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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. SA keeps mentioning that fans often hate finales (which is true I guess, they can get controversial) but I really hope I at least like Arrow's and it doesn't do something "gotcha" for the sake of it. But if not I'm ok with 722. I am interested in seeing Diggle interact with both Connor and JJ in the future (and Mia) though it's a give a way E1 him survives COIE unless there's a twist.
  2. Could go either way. A lot of times showrunners say no one has figured out Z but it's a common theory, on lots of different show, including most of the Arrowverse as you say and I think that's the most likely. X being "really dead" and Y being "it's fixed". Yes that's despite Felicity going off to find him which I thought was pretty clear in the finale. It's possible they've taken that into consideration as Y and their Z is something completely different, but even if it's "taking over The Monitor's Job" or similar that's still "alive in an alternate state/dimension" stuff. If it's "it's a happy ending because his family and friends and the multiverse are safe" that's still pretty binary. SA has said things like "if we don't get Emily back people will still know their out there somewhere together" which hints more at the paradise dimension stuff as well. I'm wracking my brains for something really off the wall, especially with the description of the last scene being WTF but this isn't a show like Farscape, even if the last 30 seconds end up being cringe/rage inducing for some reason. With things like Vince I think they thought they were being clever simply because Adrian Chase was Prometheus not Vigilante and the Vince stuff was brought up as soon as we knew Vigilante was getting unmasked with Pike being another popular choice, especially since we knew it couldn't be CD.
  3. I wonder if KC supposed to be being there means she does have a large part in this season one way or another or if she's just the only other "original" cast member left?
  4. That is some awesome casting..... I wonder if the DC title that's in development is one related to Arrow or not?
  5. With the is EBR coming back stuff just posted? I know they're all still quotes from SDCC and associated days but it just seems "yeah we're going to talk to her but we don't think she wants to come back but never say never." As probably not IMHO. But again I might be reading too much into it. I guess I'm just doubtful and not getting my hopes up. We'll see what everyone has to say today at the TCAs.
  6. I think the time for a BC/BOP spin off has past, though I could see both actresses on the CW in the future in different shows. The one they are or were talking about is/was Arrow:2040 which already has a BC in the team. Depending on how Arrow ends I can see them doing guest spots on other shows but I'd rather not. I think the future's staying the same because why tell the origin and growing pains of this young team if they're going to be wiped out or changed in 10 eps? Seems like EBR might have again said she doesn't want to come back (like she did in her exit interview that she felt done) but maybe they haven't actually got that 100% yet. At this point I'm doubtful.
  7. He also said it's a happy ending previously. I think it might end up being one of those weird 30 seconds that ends up annoying people and/or derailing the whole damn thing, but sigh, who knows. If it does I'll just use 7x22 as my finale. As for KC, well she's the damn BC and she's sticking to it, even though Dinah is as well (and Zoe in the future). Since it's always what she wanted in the first place, even though she was only 2nd best BC even then. As well as being the LI but that's out unless the last scene is totally insane (joking). So she's off kicking ass doing her own thing, joining with Dinah and maybe assisting Oliver in the first ep. This could be more than she's had to do since S2, potentially. Then again she has her headcannons.
  8. I'd actually really love to know the timing for a lot of things. There's nothing yet announced that would mean EBR couldn't come back for at least a few scenes, but it certainly doesn't seem certain by any stretch of the imagination and if the 7x22 scenes were the end of Felicity hopefully it holds up as a great, meaningful exit. Not as an Edie Thawne exit. Re: JH, I assume there must quite a bit of Dinah and Rene be to link SC2020 to 2040 but that is the least interesting part of the last ten episodes.
  9. Hmm, well I guess that could still go either way then, especially since she sounded done in her last interview and it seems MG kind of thinks she's done with the "no pressure", but nothing really new there. Just wait and see and hope they can go with the stepping through the portal ending for them if she doesn't come back.
