they continue to poke fun on some of the more sloggish aspects of the books. They're just killing it with Lan. Even with the added scenes of Moiraine and Lan actually talking, they've done wonders with bringing basically nothing to an actual person.
  23. Edgy with the stationary store. I would go candle shop.
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