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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Really, the only way the gun would have been left there would be if there was some sort of emergency that called the partners away. Mike could equally have retrieved it if they had driven him home. If they had decided to let Mike walk, Mike could have staged a scene to change their minds before they were gone.
  2. With the attitude he's been taking, I suspect HH embezzled the money; he won't let Chuck cash out because he doesn't have enough left to give him.
  3. Even if he wanted fan input, you wouldn't see it reflected in the remainder of the season. The way a series is produced, there's enough leeway to slip in something to note a major news event, but that's about it; the episodes are already done.
  4. True, but she could have had the cops return the $5, and didn't; she was hoping to end up with both the newspaper and the money.
  5. I suspect Mike has had a peek at Jimmy's criminal record. Do the Philly cops lock themselves out of their cars often? Standard door locks of the era were designed to be resistant to Mike's method of breaking in, so the old style knobs were a conscious decision by somebody at the department.
  6. I used to know an administrator at a university who had tenure. Officially he was also a member of the faculty, but the rules allowed a professor to go an absurd number of years between teaching and still stay a member. What we've seen on the show has been entirely plausible. I don't know if it fits the rules at CalTech specifically, but I'm not sure the writers need to be bound by that.
  7. Why are the folks who stamp all their ads with the word "truth" advising people who smoke that they can get more responses on dating sites if they hide that?
  8. Telling people they have the right to say no means you're also telling them they have the right to say yes.
  9. I hated that they were going by amount grossed. I'm fairly certain Event Horizon actually was on somebody's top list a few years back by that measurement. Word association probably would have worked well on the element question. Hearing "neon" might make you think of argon, xenon, and krypton; from "gold", silver and platinum should be obvious. This strategy would leave lots of "traps" for an opponent trying to go sequentially through the elements since duplicating a prior answer was a loss. From the POV of this game, there's nothing special about having a PhD except that it shows that the person isn't lying about their interest in that subject; at least a couple of past contestants crumbled when their alleged expertise in an area was put to the test.
  10. Chuck should have told the cops that the neighbor had agreed to sell the newspaper; legally, the $5 was an offer of trade that she accepted by not returning it.
  11. Coincidentally, a local newspaper printed an article about the Mars program yesterday; they're only sending a few people at a time and they have to agree to be "chaste". Because of that rule, doing a joint application probably guarantees rejection. Leonard could have saved himself some trouble and embarrassment by checking the novelty gift stores. I know Spencer's carries things like that and Google tells me there's one in the Glendale Galleria. Raj has trouble lying. I hope he's planning on buying her something to replace what he broke. Putting nails through the front of the drawer was dumb Emily s messing with Raj. I wouldn't doubt that there's something unusual in her closet, but we'll never see it because it's better left to the imagination, a concept she clearly understood.
  12. I could see Howard capturing some of it on video for when he gets back.
  13. Same one as where the owner just happens to be peeking out the blinds at the right time to see it get taken?
  14. I think a guy like Ricky would reject the idea of having a currency that isn't backed by something of value, but it would have been difficult for Jimmy to have gotten anything more than expense money in a form he could use. Ricky would have been offended.
  15. Leonard should put more effort into finding common ground on Penny's turf, rather than be always introducing her to things he likes. Sheldon makes a better effort.
  16. You wouldn't if you didn't go looking for it, which they're implying you should do before using the product (and if something happens don't blame them if you didn't look hard enough because it's not like they didn't say anything).
  17. They never really say that, but you're right that there really isn't anyone else they could put you ahead of to make you first but another "member". As far as knowing how you feel, that probably translates into having one of those "we care about your business" voices come on once in a while when you're on hold.
  18. The producers are trying to cater to younger viewers who may not know that; when was the last time you saw one (outside of a Happy Days rerun)? Don't forget the laugh she has that's just like an old Looney Tunes character.
  19. I'm reminded of this 4th season exchange: Penny: God, he's an ass when he drinks. Howard: Oh, he's an ass when he doesn't. You just don't hear it.
  20. I don't think Leonard is less of a jerk, but he does let Penny have her way on things that I wouldn't see somebody like Kurt doing.
  21. You have the alliance, cliques, and the group at large. When I would hear Colby talk about being excluded, it seemed like he was talking about the group, which I don't think was true. In a game like this people are going to be going off to strategize, and if you're the big competition, you have to expect that you're not going to be invited to that. No reason he couldn't have created his own alliance (except maybe enough egotism to think he didn't need one).
  22. I'm a bit puzzled about this week's results. Emily didn't win because her creation wasn't very Clivey, but Ben did even though his wasn't either, but it went in a direction Clive had been thinking of going (according to the guest). When I google Clive Barker's characters, Emily's does fit in with some of what CB has done (albeit not those mentioned in presenting the challenge). Meanwhile, based on the previews, Ben's creation looks like it would have fit right in with next week's alien challenge, but this week was supposed to be a horror challenge. It's not unusual for bottom contestants to convince themselves that someone else deserves to be booted more. They could be right, but the judges are not consistent in how they weigh that week's work vs track record, and may not see a meaningful difference anyway.
  23. According to a news story at the time, it had been provably correct for years, but no new treatment was available. Remarkable timing for one to be developed when the old treatments (that just kept the symptoms under control) were going off patent. Officially discovering that some people were overly sensitive to electromagnetic radiation might lead to discovering that everyone else was more sensitive than previously thought (so forget about routine use of some of that expensive medical equipment). There were no circumstances that justified such urgency, so they were risking loss of a successful prosecution if they were right, but every city has cops that care more about bullying people.
  24. In ads, an "up to" generally translates to "a whole lot less than" so you can put aside that possibility.
  25. Alliances can have value and are supposed to be a secret and have a limited membership. Being in one doesn't mean you can't be friends with those that aren't and those that aren't shouldn't take it personally that they were left out; chance is often a factor in membership.
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