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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Ok there's a new sneak peak with the horror movie doll, I'm definitely going to be watching (and sleeping) with all the lights I own on. Yeah I'm really not sure where they're going with Ray and Nora. They do have chemistry and I liked their early interactions but right now it is problematic. I hope they do plan to address it. Same with Mick and Three Boobed Warrior Princess. If she's sentient does she have a choice or not because Mick is her creator? I don't think they'll go full Ruby Sparks but it would be nice to know they're thinking of these things apart from the funny.
  2. That's how I took it, not that the FFs are a possible future but that LOT was which the Legends changed. I imagine they might bring back the same actor though. I remember DR has been invested in seeing Connor Hawke again in the future before the new FFs started (around the time the Baby Sara travesty happened maybe?). I think that write up is just being vague and non spoilery so no "interesting" stuff but yeah lots of Dinah so fail. Really hope this doesn't lead to Oliver and Dinah being "friends" though, they were barely work acquaintances before.
  3. I miss Teen Arrow, I wish they'd been able to do more with them, that did end abruptly when it looked like it was heating up. I liked 2B a lot better than many people here and they introduced Roy and Sara better than those that came after. Sara was also in the present a lot less than is thought IMO but also in the flashbacks but the show was flashback heavy to set up Slade's stuff and the Lance drama was nonsensical especially because there was absolutely no Sara/Laurel relationship there until the finale not even asking how she was alive or Sara being mute when Laurel talked about also drowning etc. Sara, Ray and Mick are now the only Original Legends around. Difference being I actually love a lot of the characters they've brought in.
  4. That's the reason I briefly switched to 'Siren' before going back. BS just rolls off my screen so much better.
  5. Fanfic tells me Diggle is always an awesome supportive friend to Felicity and often takes her side when Oliver makes terrible relationship decisions. Guys, fanfic lies. That said, random character to bring back, even if they needed a club he hates Oliver because Ollie slept with his fiancé at the rehearsal dinner (gross Ollie) so maybe a crack about that?
  6. Yeah it's great although I Ray is jarringly the only one not even attempted to be made to look like he's walking.
  7. Hah, we aren't supposed to know about Emiko and yet we wouldn't if they hadn't given it away in the damn original title. If Talia does turn out to be her mother then Robert had an affair with her and Oliver "married" her sister who was the "beloved" of his exgirlfriend. Yeah that sounds about right for Arrow. I think the most likely thing is that she's Olicity's kid. It fits with the whole baby/no baby thing. BS's if they really want to troll. ;) 2nd place would be random unconnected fighter. I just couldn't remember if there were some unexplored possibilities that were obvious. Someone said a few days ago that even in this season of no spoilers we'd called a lot of it on here.
  8. She does look like she could be a good mix of them. I'm not sure what her natural hair colour is but I know she dyed it for Shadowhunters because they talked about how they'd done so many tests for the perfect colour. And IMO it still looked bad, especially in the 1st season. To temper my expectations I keep thinking who else she could be. Have we discussed Thea and Roy's daughter? Probably unlikely, especially with WH completely gone. Unlikely to be Dinah's because she's got Zoe. BS? Unlikely I'd guess but who the hell knows with her. Oliver and someone else? Felicity and someone else? Both highly unlikely but that would definitely be headgames from the writers. Random character with no connections? Possible but why the big secrecy. Any more?
  9. Mona I think there's got to be some kind of revelation or twist. There's no reason to make the character a regular otherwise. Her knowledge isn't because she's a cute "quirky" girl but either a fugitive herself or maybe even working with the villain one way or another. I think AT does a lot in making Gary work. As does his evolving Time Bro partnership with Nate.
  10. A lot of reviews, not just fans went WTF? Diggle last ep considering it was a 100% turn around from how he actually behaved, so I hope someone asks her. For the crossover regardless of the state of Olicity I guess they think GG being knocked out by DR is funny and CP laying one on a terrified nope!face SA is funny and cuts out repetition.
