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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. That's the gimmick of the season. If they were serious about the theme, it would be the apprentices competing, with the masters allowed to give a limited amount of assistance each time, until near the end, when they'd be declared ready to finish the competition on their own. If they wanted to cut the number of people, nothing says you have to have only one apprentice per master.
  2. They get to hear from the judges why the others were wrong. Occasionally, it really will be crap, but the canvas would already know that. It'll be interesting to see how the judges deal with that situation. One of the contestants said that he expected it to be a team competition. He's got a lot more sense than the producers. Master vs apprentice just isn't going to generate the kind of drama they've been pushing every season so far (not that I'd be opposed to dropping that element to focus more time on the artwork).
  3. Same here, although it crossed my mind that it could refer to the city by that name. I never even thought of the car brand.
  4. Clearly, time is not the issue, but if she told the truth and said it was the cost, she wouldn't have gotten to be in the ad.
  5. Cheryl Ann is a bit of an egotist to think she won the camouflage challenge. Didn't she see what Avi did? Doesn't she know that when there are three people on deck, the first name called is usually another "you're safe"?
  6. Wouldn't someone carpooling with her know that she's in the habit of getting dressed before eating breakfast and uses her robe to keep her work clothes clean? Being at the curb would be helpful if the group was running late, but there's something to be said for consistency, and the porch is a good all-weather spot to wait.
  7. After seeing a repeat of the first episode knowing where the season ended, it's clear that they had some trouble with even a short season.
  8. Are you talking about the global cooling that was predicted at the start of those decades or the global warming currently predicted (except by some in Asia)? Nobody's ever disputed that the climate changes (we're not in an ice age any more); the problem is in knowing where it's headed because there's not enough sufficiently accurate data (it's like predicting where the stock market will be at the end of the year based on last week).
  9. That's not what I read a few months ago, but it's not likely to be dropped casually; they'll use a context where it's unavoidable to hear it. Most likely it'll be her marriage ceremony, but getting arrested would work too (e.g. cop comes up and says "are you Penelope ....?".
  10. There's one more possibility. The yogurt is left over from their naughty activities earlier.
  11. If the town were small enough to only have one doctor, that wouldn't be too difficult, but I'm not sure how meaningful that is anyway. Half the town could have been going to a doctor in the town next door.
  12. I noticed that she shook her head "no" while saying that she had accomplishments, and didn't try to list any, so this show is probably the peak of her career so far. Being a classically trained artist just means she can describe what she and the other artists have done using the proper terminology.
  13. He's credited as "Frightened Young Man", so probably just somebody Blaine grabbed at the skate park to be a stand-in. it's possible we already saw him as an extra there, but it's nobody we knew.
  14. Yesterday's edition of Mark Trail happened to talk about wasps that take over other insects; using a parallel on this show is likely to mean that mind control would be a short-term effect on the way to the victim becoming a zombie, so it's not going to work on other zombies.
  15. It hasn't been established that it has to be human brains to survive. Worst case, using something else may require a medical supplement. It'd be easier to rationalize nibbling on human brains if it were specifically to solve the owner's murder.
  16. It would also be easy to do mind reading or control (that's just voiceovers). I wouldn't want to see them follow in the steps of Heroes, where they started off on relatively solid scientific ground, but abandoned it and started giving characters increasingly implausible abilities.
  17. Liv needs to recognize that eating brains doesn't have to be disgusting if you put some effort into preparing them (like Blaine did) and embrace the value she's providing in being a psychic homicide detective. Then the search for a cure can be back-burnered.
  18. I once saw an old magazine explaining the novelty act where someone would go into a box with some explosives, "blow himself up", and come out unhurt. The key is to have a really powerful blast that you cozy up to so that you wind up in what is essentially the eye of the storm, whereas a weak blast will kill you. Someone doing that trick for show would also want some shielding to have that "not a scratch" look to impress the audience, but it wouldn't matter to a zombie. Suzuki could have survived, but I don't think that's what the writers had in mind when they showed us his body.
  19. A thumbnail version of the truth, skipping the z word should be fine. Serious disease. Ravi's working on a cure. Didn't want to worry her family and friends. But if Major hated the idea of being a zombie as much as he seemed to, and the cure was untested, why wouldn't he have wanted to have it tested on him? That's being altruistic in a way that could benefit him, but people do that every day. Essentially that's what Liv did. This episode felt like it could have used more editing. Lots of big scenes not joined together well.
  20. The guy says that the minivan "came out of nowhere", which is what people say when they didn't see a vehicle they should have before pulling out into an intersection.
  21. There's something about him that reminds you of other, more appealing, actors.
  22. Somebody who can sleep through anything and doesn't have any kids or pets, especially if they like trains or are looking for a cheap price.
  23. You may want to consider substituting the related term "loinfruit".
  24. It's considered normal to have a job lined up by the time you graduate. Colleges are measured by how many do, so they have employment people from companies come to campus rather than rely on student initiative. The more prestigious schools have the contacts to make sure practically all of their graduates are employed, even if they're no better educated than someone at a no-name school.
  25. They're probably trying to hide a "cheap meat" taste that would come through clearly if you ate them separately (the hot dog is likely the bigger offender).
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