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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Actually, I think Battlestar Galactica is to blame for that. They don't want anyone to think she's saying "frakking".
  2. This isn't a high-profile show, so it may not matter, but there are some folks who might raise a fuss if a minority co-host were to be eplaced with a white one.
  3. Besides pampering his dog, anything that strikes his fancy, like the 3D printer that got Howard into trouble for trying to share the cost.
  4. Can you make room for the morons shilling for Liberty Mutual?
  5. Ravi may have hoped Peyton would want to talk to somebody about what happened; she had no reason to think he already knew.
  6. Blaine led him to believe that Liv is part of his organization, so he isn't going to try an end-run. The improved productivity of Homicide could still cause complications; somebody looking at the statistics might wonder if innocent people are being railroaded for the sake of clearing cases.
  7. If that's true, it suggests that there was no ill intent behind the ads, but that hasn't been an excuse before.
  8. I hate shows that end a season in anything that can be described as a cliffhanger, but a producer has to be confident in what he's turning out to forgo doing that these days, so I suspect I won't be liking next week's episode.
  9. If you're going to have somebody pitching fried chicken, better the Colonel than a black woman (how does Popeye's get away with that?).
  10. I was expecting a reaction to it being double-jalapeno. He's lucky she doesn't order her pizzas from somewhere that will put the hot sauce on for you. Re: Meat Cute Amnesia from the recap. It's quite plausible that the deterioration that requires zombies to feed could cause memory problems.
  11. Reminded me of Woody Harrelson's take on Larry Flynt.
  12. It would have been so much easier if Liv hadn't thrown out the leftover hit-man brains.
  13. He promises not to do anything to her family?
  14. The title of Executive Producer doesn't always mean much. The stars of a successful show can have that title.
  15. Would you settle for a personal helicopter like Little Nellie in the Bond film You Only Live Twice? There's one waiting for FAA approval that's been computerized to make it easy to fly and keep you out of trees and power lines (rocket launcher sold separately).
  16. Choosing to put it up against The Big Bang Theory probably means something, but I'm not sure what.
  17. Or tech geeks. But, you also have people who would be happy to have a watch that always has the correct time. Or that monitors their vital signs. Being able to communicate like Dick Tracy probably also has an appeal for some.
  18. I currently live in the third largest city in my state, and I can't count on getting a cell phone signal (they only care about the downtown area). If I didn't already have a cell phone, I probably wouldn't buy one.
  19. Does Sheldon use doctors other than for emergency treatment?
  20. I have never had anyone ask for that over the phone. Generally speaking, one's phone number currently seems to be the most commonly used identifier.
  21. According to the episode numbers on Comcast, this was actually the first episode. That's no guarantee everything in it was shot first, but ITA that it felt like they were just starting out. The 9 probably refers to the order in which it was slated to appear, so it aired a week early.
  22. Even though it's a bit dumb to have State Farm agents teleporting, I like the ones showing them disappearing from the offices. Although, what are they implying about their services when they have one woman pop back with the disheveled look that sitcoms use to indicate that someone just had sex?
  23. Blame Jeopardy's casting director. Some very smart celebrities have appeared on other game shows. I recall a version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire where celebrities were winning a lot of money for charity without the questions being dumbed-down. IIRC, it was Norm MacDonald that could have won the top prize if Regis hadn't been playing his mind games (pretty douchey when it's for charity).
  24. You can tie down a trunk lid, which I presume a kidnapper would do, so the feature is really more for the folks who were locking themselves in their own trunks. Whatever happened to being able to fold down a rear seat for long items (which would also let you get out of a trunk if you weren't kidnapped)?
  25. IIRC, Buffy put that aside fairly early on and there really was no explanation for her subsequent delay, other than apparently needing to wait until her friends were attacked to act. I see Lowell on par with Giles' girlfriend and it taking something happening to Major or Ravi for Liv to act (maybe with Peyton or Liv's brother being under threat). Neither Major nor Clive have heard of body armor? Just how old is the story line that the writers are cribbing from? FWIW, I've heard that the shots Major fired might not have been enough to stop a big guy like that IRL and that's why cops are trained to keep firing when under attack, so there's a second explanation for why the "body" disapeared that Clive could have suggested.
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