  10. Maybe he's over seeing her, they do that for 1st time actor directors don't they? Every time one of the cast talks about freaking out over an episode, I roll my eyes, even if it legitimately is awesome/genuine whoa when it airs. I agree. They also do it piecemeal as well, with some characters acting like there's little to no connection between doppelgangers and some can't see the difference, and it's not from a character POV, which would be interesting, it's as and when the plot demands as always. If I were E1 LL I'd be mighty pissed that so many of my friends and family slotted in someone so easily into my life. Re closure well if it's doppels it will forever be a bit hollow for me but that doesn't mean the story can't be good on it's own. They explored this over in LOT with Snart's doppelganger Leo eventually realising he can't get closure for his Micky with Mick either which in itself was a form of closure, and he was his own character so we'll see. I think by closure they possibly just mean "it's a cool story and we get to see the actor again". Until we get pap pics or reports of EBR on set I'm just going to assume she's not coming back and that they will write around her for the "off together somewhere" because these non answer maybes and "we're going to call her soon to chat" is just going to do my head in otherwise.
  11. No, no no, you've got it wrong, it's not lazy, it's an homage. 😉 Probably supposed to be "clever". It does seem a quick way of getting nostalgic "ahh" moments like with 501 stuff but hopefully it will come off well. I hadn't even noticed Oliver wasn't wearing his wedding ring until @tv echo posted the tweets. I can't really think why he'd need to loose it unless he's impersonating himself from a different Earth or the past. But way to make a clickbait headline BC.
  12. I liked it, a very cynical but probably way more realistic take on what a real life superhero business would become. I've only seen the first episode so far but I'm going to space it out I think. Poor Starlight, where she's explaining why she didn't fight even though she certainly could have broke my heart. The bit at the beginning with Robin being vapourised really got me, ahh. Is A-Train's speed actually out of control so he couldn't navigate or was he in such a rush that he didn't look where he was going. I clocked the mayor was going to die from his first scene and that something was obviously going to involve Homelander the "Saint" but interesting... Always nice to see Karl Urban, with an extra side of crazy this time.
  13. I remember MG had quotes from a couple of years ago saying something like he'd break the internet if he wrote Oliver cheating on Felicity. That would just make the main character look terrible right before his grand sacrifice where they probably have Felicity go join him wherever, not to mention a meet up with Mia in there somewhere. I'm not in the slightest worried about that or swapping out Olicity for Lauriver post COIE change (seen that a couple of times), I'd just rather not have the two on screen together much because I think they still have anti chemistry and it's not fun to watch, and in terms of fandom, people saying an Oliver, Laurel, Dig OTA is how it should always have been or something, which is a minor issue in the grand scheme of things. That said, I still don't think it will be all season if it happens.
  14. Be with as is "travel with" (in a group with Diggle plus) not be together in a relationship with. They wouldn't go there now after Oliver leaving his wife and baby daughter. I guess he could visit an Earth like the 100th ep though as a one off, like with Tommy and Chase as GA or DA. Though it's a been there, done that. Unless they really wanted to create a finale worse than HIMYM and changed everything around after COIE. Which I don't think so at all in this way.
  15. Well, I can't say I'm upset if Rene is in jail. Maybe it's their excuse for why he and the others aren't around even though they did agree to step back last season. It's all possible and things might end up having changed after COIE as well, somehow. They do, and it's possible one version or multiple verisons of LL will be with Oliver. OTOH Laurel stuff has been hyped a lot before only to turn out nothing much so I guess it's wait and see. I wasn't really anticipating Oliver collecting various people then them joining his group on screen from then on, but again, maybe.
  16. DR is definitely pushing the Oliver and Diggle SA and DR narrative with no hint KC is standing in for EBR in that team. It seems likely with episode one and the crossovers, though maybe more in the middle. Because yeah GA and BC team up or whatever. The Caranies working together makes sense and has been their go to position for them.
