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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. 17 hours ago, Anduin said:

    Tim Brooke-Taylor, English comedian best known for the Goodies. Age 79, from the coronavirus. I watched the Goodies when I was young. While it didn't really age well, he was still a part of my childhood.

    Also quite well known for the long running radio show "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue", famous for being the home of officially sanctioned games of "Mornington Crescent".

    Which led to this brilliant line I saw on Fark:


    Services for Mr. Brook-Taylor will be held at Clapham North, unless a lateral was played in Edgware Road in the previous turn, thus all attendees will be Trappist until Bond Street has been double-cleared.


    • Love 6
  2. 17 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I don’t know what the idols in that series look like, but that thing actually looks like an idol.  Looks like a gold disk and that it was in plain view.   If the idols from the rest of the season looked just like that, then of course it seems likely.

    According to recaps of the season, she found a clue in the buff she got at the tribe shuffle that led her to that idol.  And other idols were apparently hidden in the challenges, like we saw last in IotI as part of Elaine's test from BRob and Sandra.

    But, per this clip from a later episode, when she finally played that idol, so did two other people...and all 3 idols looked different.


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  3. On 4/8/2020 at 8:04 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    Man, I am disappointed that Adam has gone out, and had to be torn to shreds by Jeff during it. Because you KNOW if Jeff and production had actually put an idol there, they would think it was brilliant. And truly, it was a risky move, but they could have switched things up this season by throwing an idol at Tribal. There's always a first for everything. You know Jeff is mad that he didn't come up with the idea first.

    As has been noted, non-American versions have already hidden idols at TC.  Then again, they've also done a lot of other things that everntually got imported into the mothership:  Redemption Island, the Vote Blocker, Extra Votes.  I'm still waiting for the Black Votes to become a thing.


    On 4/8/2020 at 8:09 PM, jsm1125 said:

    Australian Survivor has had immunity idols hidden at tribal council (season 3 and 5 come to mind), so I can understand Adam's thought process in that regard.

    Adam has tweeted that he was actually inspired by the South African version of Survivor.  And this one idol claim in particular:  (You can stop the video after 30 seconds.)


    16 hours ago, skybolt said:

    Going back to the EoE menu, assuming that the jar of peanut butter now costs 4 tokens, it would likely mean that everything else on the menu costs at least that much now. If that's the case and Wendell didn't bequeath his fire token to Michelle last week, you basically couldn't buy anything with the 50/50 advantage trade. I really hope that if prices did go up, the jar of peanut butter only cost 2 fire tokens this time around.

    Do we know for sure that the price had changed?  Or did Parv just buy 4 Tyson-jars worth since she was planning to share the peanut butter with 5 other  people?

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  4. 8 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    does anyone know about the advantages in the game that Jeremy/Michele/Sarah have?

    Natalie/Parvati and Danni (and the rest of the pre-Sandra Edgers to some degree)/Natalie; respectively. 

    In other words, the people that sold them those advantages, and anyone those people told, know.  No one in the main game knows though.

  5. On 4/7/2020 at 10:03 PM, Teacherkl said:

    Do you think Flo watched her season and felt embarrassed by her behavior?

    She did, and she did.

    Back when the season was originally airing, she joined us on TWoP.  Mainly around the end, when the Twins were eliminated.  And she posted a..."spirited" defense of them that would have got most users banned from the site.  She also attended that year's TARCon...knowing full well that most of the attendees did not care for her behavior in the end.  But she was gracious and good-humored about things, which allowed most people to see the difference between Flo the Racer and Florinka the actual person.

    Plus, in every post-TAR interview, she also gave huge credit to Zach for putting up with her.  So she knew she was a pill.

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  6. On 4/7/2020 at 11:02 PM, Lantern7 said:

    I'm not trying to be negative about TAR for its own sake. I just can't see how a show based on global travel would be able to rebound even if things come remotely back to being normal.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  TAR survived 9/11; it'll survive the pandemic.

    My current theory about the future of TAR is: Once it's clear for TAR to start shooting again, they're going to shoot "TAR34" next.  Meaning that they're going to start a new set of teams on a new course.  While that's happening, they'll work on getting the teams that got through the 3 legs already run from "TAR33" cleared to run again, then restart that Race from where it left off once everyone is ready and available again. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, fishcakes said:

    I'm not sure who has what, but @SVNBob lists all of the advantages in the Tribe Tracker thread. He usually updates it a day or so after the episode.

