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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. Two bits of bad news, with one bit of good.

    First bad: Jimmy announced on Twitter that he's no longer doing the LTQOL.  I guess this means he finally did run out of questions from his stockpile.

    Second bad: Sandi announced at the end of April that she's ending the daily Vox Tox show.

    The one good bit: Vox Tox is now a weekly show on Fridays.  Sandi had forgotten that April 30th was a Thursday, which meant that the 1st was a Friday, and thus the first day of the new weekly format.  Next episode is this coming Friday.

    Both of these web shows ending/slowing could mean that they're slowly getting back to their actual shows on the BBC.  Or at the very least preparing to do so.

    • Love 2
  2. YouTube critic/reviewer and Northern Irishperson Diamanda Hagan put out a series of videos a few years ago called "A Quick Guide to Classic Who."  In each video, she goes through a single series, talking about the highlights and lowlights of the stories within, and does regularly go into behind-the-scenes details, like the changes in show-runners and other BBC personnel, for context.  So this might help you some @Gareth3.

    Video below is an introduction by Diamanda, setting up how she'll be covering things.


    Note: Diamanda is generally not safe for work.  She does try to rein her language in for this series, but she's not always that successful.  Mostly when she's talking about something that reminds her of NewWho (she's not what you call a fan of the current series early run), and she starts to rant about that for a bit.  But definitely avoid the rest of her videography at work...except maybe the similar series she did for Red Dwarf and the episodic reviews of the little-known Adam Adamant Lives!.

  3. 17 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    I had read on Sucks that Sarah liked a bunch of anti-EOE comments on SM.  If she does go out because of Danni (or whoever the EOE returnee is), that would probably explain it. 

    Not necessarily.  From what I recall of the pre-game Ponderosa interviews, most of the cast was anti-EoE to begin with.  Which is another factor in Sandra bailing when she did; she was one of the most vocally against the Edge concept.  And the sentiment extends to former Survivors beyond those in this season.  Eliza tweeted out that as a Survivor player, she'd have loved the Edge, but as a Survivor viewer/fan, she hates it.

    Now, I don't recall for sure if Sarah was anti-Edge before the season started.  (But I think I remember her advocating a "back to basics" season as a future twist when asked that question, so there's that.)  So I can't say for sure if any present-day anti-Edge sentiment on her part was strictly born of events of the season, or a pre-existing condition.  And that's not to say that even if she was anti-Edge before, that something could have happened during the season to make her even more against the idea.

  4. 15 hours ago, skybolt said:

    When did Jeff state that they likely won't bring back EoE? If this statement was made after Season 40 ended,

    Technically it was after S40 ended, as he said this at the event for the premiere.  Specifically, I think he said it to Cesternino on the red carpet.

    However, he didn't exactly say they won't bring back EoE.  He said they're going to shelve the concept for a while and possibly retool it before bringing it back.

  5. 14 hours ago, Nicmar said:

    another blonde chick from USA in the early 90's up all night not sure what her name

    Rhonda Shear.

    Gilbert Gottfried also hosted the same show.  I think he did Friday nights, and she did Saturday nights, which had slightly more racy selections.

    • Love 1
  6. On 4/29/2020 at 8:07 PM, Eolivet said:

    I think in addition to a Tribe Tracker, we need an Alliance Tracker. Maybe CBS would put a graphic at the bottom of the screen, like they do for idols: Aligned with, secretly aligned with, thinks they're aligned but not actually aligned with

    If you want to add posts to the Tribe Tracker thread that track alliances, you're welcome to join me there.

    I've offered to attempt to track alliances before...but trying it this season would seem to be exhausting.

    • Love 2
  7. On 4/29/2020 at 10:54 PM, Jextella said:

    Agreed!  I'm trying to think of a children's parable....it's not quite like the rabbit and the hare but close.  The aggressive people are ignoring/dismissing the quiet people who eventually find the strength to rise up and overthrow the oligarchy.

    Except for Tony.  This is what he's referring to every time he talks about lions vs. hyenas.  The aggressive people (like himself) are the lions, and the quieter ones are the hyenas.  But he still falls victim to the same thinking, taking out the more lion-like hyenas in Sophie and Kim.

  8. Again, mostly token movement to keep track of.  I'm glad I added in the notes for the previous Edge Haul Challenge in the last entry, so there's now a precedent for the additions from this episode.

