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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Maybe for the crossover. Or just a joke seeing as it's Beth "Spoilers" Schwartz here. I don't think they'd leak any move over or mini crossover yet even if it were happening. I guess they're doing pre production on Arrow and a couple of the others start this week so most will be heading back. For returning characters I was wondering if they'd try and get Helena back. They've made noises about it over the years it's never happened, partly because JdG has been busy.
  2. That would be cool. Although I also agree with the thinking that if a female character isn't specified then it's likely to be a man not a woman but you never know. Allegedly way back in Arrow S1 they were going to name the character that Oliver went to for tech help Karen Beecher not Felicity Smoak (possibly after EBR was cast which would have ended up very controversial) but decided she was too big a character to use as an easter egg so went with a more obscure name, so she was on the radar years ago. If the character is not Sue would they really introduce two new recurring women? What are the chances of both being written well? I guess we don't even know if the character is supposed to be heavily recurring yet.
  3. Well we assume EBR has been asked, whether or not it happens is another thing. I really want to know what happened to Thea. It kinda sounded like she was dead but everything was so vague with Roy and they pulled a "Malcolm coming back from being stabbed through the heart" with having him blank on explaining how he ended up on Lian Yu. WH might come back for a goodbye but it would suck if she dies in COIE or we know she dies tragically before 2040. And it seems alternates are out according to SA.
  4. That's cute. In terms of the show, apart from anything else do the people who say Oliver would never have gone for a nerd in glasses not realise that EBR is gorgeous on the show (and outside it)? The show has never tried to "ugly Felicity up" like some shows try to pretend to do. And that's before you get into personalities and joint crusades and ideals. She wasn't actually some "ugly loser" with an "unattainable" crush, even if her mouth ran away with her sometimes and she said the wrong thing. Plus she also appears to be confident in bed and openly enjoy sex, not a blushing insecure or awkward type. Whilst she's different from many of his other love interests she's not a physical down grade and being in STEM isn't that different from being a hotshot lawyer or whatever.
  5. Thanks for that. Well I would imagine they'll be at Comic Con to promote the FFs and Future Team Arrow?, though that doesn't mean they're regulars, although most of the cast from the Arrowverse listed are, we'll have to wait and see. I can't think of anyone who isn't actually a regular who might be expected at SDCC who isn't listed there for comparison. Unlike in the past when they had CL appear even though she'd already filmed her death and was never a regular. Maybe Andrea Sixtos but Adult Zoe wasn't particularly important, though I was kind of expecting all four to be upped a couple of months ago. Is CH a regular next season? Either he's not or he's not going to SDCC or both because he's not listed.
  6. LaMonica Garrett might well have one of those All Arrowverse Regular contracts a few people had a couple of seasons ago and keep popping up everywhere it seems. We haven't heard the details of his deal yet but he did seem to close negotiations on one. I kind of doubt we'll be seeing Felicity for most of the crossover (depending on where/when Arrow's series finale actually is). She (and Mia/William) will at least be there in spirit considering how it ends for Oliver but I don't think they're betting on a big role for her given the emotional goodbye/going to find him in 7x22, that's the gut wrenching scenes for them. If it is the finale of Arrow and there's no wrap up ep afterwards featuring SA I can see her having a part, maybe reuniting in whichever dimension/pocket universe/plan of existence Oliver ends up in. I guess it also depends on if it resets anything as well.
  7. I think it's quite likely they'll try and show some Iris and Caitlin moments but unlikely they'll have her apologise for anything (though I don't think they'd have Iris apologise either if things were reversed) They certainly don't seem to care about any nuance with it. Female friendship with exploration of past issues and sensitive topics? Nah. And that would mean actually figuring out the KF thing properly. The Sue/Ralph thing should take longer than a usual guest star romance but I agree writing for romance, especially side romance is really hit and miss and I expect if it's any good most of it will come from the actors rather than the writing. They could always just slap them together quickly because she's his comics wife and rely on that for most of it.
  8. It's not uncommon for characters who would logically have a lot of friends to have none, hence Caitlin was Iris's MOH. And STEM characters are "most easily" fitted in with existing ones. It would be really great for her to make a new friend though, whether this new character, Sue or both. It doesn't seem Linda Park is coming back any time soon. I'd like to say they cast Sue as African American but I agree with @Trini it's probably too similar to Barry and Iris. I can see why people are asking about a LI for Caitlin, it's been a while and she's had parent and KF plots albeit of highly questionable quality.