  11. Yeah the highly cynical watcher in me says they definitely set up Dig's completely insane bogus claims this ep because it's going to be a big part of what he says to Oliver. Thing is they do have a lot of issues to work out and would, even if she had agreed to the plan beforehand given the separation and all the other crap. But Not much in the writing has given me any confidence it's going to be treated any better than the times they've argued/separated/split up. I'm kinda hoping that we're all misinterpreting/over reacting to what eventually ends up on screen before the crossover because: Unlike last year I don't expect much to be resolved in the crossover, especially if EBR isn't in it much. I might be pleasantly surprised if the switch gives Oliver some perspective but since they don't carry forward much apart from deaths and marriages it's not going to be a huge deal. Or maybe they need to keep them at odds or apart etc until 7.10 because of whatever the FFs are going to "reveal" in the MSF.
  12. I bet AT is a lot cheaper than some of the SFX stuff if we had more suiting up. The show has been trending away from having them suit up a lot since the first season. And also (kinda) trending away from being a superhero show which I guess was partly a budget decision but partly just how the show evolved to be different from a 2nd rate Justice League that it was sort of billed as at first. Thank Goodness. I think a lot of the budget is going on the creatures which are this year's theme. I liked how Tagumo looked. Not remotely real but pretty good for a magical monster who came out of Ishiro's nightmares. I do think Gary is better in small doses, same as Constantine, but I don't mind him hanging around as the goober. I'm just a little apprehensive about how Mona is going to fit in in all of this. She was kind of just there for me but could go either way. Once the Bureau and Legends plots start to collide a bit more it should be interesting for her.
  13. Heh, I think we had a type B nanny for a few years when I was a kid (4 under 4s yo!). I guess it's easier emotionally speaking for him to lash out at someone snarking on his wife's coat then it is to deal with someone calling you a bad parent. Given their love of partying over multiple days a full time nanny was probably a wise parenting decision for them.
  14. In retrospect I was 100% done with Regina after that infamous "poor sad Regina" Lasagne scene. The difference was at that point I was invested in most of the other characters. Here I loathe the noobs and that won't change, since future DD is even worse than current DD, Oliver is separate and Dig is being sacrificed for this plot so. Shrug, BS ends up becoming better by default and the compare contrast with Felicity/scenes with EBR so hey, congrats writers I guess. I agree @Mellowyellow now that they've found out that sticking her with Felicity actually works (once again) I hope she doesn't end up on BS Island all the time. I'd like to see an unhinged but not actively killing people BS, that might work, especially since they're oh so dedicated to keeping DD around. Be interesting since Quentin is gone if BS ever brings up the fact that the writers basically copy pasted her own mother's name in a bid to get fans to accept her to avoid a Sara situation. That's the problem with FFs they have to keep things so vague about what happened that Will can't go "well the last time I saw her she was fighting for justice" and because there might be "twists" *eyeroll* coming up Roy can't go "I don't believe she'd ever go bad, she loves her death fake outs". JH is a terrible actress so even if DD is supposed to feel anything except for the need to scowl and pout we won't know even if/when Things Are Revealed.
  15. Makes sense. Especially since their plots appear to be picked out by playing drunk darts. How else would you get "team deals with Martin's death/Jax leaves" with Our Lord and Saviour Beebo and Vikings in the same episode? ;)
  16. Whilst they were never engaged having E1LL prosecuting Moira for the death penalty after the Gambit AND her just ex live in boyfriend had died in what MQ was accused of was just as stupid as now but hey she needs this to have a storyline. Still confused about what's going to happen if they try and make BS into just a snarky anti hero. The team already has that and someone with her exact powers we know isn't going anywhere. I don't want her peramently as Felicity's "1 person on the show she's allowed to talk to apart from Oliver". Which they've done to so many different characters now and in the past (so it wasn't just an MG thing.) I'd say they'd ship her back to make amends on E2 but I doubt KC is going anywhere until the bitter end. More self righteous speeches at Oliver? That didn't work when she was E1 and he actually did care for her and feel guilty. KC must be pleased she's getting more praise than in a long time though.
