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Everything posted by Driad

  1. Try Youtube tomorrow: Jeopardy and the date.
  2. Do you know anyone who won a game show? A friend of mine was on "Concentration" in the 1970s or 1980s and won a washing machine and a couch. By the time we met, the machine was defunct but I sat on the couch to watch a videotape of her game.
  3. I thought she should have, but someone here wondered if California requires the licensed driver to sit in front when a person with a learner's permit is driving. Another of many plot holes that could have been fixed with a quick line from one of the characters. Also, Lea could have driven, and let Shaun sit in back.
  4. Did they explain why, when Jack was in the army, he did not have a military haircut? If Nicky is alive, I hope he is one of the people who was subjected to an "our family is so special" tirade in the past from a Pearson who didn't know he was a relative.
  5. Could the patient have committed himself to a mental hospital where he would have no interaction with children? I hope that could be arranged quickly, since he said he was a danger to them.
  6. Boston viewers -- Jeopardy! apparently will air at 7:00 PM today instead of 7:30. Unless my schedule is lying to me yet again.
  7. If you were Julian, what would you have done?
  8. As a genealogist I wish that a married woman's gravestone would show her birth name as well as her married name. Presumably Bess and her brother planned her parents' gravestones, so I'm disappointed that they didn't do this.
  9. Wow, a medical drama that does not have the doctors shock flatline! Gold star for someone.
  10. This would have been an opportunity to bring back the Russian physicist/janitor from the science bowl episode. At least to see smoke coming out of Sheldon's ears.
  11. All the more reason for Morwenna and Drake to emigrate to America as soon as they can afford it. Ross might be critical of them for going to the rebels he fought against. Add me to the list of those who do not care what Ross thinks.
  12. Strunk and White The Elements of Style (a.k.a. "the little book") is a widely used style guide that has gone through many editions since 1918. Excerpt:
  13. NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" replayed an interview with Bradley Whitford. Much of it is about his other work but he did mention the enthusiasm of the "Wingnuts."
  14. If you write or find a conclusion for this series, please post a link. Fanfic rules!
  15. Is anyone else tired of the current champ's tone of voice? It sounded to us like "that's a stupid question" or "I'm bored."
  16. What did Carlson expect would happen if the turkeys had been able to fly? The helicopter was so high that Nessman could not tell what they were at first. Likely they would have flown away, leaving onlookers baffled. (Wild turkeys can fly, somewhat, but presumably WKRP had domestic ones.) ETA: Carlson wasn't the brightest bulb, and probably did not think it through, but he likely had some image in mind.
  17. If you contribute to your local PBS station, you may be able to watch episodes at the station site. This show shows that celebrities are not necessary to tell a compelling story. I wish they would tell one person's story and then the other, so it would be less confusing. Or at least have longer segments instead of 2 minutes of person A, 2 minutes of person B, back to person A, etc.
  18. In case it helps, Robert Frost spoke at JFK's inauguration in 1961. Frost was born in 1874 and died in 1963, so he did not set a fire in 1844.
  19. If Elizabeth's baby was due in December and she wanted George to think it was born early, why didn't she tell George it was due in January? She could probably have fooled even the doctors if she lied about the date of her last cycle.
  20. Emma is a junior. Would she be eligible to compete next year?
  21. Ross is decorative but tedious. "Chicken for supper? When it died, did you think of Hugh?" If I were Demelza, I'd be thinking of a cleaver and a taxidermist. "Ross is so pretty ands quiet now."
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