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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. They may only be out there for something special, like a meteor shower. A certain percentage of people will do what they think they can get away with. For their own safety, nobody driving a Smart Car would dare try what the driver of a semi can get away with, so the frequency with which you'll see such behavior will depend on where the vehicle falls on that scale.
  2. She didn't just insult Annie, she also insulted Trump when she smeared the entire industry. When she walked out, the producers should have let her go. At best, she only rated third place for the season.
  3. I presume they meant that she's a nerd who's a celebrity (rather than a celebrity to nerds). She seemed to do well in the games.
  4. At least Amy had a work-related reason for doing it, unlike Sheldon wanting to know at what point Leonard would find his food "moth-y".
  5. Buick is running a series of ads pushing the idea that their cars look just like everyone else's; so much so that you might get into the wrong car. How is that a good thing?
  6. Do the folks at Priceline not like Kaley Cuoco's new hairstyle? You hardly see her in the latest ad.
  7. I'm right there with you in remembering when "nerd" had a narrower usage. I think someone crosses the line between sports fan and sports nerd when they become annoying, perhaps by always showing off what they know.
  8. It may only be a temporary change, done with a Mission Impossible level disguise, rather than plastic surgery. That means that Rose would be back to her old self within a few episodes. Until then, the changed Rose might look exactly like one of the other characters.
  9. Partly. There were only four eliminations from the original 15 prior to the end of this episode, so you still had 11 contestants (plus the 3 coaches = 14 people).
  10. I don't think BB ever solved its pacing issues, and it looks like BCS is headed the same way. It's a consequence of bending the story such that each episode ends at a compelling point to make viewers want to tune in again next week. Sometimes you're just not going to have the content (although the BB writers were better than most at cooking up filler).
  11. Piers didn't give him a choice; he was able to use Trump's words against him to frame the competition as being all about money raised. Trump has made it clear ever since that the money is just one factor, and has gotten so vague about what else could be considered he's now free to pick whomever he wants.
  12. They were looking for the person that had been leaving Nacho suspicious messages, potentially his partner in the apparent crime. They weren't about to let Nacho have his lawyer any sooner than absolutely necessary.
  13. Finding a pay phone wouldn't have been difficult; it's where he found one that's remarkable. Any place that restricts cell phone use, like a hospital, would have had them. So did major fast-food chains like McDonalds. Maybe an auto repair shop. At the side of a road in an urban area, not so much (at least one that worked). I took it as a change in tactic; they're probably tailing him.
  14. I recently tripped across the facebook page where Genevieve is doing short precaps and recaps of each episode (https://www.facebook.com/genevievepearsonwriter). In her Feb 4th preview she says that she's not the Genevieve that Jonathan was referring to as his wife.
  15. If Moby had been aiming for a test of Ori's TNG knowledge, he'd have asked what Worf called prune juice. Reversing the question makes no sense without providing a context (like specifying an Earth drink), unless he wanted to be a jerk and put Ori on the spot while putting down TNG with the "answer". It doesn't have to be an "uncool" subject; there's a such thing as a sports nerd. It's a song, so "everyone" should not be taken literally, but yes, the popular kids can technically be nerds too. Bullying is a matter of using whatever works; there doesn't have to be any consistency.
  16. There's more that could have happened to Walt than to be killed, as we saw with Hank, and the same goes for Saul.
  17. True noise canceling headphones try to get rid of all external noise (although current technology is weak at higher frequencies), but the term is often extended to cover noise reduction/isolation headphones.
  18. If it was literally a fucking teddy bear, that would put an entirely different spin on this ad, especially the final bedroom scene.
  19. Isn't that really the case for any drama that puts the lead character "in danger"? Even when there's no single lead, were the producers really going to kill off one of Charlie's Angels or a member of The A-Team? The tension is in how he escapes and maybe with what consequences.
  20. Or, he could actually go to law school again and pick a specialty where he wouldn't be bumping into anyone he knew. He doesn't have to be in the splashy ads; there's a local firm that uses a recognizable actor from 60's TV to get noticed. I would agree about Lydia, whose fate was left unknown, but something Saul could find out about if he cared. I don't think he would be able to know if any of the Nazis were still around or cared about him.
  21. Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean he didn't.
  22. It's historical fiction, so it's grounded in some measure of reality, like Little House on the Prairie. Bible fiction would be on the same level as Amy's LHotP fiction.
  23. Egotism from just winning a challenge?
  24. I liked the visual pun of the nail salon being a front for a laundering operation (the washing machines running in the back room).
  25. The guy may be a liar. The national chains have a track record of being conservative in doing peoples' taxes, so they may not get you as much of your money back as somebody else.
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