    It's still unclear who, if anyone, Tony still owes tokens to, since the balances for the 4 men in question (Tony, Ben, Jeremy, and Nick) haven't been shown in a while.  Once they are, I will get the 4 balances corrected.  In the meantime, I've noted the possibilities on all 4.

    One advantage added into play and one "advantage" changed hands as well.  Both of those have been noted.

    Koru Tribe:

    • (SY) Ben - 0 (1 if Tony repaid debt)
      • Koru Idol #2
    • (SD) Denise - 6
    • (SD) Jeremy - 1 (2 if Tony repaid debt)
      • 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
        • Given to him by Michele.
          • Can be flipped only once at one TC.
            • If it lands "Safe", holder granted immunity.
            • If it lands "Not Safe", holder not granted immunity.
          • Expires after use or after F7TC, whichever happens first.


    • (DD) Kim
    • (SS) Michele - 1
    • (DS) Nick - 3 (4 if Tony repaid debt)
      • Received 1 token from Tony post-IC
    • (DY) Sarah - 3
    • (DD) Tony - Between 0 and 3 (with 2 or 3 token "debt" still to pay?)
      • Koru Idol #1

    On the Edge/Jury: 

    1. Natalie  - 8
      •   Hide contents
        • Found HII good for 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Found Safety Without Power "Advantage".
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Found Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity.
          • Sold to Sarah. 
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage with 1 token.
          • Spent in Challenge
        • Bought 1 Immunity Idol with 3 tokens.
        • Found Extortion Advantage.
          • Played it on Tony, with a value of 6 tokens.
          • Received full payment.
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
    2. Amber - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
          • Gave token to Rob before Return Challenge #1.
    3. Danni - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    4. Ethan - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    5. (SY) Rob - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Found 3 tokens in "Easter Egg" hunt.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage with token from Amber.
          • Spent in Challenge
        • Bought 1 Immunity Idol with 3 tokens.
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
    6. (SS) Parvati - 2
      • Spoiler
        • Found 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
          • Sold to Michele for 4 tokens
        • Bought Peanut Butter with 4 tokens.


      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
    7. (DS) Yul - 2
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
    8. (DS) Wendell - 2
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
    9. (SY) Adam - 0
    10. (DE) Tyson - 2
      • Tyson's First Round of Edge Activities
        •   Hide contents
          • Found Idol Nullifier.
            • Sold to Parvati.
          • Bought Peanut Butter with 1 token.
          • Found 1 token in "Easter Egg" hunt.
          • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
            • Spent in Challenge
          • Won Challenge, and returned to main game. 
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
    11. (DY) Sophie - 2
      • Earned 2 tokens in Coconut Haul
    12. (DD) Kim - 0

    Extinct:  Queen Sandra

    Advantage Graveyard:

    •  Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Natalie on EoE.
          • Sold to Sarah.
        • Sarah used to attempt to get a Steal-a-Vote advantage from Sele.
          • Successfully stolen.  
    • Idol Nullifier
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Tyson on EoE.
          • Sold to Parvati.
        • Parvati voted out without playing.
          • Presumed Nullified.
    • EoE Idol #1.
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Natalie on EoE; viable for only 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Sandra sold to Denise for 1 fire token before final usable TC.
          • Deal was for 2 tokens; 1 payable before TC, and the 2nd after returning to camp after TC.
        • Denise played on herself.
          • Negated 4 votes.  Played correctly.
    • Sele Idol #1.
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Denise.
          • Half given to Adam to activate idol.
            • Adam returned half to Denise to restore idol.
        • Played by Denise on Jeremy.
          • Negated 0 votes.  Played "incorrectly". 
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #1 Advantage
      •   Hide contents
        • Allowed those who purchased it to not have to dig up a bag of string that would otherwise be buried deep in the sand at the Challenge.
        • Purchased by Natalie, Danni, Ethan, Tyson, and Rob.
          • Parvati and Yul did not have any tokens, so they could not make this purchase.
          • Amber gave her token to Rob, so she also could not make this purchase.
    • Safety Without Power
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Natalie on EoE; allows holder to leave TC before voting.  Holder cannot be voted for, but loses own vote in process.
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Jeremy played at F10TC, allowing him to head back to camp before votes were cast. 
    • Steal-a-Vote
      •   Hide contents
        • Stolen by Sarah
          • (See Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity).
        • Sarah stole Denise's vote.
          • Vote cast against Denise.
    • Dakal Idol
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Kim.
          • Half given to Sophie to activate idol.
            • Sophie returned half to Kim to restore idol.
        • Played by Kim on Denise.
          • Negated 2 votes.  Played successfully.
    • Extortion Advantage
      • Spoiler
        • Could be played on any player in the main game.
          • Player had to pay entire chosen extortion fee, or lose ability to play in next IC and their vote at the following TC.
        • Found by Natalie on the Edge.
          • Played on Tony with a fee of 6 tokens.
            • Tony paid in full.
              • Borrowed 1 token each from Jeremy, Ben, and Nick.
    • Yara Idol
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Sophie.
          • Half given to Sara to activate idol.
            • Sarah returned half to Sophie to restore idol
        • Sophie voted out with idol in "pocket".
          • Idol presumed void.