    Thanks for the plug. 

    I just updated that thread.  In addition to the 5 "advantages" in the main game that @LadyChatts and @TVFan1 listed, there are 3 on the Edge. 

    Rob and Natalie still have the idols they bought before the Return Challenge.  While currently powerless, if either of them returns to the game (or passes off said idol to whomever does), those idols will have full power.

    And Parvati did buy some peanut butter after selling the coin to Michele.  I'm counting that as an advantage, same as I did when Tyson bought his jar.

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  8. I'm not going to put Adam's attempted "idol" play on the Tracker.  Like he said, and Peachy agreed, it was worth the shot.  Besides, it's not like anyone's going to forget that move for a long time.

    And I finally decided to keep Tyson's Edge activities listed under him in the main game, but spoilered for compression.  It makes the most sense to me that way.

    And there's a new "advantage" added to the Tracker.  Its' rules are included un-spoilered for this first appearance, but will get compressed next week.  (At which point, I may add back in the rules for Jeremy's "advantage", in the same manner.)

    Koru Tribe:

    • (SY) Adam
    • (SY) Ben - 1
    • (SD) Denise - 3
    • (SD) Jeremy - 2
      • Safety Without Power "Advantage"
    • (DD) Kim - 2
      • Dakal Idol
    • (SS) Michele - 0
      • 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
        • Can be flipped only once at one TC.
          • If it lands "Safe", holder granted immunity.
          • If it lands "Not Safe", holder not granted immunity.
        • Expires after use or after F7TC, whichever happens first.
    • (DS) Nick - 3
    • (DY) Sarah - 1
      • Steal-a-Vote
    • (DY) Sophie - 2
      • Yara Idol
    • (DD) Tony - 1
    • (DE) Tyson - 0
      • Spoiler
        • Tyson's Edge Activities
          • Found Idol Nullifier.
            • Sold to Parvati.
          • Bought Peanut Butter.
          • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
            • Spent in Challenge
          • Won Challenge, and returned to main game.


    On the Edge/Jury: 

    1. Natalie  - 0
      • Spoiler
        • Found HII good for 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Found Safety Without Power "Advantage".
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Found Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity.
          • Sold to Sarah. 
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
    2. Amber - 0
    3. Danni - 0
      • Spoiler
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    4. Ethan - 0
      • Spoiler
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    5. (SY) Rob - 0
      • Spoiler
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
    6. (SS) Parvati - 3 (maybe less)
      • Found 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
        • Sold to Michele for 4 tokens
      • Bought Peanut Butter
    7. (DS) Yul - 0
    8. (DS) Wendell - 0
    9. (SY) Adam - 0

    Extinct:  Queen Sandra


    Advantage Graveyard:

    •  Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Natalie on EoE.
          • Sold to Sarah.
        • Sarah used to attempt to get a Steal-a-Vote advantage from Sele.
          • Successfully stolen.  
    • Idol Nullifier
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Tyson on EoE.
          • Sold to Parvati.
        • Parvati voted out without playing.
          • Presumed Nullified.
    • EoE Idol #1.
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Natalie on EoE; viable for only 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Sandra sold to Denise for 1 fire token before final usable TC.
          • Deal was for 2 tokens; 1 payable before TC, and the 2nd after returning to camp after TC.
        • Denise played on herself.
          • Negated 4 votes.  Played correctly.
    • Sele Idol #1.
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Denise.
          • Half given to Adam to activate idol.
            • Adam returned half to Denise to restore idol.
        • Played by Denise on Jeremy.
          • Negated 0 votes.  Played "incorrectly". 
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #1 Advantage
      • Spoiler
        • Allowed those who purchased it to not have to dig up a bag of string that would otherwise be buried deep in the sand at the Challenge.
        • Purchased by Natalie, Danni, Ethan, Tyson, and Rob.
          • Parvati and Yul did not have any tokens, so they could not make this purchase.
          • Amber gave her token to Rob, so she also could not make this purchase.
    • Love 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Automne said:

    I wonder COVID-19 and the resulting quarantines for however long it will go on will change food shows. I would love to see the end of 1.) the constant competition shows and the DDD type shows and 2.) gatherings and entertaining always being the framework for cooking shows. Not everybody likes entertaining or having more than a couple of close friends over once in a while. I’d like to see more baking shows that aren’t competitions (bring back Baked In Vermont!) and cooking shows with actual chefs (not bloggers) that get back to basics and cooking for one or two people.

