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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. This is also the guy who got the units wrong in his calculations for synthesizing a new element, and gave a paper with a math error on page two to Stephen Hawking (who called it "quite the boner"). Did I miss something, or did none of the guys think of lubricating the threads with a little oil from the dipstick? It looked to me like their primary problem was not having the wheel jacked up enough. Having too much weight on the last lug nut can jam it pretty tightly.
  2. IIRC, they came up with the McDouble to replace the double cheeseburger on their dollar menu, back when everything on the dollar menu was a dollar. Anyone unwary enough to continue ordering the double cheeseburger got to pay an extra 20 or 30 cents for that little bit of cheese (depending on the store).
  3. Or, at least a restaurant like hers, that has rich and famous people coming in.
  4. Depends on how it's made. That's true of many brands of the pre-sliced stuff in supermarkets. What BK uses is classified as "pasteurized process cheese".
  5. Better than orange ones would have looked. The season doesn't give them much choice. I don't know what changed, but the coffee has been terrible at the local McDonalds stores lately, so he may have been doing her a favor there.
  6. The extra cost also includes cheese.
  7. I'm sure that's a good deal in some areas. Prices can vary quite a bit between different McDonalds, even when they're fairly close to each other. I noticed at one recently that there were only a couple of items on the dollar menu that were actually a dollar. One was a cone that other nearby McDonalds were offering for 49 cents. I think the other was a 12 oz soda (a real deal compared to the larger sizes, especially if you're dining in and get a refill).
  8. Some people blame overuse of antiseptics, which only kill off some (less harmful) bacteria, letting others thrive with less competition.
  9. No need to torture yourself; check out the recap first.
  10. I probably would have said "on track". I think another way to say it that stays close to his phrasing would be that she's on par with someone destined to greatly exceed her master.
  11. Why do I suspect that somebody is trying to find ways to unload a surplus of chia seeds with chia pets not selling like they used to?
  12. No, his use of "par" is correct. He's saying that she's consistent with the norm in being on her way to accomplishing that result. It's a bit like saying that a person on a cross-country trip is on par to passing a particular city by Tuesday or Wednesday.
  13. Kripke isn't horrible on a personal level. He was happy to go rock-climbing with Sheldon, and was part of his new dinner group (along with Zach and Stuart) when the rest of the gang started meeting at Raj's instead. He's just very insulting about what he views as professional incompetence.
  14. And some people say we don;t make products that last any more. Seriously though, there are techniques for breaking down just about any waste (including radioactive material), but so far it hasn't been worth doing.
  15. Nothing. It would have been the drunk's insurance company on the hook for all expenses.
  16. From his point of view, his behavior has progressed as he gradually pushed boundaries to see what he can get away with. He hadn't expected Amy to "snap". Usually he can just pull back a little bit and everything will be fine.
  17. Maybe, but they know they can get away with it, although Raj should start being more careful; he's in "what have you done for us lately?" territory.
  18. You can be screwed on the liability to others too if there's more than one other car or you hit something expensive. But, if basic insurance covered more, it'd be more expensive and more people would drive around uninsured (however illegal that may be).
  19. Witches could cast spells on him if his name got around (seriously, if you drill past the pseudo-science, that was the explanation).
  20. Sorry, I was referring to the guy who doesn't understand why "basic insurance" doesn't cover all of the expenses of a "basic accident". The people of NYC should be offended that LM keeps keeps putting the Statue of Liberty in the background, implying that the city is full of morons. How about stretching their imaginations a little with other symbols of liberty; maybe start with the Liberty Bell and the painting of the Declaration of Independence being signed, and before you know it, maybe they can actually come up with fresh ideas for an ad campaign.
  21. Is the Liberty Mutual guy who doesn't understand basic insurance fairly new, or did I somehow block him out of my consciousness until now? I think the difference is that the normal way of boarding a boat, plane, train, or bus is to step onto it, but for a car, you usually sit down in the doorway.
  22. That isn't necessarily true. The icing is a relatively small portion of the whole, so they could have cut down the filling and used the sugar they saved from that for more icing.
  23. But, that was right before the Doctor used the TARDIS to rebuild the entire universe. It's plausible that a few things could be different afterwards. I didn't like the SFX for the TARDIS coming back. Back in Father's Day, we saw the main part of the TARDIS disconnected from the police box (which is all the Daleks would have destroyed) and create a new one just like it always rematerializes. Just a thought about Missy's "little girl" comment - has anything ever been said to exclude the possibility that male Time Lords are born female, or are considered female until puberty? Missy and the Doctor could have gone to preschool together as little girls/"girls".
  24. Not being able to act can work if you're making a parody (or at least making the character a parody).
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