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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Thanks. Well that's not surprising, especially considering the SDCC cast invitees, although I'm curious about Ben Lewis now. TBA or just recurring again?
  2. So 8x01 "Starling City". An Earth where they never changed the name in honour of Ray after he "died"? 2040 people decide to re re name it? Probably not time travel. So we might get some form of Malcolm?
  3. I think she tried to work out, and it was the "I just can't get my body to move like hers!" thing "Amy" was complaining about. She did, her daughter body just wasn't naturally co ordinated. Which you would have thought would give Catherine a bit more sympathy for her daughter, that she wasn't just being fat and lazy. But psychopath I guess.
  4. I guess from my POV there are plenty of ways they could give Caitlin/DP a great meaty story and actually put her at the centre of things and give her more stories with Barry if they wanted to but they don't. I feel highly, highly unqualified to talk about race and The Flash in any depth, partly because I don't tend to watch most of the episodes more than once. I guess I see a lot of the very, very good points @adora721 pointed out as writers not being bothered once a particular story is over or writing for plot not character, not overt whitewashing but I might be very wrong. I do wish they'd have Caitlin take more responsibility for everything she should in general. I still think Ralph Dibney's journey from douche bro to hero was a lot more lovingly crafted by the writers than anything given for the female characters on this show, and one that was definitely tied to Barry. I don't think any of this for Caitlin is really "sorry you didn't get Barry" stuff but it possibly represents a blindspot (at best) for the writers. Iris getting dumped on, especially by Nora a lot last season was frustrating, and I do wonder about that, though Barry did stick up for her with that as well. I think that's partly because they wanted the Barry and Nora connection and a cliché teenage "wah I hate my Mom!" thing despite how unfair and out of place it was. With Iris in general yeah that should change.
  5. The only thing about two journalists that that this show has had trouble writing for one in the past and like the Arrowverse in general it isn't always great about doubled up skill sets despite good intentions. OTOH having a mentee is at least a plot for Iris. I seriously wouldn't mind more recurrings who pop in and out of the story like Singh. I guess it also just depends if this character is destined for a mask or not as well. They said it's hard to hang on to a lot of the actors who aren't on the payroll as well.
  6. I wonder if a character or two is no longer as season regular in that case or is being written off in COIE? Because the cast is huge at this point with some "regulars" being in a handful of episodes a season. Captain Jack crossed with Russell Brand, that's a lot of personality on a ship with a lot of personalities, especially with Constantine still around, and could end up taking a lot of time.
  7. Sounds like she'll probably be busy with ep 1, not surprising unless they wanted it just with Oliver. Not sure if it says about contract negotiations but (likely)being at SDCC is possibly a sign of that. I suspect spoilers will be a bit thin on the ground again in general this season even with filming starting tomorrow, apart from cast SM locations.
  8. First appearance of Deadshot, obviously what he's referring to.
  9. I don't know, it almost looks......cheap? I know it's just a pap shot and not the full thing in an episode but meh. I preferred her previous look personally. This is just a mash up of 3 and 4 anyway. Apparently she did ask for a new one, she mentioned it in an interview. I can see why she wanted something different after season 3 but there was nothing wrong with the previous one.
  10. I personally don't think "coddling" does any character any favours. With Catlin maybe it was there but I wonder if it wasn't mostly just the writers not bothering to deal with any of the consequences of her actions because they don't care? Consequences mean meaty scenes and time spent making your character more interesting and complex, Catlin didn't exactly get that. The writers haven't really shown that much interest in actually exploring anything complex for her, even The Flash version of "complex", they always take the easy option, which is "coddling" her. KF just strikes me mainly of them thinking she's cool (pun intended) because she's a snarky villain/anti hero but they don't want to actually deal with what that means and it gets worse every time they try. I'm still not 100% convinced TPTB (even Kreisberg) ever wanted Snowbarry. Even if they knew it wouldn't be endgame, why didn't they put a lot more in than a few little maybe hints and a not real kiss, if they actually wanted to try it? Even when WA has been an afterthought in the writing, it's not like a Barry/Caitlin connection has been strong IMO. They weren't afraid to write a real relationship with Eddie, even though they knew he was a dead man when they hired him.
  11. If I had to pick I'd say as a twist at the end of the pilot, to get that intrigue going straight away.
  12. It does seem to be a bit like Connor's from the comics, not that that means anything, his LOT suit wasn't much like it. I guess because comics is the big reason why people are thinking it, that and the fact that he's the only announced FF regular now. Mia does seem a more likely choice for the show, given being Oliver's daughter, the bow etc. KM being in Rome next weekend might mean she doesn't have much to do in the premiere if she's in it. Not that that means much given the presumed big "start Oliver off on his journey" story and all the other stuff they might include. Pretty sure CD will be in it somewhere.