    I do know that Alton Brown is currently doing a series on his YouTube channel called Pantry Raid.  It appears to be a Good Eats-style show where he's making recipes with things that most people would have in their pantries but haven't necessarily needed or wanted to get out until now.

    This might be the forefront of the change you're looking for.

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  10. On 4/1/2020 at 1:39 PM, Door County Cherry said:

    In fact, it might be the perfect time considering none of us are going anywhere.  We can travel vicariously. 

    This is what Discovery Channel's current promos are saying: Stay home; let us do the traveling for you.

    So there's no reason that a TAR season wouldn't be as welcome for the same reason.  Ok, maybe they add a tag at the start of each episode that says this season was filmed before the world went into lock down, but otherwise, it could air as-is and give a lot of people a positive look at the world again.

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  11. On 3/31/2020 at 4:07 PM, Lamb18 said:

    I am watching Heroes Vs. Villains and am at the merge episode. I think J.T. is stupider than Erik (just watched his season).  Erik had better reason to trust Natalie than J.T. to trust Russell. He must have watched Russell's first season.

    Again, I'll just leave this here.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Nashville said:

    But would you actually call those buffs gold, though?

    The base color of the buff is black...again.  But the printed knotwork is gold, and so are the chyrons, which always match tribe colors (unless it's a generic "Day ##" marker).  So they're the first Gold tribe in Survivor history.

    (They're not yellow, as the chyron tone is a little darker than what they typically use for yellow tribes.  And besides, an all-winner season with a doubled grand prize?  Gold is the most appropriate color.)

  13. Between the Merge, the 1st Return Challenge, and a new rule, there's a lot of movement on the Tracker this week.

    Koru (or Merge, or Gold Tribe):

    On the Edge/Jury: 

    1. Natalie  - 0
      • Found HII good for 3 TCs.
        • Sold to Sandra.
      • Found Safety Without Power "Advantage".
        • Sold to Jeremy.
      • Found Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity.
        • Sold to Sarah. 
      • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
        • Spent in Challenge
      • Bought 1 Immunity Idol
        • Did not win challenge, so does not work at present
    2. Amber - 0
      • Gave Token to Rob
    3. Danni - 0
      • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
        • Spent in Challenge
    4. Ethan - 0
      • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
        • Spent in Challenge
    5. Tyson - 0
      • Found Idol Nullifier.
        • Sold to Parvati.
      • Bought Peanut Butter.
      • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
        • Spent in Challenge
      • Won Challenge, and returned to main game.
    6. (SY) Rob - 0
      • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
        • Spent in Challenge
      • Bought 1 Immunity Idol
        • Did not win challenge, so does not work at present
    7. (SS) Parvati - 0
    8. (DS) Yul - 0
    9. (DS) Wendell - 0

    Extinct:  Queen Sandra

    Advantage Graveyard:

    •  Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity
      Hide contents
    • Found by Natalie on EoE.
      • Sold to Sarah.
    • Sarah used to attempt to get a Steal-a-Vote advantage from Sele.
      • Successfully stolen.  
    • Idol Nullifier
      Hide contents
    • Found by Tyson on EoE.
      • Sold to Parvati.
    • Parvati voted out without playing.
      • Presumed Nullified.
    • EoE Idol #1.
      Hide contents
    • Found by Natalie on EoE; viable for only 3 TCs.
      • Sold to Sandra.
    • Sandra sold to Denise for 1 fire token before final usable TC.
      • Deal was for 2 tokens; 1 payable before TC, and the 2nd after returning to camp after TC.
    • Denise played on herself.
      • Negated 4 votes.  Played correctly.
    • Sele Idol #1.
      Hide contents
    • Found by Denise.
      • Half given to Adam to activate idol.
        • Adam returned half to Denise to restore idol.
    • Played by Denise on Jeremy.
      • Negated 0 votes.  Played "incorrectly". 
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #1 Advantage
      • Allowed those who purchased it to not have to dig up a bag of string that would otherwise be buried deep in the sand at the Challenge.
      • Purchased by Natalie, Danni, Ethan, Tyson, and Rob.
        • Parvati and Yul did not have any tokens, so they could not make this purchase.
        • Amber gave her token to Rob, so she also could not make this purchase.

