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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. They tried to do that with Arrow originally with Oliver/Tommy/Laurel two best friends fighting over the same girl with that leading Tommy to take up his father's mantle. Not to mention the sister swapping. They'd just be going back to basics y'all. I could see them going there a bit but I'd hope Mia would be better than that.
  2. I prefer that to Natari but I haven't been looking around Tumblr. Shows increasingly have characters outright say that ship their friends (seriously do even the most hardcore of shippers say that IRL?) and pick ship names for them Sometimes to say "you should love this couple" sometimes to mock fandom. A lot of the time the official SM accounts etc try and get them to use it which often leads the fandom to go with something completely different on purpose.
  3. Given Klemmer's enthusiasm for the pairing I think not. Even though Amaya is gone and living her life it would still be squishy to me to date a really good friend's boyfriend who were in love less than a year afterwards. It's even more forced than that Nate/Amaya pairing was. Meanwhile Ray and Nora have good chemistry, best BR has had on screen in the Arrowverse certainly, and they probably won't happen. Sigh. I used to think everyone pushing them wad a sign the characters would say "no thanks" but now it's often a cheap way for the writers to get the viewers to agree. You know they want people to adopt Mona's ship names. I hate it when shows try to decide that, even with couples I like. And worse before the show even premieres.
  4. I also don't get the sudden Nate/Zari plot. It's as stupid and abrupt as Nate and Amaya hooking up during a mission due to the "take off our clothes because we got wet and cuddle" trope. Just why? And we get a lot of juvenile ship name debates. I'd say they wee mocking shippers but apparently PK likes them together and the ep had Sara and Ava running around Ikea to solve their relationship problems. Nate is so much better when he's not in a relationship and I now like the bromance between him and Ray (who can never catch a break). I wish Sara had pointed out she had also been to purgatory (Lian Yu) before. I don't hate them together but I do hate that it has become Sara's primary plot. And I don't think they addressed many of their actual issues. I still don't understand why Mona is needed she's already had several eps focused on her and for be she's dragging down the show whilst Charlie and Mick are barely used. What was the point of keeping Maisie on again? Liked Constantine and Nora's plot, nice call back to Nora remembering the events of Daddy Darhkest. It's frustrating because I wanted to love an episode with that title.
  5. I was inevitable really. A "good son vs bad son" showdown of the Legacy kids. But I'd rather have them than Dinah and Other Dinah and Rene heavily in the flashbacks. I still think Felicity is dying heroically in the future to set up next season's FFs but that's a different discussion I guess.
  6. Not a real split obviously given he's there at the birth, still wearing her wedding ring etc but to keep her and Mia secret and safe hidden in a cabin in the woods whilst he's elsewhere. And explain in show why she's not Over Watching. Of course they could just say she's on an extended business trip and then COIE happens/the show ends. Sadly I could see Lyla dying or going Evil Argus from Zari's Seattle 2042. Which is just as shirty as Star City 2040.
  7. I had wondered about that as well but that kind of takes any suspense out of Oliver's fate in COIE which seems largely/likely why it's 10 eps. There could be a couple of wrap up eps at the end depending on "stuff" unless the the aftermath means everything has changed and they want 5-6 eps to have fun with that. Eg. Dig was always GL or something. Going back to the Felicity "legacy beyond Overwatch" well that's Mia but also could be the cover story for why she isn't around for Dinah and Rene/media possibly in ludicrous get a fake split or paper divorce.
  8. Well he has to promote his story and they won't have Oliver wallowing in not being with Felicity and Mia every episode. Plus a lot of his hopes for Dig don't pan out. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on reviewers just yet. Even if part of it ends up being an opportunity for Felicity it will probably be after the events of COIE and god knows what's happening with Oliver there. She's still most likely to leave for her safety. Maybe we'll get mentions of Oliver disappearing to meet her ala visiting William in S4. Of course I could be completely wrong and Felicity waltzes off with the baby leaving a heartbroken Oliver and they never talk about her again in present time but I don't think so. *touches wood*.
  9. It's probably setting up Smoak Tech for the future and whatever happens in the FFs or with Archer (going wrong). I can't actually see her leaving Oliver for anything other than Mia's safety, even if there's a fake split/divorce. She's (hopefully) not leaving to forge her path when they've just had a baby they're both extatic about. Plus Will if they ever remember him in the current time line. That would have been a S4/5 storyline if they'd never reconsiled or she'd only ever been the Tech Girl with an unrequited crush.
  10. A lot of DR'S hopes for storylines about Dig don't turn out anything like he said and he does get clumsy with how he words things. A short final season does mean they can go for broke but it's unlikely he has too many specifics yet. Oliver (and Diggle) don't necessarily have to be in Star City to rebond or whatever. They better have a good reason why Oliver isn't with his family beyond the usual "save this city" shtick. Because they have the oh so awesome Z Team Arrow now, oh wait. @Mellowyellow I guess they could do a multi verse GA/BC romance if they are doing random stuff and set up for COIE but the actors still have anti chemistry with each other.
