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Everything posted by Driad

  1. I wasn't suggesting that you were. But if Saber felt bad about it, I wanted to point out that she didn't need to.
  2. From this forum, at least, we should all realize that some people may think everyone knows a particular fact, while other people have never heard of it. Doesn't make anyone a dumbass.
  3. Reagan would probably have done well in the movie category, one of my weakest.
  4. I thought FJ would be a national cemetery. Not sure which one, not that it mattered. At least I knew it was too recent to be Arlington.
  5. This article has some examples and discussion of south-up maps. An episode of The West Wing had some material about them.
  6. Probably not her fault that someone called her that, but this is a good example of "stories not to tell Alex."
  7. I agree. I wish they had started the story a few years earlier. Maybe they will do a flashback to college.
  8. 5/5, my second in a row too (probably just jinxed myself).
  9. If you don't have cable, you can watch it there too (with commercials) starting the day after broadcast. Avery Sr. (Murphy's mom) probably worried a lot when Murphy was a journalist in dangerous places. So Murphy has been on both sides now. I'm a bit disappointed she didn't mention it.
  10. Why didn't the department offer Nolan protection, or at least suggest he go to a hotel, after the brother threatened revenge?
  11. Sheldon's jazz line reminded me of the Dowager Countess on Downton Abbey, who once heard jazz and asked whether any of the musicians knew what the others were playing. I wonder how she and Sheldon would get along. Sheldon might enjoy olden days if he were rich enough to be considered eccentric. Fanfic, anyone?
  12. Since we will see Benny again (probably in smaller doses) and he has pooped where humans prefer he not poop, it would be realistic to see him in a diaper and maybe pants from now on. If he were a bigger dog, they could have messages on the pants, like on T-shirts.
  13. Agree on Henry. Let him go teach theology somewhere. Surprised the teacher did not mention the toxicity of daffodil bulbs, especially after one student thought it was an onion. The kids were old enough to know not to eat random objects, but if the kid who pretended to bite into a bulb had eaten some and gotten sick, the teacher could get into trouble. ETA: The doctor got fired because his patient took too much medicine and they had to blame someone. If a kid got sick and the teacher was blamed, it would have been a similar situation.
  14. Not an expert, but since no one has answered ... AIUI, depending on a dog's injury or condition, it may have problems either keeping stuff in or letting stuff out. Dog diapers exist.
  15. 5/5 this week, a relief after my 1/5 last week.
  16. How do you choose your interview stories? You suggest some and Alex picks one, right? Presumably you want to choose some stories that make you sound intelligent but not bragging? Or humorous but not too foolish?
  17. Just repeating this for emphasis, because the judges have made some bad calls recently. What do you think would improve Jeopardy?
  18. For all we know, Russell's election opponent may be his cousin.
  19. Not specifically about this show, but there have been reports recently that fewer people are applying to be police recruits. So police departments may need to be more flexible about age etc.
  20. They might save Lim if it turns out she had a related disease in the past, so she has enough leftover antibodies or something to fight off the new disease. Glassman looks like a goner but I like Richard Schiff from The West Wing, in which the last seasons did terrible things to his character. If Glassman lives, he should not be able to be a neurosurgeon again but maybe he could do something less intense at the hospital as a volunteer. So I guess I hope he and Lim both survive, unrealistic as it might be.
  21. That's horrible! Quite a few years ago I flew five thousand miles to see a total solar eclipse. We were clouded out and didn't see a thing. Does that count? (Got a great view of the 2017 eclipse though.)
  22. Have we heard or seen in an earlier episode that Shaun won't eat anything with pickles?
  23. What was the title of the novel(?) about Cotton and Increase Mather?
  24. When the diabetic man collapsed, did someone say he had insulin shock? That would be from too much insulin or too little food, not from too little insulin, right?
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