    Next week I'll probably do some clean-up in the Edge section.  It'll be like the Advantage Graveyard: old information going under spoiler tags in order to save space. 

    I also need to figure out what to do with Tyson's Edge activity.  Move it back under him in the game section, but spoiler-tagged for compression?  Dropped into the Graveyard?  Or is there another option I haven't thought of yet?

  14. I'm glad that there was a positive response to the two YouTube recommendations I made earlier.  The #Hometasking looks like people are having a lot of fun, and it's nice that the Taskmaster himself is involved with the scoring.  Sandi's show is a delight, and I want her to continue doing it even after things return to normal; even if it reduces to a weekly chat instead of a daily.

    But another big name panel-show host has also joined in.  Jimmy Carr is now doing the Little Tiny Quiz of the Lockdown.  Each day, he's doing two videos; the first asks the questions, and the second has the answers.  The link above goes to the announcement trailer, but the video below is the questions for Day 1.

    Not a bad little quiz.  I scored 10 out of a possible 11 points.


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  15. 7 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    We are approaching April 1, which is when Adult Swim pulls some April Fools hijinx. Granted, they might skip doing anything this year since . . . everything.

    Google sent a notice last week to all their subdivisions to not pull any of the usual shenanigans for the 1st, so who knows if anyone will be pulling pranks this year.  I'm still not going to trust anything I see/hear that day, as usual.

    However, [as] might still do something different, since they're strictly entertainment, and variety and unexpectedness could be a good thing.

  16. 15 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

    I enjoyed Murphy Brown the first time around, especially Dan Quayle's outrage over a single mother, but the few reruns I've watched seem dated.

    That makes sense to me.  The show-within-a-show on Murphy Brown was a 60 Minutes-like news show, and based out of Washington, D.C., with Murphy as the political correspondent on the show.  Discussion of then-current events and politicians was part of the base format; mixed with the usual workplace sitcom shenanigans, of course.   After 30+ years, most of those references would be dated.

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  17. 11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I struggle with Ben. I want to like him, and I did think that his "tone" with Adam was funny. But I cannot get past the fact that he is the reason for this stupid new rule where the final IC winner chooses someone to go with them to the F3 and the other two make fire to battle for the third spot. 

    This gimmick was first introduced in Ben's season as a way to prevent them from voting him off because producers knew he would be a "fan favorite," and they actually had the colossal gall to try to pass it off as an "advantage." When Chrissy won she final immunity challenge she was presented with an "advantage" which was actually a disadvantage, because she, Ryan and Devon all planned to vote out Ben so the producers stepped in and prevented them from doing so. Ever since, they have had to try to legitimize this blatant interference and manipulation by repeating the gimmick, although they no longer try to sell it as an "advantage."

    Again I have to reiterate this.  TPTB did NOT create the F4 firemaking twist to "save Ben".  This twist was always going to be in play that season, no matter who the F4 were.  Ben could have been the first boot, or he could have actually not placed a U upside-down and won the FIC, and it still would have happened.  Just to someone else.

    Them presenting it the way they did fit into the secondary theme of the season: The Season of Secrets.  Recall that people would find dis/advantages they had to anonymously give away to other cast members throughout the season (the first TC only idol Ryan gave Chrissy, Devon getting his vote taken away at one TC).  And there were different kinds of clues for idols (the maps painted onto trees, the friggin' spaghetti plate).  TPTB decided with all that going on, hiding the new twist until the last minute would be the "final secret". 

    The "advantage" part was knowledge of this new twist.  Ben didn't know about it until that TC.  He was caught unaware and without any prior practice.  Devon knew and had uncontested practice time (which he wasted by not actually practicing) because Chrissy let him know about it after learning about it herself.


    8 hours ago, Hera said:

     I think Yul was also hurt by not finding someone to play the role that Becky did for him in Cook Islands.