    • Useful 1
    • Love 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

    I'm glad they expanded Josh Gates Tonight to an hour, I'm enjoying it a lot.

    I'm incredibly impressed that he and Discovery managed to turn a 5-minute show into something that actually could last an hour, without much change.

    Granted, a majority of it is cross-promotion of other shows on Discovery and other affiliated networks.  But it still works, since Josh seems genuinely curious about the subjects that he and his "guests" are talking about, and they're managing to keep most of them at least partially on theme with the preceding ExU episode.

    • Love 2
  10. On 4/19/2020 at 12:02 AM, IndyMischa said:

    (Jay is a Challenge contestant this season.) One question: why the f has this guy never been asked to come back to Survivor??

    There is some speculation that he has been asked back before, but he'd already signed up for the Challenge and the filmings were either overlapping, or close enough together that he didn't think he'd be physically able to do both.  (As in, he'd be wiped from the Challenge, and thus not at peak performance on Survivor.)

    Other speculation is that his MTV contract precludes him appearing on other competitive reality shows.  (Like when Pierce Brosnan couldn't wear a tuxedo in any other film he made while he was the then-current James Bond.)  Meaning that, contractually, Jay couldn't go on Survivor, even if he was asked, available, and wanted to appear.

    • Love 1
  11. 16 hours ago, AncientNewbie said:

    I still don't get why Rupert and the shoes wasn't prohibited as messing with the personal property of other players,

    13 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Two words: good TV.

    Two more words: On theme.  As Rupert himself said in a TH in that episode, "Pirates steal.  Pirates take advantage."   Rupert became TieDye-Beard in that moment, and thus ensured he was the season mascot.

    Also, the rule about not messing with other player's personal property may not have been a rule until after that season.friend code GIF

    • Love 6
  12. My mother and I have hit this season in our re-watch.  And this seems like the first season that's actually a rewatch for the both of us.  (She'd finally picked up watching TAR about here at first airing, while I'm rapidly approaching the point I fell off because of the schedule change to post-Sunday Night Football).

    We're only up to the first half of the TBC in Moscow so far.  And it is a little difficult to watch this season.  I'd forgotten how "fratty" Eric and Jeremy were, and how bad Lake was (not as bad as someone else from a previous season...but working his way there.)  And while they're not bad on the show, it's not as easy to watch the Hippies knowing that it's an act and they're more like the frat bros than it appears.

    • Love 2
  13. 37 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    Here's hoping. I hope that I didn't sound too cynical in that last post. I just want to see the usual stuff before a premiere . . . announcements, promotion, videos on YouTube, etc.

    I hear ya. 

    And I know you're cynical about TAR because you're an old-school TARfly and still care about the show like we used to.

  14. On 4/22/2020 at 8:05 PM, susannot said:

     Sophie, damn girl, why didn't you play your idol?

    Because she had no clue the vote was even coming her way.  This was a true #Blindside.


    On 4/23/2020 at 12:29 AM, Hera said:

    I've been rooting for the Kim/Denise/Jeremy alliance, but I think that's well and truly sunk now. The dynamics of how Tony split them up were really interesting, though: Tony admitted in confessionals he was just pretending to be on their side. Jeremy believed Tony, but Kim saw right through him. Then Tony ended up flipping on his "real alliance" to save Jeremy, who had been his initial target, but in a way that separated him from Kim and Denise. So both Kim and Jeremy ended up being correct about how much they could trust Tony—but he managed to make them wrong about how much they could trust each other.

    That's a very interesting point.  I was just in awe of the reversal of Tony's mindset.  He started the episode trying to infiltrate the Kim/Jeremy/Denise/Michele group with the goal of voting out one of them.  But by the end, he was targeting someone from his "real" alliance.

