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Everything posted by Bruinsfan

  1. I'd prefer Superman keep his lifetime neck-snapping tally to one for the foreseeable future. Even so, I'm definitely rooting for him against the Miller Batman. As for the "war" itself, I would imagine that even a billionaire would have a great deal of trouble getting his hands on armaments capable of harming a Kryptonian. It took an air-to-surface guided missile to knock out Faora, and she appeared to be fundamentally uninjured later in the movie; so we're talking bunker-busters or tac nukes. Unless Batman's equipment is just diversionary tactics and he relies on Wonder Woman to do the actual fighting, he's starting at a huge disadvantage.
  2. What the hell do they do, unleash animatronic dinosaurs on the audience?
  3. I'm assuming that she's had a busy career in theatre in between TV guest appearances, as she brings a lot more skill to the table than you'd expect from someone who mostly appeared as "Flight Attendant" or "Kidnapper #1" until a few years ago.
  4. I'd say Peyton discovering he already knew and let her go on living with a zombie without informing her might be a major stumbling block in their relationship. Assuming she's not, herself, on the train to Zombie Town thanks to Sebastian.
  5. Brains have the consistency of Jell-o when fresh, and I'd imagine being both soft and nutrient-rich they decompose really quickly. I'd say if there's an incision in the skull from an autopsy, absence of brains wouldn't raise any eyebrows as unusual after a few days' worth of burial.
  6. Saw the Pratt-hosted special airing of Jurassic Park last night. Please God, let no one ever offer him a presenter's gig or his own talk show—he was AWFUL. It felt as if they just grabbed someone off the street and made him introduce all the segments. The movie itself holds up pretty well 22 years later, so I hope the new filmmakers live up to the start of the franchise. (I still crack up every time I see that mirror with "Objects are closer than they appear" printed on it showing nothing but the T-Rex's open mouth!)
  7. Seeing the preview for this and realizing how awesome the 3D looks is the only reason I didn't feel ripped off by paying for a 3D showing of Age of Ultron.
  8. I don't get the Winchesters' apparent dismissal/distrust of what Death told them, odd as what he was saying actually sounded. I mean, of all the supernatural entities on the show he's the one that's always been pretty upfront when dealing with everyone—what motivation would he have to lie? And since he's more in the know about, well, everything than anybody else it's a safe bet if he tells you that doing something will result in catastrophe and suffering for everyone, the stated consequences are pretty likely to follow. It feels like Sam and Dean's actions there at the end are the equivalent of them both flipping a boardgame and scattering the pieces when they got too frustrated at how the game was turning out.
  9. I think Jensen was supposed to be more the lover of Marilyn Monroe's boyfriend in that miniseries.
  10. If her eccrine glands aren't producing sweat on her fingers she might not leave fingerprints. It's at least a possible side-benefit of being a zombie.
  11. My fondest memory of Jaws in the theater isn't my own experience, but a classmate being so scared when Ben Gardner's corpse popped up in the bite hole in the boat that he threw his hands up and spilled a drink all over the person sitting behind him.
  12. I don't pay attention to what they do socially, my beef with Jaden is that his parents keep buying him major film roles in which he displays less acting talent than Kellan Lutz.
  13. Too bad about the tsunami, then. Ironically, Ben and Oliver might have been better off if they'd gone with the escaping crowds instead of Blake. Or at least chosen a different high rise to climb rather than Daniel's half-finished death trap building (seriously, did he also design the engine room from Galaxy Quest?).
  14. That was my Hell Yeah! moment of the movie, not any of the rescues. I just wish they'd shown Daniel checking his voicemail and hearing it before his death by karmic container ship. Speaking of, what the hell were people doing still on the Golden Gate Bridge hours after an earthquake that left San Francisco in shambles with aftershocks happening all the time? I know my first instinct sure wouldn't be fleeing the city via a fragile suspension bridge that could have me as much as a mile and a half from safety during the crossing. They've estimated the New Madrid Earthquakes to have a top magnitude of 8.1. The big quake in the movie was a 9.6, roughly 180 times as energetic (though spread over a much larger volume of rock, so not proportionately more intense in any one place). I think they'd have felt it on the East Coast, though it probably couldn't do any damage that far away.
  15. This makes me very glad I never got into Static Shock; I'm sure I'd be up in arms if I gave a rat's ass about the character. As it is, I hope it's a series on the CW that will run for decades and safely contain Smith where I never have to see him in a movie.
  16. So it wasn't just me! I thought that was very weird how much he looked like Butler, since I don't normally think of them resembling one another.
  17. I suppose he's a good choice, what with Paul Walker being deceased and Chris Evans otherwise spoken for.
  18. I don't see how they can undo the current mess without direct intervention from God. Primordial disincarnate darkness isn't really the sort of thing the Winchesters can fight with a knife or gun; it's probably not even something that Death could do much about as it's not a living thing that can be done away with. I assume its effects will be making the crapsack world of Supernatural even more bleak and depressing. Which—hoo boy—is really going to make the show so much fun to watch... I also think Carver, etc. are out of their minds if they actually kill Death and cut themselves off from using Julian Richings in future episodes.
  19. While I wouldn't hold Toboni's acting up as a shining light of her generation or anything, I do think she's largely playing her character's stoicism as intended. At the very least she doesn't leave me wondering what Teresa's motivation is in any given scene, an offense Tulloch is guilty of all too frequently. I wasn't keen on the character when introduced but she's grown on me; now pretty much the only thing I dislike about her is the annoying nickname.
  20. From what I've read there are some anecdotal instances of it happening, but so few that the CDC can't accurately estimate transmission chances beyond "less than one in ten thousand exposures." I'd say people who don't work in the sex industry aren't really taking that much of a chance by skipping the condoms for oral. The non-lethal yet icky STDs are a lot more of a risk.
  21. And she'll connect the cases to their source by using her elite hacker skills to find people's locations on Facebook!
  22. Overall I like the novel, but it would be improved drastically by being rendered down to a 200-300 page Cliff's Notes version.
  23. Tom Hiddleston is dreamy to 13-year-old girls. That's all you need to know to understand Tumblr.
  24. Regarding the big special effect cloud o' doom that all this claptrap was leading up to, the beginning of Season 3 did it much better: https://youtu.be/5z9aA8bRIKg?t=52s
  25. I thought that season finale sucked donkey balls too, so I have to agree with the comparison.
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