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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. She was right about him being a hypocrite, but she was wrong about that; if it weren't for Hundra, Kelly would have still appeared on the show, with the episode just featuring somebody else who had applied.
  2. Has Meg been part of baking cookies? That would help stick a "Grandma" nickname. I'm fairly certain I've seen James and at least one other HG pick one up, but don't know who made them.
  3. Not if she wasn't clearly told what he did, as when Penny told Leonard "he's kind of a chemist".
  4. When the challenge is to do a cohesive design with five models, how is it a good idea to spend a big chunk of your allotted time to add something else that will emphasize that there are five models? Avi and Aryn practically gave the win to Lana, especially Avi, who allowed his idea to severely compromise what the judges actually asked for.
  5. Reality shows are supposed to be cheap to produce, so I'm sure once they've spent a certain amount, they're committed to finishing. I loved that when the guys were ranting, one of them (Nev?) called it "15 seconds of fame".
  6. Can't really tell for sure because it was edited down too much, but it looked like it could have been playful, in which case the hickey may have come later. If you don't know what the comp is going to be, why would you pick your twin instead of somebody on your side with a different skill set? It was basic strategy for Liz to pick Austin instead of Julia.
  7. Remember when they told us that CDs would be better and cheaper? And what we got was poorer sound on a fragile medium and prices so high, 60 Minutes did a segment on the price gouging.
  8. They didn't really, but it sounds more authoritative than "maybe a day or so", but is transparent enough that people know it's just an estimate.
  9. I take it you've never had the task of weeding through a stack of resumes. What she wrote is pretty good except for the bit about being "goal driven". That can refer to someone who needs a "get this much done or be fired" environment to get anything done (i.e. they're lazy).
  10. Why is the character representing BK's new version of chicken fries wearing a lucha libra mask?
  11. I liked Meg's better and think it would have taken less to fix (important IRL). The judges also appreciate when a contestant knows when they've screwed up, and Meg didn't have to say a word for them to know just how thoroughly she did.
  12. The women who are cast on this show are not necessarily representative of those attracted to play. The strategies we're seeing could have a correlation with whatever attributes appeal to the casting director.
  13. A study of how people in business compete came to the conclusion that men will generally try to outperform their competition, while women tend to backstab and undermine them. You could actually see that play out on The Apprentice before it switched to casting celebrities (who have other interests driving how they act on the show).
  14. Half the graduates can make cum laude because the university is strict about letting poor student slide, or because they've got a problem with grade inflation but have never adjusted the criteria for honors to match. It's been suggested that the latter tends to be closer to the truth for big-name universities since it sounds more impressive to an employer to have that "with honors" and big-name universities like to brag about their success in getting their students jobs when they graduate.
  15. Isn't it standard practice for a sitcom to have a comedian prep the audience before shooting?
  16. I could see her brother showing up because he's in trouble with the law and needs a place to stay away from Nebraska, and some humor in Bernie not understanding that he has a different interest in "pharmaceuticals" than she does. Not sure what they'd do with her sister other than set her up with Raj. Beyond that, they could appear in a wedding-related episode or briefly on screen when Penny tells her family she got married (however things go).
  17. She has a long history of being entitled and rude when it comes to food. The worst was probably in Panty Pinata Polarization when she helped herself to an onion ring from Sheldon's plate while he was in the kitchen and refused to accept that there might be anything wrong with that.
  18. Liz is definitely playing the dumb blonde. Julia refused to go to the same extreme, even when it meant risking giving herself away as not being Liz, but it's unclear if she's being herself, or compromising and just playing it less dumb.
  19. The makers of Denorex also make Prell, which was originally a product of Procter & Gamble, makers of Head & Shoulders, so there may be some kind of relationship between the companies. Something like that would be too small to show up on P&G's 10-K, and the other company seems to be private.
  20. Subway "foot-longs" are quite a bit shorter than 12 inches.
  21. If you want to avoid having kids sticking their paws in the food, go to a buffet for lunch instead of dinner. The trade-off is that if there's a discount for lunch (like GC on weekdays), they won't have their featured entrees; everything else will still be there (including the fountain).
  22. Horror and hotness are not incompatible. How often do you see a vampire these days who isn't hot? The same is usually true for aliens and monsters disguising themselves as human. Witches as well. There have also been some hot zombies in iZombie.
  23. We heard John say what his strategy was (in the episode where we saw his family and friends, I think) and that was half of it. He hasn't really gotten to the part where he stabs them in the back yet.
  24. He was a quarterback, typically one of the least beefy guys on a team since you want somebody who can run fast and switch direction easily.
  25. When I tuned in briefly Friday night, Austin's hair and beard looked freshly cleaned and Liz was braiding it. His hair looked like a lighter color than usual; what does he do to get it dirty so quick? Although, I suppose it could have been a trick of the lighting.
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