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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. A new one for you all:  We Will Get Past This.

    It's the audio version (with a couple of minor edits) of Sandi Toksvig's YouTube show Vox Tox that she started around the end of March while in lockdown.  The concept is that Sandi has invited the viewer/listener into her home library for a little chat about something Sandi has read recently and found interesting, typically women whom history had overlooked.  So each episode is about 10 minutes of education and opinion, delivered in a very pleasant and conversational way.  Quite calming, which was the intent.

    The original YouTube show was week-daily until the end of April, when she announced it was going to once a week on Fridays.  The podcast has had daily releases since launching, so I imagine that it is trying to play catch-up to the video show, then will slow down to a similar weekly release schedule.

    • Love 3
  2. Manos is the quintessential classic of MST3K.  And it always will be, because they managed to make that movie entertaining.  That's why there's now two different Manos riffs; the original MST version, and the Rifftrax version that was originally released as one of their live shows.  But ironically, it's not the best one to use as an introduction to MST3K. 

    The film is so very bad that it's kind of a slog and a mood-killer if you're unfamiliar with the premise of the show.  It's so bad that it's hard to riff on as a stand-alone movie, as opposed to The Room, for example.  It takes professional jokes by comedy professionals in order to do any kind of decent riffing on Manos

    Although, I do love the story about the original Manos premiere in El Paso.  They tried to make it a Hollywood-style red carpet event, but could only afford one limo.  So they had the driver stop at the theater to drop of a group of the "stars" then drive around the corner to pick more up, then drive around the block back to the theater to repeat the process.  That's actually really clever use of a budget, unlike the movie itself.

  3. With that, it's time to close the Tracker until the next season starts.  Hopefully, that next one will have less for me to track.  Or at least, be easier to keep track of.  I'm sure I missed on a few token purchases because they never got aired.  Or I got prices wrong, since we never saw the post-merge price lists at all, and barely got clear shots of the pre-merge ones.

    But as usual, I close by asking for feedback.  If there are any changes or additions you would like to see in the next iteration of this thread (and I already have something in mind for next season; something I probably should have been doing all along really...), please let me know.  If I think I can reasonably incorporate the idea into the Tracker, I will at least attempt to do so.

    • Love 2
  4. Advantage Graveyard: (fully unspoiled)

    • Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity
      • Found by Natalie on EoE.
        • Sold to Sarah.
      • Sarah used to attempt to get a Steal-a-Vote advantage from Sele.
        • Successfully stolen.  
    • Idol Nullifier
      • Found by Tyson on EoE.
        • Sold to Parvati.
      • Parvati voted out without playing.
        • Nullified.
    • EoE Idol #1.
      • Found by Natalie on EoE; viable for only 3 TCs.
        • Sold to Sandra.
      • Sandra sold to Denise for 1 fire token before final usable TC.
        • Deal was for 2 tokens; 1 payable before TC, and the 2nd after returning to camp after TC.
      • Denise played on herself.
        • Negated 4 votes.  Played correctly.
    • Sele Idol #1.
      • Found by Denise.
        • Half given to Adam to activate idol.
          • Adam returned half to Denise to restore idol.
      • Played by Denise on Jeremy.
        • Negated 0 votes.  Played "incorrectly". 
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #1 Advantage
      • Allowed those who purchased it to not have to dig up a bag of string that would otherwise be buried deep in the sand at the Challenge.
      • Purchased by Natalie, Danni, Ethan, Tyson, and Rob.
        • Parvati and Yul did not have any tokens, so they could not make this purchase.
        • Amber gave her token to Rob, so she also could not make this purchase.
    • Safety Without Power
      • Found by Natalie on EoE; allows holder to leave TC before voting.  Holder cannot be voted for, but loses own vote in process.
        • Sold to Jeremy.
      • Jeremy played at F10TC, allowing him to head back to camp before votes were cast. 
    • Steal-a-Vote
      • Stolen by Sarah
        • (See Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity).
      • Sarah stole Denise's vote.
        • Vote cast against Denise.
    • Dakal Idol
      • Found by Kim.
        • Half given to Sophie to activate idol.
          • Sophie returned half to Kim to restore idol.
      • Played by Kim on Denise.
        • Negated 2 votes.  Played successfully.
    • Extortion Advantage
      • Could be played on any player in the main game.
        • Player had to pay entire chosen extortion fee, or lose ability to play in next IC and their vote at the following TC.
      • Found by Natalie on the Edge.
        • Played on Tony with a fee of 6 tokens.
          • Tony paid in full.
            • Borrowed 1 token each from Jeremy, Ben, and Nick.
              • Eventually repaid debts.
    •  Yara Idol
      • Found by Sophie.
        • Half given to Sara to activate idol.
          • Sarah returned half to Sophie to restore idol
      • Sophie voted out with idol in "pocket".
        • Idol void.
    • 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
      • Found by Parvati
        • Sold to Michele
          • Loaned to Jeremy
            • Returned to Michele
      • Used by Michele at Last TC it was valid for (F7TC)
        • Could be flipped only once at one TC.
          • If it lands "Safe", holder granted immunity.
          • If it lands "Not Safe", holder not granted immunity.
        • Landed "Safe", negating 2 votes for Michele.
    • IC Disadvantage Advantage
      • Found by Natalie.
        • Sold to Nick.
      • Conferred 30% more dominoes and track length to final recipient.
        • In reality, all other people in challenge had 70% of full challenge to do.
        • Nick anonymously played on Ben.
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #2 Advantage #1.
      • Allowed those who purchased it to skip a fence obstacle at the start of the Challenge, and start at the post obstacle.
        • Purchased by Natalie, Parvati, Yul, and Wendell.
          • Everyone else had no tokens to purchase advantages.
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #2 Advantage #2.
      • Allowed those who purchased it to not have to dig up a rope rung that would otherwise be buried deep in the sand at the Challenge.
        • Purchased by Natalie only.
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #2 Advantage #3.
      • Allowed those who purchased it to start the Challenge with 1/3rd of their rope rung bridge started.
        • Purchased by Natalie only.
    • Edge Idol
      • Purchased by Natalie before Return from the Edge Challenge #1.
      • Played by Natalie on herself at F6TC.
        • Negated 4 votes; played correctly.
    • Koru Idol #1
      • Found by Tony
      • Played by Tony on himself at F6TC.
        • Negated 0 votes; played incorrectly.
    • Koru Idol #2
      • Found by Ben.
      • Played by Ben on himself at F6TC.
        • Negated 2 votes; played correctly.
    • Koru Idol #3
      • Found by Natalie.
      • Played by Natalie on herself at F5TC (final chance to play).
        • Negated 1 vote; played successfully.
    • Love 1
  5. Final Tracker of the season.  And this one is going to be in two parts: Cast information in the first one, and the Advantage Graveyard in the second.  I'm also adding something new to the cast post...but you'll see that soon enough.

    Koru Tribe:

    On the Edge/Jury: 

    • Natalie
      •   Hide contents
        • Found HII good for 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Found Safety Without Power "Advantage".
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Found Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity.
          • Sold to Sarah. 
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage with 1 token.
          • Spent in Challenge
        • Bought 1 Immunity Idol with 3 tokens.
        • Found Extortion Advantage.
          • Played it on Tony, with a value of 6 tokens.
          • Received full payment.
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
        • Became full-powered Edge Idol once she won Return Challenge #2.
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Found IC Disadvantage Advantage
        • Sold to Nick for 8 tokens.
      • Final Token total - 14.
        • Spent 6 tokens for 3 Challenge #2 Advantages (max allowed.)
        • Purchased 1 jar of peanut butter for 4 tokens.
        • Purchased 2nd Un-powered Immunity Idol.
          • Gave 2nd Idol to Tyson.
      • Won Return Challenge #2 and returned to main game.
    1. Amber - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
          • Gave token to Rob before Return Challenge #1.
    2. Danni - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    3. Ethan - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    4. (SY) Rob - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Found 3 tokens in "Easter Egg" hunt.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage with token from Amber.
          • Spent in Challenge
        • Bought 1 Immunity Idol with 3 tokens.
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
        • Idol Never powered.  Good souvenir for one of the girls.
    5. (SS) Parvati - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Found 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
          • Sold to Michele for 4 tokens
        • Bought Peanut Butter with 4 tokens.

        Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul

      • Spent 2 tokens for 1 Challenge #2 Advantage #1.

    6. (DS) Yul - 0
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Spent 2 tokens for 1 Challenge #2 Advantage #1.
    7. (DS) Wendell - 2
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Spent 2 tokens for 1 Challenge #2 Advantage #1.
    8. (SY) Adam
    9. (DEK) Tyson
      • Tyson's First Round of Edge Activities
        •   Hide contents
          • Found Idol Nullifier.
            • Sold to Parvati.
          • Bought Peanut Butter with 1 token.
          • Found 1 token in "Easter Egg" hunt.
          • Bought 1 Challenge #1 Advantage
            • Spent in Challenge
          • Won Challenge, and returned to main game. 
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Spent 2 tokens at some point, or kept them as souvenirs.
      • Received Un-powered Idol from Natalie.
        • Idol never powered.
    10. (DY) Sophie
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Spent 2 tokens at some point, or kept them as souvenirs.
    11. (DD) Kim
    12. (SD) Jeremy
    13. (DS) Nick
    14. (SD) Denise
    15. (SY) Ben
    16. (DY) Sarah

    Extinct:  Queen Sandra  (Long Live the Queen!)

    Final 3 (with Jury Votes!)

    1. (SS) Michele
      • None
    2. (SE) Natalie
      • Ethan
      • Jeremy
      • Parvati
      • Tyson
    3. (DD) Tony
      • Adam
      • Amber
      • Ben
      • Danni
      • Denise
      • Kim
      • Nick
      • Rob
      • Sarah
      • Sophie
      • Wendell
      • Yul

    Final Winner: Tony


    • Love 1
  6. 6 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I also hope they don't bring fire tokens back, but I'm sure that's going to be something regular now.

    They seemed to work this season, but only because of EoE.  I don't know how they'd work without it.  So I'm sure they're going to try that at least once, to see if there is a way to make it work.

  7. 15 hours ago, ABay said:

    The cat birds and orioles only go to the orange and jelly feeder which is in the only place I could put one of the larger cage feeders.

    Could you hang a smaller feeder from the bottom of a larger feeder?  Or would that create other problems?

  8. On 5/14/2020 at 12:00 AM, BK1978 said:

    I came across a mini Survivor Pearl Islands reunion hosted by Fairplay on YouTube yesterday.  I was shocked that it first aired seventeen years ago. The guests were Jonny, Sandra, Burton, Savage, and Trish.  It was pretty fun and informative to watch, though Savage sort of dominated the conversation. 

    While it does sound like fun, I personally refuse on general principle to give Jon Dalton any of my attention.  That's why I have never listened to his podcast either.

    • Love 1
  9. On 5/13/2020 at 5:58 PM, Shannon L. said:

    Apparently,  never in the history of public schools has a substitute teacher been treated, for the most part, with respect.

    The first season of Head of the Class being a long-term exception to the rule.  Howard Hessman's Mr. Moore was a sub that entire season, and worked to gain the respect of the IHP class.  He was finally hired as the full-time replacement at the start of season 2.

    • Love 6
  10. 8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    The cast reveal is on Saturday!

    If this is what I think it is, one of the players has already leaked their participation.




    • Love 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

    If you want MST3K, Rifftrax, Cinematic Titanic and the Film Crew, just go to Shout Factory. Pluto TV, Tubi, Amazon Prime and the Rifftrax site are all great places, too.

    I know, and I endorse all of those options as well.  There's also some episodes available legally (and even more not-so-legally) on YouTube as well. 

    But Lantern was specifically talking about Season 12, aka The Gauntlet.  That's why I asked about Netflix.

    • Love 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

    Isn't it still true that the Star Treks are only limited to CBS Access in the USA and available on broadcast TV elsewhere?

    I think they're available on Netflix outside of the US.  I know every other Trek series that is not Discovery or Picard is still on Netflix US (because I literally just checked.)

