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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. I just remembered something. Last week when someone posted a pic that Sherri tweeted of herself, together with the original pic where she cropped someone out, it was Yancy, the hairstylist. So, I looked at his Twitter that was linked here and I saw that a couple of weeks before that when the news came out of Sherri and Jenny being let go, one of his friends asked if he was leaving the show and he said no. Btw, I also saw that he posts videos of his ride to work with Whoopi and Karen Dupiche, (makeup artist from the show). They call it "#Rollin' with Whoopi". Here's the one I watched: Whoopi and her partner Tom Leonardis produce them and they're on her YouTube channel. So, only 16 more shows!
  2. @maggiemae, I was just going to post a similar comment. I realize we've gone off topic, but I'm finding it very informative. Admittedly, I didn't know much about shingles and I had a fit when my husband had his annual physical this past winter and the doctor talked him into a shingles shot. It wasn't covered by our insurance and set us back a few hundred dollars. But, then I did some reading about it: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/shingles/basics/definition/con-20019574 http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/shingles/expert-answers/shingles-vaccine/faq-20057859
  3. But @Athena, Jenny did do research. She says she went to the "University of Google":
  4. Yes, and one of those will be Elisabitch. She's going to set her DVR timer and watch every day as soon as she gets home from her Fox gig. It will probably take her two hours to watch because she'll be taking notes. Then, she'll call one of her show's producers ranting about what Rosie said and asking for time on the show the next morning to "analyze" it. Damn, I hope she's the next one to get fired. In the meantime, she needs to send Rosie a great big gift basket for making her semi-relevant again.
  5. Sorry about that @NextIteration . You sound like a wonderful, loving, dedicated parent. Your children are fortunate to have you, and I'm sure you feel the same way about them.
  6. Exactly. I saw the troll comment and thought,"Sheesh, Keith, you can do better than that, can't you?" Ha ha. He's so easy to get riled up.
  7. On that Instagram photo Sherri posted, the hairstylist posted this: It links to this Instagram account: http://instagram.com/weavesonthego As far as Sherri in that photo? She looks like a woman pushing 50 who is desperately trying to appear as if she's in her 20's. Not fooling alone...but herself, maybe. ETA:
  8. @GoldDustWoman, I noticed that too and thought WTF? Thanks for linking those articles, @NextIteration . Very interesting to read Jenny's theories about how she "cured" her son. Here's the hot dog part:
  9. @sugarbaker design, that's an interesting theory. You're probably right, especially if the new co-host(s) are supposed to begin at the start of the new season in September. Most people would like more than a few weeks notice that they got the job and have to move themselves and possibly their family to New York.
  10. Wow, @RogerFromOhio, you really seem to have gotten him worked up: https://twitter.com/KeithOlbermann/status/489835681293041664
  11. This episode was so boring that it took me three days to get through it. I kept getting distracted by other stuff and abandoning the DVR. I probably only stuck with it so I could read and understand the posts here. I was looking for some information on the strange Richard family and didn't find much, but this statement by a TLC spokesperson in their local newspaper was interesting: I was wondering how these people got booked on an episode of Sister Wives, but I doubt that a "friend" of the Browns found them in a polygamy chat group online. It was probably the producers who found them online and figured they could base a couple of episodes on the Browns meeting the Richards. Before I watched the episode, I thought maybe they were trying these people out for a new show, but they were so boring, I doubt that would work. This show really is out of ideas and it's time to pull the plug. These last two episodes sucked, and now next week looks like a flashback episode. That creepy Richard dude is simply some tool who had his wife perpetually pregnant and then thought it would be fun to move in a girlfriend. That's all they are; a guy, his wife, and his live-in girlfriend who gets stuck helping out with the cooking, cleaning, and caring for nine kids who aren't hers. Plus, she has a job and ends up spending all her money supporting someone else's family. Crazy. She seems to be totally used by both Richards. It's a shame she doesn't have any family members or friends who could make her realize what a raw deal this is for her and help her get out of it and find a more normal and satisfying life. I suspect her low self esteem, coupled with the fact that she's having fertility issues, is what's keeping her there. Sad, very sad.
