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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. It's been a long time since the discovery that early cell phones were giving people cancer, so the bed would be designed to avoid exposing patients to too much electromagnetic radiation, which is what Chuck is concerned with (not electric current). It's an open question whether that should still be enough for him to feel in order to be consistent with his claims.
  2. There actually is such a product, which is probably what gave the writers the idea. It was invented in Japan, so whatever it says may not be subject to the same alternate interpretations. I'm not sure she actually did. Chuck said that it was only certain frequencies of electromagnetic energy that bothered him. Just because he's paranoid about anything electrical doesn't mean he doesn't really have a problem. And, mental state affects pain perception.
  3. I could see her declaring at some point that if he wasn't going to show proper appreciation for the gifts she gave him that she wasn't going to give him any more.
  4. With Sheldon's views on obligationa to reciprocate, I don't think they'd be sending him anything. If he's okay with a phone call, it could be made at a time that no one else is likely to know about it (per his request).
  5. There are still coffee commercials, but they don't want you to buy it at a grocery store; they want you to get it at Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Starbucks, etc either brewed by somebody behind a counter, or in a very expensive bag.
  6. Sometimes contestants are aware of the cameras. Sometimes producers will reenact what happened if there are technical problems. I liked the "...please don't use this" LC scene because it actually seemed unscripted, which is rare for such a heavy-handed product placement. I think somebody figured out that they had screwed up the point values and Amanda needed to know where she stood. She may have picked a hard question anyway, but she shouldn't have had to after Colby missed one out of only three questions. If she had gone with a medium question again, she would likely have lost, at best tied. I like it when contestants have paid enough attention to the show they're competing on to make a good guess as to what to expect. As it turns out, they should have been thinking a little broader when looking at the murder suspects, but it was enough to send in the right person to win against Colby.
  7. Howard may be planning on having a service in Pasadena before the urn is buried (a requirement under Jewish law, so Bernie shouldn't be seeing it in their home). When Sheldon and Amy were investigating the transmission of gossip, Penny expressed the view that it was okay to tell close friends a secret as long as they promised not to tell anyone. I'm sure she texted Leonard and having the party was his idea.
  8. Sheldon fully knows that Penny can't keep a secret and has commented on it in her presence, yet told her about his birthday anyway. What conclusion should she have reached other than he was volunteering to go through an experience he didn't really like as long as Penny understood that? After all, once the surprise is over with, you've got a celebration in his honor; that's right up his alley.
  9. IMDB confirms that it was the same actress, but what's wrong with Bethany having a new job over five years later? Working at the Gap isn't usually a lifelong career.
  10. According to VG, that scene took place in 1992.
  11. CharIamagne has been appearing on other MTV shows. The others are probably in this because so few people have heard of them. Nobody pays attention to pageant winners. The singer probably shouldn't have chosen a name that could be confused with a porn actress.
  12. I suspect a BTS reason. Maybe someone is looking to hire staff to help on a project for which this challenge was relevant. Maybe the workroom was unavailable due to repairs, new equipment installation, or periodic visit by an exterminator. Doing something outdoors will always have a weather risk, so they're not going to have a challenge like that without a good reason.
  13. Good point. Jimmy didn't let the mark get the kind of look we did.
  14. Additionally, it's still early in the season, with two thirds of the contestants still in the competion.
  15. Why do they bother putting prices on anything any more? The show has lost all credibility in that respect; $40 for a dvd player that probably sold for $15-$20 new (that you don't even know works)? Much less Hester's fantasyland appraisals. I think I appreciated Mary more as an alternative to having Dave in the episode.
  16. Wasn't it just last season a group tried that tactic against someone who was good enough to keep winning? From what we've been told, it sounds like Colby grew up in the subculture where getting an education and working hard is considered a sucker's game since if you play it right you can just sponge off someone else (or the government) or make good money doing something illegal.
  17. Maybe the car has an automatic trunk closer. I saw one demonstrated on TV a few years ago, and all you get is the click of the latch, which may not be audible from the front.
  18. I think insect bites would have been a bigger hazard. They explicitly said that the contestants could make the second model blend in. Combining the two models to make the queen was clearly not what the challenge intended, but the judges don't usually mind bending (or breaking) the rules if the results are good enough. The finale is the only time declaring a winner matters, so I don't see why they just don't do it if there's an issue with the top look(s) not doing what was asked. They should have had Lois bring McKenzie a hat.
  19. Can you really get anywhere near $3000 when pawning a $5000 Rolex? I thought 50% of resale value was about all you could expect for jewelry. Jimmy's partner should have been dressed better to sell the idea that the watch was anything but the counterfeit it was.
  20. On average, someone who needs a public defender isn't going to be as smart as someone with the resources to hire their own lawyer, so he should have expected that in the clients he's seeing. Not that he won't find dumb upscale criminals too.
  21. I guess that means if Amy lost the bet, it was Leonard's fault.
  22. I think you're describing an episode of Skin Wars.
  23. Actually there was an episode where Skyler said that they had not reported the income. Presumably she didn't trust what Saul had set up enough to have it be more than a backup plan, so that connection never got made.
  24. That's why I was a little surprised that he practically confessed to Nacho. He had plenty of time to think of what to say and could have at least taken the obvious tactic of pointing out that Nacho was conspicuous enough to have spooked the Kettlemans. If Nacho were to find out about the phone call, Jimmy could claim that they made that up because they couldn't say that they were afraid that the stranger hanging out in the neighborhood was after the money they embezzled.
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