    And I think that's somewhat a common thing with Netflix.  They'll often get the international streaming rights for shows, but block access in countries where those shows air on network-owned proprietary streaming services.  In a way, it's akin to region-locking DVDs and DVD players.

    • Love 2
  13. 5 minutes ago, kathyk2 said:

    I never understood why they didn't switch up the up the tribes.

    It was a new experiment.  Most previous pre-merges had close to, if not entirely, equal numbers of challenge losses by both tribes.  No tribe had yet been on that bad a losing streak, until Ulong.  So they decided to let the tribe stand to see if they could put out of the nose dive, or if they'd eventually get down to just the one person.

    It also kind of fits the theme of the season: war.  Through that lens, Koror was a victorious nation, dominating most of the war (Ulong won a battle or two (RCs only) here or there) and destroying the opposing army.  And in the end, the last survivor of the Ulong nation surrendered and became a citizen of the conquering nation.  It's almost like the Roman Empire when you look at it like that.

    I seriously doubt they'd have made Stephenie or Bobby Jon compete as a tribe of 1 (though I'm pretty sure Bobby Jon would have tried if they'd have let him.), so the absorbing-merge was always going to happen once Ulong became a one-person tribe.

  14. 5 hours ago, Dani said:

    Canadian shows are probably that ones that are most likely.

    Then there might be a need for subtitles or dubbing for French.  😉

    Still, given that many American productions are based in Canada, and there's a history of importing Canadian programming to air in the states (Degrassi, The Listener, Da Vinci's Inquest, Flashpoint, etc.), you're probably right.

    • Love 4
  15. On 5/4/2020 at 2:07 PM, Dani said:

    I suspect that the classic show market is already tapped out with streaming and syndication. If it’s not available it’s probably because it’s been deemed not popular enough or the rights are too complicated. 

    My guess is that the networks are going to look at acquiring foreign shows that have never aired in the US and putting their cable and streaming shows on as “new” programming. It’s not ideal but with tv ratings up and nothing in production it’s a good time to cross-promote.

    #1: I'm sure that's the case.  For example, Shout Factory's streaming service is going to have The Carol Burnett Show on demand starting on Monday June 1st, following behind a marathon over the preceding weekend.   If CBS could be airing or streaming it, they would be.

    #2: Part of that would depend on what countries they can source from.  I know there's a lot of good Korean dramas and reality shows that would likely do well if aired in the US.  But they'd either need to be subtitled (which would require the audience to then read) or be dubbed (which would require paying voice actors). 

    And even if the networks restrict themselves to English-speaking countries, the same issues could come up.  There's a lot of British and Australian accents that the average American would struggle with understanding.


    On 5/5/2020 at 2:12 PM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I do think CBS should bring over their All Access shows to the regular network.  That way they have already produced new content they can sell to advertisers and I do think people will tune in.  Same goes for ABC and the Disney content like The Mandelorian.

    I'm sure there's been talk about this at both networks.  The main issue is, of course, one of money.  Would the money "lost" from taking away exclusives, and thus a non-zero number of subscribers, from the streaming service be outweighed by the ad revenue "gained" by putting those shows on the air for the general public, who is not guaranteed to watch?  That question is probably why we haven't heard anything about the networks toying with the idea right now.  But as time goes on without new programming being made....

    That said, CBS could try an experiment by releasing the first half of the first season of Star Trek: Discovery.  While the Star Trek shows are probably the cornerstone of All Access, that half season is probably old enough that they could put it on air and not lose out on much.

    • Love 2
  16. On 5/6/2020 at 9:25 PM, Lantern7 said:

    umber of tokens she wound up obtaining, she should have been able to buy her way back outright. The others can compete for another spot, but the hard work for her to make a comeback should stop now. I think she had sixteen tokens before she spent them on advantages and peanut butter. She actually got Nick to pay eight tokens to screw Ben's game. EIGHT! If fire tokens return, she would be the main reason why they'd come back.

    Only 14, per the final chyron.  Still, she was the 1% of the Edge.  Everyone else had 2 max before the final spending moment.  And the majority had 0.