    He did, at first.  But then he and Sophie got split up by the shuffle.

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  18. On 3/25/2020 at 8:32 PM, susannot said:

    But isn't Kim  "old school?"  She is still there, has not yet been targeted by anyone, and I am rooting for her.  Failing her, Sophie or Sarah.

    The dividing line between the "schools" that has come out during this season seems to be S20, Heroes vs Villains.  Anyone who first played before that season is "old school", and everyone who first played after that is "new school". 

    Which is actually interesting in regards to Tyson.  While he's an "old school" player, per that dividing line, he's actually a "new school" winner, since his winning season came after HvV.

    On 3/25/2020 at 8:33 PM, tracyscott76 said:

    In fairness, he didn't go "plunk...plunk", it was more like a simultaneous plunk, and their bins were right next to each other, so it was easy to miss.

    I think I know why Yul did that too.  At least, I think I have a guess as to Yul's logic.  Yul was primarily allied with Sophie before the shuffle, so it makes sense he'd give an advantage to an ally that didn't just vote him out (since Nick and Wendell were the other two members of the Unconnected Alliance).  But Sarah was also on Dakal with Yul and Sophie.  And I presume Yul assumed that Sophie had been working on allying with Sarah since the shuffle.  So giving Sarah a token as well would likely help solidify that alliance between those two women.  (Yul not being aware they were pretty solid already thanks to the HII Sophie found.)

    On 3/25/2020 at 11:43 PM, Somanydogs said:

    Sandra is no longer the self-proclaimed "queen" 🙄

    Queen stays Queen until and unless a new Queen is crowned.  And given the pattern of the last few seasons... Queen's probably staying Queen.


    13 hours ago, elizacat said:
    13 hours ago, TVFan1 said:

    The last time they did a break another person's urn or chop something down was in San Juan Del Sur, which was Natalie A's winning season. Didn't Jeff get angry/annoyed at the players for some reason? Maybe that's why that challenge never returned.

    Yes he did because they all decided prior to the challenge who was going to win it so weren't really playing

    First, it wasn't all of them; just the majority alliance.  Secondly, they were deciding during the challenge.  As in actively discussing as a group who would next get their coconut chopped in order to get the end result they wanted.  Peachy decided to chop the Gordian knot instead and declared the challenge over in the middle of it, with their "elected winner" (Missy, if I'm not mistaken) winning.

    9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Sandra is supposed to be "queen" of Survivor because she won twice, right? Well, Tina Wesson was the first female winner of Survivor, doesn't that make her Queen? What is the criteria for being Queen anyway? I don't think they have nailed down those rules. It's not like anyone voted. 

    Tina was indeed the first Queen of Survivor, since she was the first female winner.  That also makes Hatch the first King of Survivor.   After that, there's two ways of looking at things. 

    One view is that every other male winner since Hatch has been a Prince of Survivor, and all other female winners Princesses.   Sandra herself was a Princess until she won again.  That's what allowed her to de-throne Tina as Queen.  (Tina should now be considered Queen Emeritus.)    And if a man ends up winning this season, he will take the title of King of Survivor from Hatch.  But Sandra will still outrank him since she accomplished two wins first.  Or this:

    22 minutes ago, EllenB said:

    I didn't see Sandra leaving as quitting, but more that she retired.  And no matter who wins this and gets a big ol' 2 next to their name, she will always be the first person who did it.  People who get their records beaten in sports aren't erased from the books, but are still admired for being someone who set the bar.

    The other way to look at it is that every winner takes the crown and title from the previous winner.  That would mean that Tommy is the current King of Survivor.   And the reigning Queen would be Sarah.  But Sandra's two wins would actually allow her to claim the higher title of Empress.

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  19. On 3/20/2020 at 12:44 PM, Lamb18 said:

    So if the idol Denise played on behalf of Jeremy is rehidden, would it be on Sele, where it was found, or on Dakal, where Denise is now?

    AFAIK, played HIIs are re-hidden based on the current tribe affiliation of the person that played it.  Which in this case means Dakal.  Unless they're not going to re-hide it because Dakal's original HII is still in play in Kim's possession.

    No news on which of those scenarios happened though  The biggest changes on the Tracker this week are (amusingly, in a grammatical way,) token changes.