  11. I guess with the "everyone in tears" absolutely insane etc doesn't indicate a happy ending for Felicity 2040 or at least not one where she's alive but off screen. It backs the theory she heroically sacrices herself for her children/to "save" Craphole City.
  12. Baby Sara, you jest! Probably something John Stewart related or how come the same actor is playing two different characters and what happened with JJ. No Baby Sara's need apply.
  13. Heh. I guess they might take advantage of it but I can't see it being as a regular role. Maybe like the Slades eps from S6 if anything. CD would have known a while ago, although all this is entirely speculation. "You have saved this city" Felicity dies heroically in the FFs?
  14. I hope and assumed at the time he just meant "awesome" rather than Oliver Laurel and Tommy since that's not a dynamic SA ever really got on with, unlike OTA. I suppose it could be Mia and William vowing to save the city for their parents or Old Oliver is alive in the FFs to help or something. I really can't see S8 being E2LL and Tommy centric. But I bet Dinah and Rene have big parts.
  15. I liked Tommy and I'm glad CD comes back occasionally but I don't want him back for 10 eps of S8, though I wouldn't be surprised at all if he does pop up for one or two. I thought Tommy's role in S1 was to show how they really weren't best friends anymore, they'd grown apart in the 5 years (obviously). Oliver put on the playboy front with him and Tommy hated Oliver the murderer/vigilante etc. Then the Laurel issue.... If he'd stayed on the show that would have lead to him taking up his father's mantle rather than Malcolm surviving being stabbed through the heart. He could have done it after TommyX. I do like him and would rather see him and Oliver than with Dinah or Other Dinah but then that probably pushes Dig out and he's been Oliver's brother and Yoda since the beginning. I'm not really that big a fan of fan fiction Tommy, he often comes off as a bit too perfect, mature and can do no wrong to Oliver's fuck up personality to me. CD has been between series before and hasn't been brought back full time or for more than one episode so it's not necessarily guaranteed here.
  16. Sigh, I'm also going to be annoyed if she has to leave because of Archer. Especially because of Smoak Tech and Mia thinking it was safer to be a Smoak than a Queen. Also not looking forward to potential fake break up/divorce potential storyline that go along with it, depending on the timelines and COIE fallout etc. But I also fully expect them to ignore inconvenient stuff from the FFs that was mentioned previously. I guess it also depends on how they plan on her ending up in 7x23 in 2040. And again Oliver's fate.
  17. Sadly I can see them having Felicity pull a Moira as "full circle" but the Monitor being there is certainly Intriguing and more hopeful. Certainly I don't think Beth would think think people would love it. I guess it depends on if they think they can get her back for an appearance in S8 or they're filming ahead for a final S8 scene whilst they've still got her or they know she is completely done.
  18. KC really will be the last one out of the building and E2LL can finally take her destiny as Olivers One True Love (not. Touches wood). Seriously they don't need two of them there. Team is just a random collection of masks now.
  19. I'm at the cautiously optimistic but expecting/prepared for the worst table. Don't think we're getting SA in the FFs or anything though.
  20. Can't say I'm actually shocked given the signs but still.... I will follow it but damn it will be hard to watch a Rene and Dinah heavy (only?) season. I do wish her all the best and hope she's able to come back for the finale or they film something before she leaves even Reign did that.
  21. Clever or just more of the same? Almost Every Single Season Oliver has had to learn the same lesson from ex friends/allies etc. I don't think it was a great choice making EQ a (potential) big bad. Even though it would have broken my heart Thea would have been a better actress for a Big Bad than SS, IMHO. I think if the show was going on without SA when she probably would have been the next main GA and that's why she was hired, in the same way the FFs are packed with legacies for continuation/spinoff purposes.
  22. Didn't Malcolm actually go through Frank Chen (whom he later murdered after Moira turned him in for trying to go through China White to get Deadshot to assassinate him) to organise the bombing. Frank could have used Ninth Circle to do it but why is the invoice directly to MM in LARGE LETTERS and details exactly what he paid for? Incompetent supervillain organisation.
  23. Sam Carter, still one of my favourite characters on tv. As is SG-1 as a show. I recently found it on repeat in the UK and still the best for relaxing to, working out to etc. And still more thought provoking than SGU...…….
  24. Heh. A TV trope isn't it? people in their early-mid 20s having thousands of accomplishments that take years by nature, even if you are a genius. So let me get this straight, Robert Queen wouldn't fund his own daughter even discreet seed money for her business plan but will raise some one who he knows is Malcolm's bio daughter as his own and never throw it back in Moira's face? I mean kudos to him for loving Thea but he was awful to the other kids. Lax with douchebag Ollie until he put the guilt of the world on him and abandoning Emiko to becoming a supervillain.
  25. I've no doubt they *have* been discussing an Arrow: Legacies continuation, especially if they thought SA would only be doing the first half of a full S8. They certainly made sure to populate the FFs with all the kids etc. If The Originals can get one over the next try at a SPN spin off anything can but meh, I'm really not interested in the fight out of this dystopian future and I wonder how many others would be as well.
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