    On 5/6/2020 at 9:34 PM, ByaNose said:

    I was taken aback by Natalie giving Tyson an idol. I guess Jeremy isn't her bae after all. 

    On 5/6/2020 at 10:28 PM, vb68 said:

    I thought she could had given one to Parvati too because they seemed in cahoots much of the time, and it seemed like they bonded. Maybe Natalie was thinking Tyson got back in before, so he stood the best chance to do so again if she doesn't get back in herself?

    I'm 100% sure this is the reason.

    On 5/6/2020 at 11:32 PM, AntFTW said:

    I thought Jeff was gonna flip [the 50/50 coin].

    Per the rules that came with it, the person that had the coin had to do the flip.

    On 5/7/2020 at 12:14 AM, Steph Sometimes said:

    Can we just crown Natalie queen of something?

    She is Queen of the Edge.  And if there had been a standard live reunion (there won't be), and a woman didn't win the season, Sandra would have handed her crown to Natalie for that reason.

    On 5/7/2020 at 12:25 AM, GaT said:

    Why did they spend so much time on that recap of the season? Did they need padding to fill out the 2nd hour?

    Better the recap now than taking up valuable time in the finale.

    21 hours ago, Josh371982 said:

    Lol I cant stand both but no way in hell Natalie Deserves a Win it would be as bad as Chris 

    On the one hand, worse, since Nat was the first voted out, and Chris was the 3rd.  But also better, since she hustled the entire time she was there.

    19 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I thought the talk about how long it takes all of them to trust people after they go home was interesting and revealing.  Ben said he didn't even trust his wife for the first few months. 

    I found that part entirely fascinating too.  We've always heard about how being on Survivor physically messes people up for a long time after.  But we've never really heard about how it also affects players mentally.  I'm glad they spent the time on letting that segment breathe in this episode.

    18 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I think Denise's strategy must be just that... get taken to the end and hope she wins because people think she is nicer than that other finalists.  Her whole martyr act of "I'm getting voted out, but I want to go out with rice in my belly" was puzzling.  I thought it was a play to the jury.  "I'm so noble and self-sacrificing, but I survived and here I am at the end."  I thought when she said that, she was already the #4 joined with the Triumvirate of Evil.

    I don't necessarily think cops have an advantage, because the chief example is Sarah's complete befuddlement at the thought that nobody can beat Tony.  And her apparent disillusion that she stands a chance against him.

    I think there are plenty of "real" Survivor fans on this board and I for one would welcome a Natalie win.  In fact, I would welcome a win by anyone from the Edge except for Wendell, Adam, Tyson or Jeremy.  That's how much I dislike the Triumvirate of Evil.  Unlike with the original Edge season, where Chris and the others truly did next to nothing, I think these WoW Edgers have had a much harder time and have been much more involved in gameplay and strategizing to some extent.  Natalie changed the game by getting the advantage to Nick.  Without Natalie giving Nick the advantage, Michelle would have been sent home.  And in return, Natalie got enough fire tokens to buy every advantage she could to get back in the game.

    Natalie said she had 14 tokens.  8 were from Nick/Michelle.  Can anyone tell if this means she split the previous 6 Tony disadvantage tokens with Parv, or did she keep them all?

    Parv's last chyron count was 2, which she earned from the Coconut Haul.  She didn't get any tokens from the extortion.

    However, by my Tracking, Natalie should have had 16.  Unless she decided to save 2 for matching souvenirs (one for her and one for Nidiya.)  She may have given 2 tokens away, but if she did, they didn't go to Parv.

    18 hours ago, skybolt said:

    She definitely kept them all. I'm assuming the idol costs more tokens now than it did before. 

    Everything went up in price after the first Return challenge, on both sides.  Peanut butter cost 1 token before, but 4 after.

    16 hours ago, skybolt said:

    I can understand giving him an idol to perhaps get his jury vote if he makes it back, but why give him peanut butter again after he didn't share last time and won the challenge?

    Nobody knew about his peanut butter, as far as I know.  Tyson went to great lengths to hide the entire transaction, from finding the Nulifier until the challenge was completed.

