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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. I haven't seen this version yet, but the HBO doc series Music Box had an episode on this concert and the people in charge spouted their same glib uncaring attitude on the assaults on the women. Just made me really hate those people
  2. I think I'm a little confused. In Episode 3, wasn't Paul the military guy slowly going insane who was then killed by some guys who caved his head in or something or was that someone else?
  3. Cancellations for streaming shows are usually announced in the press, so I don't think it will go unnoticed Honestly, Prospect Park was pretty incompetent and I think had never produced daily soaps before, so it's no surprise they were caught by surprise by this. They tried to blame it on viewers who supposedly complained they couldn't keep up, but even if true, I think that was just a cover for their own stupidity Like others, I'll predict that DOOL will eventually (or later in the year or next year when they catch up with filming) go from daily all year round to maybe a few days a week for a few weeks at a time a few times a year with particular storylines that get wrapped up during those set times, maybe a little like telenovellas. Beyond Salem has done 5 episodes for its first season and 5 for its second nearly a year later, which seems too little for DOOL. If people decide to stream episodes all at once, a small set of episodes with a particular storyline done a few times a year would work really well and probably work for a lot of other people since there's a lot of repetition and treading water in daily shows
  4. It does make me wonder if that's what will happen for any of the soaps that end up being moved to streaming (yes, I expect this to happen to at least 1 of the other soaps in the next few years if not all 3 of them). It was too early in 2013 for All My Children and One Life to Live when they did it on Hulu and enough people, including me (I ended up watching the revived AMC via OWN), weren't quite used to watching via streaming, but it's more normalized now. Given Beyond Salem seems to be working on Peacock, I think Days could work on Peacock, especially with reduced episodes, though obviously it will lose viewers. It will be interesting to see what happens
  5. Shocked but it also seemed inevitable at some point. Given its poorer ratings, I guess this is an attempt to try something short of cancelation. I’ll bet the other networks will watch to see how it goes. The years ago attempt to stream the short revived All My Children and One Life to Live on Hulu was a little too soon, but might have worked if it were done now given the greater acceptance of streamers (and assuming the given production company was competent)
  6. Wow. I figured it might happen eventually for nearly every show, but I didn’t think something like this would happen for a few more years. Hopefully this move doesn’t lose too many fans
  7. It seems strange people were so willing to help Paul who was clearly having mental issues but not help Lily and Jason hide from the cops
  8. Apparently off the canvas for now https://www.soapoperanetwork.com/2022/01/scott-baldwin-run-is-done-general-hospital-kin-shriner
  9. Quite good and yes, sad. Bourdain certainly seemed like a depressive sort most of his life and it seemed like just a matter of time before he took his life (assuming he didn’t make any attempts when he was younger). I got the feeling towards the end of his series that he was giving off vibes that he didn’t really want to do the show anymore but watching the doc, that seemed like his usual demeanor. It was sad how much his suicide affected others around him and it’s hard to say if they could have seen enough to stop him and get him help
  10. We finally saw a jury member at the trial today
  11. There are so many things that were background and part of the world building of this show that I would have liked to known more about within the show but they never seem to get to it. Like the Cession itself and the council we see in this episode that I would have liked to know more about. There were some fascinating things brought up, but not expanded on, like the council’s dismissal of the Cama baddies, including one of the members describing it as “unlike the US, our people don’t fall for that Euro-Inquisition gobbledygook”, that made sense from a Native American perspective
  12. The cancelation also doesn’t surprise me given the CW’s pending sale and their recent cancelations. Of course, it’s likely the biggest reason is Grant likely not wanting to do a 10th season Candace saying she suffered racism and White costars not understanding early on is not surprising at all. What does surprise me is hairdressers currently not able to do Black hair (assuming Candace meant it’s still ongoing). You would think that would be fixed by now, especially with the showrunner being Black
  13. I was thinking Lily had way more heart than folks like the Freemans and was more a dippy hippy than an anarchist, but after denying she and John were dealing behind the cartel’s back, she pretty quickly confessed that John was often doing his own thing at times. Way to throw your dead husband under the bus, plus she didn’t care to have the police arrest his killer, I guess because she didn’t want to be deported By Erika, you mean the woman who offered Lily a place to stay in Belize? That lady was definitely one of the very few of these people who seemingly had a heart, especially compared to the unnamed people who told her to stay out of it. I don’t get these people saying they were a community but then being all too willing to leave people to deal with their own troubles. I guess that’s one of the issues with these kinds of ideologies
  14. Sad but not unexpected, and really it’s time; Covid really messed up some storylines. And 9 seasons is nothing to sneeze at, though it would be nice to get more than 13 episodes.
  15. Jeff certainly made that really clear in his opening conference speech. It definitely seems to be the definition of most if not all libertarians. It's odd that these "don't tell me what to do" people end up grouping up and then wondering why such things fall apart
  16. Another documentary to highlight in August: "Rise of the Bolsonaros" about the controversial president of Brazil and his family; premiering August 30, 2hrs, though check your local listings
  17. Episode 4: Man, what a mess with the cartel killing John and wounding Jason and the fallout from that. Someone (either them or Paul) effed around with selling drugs in the face of the cartel and people suffered the consequences. Paul was clearly a nutcase. Lily hid or moved John’s body and stayed away from the police because she didn’t want to get deported; that to me would have been the safer option. And the disregard for safety after the murder from conference leaders in order to keep the conference going was nuts I felt so bad for John’s mom and grandmother trying to retrieve his body. Most of Lily and Jason’s fellow anarchists pretty much left them on their own, which was a clear sign of how soulless these people were People trying to figure out how to deal with Paul Propert’s increasing threats was interesting (and why didn’t Facebook kick him off?). Jeff’s crappy attitude was you handle your own business. People die, but no big deal, we have to stick to our principles and build our ideology. Sheesh
  18. To be honest, I didn’t figure it out either, at least the abortion part
  19. The not in Salem witch accusation was really something, with the neighbors standing up for Zach’s ancestor and she was found not guilty. The implication was this was after the Salem Witch Trials that were a disaster and made this town maybe reconsider things
  20. I’m still doing my rewatch, still in Season 5 and still not remembering watching most of these episodes the first time. Yesterday I watched the Season 5 episode “An Affair to Forget”, where Ted spreads rumors that he and Mary were having an affair. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable it was to watch this through a current day lens, with Ted sexually harassing Mary and the studio audience (and maybe the laugh track) laughing at everything and Mary’s colleagues not taking her distress seriously. I felt so bad near the end where she broke down in the newsroom crying that it was all a lie and no one believed her. At least Ted finally owned up to the truth to everyone. I would not recommend this episode for the discomfort alone
  21. Some heartbreaking stuff from tonight’s Zachary Levi episode, with ancestors and his mom being abusive. Yet he didn’t wallow in it, rather he wanted to use the info to make better choices for him and subsequent generations
  22. Why do the cooks make 5 or 6 servings of a meal when there’s only 3 judges doing the tasting? I’m enjoying this quite a bit
  23. I think Kevin does as he’s forbidden her from seeing Ryan as part of her “internship” and from Springridge altogether. I think Nic only knows about her visiting Springridge
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