  9. I think they'd still have a lot to talk about, much more so than any of the remaining noobs but ymmv. I don't think there's a big need but I think it's possible if they're doing a wrap up tour of characters especially. I'd like them to have some sort of goodbye even if just their normal 2 lines in the crossover. I'm more invested in getting a decent sent off for Oliver on Arrow though and a good Diggle storyline and hopefully the FFs.
  10. Maybe the bunker is where he and the Monitor always end up when they travel to a different Earth because it's a cheap standing set it's a familiar place for him. And then used by Connor and William and Mia ( assuming they're around) in the future. Then whatever they have to tie up in Star City 2019. I know he was talking about a fan previously but it wouldn't surprise me to see CL back on Arrow before the crossover one way or another. I know LOT is also filming and I don't want Sara-lite was of that, especially if it's also possibly the last season but I could see it. I'd like her and Oliver to have a proper goodbye, they both deserve that after what they've been through together. Maybe the bunker is where he and the Monitor always end up when they travel to a different Earth because it's a cheap standing set it's a familiar place for him. And then used by Connor and William and Mia ( assuming they're around) in the future. Then whatever they have to tie up in Star City 2019. I know he was talking about a fan previously but it wouldn't surprise me to see CL back on Arrow before the crossover one way or another. I know LOT is also filming and I don't want Sara-lite was of that, especially if it's also possibly the last season but I could see it. I'd like her and Oliver to have a proper goodbye, they both deserve that after what they've been through together.
  11. I agree with a lot of that, with s7 being a bit of a mixed bag but the prison arc being good. I don't need much more in present day Star City, unless it's mostly Diggle, Lyla and Bronze Tiger. I'd love Oliver to meet his kids in the future via the Monitor, he deserves at least that much. And a happier ending than *just* the sacrifice play. Interesting that his most listened to show was with Jen. And the reminder that they didn't plan it, or give in to "a few whining fangirls" it happened because what they had planned wasn't working out and then the explosive chemistry.
  12. Because I watch a lot of Arrowverse on Amazon they keep sending me notifications about Black Canary: Ignite by Meh Cabot which is due out in October. I am tempted to try it out as a teenage origin story and to see how MC who I read when I was really young handles her.
  13. Teen Choice awards are one of the ones where it's who will show up to collect. KM most definitely would if her twitter is anything to go by. She did give a few shout ours to Arrow as well but is mostly focused on Shadowhunters. They also got a wrap up couple of eps so I think they're 99.99% done. If there's any doubt whether she (and Ben Lewis) will be regulars it's probably to do with on going negotiations with WB and possibly a spin off not Shadowhunters but you never know. It's possible they already know one way or the other and are waiting to announce at SDCC or if not regulars then obviously we'll fine out soon enough as well. It would be a little strange that only one out of the 4 legacies was upped and JJ is currently being cast as a guest star. Though it could be a sign that Connor is the onw they really need to have available. But they were guests this season and had more to do than some regulars. I just hope that it wouldn't mean being bussed off somewhere after a couple of eps. KM is very active on sm so we should definitely know when she's in Van. I kind of wonder about allowing Oliver to interact with them somehow via The Monitor next season. They all kind of deserve that.
  14. I thought they'd be announced together if they all were getting upped, but it doesn't always happen that way. LOT promoted/cast several new regulars at different times last summer and KA was only announced soon before the season began, there's still time. I'm not interested in William and Mia-less FFs but if they remain guest stars doesn't mean that they won't have a good storyline or be in every one. JDJ being a regular doesn't mean he'll be in all of them either, far from it. Guest stars quite often have more to do. I really hope they aren't bussed off somewhere in favour of brothers Diggle. I was thinking KMcN might not want to commit even for 10 eps as she's getting quite a bit of publicity right now but Ben Lewis did seem to think he'd be back and isn't doing much else, so who knows. I've been talked down from thinking Kat's comments meant she didn't know if she's be back at all. Hopefully we'll hear something one way or another soon. I'd be more worried if it was a full season (same with other storylines) and it does seem heavy on Oliver plus Monitor. Now I'm thinking about what the non comment today meant. Did he just not answer the question or did he, very succinctly? 😉
  15. Thanks. Hmm, hard to tell what he means. He's probably not with his kids post 7x22 ending but it's likely Felicity is off to join him wherever or he dies saving everyone or both which are all good endings for him. Possibly he was just saying he wasn't going to give out his prefered senario then.
