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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. And that's what they did; just saying it's a bit deceptive to suggest that it means anything about the speed of their car, because the film crew isn't going to have any fast cars built by a competing company around to use and they won't rent one if they have another of the client's available.
  2. The dome could have absorbed the heat energy, making it cool off quickly.
  3. I'm sure they mean they had nothing else on hand because fast cars are not something they could justify keeping on hand from a business perspective.
  4. AFAIK, the law only requires the person to be identified as an actor if it can be seen as an endorsement. The companies may just want to be covered in case somebody takes a broad view. of what that means.
  5. According to Wikipedia, the book is a reworking of something he tried to write twice before. Maybe what we're seeing is the story he wanted to tell all along. The first meteors that fell must have filled in the trench.
  6. All shows like this will inflate the importance of a guest actor. He could have had a guest-starring appearance in one episode and be called "former star of...". The good news is that it means the show was on their radar. Sometimes they'll go with something the actor previously did because they think it'll be more prestigious or recognizable and they didn't do that here. BTW, that's quite an accent he's got put aside.
  7. I hear what really sunk theaters was texting. Before the first showing of the latest blockbuster was finished, movie-goers had already spread the word if it fell short. People in line outside would leave.
  8. You're supposed to trust a company that will give you the money you wanted in sacks delivered by bike messenger?
  9. Intel has been running ads claiming that they provide the technology that lets you turn your PC into a tablet. Since they're really just talking about a tablet with a keyboard that can be physically attached and removed again, what "technology" are they talking about?
  10. In the general sense, they could be telling the truth, but, as they say, the devil is in the details. Make the ball large enough and you're going to make if more difficult for anyone with small hands. Make the surface wider and longer and you're favoring somebody with a long reach. Somebody without toned arms is going to have trouble with a steep slope. Every comp has elements that can be tweaked at the last minute.
  11. I think they were just stretching it out before so that the pool of replacement nominees would dry up and they'd get the "twist" they wanted of somebody starting the week as HOH ending the week getting evicted. Been there, done that, so they can end it at a more reasonable time now.
  12. Another way of looking at it is that both are paid to be in an ad, but the "real people" have to ad lib their lines while the actors get scripts.
  13. Not necessarily, but if air and water can get in, how about enough of that smoke to suffocate everyone? You'd also have the personnel in military installations designed to survive an all-out nuclear war, and, for a while at least, at places buried deep for various reasons (e.g. security) but lacking in supplies. The laugh was really bad acting, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was written in after the actress laughed in rehearsal at the terrible writing.
  14. Why? All of his clothes and shoes are in good, clean, condition. Styles change; a hundred years ago a tux was considered informal.
  15. Of course there are alliances. You've got HG's in three or four simultaneously. But, how is an individual player to know if there are any to be concerned about? It sure took Julia a long time to "go right on in". She must have been instructed to wait a while between doors so that Julie could make the big announcement. Now we won't have to keep hearing about the "twins entering the game", as if neither has been in the house before.
  16. I can see the point in that you don't want to lose a good artist who doesn't satisfy the challenge out of ignorance or an honest disagreement with the judges as to what constitutes the style of the day. I could also see Nunez not wanting to draw a line on non-compliance, but Kruzeman was pretty plain about choosing to blow off the challenge so, if nothing else, the judges should have cared about his lack of respect for the rules and for them.
  17. That's only 3 inches more than Nev; less if her height is being rounded up and his down. Allow for the angle of the photo and the low shoes she's wearing and it looks about right. There are, but it would have to be reported to the FBI. Local cops would just say there's nothing they can do because there isn't.
  18. Being able to graduate college quickly is less about being smart and more about being able to finagle a stack of courses that will get you around the usual red tape (e.g. course prerequisites) and let you CLEP as much as you can, while still qualifying for a degree.
  19. To be fair, I'm sure some of the people lie about what they're willing to accept to get their free tattoo or be on the show, confident they can talk the artist into what they really want. If the producers can get their act together enough so that replacing a canvas is as easy as it ought to be, the problem will be solved. If there's an issue, a producer can referee and call in a new canvas if the old one backs out of taking what the challenge requires.
  20. Casting probably just hit up the school for contestants to fill out this season's roster. The pool of professionals who may be inclined to compete and haven't already has to be pretty thin by now.
  21. Never mind that; they should be forwarding what they have to federal authorities for prosecution. If Nev had been paying any attention at all to Ashley after her boo-hoo act, he would have known that she had no intention of stopping. Or, maybe he did and felt he needed to stick to the show's formula. We found out last season that the producers are very skittish about deviating from the norm.
  22. Maybe he figures that if he avoids being specific, he'll never be embarrassed by getting it wrong (even accidentally).
  23. It would explain so much if everyone were in the VR cocoons since the beginning and still are, only thinking they got out.
  24. As if they don't already have enough drink options to clog the cheap skinny straws they provide.
  25. The word "he" is not gender-specific. It would only be wrong if he said "she" and the chicken were male.
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