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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. He's still been more prominent, here you could blink and miss him. I doubt it means anything though. I like Waverider being there though I miss Firestorm and I wish Wally was still appearing after being wedged into the back half of the season and seemingly still part of the team in his scene in the Flash finale.
  2. I like Gary the Goober. We haven't seen a S4 poster yet have we? With Firestorm no longer there. Maisie being a different character and Z and the new regulars you'd have thought there be one. ETA. New poster now dropped 5 minutes after I previously looked. https://www.spoilertv.com/2018/09/legends-of-tomorrow-episode-401-virgin.html?m=1
  3. Me too, awkward angle. (I hope). That dinosaur costume is really cute. I don't want to check out the rest of Jar's SM, were any of the other cast there?
  4. Is it possible that some of the still on going prison stuff might be flashbacks, or that there will be flashforwards to him being out etc. Because I can't believe they'll keep Oliver separate for 7+ episodes. That or the whole damp season is being told non linearly.
  5. That's interesting I'd have thought Dinas would have had more fans on GATV and BS come to that.
  6. Isn't "family emergency" code for film festival? If so stupid lie considering that theres a big chance most people wanting to see her are involved in the fandom online etc.
  7. The first thing I thought of when I saw the news was "hello Emiko/Mia, Oliver's other half sister." I think KM has improved as an actress over the last couple of years but IMHO she's still just okay although popular. If she's there to be Dinah's or BS's Sin no thanks.
  8. Yep. Of course he's also been enthusiastic about plot lines I've hated but the last two interviews have been really good. Kick ass Felicity scene? Awesome, especially as EBR will have the opportunity to show off some real life skills. Reading Fefe haters comments about it should be funny. There's a happy medium between all the spoilers and paranoid about spoilers Beth.
  9. Sure they promised something different, they do it every year and lather, rinse and repeat again. I am looking forward to Beth's take on it though. I looked through the others as well and yes I don't think they're serious, just I wouldn't rule it out in the future.
  10. It wouldn't surprise me if that happened at some point, ala "who's in the grave" possibly with a Roy/Nolanverse twist but not this season for Oliver.
  11. He's probably staying in prison so we'll like the noobs dammit! Yeah that's going to go down well if he's cut off from the action, just like how everyone loved it when he spent all that time with the LOW and "dead" or giving it up for William last year.
  12. Heh, didn't say it was happening (right now anyway), especially as that comment would *gasp* be hinting at a spoiler. ;) @Angel12d yeah I wasn't really being serious, it's just her comment on the plot in the photo.
  13. Let's hope she's saying it about that episode not that they aren't filming together much or her not filming much at all. I assume that she hasn't been *SHOCKING TWIST* killed off in eps 4-6 and isn't filming anything.
  14. Unless ST is coming back as E2!Moira I'm kinda dreading more than anticipating his oh so surprising last scene. Although given the stuff we already called that seems true maybe it won't be.
  15. Hah, that would be funny, that thing was already creepy and Mick's reactions would definitely be worth it.
  16. I'm intrigued by this but not totally optimistic because this sort of high concept drama either doesn't catch on and the mystery is never solved or it fizzles into a mess and would have been better as a limited series in the first place. That said the casting is good and the trailers are also pulling me in so they've got me for 2 or 3 shows I think.
  17. https://www.spoilertv.com/2018/09/legends-of-tomorrow-episode-407-title.html?m=1 Ep 4.07 is Hell No, Dolly. LOT has the best titles in the Arrowverse by far.
  18. On a discussion on the Flash board it's been said that DC/WB rejected the request for an Olicity kid, which I guess could be why the emphatic denials, but I can't find anything to back up the claim. Has anyone else heard it? Just curious. Would it even have made it on to the board in that case? I assume JH is probably excited about a big BC! fight scene or line. I always think, "that's it?" When even she's jazzed about an ep but I guess so far (could change this season) she's been afterthought BC so she has to up what she can plus the obsession with masks. If BS is struggling ha! with "a tale of two LL's" and chooses 'good' what exactly is the point? They might just as well have Sara snatch her up for Gideon to fix just before she dies and drop her off in 2018. And two 'good' screechers? There wasn't even space for Sara once LL WAS instaCanary. One of them would end up being pushed out even if BS never joined the team so if they want/need to keep both actors on the show they'll either have to be more creative than ever before or keep BS bad or worse flip flopping without being 'complex' which is one of the things I disliked about E1LL. Of course they'll think they're being complex but the only one who really managed that is Moira and a lot of that was ST.
  19. I think they're just bigging up Constantine because he's a well known popular character and he's not going to be the centre of everything or even in every episode. He may not even be a regular next season
  20. I've always found it weird, especially as he didn't look that jazzed about her giving it to him in the first place and that it survived him being in the water. Yeah also the part where he literally has a picture of her sister in his pocket as they about to have sex, I assume not for the first time on the cruise.
  21. I assume it was at least under discussion. Given the fact that the cast aren't even getting full scripts this season it could be happening, I could see them all lying through their teeth about it. Or it could have chaged/Been pushed back, tabled until they know if EBR is signed on for a potential S8 or not etc. It would be a really random thing to completely make up. They also went back and forth a bit on if there was going to be a wedding or not and if it really was the double or before/after. Since this is the hiatus of very few spoilers and mostly rather boring official previews IMHO, I guess it's even harder than usual to speculate with any accuracy.
  22. Well Dig already had a prison break so I'm assuming they'll do the usual Arrow thing and lather, rinse and repeat. Especially if the villains are sticking around.
  23. Hah, stealth plan to make BC the more palatable partner. ;) but seriously it is going to be a bit weird as they've only looked a 5-6 years apart at most until now. Heh, the one thing they're faithful to is dirty old man Ollie! *laughing*
  24. That beard cannot stay the whole season. There aren't many thingsthat can make SA unattractive but that is one of them and it's not even comics accurate for the purists. Forget showing the actual 10 year age gap between him and EBR it makes him look way older than *his* actual age as well. The sleeveless look was stupid but it doesn't cost ant time or money to go back to even a fuller scruff. Yeah like all the Felicity plots which never materialise. It would be nice to have a Diggle centric that's a bit different rom his usual ones which I sadly find boring a lot of the time. I have no interest in the SS, Andy wore out his welcome quickly, DD had more nuances at his most megalomaniacal that season and there's only do many times he and Lyla can have the exact same argument.
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