  13. Great that the play is getting good reviews, cool that JWS went to see it. I'll look forward to seeing David Nykl in Sleepers, definitely a good fit for him and a chance to do something a bit different, although that's what you get when you work mostly in Vancouver.
  14. I'm just proceeding cautiously because I don't want to start taking something for granted based on assumptions and have it turn out completely different, I did that with Mia last season, albeit she did turn out to be their daughter in the end. No reason she shouldn't be the next GA, she's the most likely, but that costume could also be anyone's from Robert Queen to rando thug #3 who has a snazzy costume, though both are unlikely.
  15. Been in the Arrowverse before or on somewhere like Gotham? Hmm. I've no idea about a spin off, I'd think that it wouldn't have enough viewers, but hey Legacies did. I kind of think they'd want something else new like Batwoman but shrug. As for the suit could be an alternate non Oliver Queen Arrow or Connor or Mia or William trying and failing at it (I assume). I can't tell from the pic if it's likely a man or woman's. KM doesn't seem to go on liking sprees a out Arrow very often but that doesn't have to mean it's Mia's.
  16. In that case I'm going with Connor or Mia in that. Mia from an Oliver legacy POV "I am Mia Queen" way now she's made her peace with that, not that she's necessarily actually changing her name. Maybe Connor from a he's Dig's adopted son and the actor did it in LOT POV 😉 (I know). Maybe he's going off the Knightwatch grid with the JJ stuff. And we should be hearing about that actor soon. Be funny if it was William, the kid no one's guessing.
  17. Yeah he's one of the best things about Krypton, which is not hard IMHO but still awesome.
  18. I was trying to remember if SA had flat out lied before or was telling the truth only on a technicality etc. Snerk on Dinah as part of a GA/BC alt romance, that would unite people in being annoyed. I don't really care if they go for it, because I was actually assuming they would before SA's comments, I would just get frustrated at the "settled" arguments ala the 100th. I hadn't really thought that different actors might not count as alt versions, it would be amazing to see Walter in there, so there's that as well. I can definitely see it happening during the actual crossover though both different actors and same actors playing different versions. One thing, MG definitely picked those particular two costumes side by side to get us talking about all this so good job there. Even if they turn out to be completely different.
  19. I first thought about a GA/BC on another Earth to satisfy some of the people who are upset about it not happening on E1 and KC who I assume would want it, but SA did say he and the rest of the cast weren't playing alternate characters so who knows.
  20. Snippet of new costumes: Fairly different if that's supposed to be Oliver's, not his usual dark green, though it's hard to tell if its the one on the S8 initial "poster" which probably isn't the final one. It could be one of the FF kids version of it, Connor becoming GAish and the black could be anyone. Re the Canaries, I don't have an interest in either of them (any of them except Sara) but I expect DD to end up with a lot of screentime again and I don't think either she or BS will have finished with the FFs despite Dinah and Rene leaving it to the legacies. It's always hard to tell with Siren what she'll be getting, though she'll probably make it on to the crossover this time around.
  21. I think it's more likely The Monitor will be mainly with Oliver on the Arrow mini season, though obviously he's going to appear in an early ep of Flash, it might be more like the cameo in Arrow/LOT/Supergirl at the end of the last seasons. I don't think Barry will be lost in the Speedforce all season but maybe in the lead up to the crossover.
  22. Not really surprising as the latest addition to the Arrowverse especially with the "Bat" name and with Arrow ending as well. It starts filming tomorrow so there should be more pics and some spoilers coming soon.
  23. Into the Void fits with The Monitor being in ep 1. Does this mean Barry getting lost/trapped in the Speed Force and spending eps trying to get back according to the YT spoilers more likely? As for Kamilla, I'm not holding my breath for anything particularly note worthy but we'll see. I hope this isn't one of those times where an actor asks people what they think will happen and they know the characters are leaving after a couple of eps. Talking mostly about CV here, not VP.
  24. She does, although she's been excited before and not had very much to do in terms of storyline or screentime. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if she's directing something or getting some experience before that happens, although with Bamford allegedly directing half the 10 eps there's not a lot of space left with Arrow.
  25. Iris did the opposite of leading Barry on really. She was firm that she was with Eddie and said "screw destiny" to be with him before he sacrificed himself. Sure she was a bit conflicted but that was nothing compared to Barry meeting and flirting with her as The Flash and then yeah, gaslighting her over the blog etc. I know they put Joe in there purposely but still, how he handled everything is on him. It just seems par for the course on a lot of shows with the (usually white) guy pining over a girl for years without actually telling her but deserving to get her just because. Like she's a prize, and she's a bitch if she doesn't immediately get that. I often find the trope skeezy even if/when that couple do get together. WA are really cute and have got passed it but S1 Barry definitely was a giant ass to her at times and had some growing up to do.
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