    14 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    I was shocked when they said "stay tuned for scenes from next week's Survivor." I told my husband "isn't that what we just watched for 10 minutes?"

    Those last 10 minutes were a recap, not a preview.

    12 hours ago, skybolt said:

     Also, how come advantages are still one token, while presumably the immunity idol and food have gone up in price?

    Advantages cost 2 tokens now.  Everyone that had 2 tokens (from the Coconuts) bought only 1.  Natalie said she spent 6 for her 3 advantages.

    • Love 1
  17. With just the finale to go, I thought a post with just the known Advantages still in Play would be nice to have and easy to refer to.  So here it is.

    • Koru Idol #1
      • Last seen in the possession of Tony.
    • Koru Idol #2
      • Last seen in the possession of Ben
    • Unpowered Idols from the Edge
      • Will only have power if holder wins Return from the Edge Challenge #2.
        • Held by
          • Natalie
          • Rob
          • Tyson
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #2 Advantage #1.
      • As Yet Unknown
        • Purchased by Natalie, Parvati, Yul, Wendell, Tyson, and Sophie.
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #2 Advantage #2.
      • As Yet Unknown
        • Purchased by Natalie
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #2 Advantage #3.
      • As Yet Unknown
        • Purchased by Natalie

    This list does not include any potential advantages that might come into play in the finale, nor any possible advantages that Sarah or Michele could have purchased with their last 3 tokens each.  (Ben also had 1 last token, but there seemed to be no advantages that could be bought with that.)

    • Love 2
  18. I'm very glad that they had the pre-Return Challenge preparation at the end of this episode.  That's a lot less for me to track in the finale.  Also, thanks to Jeremy and Nick for finally clearing up the one lingering question hovering over the last two trackers.  Now the only lingering question is if Sarah and/or Michele made any purchases on the last day they could.


    Koru Tribe:

    • (SY) Ben - 1
      • Koru Idol #2
    • (SD) Denise - 0
      • Purchased rice for the tribe.
    • (SD) Jeremy
    • (SS) Michele - 3 (as souvenirs)
      • 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
      • Received 2 tokens from Jeremy after his vote out.
      • Gave 2 tokens to Nick to purchase Challenge Disadvantage Advantage.
      • Won 2 tokens at 2nd IC.
    • (DS) Nick
      • Won 2 tokens at first IC, for total of 6.
      • Received 2 tokens from Michele.
      • Used 8 tokens to purchase Challenge Disadvantage Advantage.
    • (DY) Sarah - 3
    • (DD) Tony - 0  (Debts all repaid.)
      • Koru Idol #1


    On the Edge/Jury: 

    1. Natalie  - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Found HII good for 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Found Safety Without Power "Advantage".
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Found Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity.
          • Sold to Sarah. 
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage with 1 token.
          • Spent in Challenge
        • Bought 1 Immunity Idol with 3 tokens.
        • Found Extortion Advantage.
          • Played it on Tony, with a value of 6 tokens.
          • Received full payment.
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Found IC Disadvantage Advantage
        • Sold to Nick for 8 tokens.
      • Final Token total - 14.
        • Spent 6 tokens for 3 Challenge #2 Advantages (max allowed.)
        • Purchased 1 jar of peanut butter for 4 tokens.
        • Purchased 2nd Un-powered Immunity Idol.
          • Gave 2nd Idol to Tyson.
    2. Amber - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
          • Gave token to Rob before Return Challenge #1.
    3. Danni - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    4. Ethan - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    5. (SY) Rob - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Found 3 tokens in "Easter Egg" hunt.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage with token from Amber.
          • Spent in Challenge
        • Bought 1 Immunity Idol with 3 tokens.
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
    6. (SS) Parvati - 0
      • Spoiler


        • Found 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
          • Sold to Michele for 4 tokens
        • Bought Peanut Butter with 4 tokens.

        Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul

      • Spent 2 tokens for 1 Challenge #2 Advantage.