  17. Since when do the Legends get a budget from the TB? Sara specifically said Nick didn't get paid a couple of eps ago. Maybe she and Ava worked out an expenses budget for things Gideon can't do? Sacrilege!
  18. Maybe she interprets the Jar as herself? There are/were rumours on les/bi sites they were dating. No idea if that has any truth to it. It also seems clear EBR has not ditched the Jar at least as much had been speculated. Still shouldn't bother her though. And yeah some fans are just as bad.
  19. Oliver can be a dick but she's really the last character that self righteousness should be coming from, although I guess that bar got significantly lowered for the vast majority of the rest of them over the last season. Although KC still has an almost default setting for snotty as BS as she did before IMO. She's not working with them out of the goodness of her heart and is still pretending publicly to be their dead friend. I didn't mind Anatoly's S5/6 hissy fits/self righteousness so much because DN is a charismatic actor and the characters have such a complicated history together. BS not so much. I am wondering what they're planning on doing with her in the future because DD is unfortunately still around in the FFs and we don't need 2 similar characters hanging around (providing this "redemption" sticks) snarking, screaming and pouting hypocritically.
  20. I guess part of it is people who say that do want more Barry/Cisco/Caitlin stuff, like in an "are they even aware of what's going on in their lives?" way. Another related part of it is whatever is going on with Barry is (usually) related to the A plot and therefore gets more focus. And also that they don't want these characters to get stuck on their own little Plot Islands where they have their few minutes of stuff but never get anything else to do for the episode because it doesn't involve Barry.
  21. It's just a combination of things so far for me. Seeming not *care* she was seconds away from being murdered (because his shitty organisation failed). Telling her to get over it when she begged for help. Seemingly not a bit worried about Oliver but palling around with Curtis on random ARGUS stuff, caring *on screen* about his friendship with him and Dinah etc. THEN the outright lie that she pushed him away.... And no good explanation from him about any of this. Other times he could be a dick, especially about Oliver over Felicity and wanting her somewhat in a box but this is just nasty on all levels. I get the need to pal her up with BS and Anatoly etc but there's no need to make him such an asshole, hypocritical douche. Like there were better ways to accomplish this, that doesn't include *all* of my above or makes him have something else massive to worry about. Then again I guess NTA was like at least 50% right about last year supposedly. And I didn't even think they were 5% right.
  22. Yeah it's not completely out of character for Digg. Although it always has been annoying, especially because his own wife has always worked for a "grey" black ops organisation and he's okay with that until their 1 ep per season as a couple. Hell *everything* they've done is technically that. She technically should go to prison for life as well for the hacking. That said, this time around there is no way to spin it as him reaching out or even him telling her it's what her husband, his best friend would want (he's usually taken Oliver's side over her's in recent seasons). He didn't even treat her as any other woman and child desperate to get the crazy asshole off their backs who had just been thisclose to being brutally murdered. He treated her as a nuisance who should just mail Oliver divorce papers and not bother him with her shit anymore. I keep thinking they must be doing it deliberately but it's not moving the narrative (which I guess Alien!Dig is) and it's not funny and it doesn't seem a set up for realising he's an ass and character growth so I have no idea.
  23. I think at one point Kara and Mon El were curled up on a sofa and Kara made a crack about Winter Still Not Coming or something. I might have been imagining it though since I haven't watched S2 since. It's been said before but I just can't with how this show is going about this season's storyline. The importance of the message is completely lost in the cringe factor for me. Both the message and enjoyment of the show are lost in feeling 2nd hand embarrassment it. When LOT tackles some of the same issues in a more subtle manner......Eh. I guess it is working ok for some though. Yawn at the Haley plot. It just feels very paint by numbers to keep a DEO plot in the mix. There's nothing to literally or legally hold Kara there if she doesn't want to be or stop her saving people not mandated by the DEO. After all, if a regular person sees someone in trouble, there's nothing stopping them stepping in from trying to help, even if it isn't their job. At this point not even a Cat Grant esque "well obviously I always knew, you didn't fool me the first time I challenged you about it, I just value your privacy" type thing will save her not figuring it out.
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