  12. @jellywager, I Googled Frito Fruckies and all the results use the exact same recipe, so I assume that's it. @Rhondinella, thanks a lot for making me Google that! ;-)
  13. @Dreamboat Annie, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I read your post wrong and thought you were referring to Sherri and Jenny, not the new co-hosts. Sorry about that! But, I did also realize that you said although you should feel sorry for them, that you didn't. Am I making sense? Probably not. Okay, so we are in "agreeance" on both points, not feeling sorry for the fired Sherri and Jenny, nor the auditioning possible co-hosts. You make a good point how it must be so awkward to come on a show and audition for a spot when the two fired co-hosts are still there. The View is a strange show the way they do these auditions. I can't think of any other show that does it this way. It's not just this time, but so many other times they've had guest co-hosts. This entire season has had revolving guest co-hosts and half of last season too, before we even knew they cut Joy and EH loose. Back when I used to watch the show, I never enjoyed having so many guest co-hosts. As with most aspects of this show, I think there must be a better way to do it.
  14. Wow, even worse. I don't know a 12 year old boy who wouldn't be mortified by everything that Jenny said in that US Magazine article. She is totally despicable for using her son like that in order to pimp her new radio show. That is the only reason she said what she did. It got her a magazine article just as she's announcing her new (one hour/week) radio show. It was very calculated and for that reason I say she is one shitty parent. Since the articles about her new gig said one of the topics of her show will be "parenting", I suspect there will be more of the same from her. Her poor kid.
  15. Well, I'm a bitch you know, so I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for them. They sucked at their jobs, (especially Sherri), and they were grossly overpaid in relation to the amount of time and effort put forth. I save my sympathy for the thousands of people in this country who have made average salaries and done very good jobs but were forced to train their replacements when the companies decided to cut costs and find cheaper labor. Many people in the IT field have had to do this and it's unbelievably difficult and unfair. Unlike Sherri and Jenny, they didn't have a few million in the bank to fall back on when they were left to find jobs in this shitty job market, with it being the death knell of their career in some cases.
  16. @fl2dc, Rhea really doesn't care. She was hoping everyone would be too blinded by her ring to notice.
  17. OhEmGee!!! Jenny, you STUPID bitch! This is how you choose to pimp your new one hour weekly Sirius show?! Nice way to use and embarrass your eleven year old son, you moron! She says: Yes, Jenny, he can always come to you and you won't get mad, BUT he better know that you might discuss it in a national magazine or on your dumbass radio show! Gawd, I hate parents like that. Just SHUT UP!! That poor kid! She sucks. I hope for his sake her radio show fails and she never has a platform again, at least through his pre-teen and teen years. ETA: Un-effing-believable! I repeat, that poor kid!
  18. Exactly. Not only did Fox have her call into her morning show from vacation, but I heard that many of the other shows on Fox covered Rosie's re-hiring by showing that Fox & Friends clip of Bisty's phone call. Also, I think most of the entertainment news shows covered it, as well as many websites. It's the most coverage EH has received....since the 2007 blow up with Rosie. Fox is going to be paying close attention to every word Rosie utters on The View and looking to pounce on it, as well as going to Bitsy for her "analysis" of it. Hell, they might as well make it a regular daily segment on their morning show. It can be called, "What Horrible Thing Did Rosie Say Yesterday on The View?", and then Bisty can have a one-sided debate spitting out her word salad.
  19. That article is very believable to me. As I said weeks ago when Sherri and Jenny were let go and there were conflicting reports about Geddie's future, it seemed to me that there was a behind the scenes battle going on for control of the show. I'm happy that Geddie lost and hope to never hear from him again. The only fact I find hard to believe is that Rosie's getting $10 million a year. If that's true...wow, just wow. And, of course, it goes without saying: Bite it, Bitsy!
  20. I know nothing about her but her grammar is atrocious, ("theirselves"). Some of her followers that replied to that tweet are just as bad, with grammar and spelling issues, ("relevent", "relivance", "confidance", "pitty"...) One hour a week isn't actually "work". She probably just took the gig hoping it turns into something more, and/or hoping to land something better. ETA: Rhea is being challenged on Twitter as to whether she really is Mark's wife. She said she needs to get Twitter to verify her (that blue check mark they give celebs after they've been verified). Someone told her to tweet a pic, so she did, rather obnoxiously: https://twitter.com/rheadur/status/489548401566965763
  21. I haven't seen the show and haven't (yet) read anything about the case they discussed, but I see that Sherri has been getting criticism on Twitter for her "research": Here and here
  22. Sal's been in NJ, probably waiting for the surrogate to have the baby. The idiot thinks when he goes back to LA with a newborn his life is going to be all about "wine, women, and song". Yeah, okay, good luck with that:
  23. Yikes, is that terrible. It's unbelievable that this is what they decide to waste air time on.
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