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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. A skillet on the stove would work too if it's non-stick.
  2. He and Raj were about to go to a Sound of Music sing-along when Howard stopped by after returning from space and he didn't suggest Howard go in his place, so that's a reasonable presumption.
  3. Is this an inconsistency, or character growth? One reason I like this show is that characters are allowed to change (however glacial that may seem at times, it's better than many other sitcoms).
  4. What makes you think she got the tattoo from a pro? It could have been a friend or acquaintance with a little more skill than those whose work shows up on Tattoo Nightmares.
  5. I suspect he was influenced by Sheldon, whom we've heard be dismissive about diamonds when he was getting Amy an apology gift. And he was right. I've seen selling people on the "value" of diamonds called one of the greatest marketing achievements of the 20th century.
  6. The time limits in football have never stopped those games from interfering with other shows. I've seen the commentators yammer for a half hour after the game itself has ended, with the clear intent of stretching out the show, or cut things abruptly short. I think its all a matter of how many hours of game time they managed to get sponsorship for.
  7. Because it's such a great idea to be driving while holding a cone that you're watching closely lest it drip onto your clothes?
  8. It was a pretty short scene. Maybe they couldn't find a young albino who could act? Liv doesn't want to risk anyone finding out, so she does her coloring herself. I'm sure Blaine has somebody in on their secret to take care of the LT. How soon before Clive's boss decides it's a good idea to have a few other bullet-resistant officers on his squad? I'm sure the men who were told they didn't have to rush into an unfamiliar house after armed felons were happy to hear that, but he can't keep acting like the star of a cop movie.
  9. There are two DQ's around here and neither has a drive-thru. One is in a mall and the other is along a highway and styled like the local seasonal places where you can stop for a hotdog and some ice cream.
  10. I don't get why what Clive said with the reporter listening should have been a big deal. It goes without saying that everyone on up from Homicide doesn't want to see murders going unsolved. But, as Clive's boss reminded him, there's also a Missing Persons department, and ditto for everyone on up from them not wanting to see disappearances going unsolved. Nobody's suggested that officers are being pulled from the latter to help out the former, so where's the story? What was up with the zombie-rat being so big? We've yet to see any super-sized human zombies.
  11. Raj is just taking the approach that it doesn't hurt to aim high, like when he was out with the ladies and they talked about helping him meet someone, he said that she should be a 9 or 10. When called on that, he admitted he'd take anyone who'd have him.
  12. Sure it can; you're not trying to buy or sell millions of shares at a time. But, all the brokers are adding over what's available on other web sites is an easy way to place an order before you've thought it through, so you're better off with the other sites. He might if he knows he sucks at teaching and his class is important to the careers of his students.
  13. True, but why pass up all of that money, and gifts like an expensive car (even if it doesn't have seat warmers)?
  14. For "only" 50% more than the same pizza without it ($12 vs $8). For that, you could fry up a pound or so at home and cover it.
  15. Did you look at the total revenue? PJ's profit margin was about 4.8%; they were only making 48 cents on a $10 pizza. The health insurance issue is moot at this point because of Obamacare, which made everybody, including PJ's, offer it so everybody could raise their prices without losing customers to someone else.
  16. Some people just take a guess and go by how much they're short or have extra after everyone has coughed up the original number. A pizza employee can wind up with a pretty generous tip that way, so John may be doing his employees a disservice.
  17. Hopefully that's all they were doing. Just watching. That's where scotch-guarding would come in.
  18. Because a real person can say what the director wants just as well as an actor.
  19. At one point later on, you could see a camera sitting on a base, so they probably let them talk without the crew there either, but they've given other couples real privacy, so I don't know why they didn't this time. Maybe you have to threaten not to sign a release. Neither looked like they would be able to stand up to producer coercion. Jamey asked a really important question when he wanted to know if Ari had been both or one. Doctors can turn someone from both to one, but not from one to the other. If your definition of "real woman" is "close enough to have sex with", then you're fine, but Ari is celibate, so that's gonna be a deal-breaker for most men anyway. I really didn't like the "very special episode" tone.
  20. Yes, you can pay for a several-hundred-dollar phone as part of your monthly service bill, or buy a used phone for less than half that price and put it on your credit card, but you don't have to do either. The point is that if you're claiming poverty as a reason why you need Catfish to see your "true love", and there's no evidence you've been doing any penny pinching to try to afford the trip on your own, people are going to think you just wanted to get on TV.
  21. Depends on the passengers and what they're doing with it. There used to be a car ad that bragged about the built-in dvd player for passengers in the back seat. It showed a couple of kiddies letting out a screech (at what they were watching) that could have been very distracting to a driver IRL.
  22. The product is intended for shaping. If you just want to trim things up (or mow it down) other products are sufficient.
  23. It's possible that the show originally went over and they couldn't trim the scenes any further, so they dropped one completely.
  24. They just did, but it's Clive's boss, so I don't see her taking that kind of interest once she knows. She didn't have a suitcase so she grabbed a big sheet of plastic into which to throw a few things in a hurry?
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