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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. I'd rather it be him than Wild Dong. And he's already been accused of being GA anyway.
  2. She's the 3rd BC and not even the most important current Canary in the Arrowverse right now, she has to do something. I think she will have a bigger role this season and maybe more with GA but a lot of her 'excitement' and squealing over episodes is more of the same ass kissing and self promotion. Beth is really taking this spoiler thing seriously. Around this time last year we had paparazzi footage of the effing double wedding.
  3. I don't know if it was a promo photo since JJ was the only place it appeared originally, a few days after the event. I've no idea if she went to the party or not but she was pretty involved in the annoying jar thing at one point. No I don't think they would change the story based on JH's insertion into the group, that's what I was saying. If it ever happened it's because EBR wanted to leave or they wanted to cause Oliver his usual extra manpain. There's no doubt she really wants people to know/think she's in with the big star of the show, though as I said him not so much. No doubt she'd love to be more than 'after thought' BC either as BOP spin off or LI, though I think this is mostly proving she's part of the cool kids/usual actor SM self promotion and not knowing that many people in Van.
  4. Sara and Oliver got a few lines reconfirming their connection in the last couple of crossovers but their S2 relationship is never mentioned. LL is constantly remembered on two shows though rarely as a LI. Oliver even had Nope!Face when she was in hospital telling him he was the love of her life. But she became deified in death, unlike Sara where Laurel realised she was always destined to put on the mask mid season, never mind that that was a load of bunk. Then it wad Sara Who? Until they needed to resurrect her.
  5. She was pretty involved at one point because she was in one of the most stupid pics of it all and I rolled my eyes. Eh, she's more into pics of proving she's a superhuman explorer in a bikini these days. We know she and SA still hang out a bit. I did like that photo from the march with "wife, kid, TV wife" thing was cute. It's mostly JH doing all the SA tagging with Carina getting in with anyone remotely famous. It's 7 likely that SA is going to go "you know what Beth, JH is part of our group now, I think we should go GA/BC even if Felicity is still alive."
  6. Or as with that wine party thing still around sometimes but not desperate enough to tag all of them all over SM.
  7. Year I think it was supposed to be a couple of years before Oliver got on 5he Gambit. Also known as the pre island flashback where he showed a hint of depth even if he might well have shown up to visit the baby high with a completely inappropriate gift and thought himself father of the year. OTOH it might have been the making g of him without going through hell. I wonder if that haunted Moira? Or if she ever thought about visiting but kept away because of Malcolm. Grr so many interesting places they could have gone.
  8. I loath CC as a writer and for the plagiarism stuff not to mention acting like a toddler on SM sometimes but good for EBR for booking the gig. Anna Hopkins was on the TV show this season I think.
  9. I'm guessing she loves it considering how eager she is to show she's BFFs with SA and kiss ass. And she started promoting herself as BC the minute she was announced (not unsurprisingly). But Carina seems so desperate she'd probably kiss ass with a random guest star on SM to prove how connected she is.
  10. All Bar *maybe* Helena who has been mentioned recently were the definition of temporary love interest or ship stall. Sara's never really mentioned either but she has her own show.
  11. I don't follow any of that talk on SM but the feeling I get is she'd mention anyone slightly famous. Who else in the cast is part of JAR?
  12. True. I hope DR and EBR have also re signed. Not that they are likely to announce it on social media. If they haven't I'd like to know early so I can prepare myself like with WH.
  13. It's ridiculous but they'll probably give as much care and attention to BS being DA as they did E1LL being a good lawyer or her drug addiction 'crucible' which is to say very little. I'm more concerned about DDD mumble mouth moron hanging around for a while. God forbid he's this year's BB as well.
  14. I'd expect Felicity to be the worst off, she's his wife. E2LL doesn't really care about Oliver and is swanning around in a great job, no wonder she's the best off. It probably does mean they don't really care much about the character that they are slotting her right into E1's role but if I was a find or fan of E1 I'd be livid. Grr on Roy being our Ray. Please don't have broken up with Thea, otherwise she could just have gone off with Nyssa.
  15. I liked the first nine minutes but they'd bette have an actual end game in mind even now or it will get old really quickly. Josh Dallas will probably keep me tuning in for a while though.
  16. I guess at this point we have no real. Indication that any of OTA will leave at the the end of this season but I tend to get paranoid about it. ;)
  17. He or one of the other paps said the cast was in negotiations for further contracts last year, obviously that wasn't the case. Just me being paranoid that they might decide to go full noob and not negotiate more seasons with DR or EBR or either of them might want to walk away. I don't think SA will despite the posturing.
  18. So it seems from those interviews that Ken Pursuit *was* wrong and the cast haven't se signed for S8. Hmm mm. Ok back to worrying about DR and EBR. I love Sara and I don't think she was pushed into everything, Dig and Felicity were certainly pushed to the side but it wasn't just about her.
  19. I take it random laptop is BTS and not perched there as part of the scene. Oliver teaming up with villains could be part of the dark stuff that needs redemption I guess. Among other things.
  20. Barely anybody ever asks for NTA, even Reddit. I can see RG being very intense about his big speech, but it pretty much all ran hollow once the "gotcha" moment came and he was revealed as the rat and the spent the next few episodes with his only lines as "this doesn't change anything hoss!"
  21. Ok, thanks. To be fair in that situation I'm more worried about DR and EBR's re signing/being offered re signing and salaries than SA, but I suppose it could go either way for him as well. The boobs and KC will probably be the last to leave.
  22. Possibly but didn't we already have word that he renegotiated last year? Or was that never confirmed?
  23. Well Duh! If had gone on for a 4th season he would probably have missed pilots season 2012/fall season 2012, that's not news. If Nu!Melrose had taken off KC wouldn't have been LL either. I guess it's not too surprising that he was earning less 1st season than some others. Others were more established actors and/or better known CW stars, though slightly surprised he claims he was 4th or 5th even with the other caveats, but as he says he was basically an unknown, so....
  24. I doubt they'll ever kill Curtis. He's their Gay Black Superhero. He ticks all diversity boxes and wears a mask! Also he's a guy, with a mask!, which unfortunately does seem to help on Arrow. Not bitter or anything.
  25. ugh. Don't get me wrong, I love Superman and like TH's Superman but Supergirl came to a halt when they introduced him because they couldn't not faun over him and the fact that he made an actual appearance. No Legends, introducing Batwoman, Superman and Lois Lane. It's sounding more like the intro crossover with the "stupid chicken hawk people" and Vandal Savage the creepy/greasy than the infinitely better Crisis on Earth X or even the Dominators.
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