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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. More precisely, it's an easy way to pad the episode to the right length after they've put together the other pieces. Sometimes you'll hardly see the place, and other times you'll have lengthy closeups of family photos and other objects.
  2. The ad doesn't really explain why the guy in the truck was riding the center line.
  3. They flash the make and model names on the screen, but it's easy to miss. Isn't that some of the background music they ran in Risky Business (in which Tom Cruise was driving around in a Porsche, not a Dodge)?
  4. My theory is that it's being ghostwritten by the writers' kids.
  5. It's "go along to get along", same as we're seeing some of the HG's doing.
  6. Dave is the only judge who cares. In prior seasons, Peck has gone as far as advocating artists ignore what the canvas wants and tattooing what the artist wants.
  7. Actually play in these kinds of comps tends to be limited before going to a tie-breaking question, closest number wins (e.g. in seconds, how long did the performance last?).
  8. Because I watched that clip enough times to be sure. That's also the comment she tried to "defend", telling Julie that's just the way people talk where she was from, a claim netizens familiar with that part of the country confirmed in a different forum.
  9. Appearing for a Takeover probably conflicts with the shooting schedule for those shows. Yes, and I recall an earlier one where Julia agrees "to be Liz now" with a mocking "doofus" tone in her voice. Liz looked surprised to win HOH. I'm not sure she wanted to win, as it could make it tougher for the twins to keep each other up on what's going on.
  10. It would appear that I was misled about the timeline, but I think the point remains about marketing spreading a misleading message; there's a difference between being un-PC and a bigot. When Julie confronted Aaryn, you could hear Julie's homophobia in her voice when quoting her. That was absent in the original comment; to Aaryn it was just a word to refer to someone who's gay.
  11. It was the marketing campaign that got people to check out what was going on. He should have played it as getting tired from the jumping he was doing on the prior rounds.
  12. I liked the segment where the kid wound up in the pool after attempting to throw the cat in.
  13. And the judges still didn't get it. I blame Cheryl Ann for going off on her own, ruining any chance of telling a simple coherent story about their group of characters.
  14. I half expected a followup of "Are you supposed to be?"
  15. I can't blame them after S15's Aaryn got thrown under the bus and lost her job for the sake of a marketing campaign (is there bigotry in the BB house? tune in and find out) after making three comments that sound bad to anyone who's never seen the clips.
  16. She looks good for 61, younger than the guy.
  17. The more I learn about Scream Queens, the more I wish they'd have brought back the reality competition of the same name instead.
  18. Hopefully not quite like middle school. Unless you want to give the person with first pick a big advantage, which person gets to pick first in each round should alternate. The middle school way is quick and easy, but you don't want to do it with a lot of money at stake without good reason.
  19. At least they dialed things back a bit and have her standing again. The cleavage-y one where she's lying prone on the beach facing the camera came off as a bit desperate for attention.
  20. It could be a subtle form of bigotry. It's pretty much assumed that everyone else in the U.S. can cope with English. Yet for Hispanics you need to translate. What kind of message is that supposed to send?
  21. Maybe the room belongs to another teacher earlier in the day. IMHO, the photo wasn't worth the effort searching. The claim is that shows hire actors in their mid-twenties to play high school students in order to get better actors. Didn't work, and I think it's detracting from the portrayal of a student-teacher relationship to use an actress nearly 25 paired with a teacher played by a youthful 32 yo.
  22. If the guest wanted to make himself useful he should have explained why they cast someone that old to play the "boy king" (Tut ruled for about 9 years starting when he was about 9 years old).
  23. Her music has changed a bit. I wouldn't describe her recent hits (e.g. "Blank Space" or "Shake It Off") as sappy, although they're still lightweight pop destined to be forgotten in a few years. Like many other modern artists, her stuff is better appreciated in video form.
  24. I don't think they were specifically searching for a dentist, but were on the alert for anyone whose profession would make them more likely to notice something different. Casting another cop so soon was out of the question, but a photographer or plastic surgeon would have worked too. Maybe a bar worker accustomed to looking closely at people while checking ID's. Has Meg clarified her job as "server"?
  25. I presume they're saying the car has 20-year-old styling.
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