    On 4/23/2020 at 9:38 AM, skybolt said:

    So with Sophie spilling the beans about having an idol in her uhm.....pocket, will that prompt Tony to go out looking for one next morning?

    Pocket Idols aren't usually re-hidden.  But who the hell knows this season.  I agree with whoever said that Tony probably will go hunting anyway (with Nick popping up behind him soon after.)


    14 hours ago, Bouffe said:

    Who else left in the game (let's include Sophie since she was still part of the castaways playing when the extortion "advantage" was played) would have paid the 6 tokens and gone for it? Jeremy had 2 tokens and would need 4. I can't see him even trying to get that many tokens from the others. Ben... I don't know how many he's got, but I could see him attempt to wrangle the tokens needed. Denise/Michelle are not on anyone's radar per say, so I think they'd reject it. Nick... I don't know how many tokens he's got. It would have been interesting to see how he'd wrestle with the decision. Sarah... I think Sarah would have gone for it, too. But Tony was definitely the one that was a sure thing, IMO.

    Looking back at the Tracker from last week, here's everyone's (including Sophie's) token balance as of the start of this episode.  IE. the information Nat and Parv had to work with.

    • Ben - 1  (his original from Day 1)
    • Denise - 3
    • Jeremy - 2
    • Kim - 2
    • Michele - 0
    • Nick - 3
    • Sarah - 1
    • Sophie - 2
    • Tony - 3

    Even with two other people with 3 tokens, Tony is the best option, as they knew he'd scramble like hell to find a way to pay and play.  Even moreso without a backup idol in his pocket.

    Denise and Kim would like have shared tokens with each other, so between them, they'd only need to find one.  And since this was pre-IC, they'd possibly hit up Jeremy.  Sarah would also be a likely choice, given the post-IC planning.

    Sarah would tell Tony about it, and he'd probably give her 2 tokens.  They'd also hit up the rest of that alliance, with Tony going to Nick and Ben on her behalf, while she went to Sophie herself.

    With Nick, I think he'd also go to Tony first, and Tony would again contribute 2 tokens.  And then Tony would go to Ben to get the last one.

    Sophie...probably wouldn't have paid.  She'd have felt comfortable enough with her alliance and her idol to not feel the need to pay.

    Now, if the screw-over option was Nat and Parv's actual goal, they would have played the Extortion on either Ben or Jeremy.  Parv knew Michele had 0 tokens, because they've been eating peanut butter thanks to her.  But she might have been able to gather enough tokens together (likely by going to all the women and Jeremy).  Ben doesn't seem to have the social capital or respect to get 5 tokens.  And Jeremy burnt everyone by leaving at the prior TC, so he probably wouldn't be able to gather any tokens either.


    On 4/22/2020 at 8:52 PM, Alice Mudgarden said:

    What I want to know is what that little snippet of Tyson saying to Wendell that Adam won't be able to handle losing was all about. It felt like they were laying a foundation for something that's gonna happen but I can't imagine a superfan like Adam bailing on the game before it was done, even if it's to be a jury member.


    On 4/23/2020 at 8:44 PM, fishcakes said:

    I don't think that Tyson saying Adam won't be able to handle losing is foreshadowing, or maybe I just hope that it's not. Adam is sort of annoying, but he doesn't seem like a bad person and I'd hate to think that the game is so important to him that he'd let not winning it ruin his life. I took Tyson to be speaking more generally because we've certainly seen how some people let losing eat away at them forever: Lex, Savage, Russell, probably Coach. But those guys all range from, like, 25 to 98% douchebag, so I don't really care about their dumb feelings. Adam's just a derpy kid; he needs to find a way to accept that this is just a game, and if he lost, at least he lost to a lot of good players and Ben.

    I'm not sure that that bit of philosophy was specifically about Adam.  But I found it incredibly fascinating.  And it could only come from an "old-schooler".  Because, other than Yul and Danni, all the old-schoolers, including the conspicuous-by-her-absence Queen, have also lost the game.  So they know both sides of of the Wide World of Sports equation; the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

    The only "new-schoolers" who have also lost are Jeremy and Tony(Natalie I guess could count, since she didn't win TAR (I think...I haven't seen the Twinnies Race yet), but I'm specifically referring to Survivor here.)  So instead of foreshadowing an Adam breakdown, it could be shedding light on a person in the game with a mental advantage that could help them win in the end.

    • Love 1
  15. Cast reveal: This coming Wednesday.  Friday the 1st at the absolute latest.