    7. (DS) Yul - 0
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Spent 2 tokens for 1 Challenge #2 Advantage.
    8. (DS) Wendell - 2
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Spent 2 tokens for 1 Challenge #2 Advantage.
    9. (SY) Adam - 0
    10. (DE) Tyson - 0
      • Tyson's First Round of Edge Activities
        •   Hide contents
          • Found Idol Nullifier.
            • Sold to Parvati.
          • Bought Peanut Butter with 1 token.
          • Found 1 token in "Easter Egg" hunt.
          • Bought 1 Challenge #1 Advantage
            • Spent in Challenge
          • Won Challenge, and returned to main game. 
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Spent 2 tokens for 1 Challenge #2 Advantage.
      • Received Un-powered Idol from Natalie.
    11. (DY) Sophie - 0
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
      • Spent 2 tokens for 1 Challenge #2 Advantage.
    12. (DD) Kim - 0
    13. (SD) Jeremy - 0
    14. (DS) Nick - 0

    Extinct:  Queen Sandra

    Advantage Graveyard:

    •  Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity
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        • Found by Natalie on EoE.
          • Sold to Sarah.
        • Sarah used to attempt to get a Steal-a-Vote advantage from Sele.
          • Successfully stolen.  
    • Idol Nullifier
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        • Found by Tyson on EoE.
          • Sold to Parvati.
        • Parvati voted out without playing.
          • Presumed Nullified.
    • EoE Idol #1.
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        • Found by Natalie on EoE; viable for only 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Sandra sold to Denise for 1 fire token before final usable TC.
          • Deal was for 2 tokens; 1 payable before TC, and the 2nd after returning to camp after TC.
        • Denise played on herself.
          • Negated 4 votes.  Played correctly.
    • Sele Idol #1.
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        • Found by Denise.
          • Half given to Adam to activate idol.
            • Adam returned half to Denise to restore idol.
        • Played by Denise on Jeremy.
          • Negated 0 votes.  Played "incorrectly". 
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #1 Advantage
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        • Allowed those who purchased it to not have to dig up a bag of string that would otherwise be buried deep in the sand at the Challenge.
        • Purchased by Natalie, Danni, Ethan, Tyson, and Rob.
          • Parvati and Yul did not have any tokens, so they could not make this purchase.
          • Amber gave her token to Rob, so she also could not make this purchase.
    • Safety Without Power
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        • Found by Natalie on EoE; allows holder to leave TC before voting.  Holder cannot be voted for, but loses own vote in process.
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Jeremy played at F10TC, allowing him to head back to camp before votes were cast. 
    • Steal-a-Vote
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        • Stolen by Sarah
          • (See Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity).
        • Sarah stole Denise's vote.
          • Vote cast against Denise.
    • Dakal Idol
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        • Found by Kim.
          • Half given to Sophie to activate idol.
            • Sophie returned half to Kim to restore idol.
        • Played by Kim on Denise.
          • Negated 2 votes.  Played successfully.
    • Extortion Advantage
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        • Could be played on any player in the main game.
          • Player had to pay entire chosen extortion fee, or lose ability to play in next IC and their vote at the following TC.
        • Found by Natalie on the Edge.
          • Played on Tony with a fee of 6 tokens.
            • Tony paid in full.
              • Borrowed 1 token each from Jeremy, Ben, and Nick.
    •  Yara Idol
      • Found by Sophie.
        • Half given to Sara to activate idol.
          • Sarah returned half to Sophie to restore idol
      • Sophie voted out with idol in "pocket".
        • Idol presumed void.
    • 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
      • Found by Parvati
        • Sold to Michele
          • Loaned to Jeremy
            • Returned to Michele
      • Used by Michele at Last TC it was valid for (F7TC)
        • Could be flipped only once at one TC.
          • If it lands "Safe", holder granted immunity.
          • If it lands "Not Safe", holder not granted immunity.
        • Landed "Safe", voiding 2 votes for Michele.
    • IC Disadvantage Advantage
      • Found by Natalie.
        • Sold to Nick.
      • Conferred 30% more dominoes and track length to final recipient.
        • In reality, all other people in challenge had 70% of full challenge to do.
        • Nick anonymously played on Ben.
    • Love 1
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