    Yara (or Green) Tribe: 

    Dakal (or Red) Tribe: 

    • (SD) Denise - 1
    • (SD) Jeremy - 1
      • Safety Without Power "Advantage"
    • (DD) Kim - 1
      • Dakal Idol #1.
    • (DD) Tony - 1

    Sele (or Blue) Tribe:

    On the Edge: 

    1. Natalie  - 4
      • Found HII good for 3 TCs.
        • Sold to Sandra.
      • Found Safety Without Power "Advantage".
        • Sold to Jeremy.
      • Found Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity.
        • Sold to Sarah. 
    2. Amber - 1
    3. Danni - 1
    4. Ethan - 1
    5. Tyson - 1
      • Found Idol Nullifier.
        • Sold to Parvati.
      • Bought Peanut Butter.
    6. (SY) Rob - 3
    7. (SS) Parvati - 0
    8. (DD) Sandra - 0
      • Raised the Surrender Sail
    9. (DS) Yul - 0


    • Sandra
      • The Queen is dead...Long Live the Queen.

    Advantage Graveyard:

    •  Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity
    • Found by Natalie on EoE.
      • Sold to Sarah.
    • Sarah used to attempt to get a Steal-a-Vote advantage from Sele.
      • Successfully stolen.  
    • Idol Nullifier
    • Found by Tyson on EoE.
      • Sold to Parvati.
    • Parvati voted out without playing.
      • Presumed Nullified.
    • EoE Idol #1.
    • Found by Natalie on EoE; viable for only 3 TCs.
      • Sold to Sandra.
    • Sandra sold to Denise for 1 fire token before final usable TC.
      • Deal was for 2 tokens; 1 payable before TC, and the 2nd after returning to camp after TC.
    • Denise played on herself.
      • Negated 4 votes.  Played correctly.
    • Sele Idol #1.
    • Found by Denise.
      • Half given to Adam to activate idol.
        • Adam returned half to Denise to restore idol.
    • Played by Denise on Jeremy.
      • Negated 0 votes.  Played "incorrectly".


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  20. In this time of social distancing/staying at home and getting bored and/or lonely, trust a couple of British panel show hosts to come to the rescue.

    To counter boredom, Taskmaster creator and the Taskmaster's assistant (little) Alex Horne will be giving out tasks to do on Twitter, using the hashtag #HomeTasking.  He put out a video on the Taskmaster YouTube channel explaining how the whole thing will work.  First task will be announced within a few hours of this post, and will have a time limit of 30 hours.

    To counter loneliness, QI and Bakeoff host Sandi Toksvig has just started a new YouTube channel called Vox Tox, where she basically invites the audience into her home library for a pleasant chat about something she finds interesting.  First video (of 3 or 4 at time of posting) is below.


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  21. Another unusual season concept I just read on Reddit.  Survivor: The Mole.

    Starts with a standard 2-tribe division of 9 members each.  But on each tribe, one person was cast as a Mole.  None of the cast are told about the Moles, and neither Mole is told of the other's existence.  The Moles each have the goal of reaching the F3, then receiving 0 votes at the end.  If a Mole achieves that, they receive half a million dollars.  If they get any votes, but still lose, they only get standard prize money.  But if they somehow win the final vote, they lose the money.

    I've suggested there should also be clues hidden throughout the season that not only reveal the existence of the Mole(s), but also give clues to their identity(s).  I also think there should be a reward for identifying a Mole, but haven't quite figured out how to implement that.

  22. 8 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

    I know there's a scene of their reunion, but I'm not watching it.

    It's actually kind of cute.  It's not just about them reuniting, but there's also THs from Rob about how he got played and how tough it was for them both to leave their girls behind this time, but is still scheming and trying to figure out a way to get both him and Amber into the finals again.  There's also a TH from Amber about how she's happy to see him, but she knows she shouldn't be because he's also out of the game.  And there's scenes around the campfire where Rob talks about how astute Adam is, mentioning he gave his tokens to Parvati (which is how Tyson knew she had some to spend), and then razzing everyone else in a schoolyard chant about how he has his wife on the Edge and they don't.


    Which is followed up by Natalie joking that Amber was her wife until Rob showed up.


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