    Promotions: Shortly after the reveal.  With a heavy push during the 2-hour Survivor episode on the 6th.


    • Useful 1
  16. Finally got an answer to one unanswered question, but a new one came into play soon after.   

    And again, it's mainly movement with the tokens.  I added the "loans" into the tracker this week, as well as putting a couple of notes about token activity on the Edge that I should have noted long before (the Firewood Haul and the Easter Egg hunt.)

    Koru Tribe:

    • (SY) Ben - 0
      • Gave token to Tony.
    • (SD) Denise - 3
    • (SD) Jeremy - 1
      • Gave one token to Tony.
    • (DD) Kim - 3
    • (SS) Michele - 0
      • 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
        •   Hide contents
          • Can be flipped only once at one TC.
            • If it lands "Safe", holder granted immunity.
            • If it lands "Not Safe", holder not granted immunity.
          • Expires after use or after F7TC, whichever happens first.
    • (DS) Nick - 2
      • Gave one token to Tony.
    • (DY) Sarah - 2
    • (DY) Sophie - 2
      • Yara Idol
    • (DD) Tony - 2 (with 2 or 3 token "debt" to pay).
      • Received 3 tokens; 1 each from Ben, Jeremy, and Nick.
      • Paid 6 token Extortion to compete in IC and vote at TC.
      • Koru Idol


    On the Edge/Jury: 

    1. Natalie  - 6
      •   Hide contents
        • Found HII good for 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Found Safety Without Power "Advantage".
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Found Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity.
          • Sold to Sarah. 
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage with 1 token.
          • Spent in Challenge
        • Bought 1 Immunity Idol with 3 tokens.
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
      • Found Extortion Advantage.
        • Played it on Tony, with a value of 6 tokens.
        • Received full payment.
    2. Amber - 0
      • Spoiler
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
          • Gave token to Rob before Return Challenge #1.
    3. Danni - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    4. Ethan - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Earned 1 token with Firewood Haul.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    5. (SY) Rob - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Found 3 tokens in "Easter Egg" hunt.
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage with token from Amber.
          • Spent in Challenge
        • Bought 1 Immunity Idol with 3 tokens.
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
    6. (SS) Parvati - 0
      • Found 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
        • Sold to Michele for 4 tokens
      • Bought Peanut Butter with 4 tokens.
    7. (DS) Yul - 0
    8. (DS) Wendell - 0
    9. (SY) Adam - 0
    10. (DE) Tyson - 0
      • Tyson's First Round of Edge Activities
        • Spoiler
          • Found Idol Nullifier.
            • Sold to Parvati.
          • Bought Peanut Butter with 1 token.
          • Found 1 token in "Easter Egg" hunt.
          • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
            • Spent in Challenge
          • Won Challenge, and returned to main game. 
    11. (DY) Sophie - 0

    Extinct:  Queen Sandra


    Advantage Graveyard:

    •  Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Natalie on EoE.
          • Sold to Sarah.
        • Sarah used to attempt to get a Steal-a-Vote advantage from Sele.
          • Successfully stolen.  
    • Idol Nullifier
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Tyson on EoE.
          • Sold to Parvati.
        • Parvati voted out without playing.
          • Presumed Nullified.
    • EoE Idol #1.
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Natalie on EoE; viable for only 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Sandra sold to Denise for 1 fire token before final usable TC.
          • Deal was for 2 tokens; 1 payable before TC, and the 2nd after returning to camp after TC.
        • Denise played on herself.
          • Negated 4 votes.  Played correctly.
    • Sele Idol #1.
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Denise.
          • Half given to Adam to activate idol.
            • Adam returned half to Denise to restore idol.
        • Played by Denise on Jeremy.
          • Negated 0 votes.  Played "incorrectly". 
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #1 Advantage
      •   Hide contents
        • Allowed those who purchased it to not have to dig up a bag of string that would otherwise be buried deep in the sand at the Challenge.
        • Purchased by Natalie, Danni, Ethan, Tyson, and Rob.
          • Parvati and Yul did not have any tokens, so they could not make this purchase.
          • Amber gave her token to Rob, so she also could not make this purchase.
    • Safety Without Power
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Natalie on EoE; allows holder to leave TC before voting.  Holder cannot be voted for, but loses own vote in process.
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Jeremy played at F10TC, allowing him to head back to camp before votes were cast. 
    • Steal-a-Vote
      • Spoiler
        • Stolen by Sarah
          • (See Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity).
        • Sarah stole Denise's vote.
          • Vote cast against Denise.
    • Dakal Idol
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Kim.
          • Half given to Sophie to activate idol.
            • Sophie returned half to Kim to restore idol.
        • Played by Kim on Denise.
          • Negated 2 votes.  Played successfully.
    • Extortion Advantage
      • Could be played on any player in the main game.
        • Player had to pay entire chosen extortion fee, or lose ability to play in next IC and their vote at the following TC.
      • Found by Natalie.
        • Played on Tony with a fee of 6 tokens.
          • Tony paid in full.
    • Yara Idol
      • Found by Sophie.
        • Half given to Sara to activate idol.
          • Sarah returned half to Sophie to restore idol
      • Sophie voted out with idol in pocket.
        • Idol presumed void.


