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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. You also had the vampires in True Blood, most of whom weren't like Angel and NK.
  2. More importantly, why would most people want a car that will slide around on the road? It looks like they're trying to make the most of a design deficiency by doing something cool in the ad.
  3. Some well-known actresses have had a similar misbelief after initially auditioning for the big role for which they are known, but it sometimes happens that the producers will change their minds about a character, often because they liked what a particular actress did better than what they had originally envisioned.
  4. Let's try this another way. What makes you think Max didn't see things that put into question Whitney's claimed inability to save up for a trip after four years? It could have been little things like pulling out a smartphone instead of a flip-phone that added up. How do we know that she is? She clearly didn't want her family anywhere near filming. What if she knew her mom would take exception to that portrayal because Mom's really the one raising a family with the help of government benefits. She might have given Nev an earful about Whitney not chipping in enough of what she earns and always videochatting with her friends instead of helping with the chores.
  5. She didn't have to take the trip. She chose to scam someone rather than compromise her lifestyle to save up for it or just not do it. In this day and age, you can get internet access in schools, colleges, and libraries. Don't forget that there's a second person in this relationship, who could have been kicking in towards the airfare which can be cheap anyway if you're flexible about timing.
  6. I think you could have declared any of the three contestants the winner of the final task depending on how you weight the successes of each. From the broadbrush view of the concept, it was right that Darla "won", but was a tainted victory. Laura, at least, deserved her win.
  7. What "unconscious privilege"? That sounds like someone who thinks that if you can afford cable TV and internet service, you ought to be able to save up enough money for a plane ticket, if the trip is really that important to you.
  8. The folks in Sunnydale did notice, but mostly stayed anyway (maybe it was the cheap property values).
  9. How about if Edward was a triplet and they played it for humor, with Jane seeing one "moonlighting", and the other in an odd setting for a priest, like a bar?
  10. Besides offering a little variety, it was the producers' chance to tell everyone that they're not going to do an episode just so someone can get on TV or say they fooled them.
  11. She would have failed with fantasy if Laura hadn't talked her out of the worm idea she seemed set on. That reminds me, did I miss something or did Emily not need/get any substantial help from Laura or Mr. Westmore? MW made a comment about painting that came off as stating the obvious for lack of anything else to say, and that was about it. It wasn't a gender thing, it was an age thing. Schools these days presume that everyone who needs one will have a calculator or computer handy, so they don't put much effort into teaching how to do math "the hard way".
  12. In the states that allow you to apprentice instead of graduating from an approved law school, would any back then have allowed a remote apprenticeship?
  13. I once saw an ED ad spoof that promised to send out one of their "professionals" to assist, referring to the ladies in the background of the ad, dressed as you might expect.
  14. Have they actually established that the priest is Edward, as opposed to a twin brother?
  15. I absolutely hated the way the finale was structured. Anyone getting fantasy was going to have an advantage, and anyone getting post-apocalyptic a disadvantage. Like Tasya, it crossed my mind that the assignments were preselected. Why use computer monitors instead of the usual method of making blind picks if it was really random? There sure were a lot of zoom-ins on Wind's chest; it reached a point where I wondered if the director was thinking about more than wanting us to see Darla's workmanship yet again.
  16. Penny was probably talking about take-home pay rather than gross. After you account for expenses like insurance and retirement contributions, and the fact that you get a break on Social Security Taxes for salaries not much more than Leonard's, Penny may be grossing no more than an extra 50% or so.
  17. Leonard is in the middle ground between failure and success, both in his career and financially. He doesn't have to worry about getting fired or paying his bills, but neither does he have anything to brag about on either front. More than anything he was upset at Penny's sudden success after he put in so much effort and expense to get to where he was. I used to know a woman with a Master's from MIT who expressed the same sentiment when her non-degreed boyfriend landed a new job with a 6-figure salary. Mentioning the loans was just part of Leonard whining about the situation.
  18. It won't be 100% if any are like the guy who needed Salt-N-Pepa to tell him to push a door marked "PUSH" in big letters and won't be reading the signs.
  19. As I'm sure were any women who went to the other door. How many women were paying any attention to the words, rather than just automatically picking the door on the right?
  20. In S2, Leonard admitted to his mother that he wasn't doing any original research, and the only work mentioned since that might have provided an opportunity was the DoD project that he told Penny couldn't be done. It's possible something will come from his new idea.
  21. Are they going home, or just around back, since the ADT dude is "always there" on the front lawn? BTW, one of the top rules of security systems is not to tell anyone anything about what you have because it helps crooks to know, but ADT seems to be a particularly heavy offender in having signage (and you can see it in the ad); I guess advertising is more important than serving the customer.
  22. Having a little kid on a bed is one thing, but how about getting that woman down off the chair?
  23. You mean like the examples she's showing here: http://www.emilyserpico.com/fx.html
  24. I presume "botulism" is a reference to (often overdone) Botox treatments.
  25. Or at least some boxes. On BB, Hank had some stuff sent over rather than sit around as an invalid, and I peg Chuck as being the same way. He was happy to dig into what Jimmy brought over.
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