  17. Felicity was supposed to be failing miserably but EBR hanging there showed how strong and toned she is. I remember KC always going on about the Salmon ladder before and thought it was weird it was such a fixation for her and if it is, why not learn it and surprise the cast/crew/writers with your skills? I thought she was referring to BS doing it at the beginning, which made me wonder if she could doing in it in the bunker with either the SC crew or Oliver/Diggle when they use the bunker to travel between earths or some Salmon ladder-y type stunt during a fight scene.
  18. Oops, I didn't see the name initials. Yeah it's bad if they aren't teasing something completely different than Deathstroke, but maybe since he wasn't involved as much last season.....Ok I've got nothing. I can't really see what else it could be. Especially because if there's no issues between them then where does that story go? And Arrow has never been subtle at sibling issues, they seemed to want to mirror John and Andy.
  19. From SA talking about EBR's send off there, it doesn't sound like they're looking at changing anything. Unless Emily agrees to come back for a couple of episodes and they say "fuck it!" I guess. That all sound well thought out @tv echo This whole COIE feels too bloated and complicated to keep track of for the Arrowverse, they were already going that way in Elseworlds for me. Maybe DR doesn't remember that part? I think he has to be referencing JJ because what's more theoretically surprising for Diggle's son than that? Except being a common storytelling cliché I mean.
  20. I think Kat is more likely to be offered her pick of leading roles in the next couple of seasons if a spinoff doesn't happen. KCs big lead moment was Arrow S1 and she wasn't really a big CW leading lady after that. As for a show? I can see something because she has her supporters with the high ups but I'm really not sure about JH. She doesn't really have the profile imo but what do I know.
  21. That would be interesting, more so than a standard redo for the sake of it. I hope so, though I'm keeping my expectations low just in case. I hope if she doesn't want to/can't they can work around it and give them a happy ending ala what we think 7x22 was about. I expect if she does come back we'll hear about her being in Van, although that's not a definite given she's a local.
  22. I certainly wouldn't mind any of that, but that greatly depends on whether or not they can get EBR back and that doesn't seem that likely unless they're just flat out lying again of course. I can see that. Well it won't be as cringy (hopefully) as Laurel hoping Olicity get back together and declaring her love for him one after the other on her death bed at least.
  23. Well it was supposed to be. She certainly was in her own little storyline that had nothing to do with anyone else's. Trouble was we were seeing Oliver and Sara go through literal hell on the Island so seeing someone have a breakdown over their boyfriend's death and go through a short spiral but behave awfully through it, did not do the character any favours. Ah well, we'll see. Yeah I thought he'd been pitched what happens before now, but obviously not completely. COIE will obviously change things but would they really spend the season building the FF team to wipe them out of existence or at least change them? I'm still that he actually dies then something happens and he goes to the pocket paradise dimension or whatever and then Felicity joins him and they both know the kids have got this and each other. I'd be surprised if they didn't do Infinity War/End Game in some way.
  24. If Episode 1 is a tribute to season 1 I can see them teaming up "like it was supposed to be" in the original pitch, I can't see it for the whole season with the island remark. Also she might team up with an unannounced guest star as well? I can't see why they can't "hype" that they're working together. I hope it's not for long they still have anti chemistry on screen and that will be a slog. It makes sense if E2 is the first stop just from a general perspective and so she can get back to Dinah. Well I'm hoping it's a decently direct follow up to the finale scenes of 7x22, given that was also very series finale-y. But I guess he's right, a lot of finales tend to be some of the more debated episodes. With the exception of HIMYM, that one was so bad it got it's spin off shelved. Of course his happy ending could be Oliver dying in the knowledge that everyone he loved is safe, though that's more bittersweet. It doesn't sound like it's deliberately going to be set out to be controversial. But I thought he had known how Arrow was going to end for a few months? Though DR also got pitched Diggle's crossover stuff at the same time.
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