  16. S7 finale being the end of Arrow is pretty much what we were all thinking but good to know. No alternative versions of characters? I was assuming that was coming as a way to bring back actors for a last hurrah or provide some cool/shocking moments without disrupting much like John Diggle Stewart, actually alive somewhere!Tommy or some other version of Laurel for Katie. What was the "dream ending for Oliver" about? I can't seem to get twitter to work right now.
  17. Hmm, they've paralleled Flash and Arrow before (wedding, future daughters in different ways etc) and having both leads absent from their teams and loved ones could fit that pattern in the lead up to the crossover. Not that they should or shouldn't just it might make it a bit more likely because otherwise it sounds a convoluted choice for a half season.
  18. I guess it all depends on what happens in the crossover and if/how Oliver fits into an Arrow only wrap up after "dying" in COIE. One might be okay, two is pushing it, unless they are going to be launching a spin off with it.
  19. Maybe they'll be "inspired" to write more baby faced serial killer pre island Ollie for the final season or a multi verse version where he never got on the Gambit and so never discovered the attractiveness of scruff. I will say I'm surprised how young he looks and at least it's better than shaved head and dead rat.
  20. I think it's possible iris might give birth during a crossover (maybe the one after Crisis) or find out she's pregnant but it will because it's part of the climax, not to up viewing for a specific show. They don't care enough about a small bump in viewers on say LOT to do it for that reason. Look on the bright side, at least she and Felicity aren't going to have a double birth scene. 😉 and she's likely to have twins. I would actually like an anniversary/bowel renewal scene of their own for WA, but the fact that they didn't do anything on The Flash before now (reception, show a "busman's honeymoon") is on this show 's writers. As for Joe and Cecile I do think it's somewhat out of character for traditional Joe not to want to get married to the mother of his child or at least mention it and have them decide not to but I don't think they care enough about the storyline to bother. If they did have something WA could decide they'd like a do over.
  21. To show she's generous to homeless people ( and all less fortunate I guess) especially when "authority" disapproves. Time setting maybe but not particularly interesting. I haven't found any of the trailers and teases so far to be much goo, though I guess there will be a lot of people tuning in anyway.
  22. Dinah and Rene will probably have a lot to do based on how other screen time has gone, setting up the future, and with Oliver probably not there for the majority of the time. Hopefully Did, Lyla and BT based on Connor being a regular (although that certainly doesn't guarantee screentime). William and Mia I think they might have been made regulars at the same time of they were going to be but I guess we'll know for definite by SDCC. I think they will be keeping the future since they've invested a lot in it storywise, but might alter it a bit if all hope of a spin off has gone.
  23. I guess more mainly Olicity fans will watch with that ending than if they'd gone with a purely tragic on. And maybe if William and Mia have a good storyline. Or OTA fans if there's good Oliver and Dig or even Oliver and John Stewart Dig. I hope Lyla is around with the Connor v JJ stuff. But with 10 eps to go I don't see anyone giving a hoot about the ratings really. I expect Colton will show up at some point even if he really doesn't know right now and he might be over egging that on purpose. I still want to know what happened to Thea and even an appearance by WH (possibly in the future to show she isn't dead? ) at least as a multiverse version.
  24. I think it would be more of a surprise if he wasn't in it.
  25. Featherhat

    S01.E01: Pilot

    That might have helped, although not with the IMHO major problem of anti chemistry that happened whether they were antagonistic or supposed to be getting on well. But the flip flipping did them no favours, especially as it seems a lot of her antagonism is related to Oliver pushing her away, not the pain of seeing him alive but having "confirmation" that Sara is "dead". Oliver seems to be grieving get more in that scene, though he isn't actually flashing to the right "death". I rewatched the pilot in the last few days and it holds up well as a pilot, telling a lot of story and introducing a lot of characters. I'd forgotten about the awkward voiceovers o f exposition, I loved Oliver jumping out of moving cars to get away from Dig. Like that you can see how visibly uncomfortable SA plays O?over and the change when he puts on the fake playboy charade and none of his friends question it very much, despite what they think is 1800 plus days of no human contact. The sex remark by Tommy will never not be funny. Because biggest inaccuracy in the story. Oliver couldn't stop running in to beautiful women. Tommy always had an incling, I knew that but I'd forgotten how seriously he side eyed Oliver in the first scene with Lance, and the roofie remark, glad that didn't actually go there. Looking at the S7 finale, wow had the show changed beyond recognition, but I've mostly followed it through it all and will for the COIE miniseries.
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