  17. 3 hours ago, Otherkate said:

    I forgot that Cook Islands had actually a lot going on and lots of good cast members. 

    Ever since my re-watch of that season a while ago, I'm of the opinion that the reason CI is generally underrated is the initial tribal divide.  That cast such a shadow over the season, even though it was eliminated after a couple episodes, most viewers find it difficult to get past it.  It's because of this that I'm glad that the next season (the original Fiji season) lost a contestant last-second, and the potential rehash of the CI theme was replaced with the Have/Have-Not theme.  (Although that has its' own issues.)

    But if you can get past that shadow, there is so much going for CI.  As said, lots of great people, (many who have returned to play again, (and some that haven't)), good strategy (including the invention of a basic Survivor strategy), and of course, the ultimate Survivor underdog story; the legend of The Aitu4.

    • Love 4
  18. 8 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    Hopefully they all get some relaxation time in Fiji before turning around and flying home.  If you think the flight out was probably awful--imagine a flight home 2 days later!  (and my family used to live in Fiji and it was a pain even when I was a young adult!)

    They probably all got to hang out with Sandra and her family at Ponderosa for a little while.

    • Love 1
  19. 1 hour ago, EllenB said:

    I have no idea who this Su person is, but I hate the goddamn riddle clues.  Sounds like someone desperate for attention.

    And/or someone without actual information but wanting to look like they do.

    • Love 1
  20. On 4/15/2020 at 8:50 PM, riprock said:

    there's still Sophie's immunity idol to play. 


    I think the last remaining advantage is Michele's 50-50 coin.

    Those are the only two advantages currently in the main game.  However, if either Natalie or Rob get back into the game, the idols they bought before the first Return challenge would become active.


    On 4/15/2020 at 8:55 PM, North of Eden said:

    And then Tyson is married to a Rachel who played the game? I've seen every episode and I have no memory whatsoever of this person...perhaps a first boot?

    Fourth boot, actually.  Or second, depending on how you want to count it. 

    BvW was an RI season.  Rupert's wife and Candace were voted out Day 1, but Rupert swapped himself for his wife and went to RI instead.  Gervase's niece was the first regular boot, and she and Candace beat out Rupert on RI to eliminate him.  Rachel was the next voted out, and she lost to the previous two as well.  So she was voted out 4th, and eliminated 2nd.

    But KKKolton quit right after that duel happened, so his spotlight stealing might be why you don't remember her.

    On 4/15/2020 at 9:44 PM, Lantern7 said:

    Hi, Nadiya! Sorry you didn’t get enough time on camera! I still think she could swap places with twin sister Natalie, and nobody in Production would tell the difference.

    Natalie has a 25-day tan and visible abs.   Nadiya is pale and still has some baby fat.  They could tell.

    On 4/15/2020 at 10:48 PM, Jextella said:

    Anyone know why Tyson's other daughter wasn't there? He has two kids, right?

    Per speculation at Reddit, the other daughter simply didn't have her passport yet.  US law requires both parents' signatures on the paperwork for a minor to get their passport.  (It's a measure intended to help prevent parental abduction.)  Tyson either didn't sign the paperwork before he left for the season, or the paperwork hadn't come back before the loved ones' flight out.


    On 4/15/2020 at 10:49 PM, TVFan1 said:

    The whispering at tribal council is really getting on my nerves. How did Denise become a target?  This tribal council left me confused as to who was the actual target, and who was safe. It would be great to know this stuff, show. I feel nervous for Kim and company now.

    Pretty sure that the original plan was Jeremy as the primary, and Tyson as the back-up vote.  But when Jeremy peaced out, Tyson advanced to the primary and Denise became the back-up.  As for why Kim wasn't in the equation, Sophie knew about Kim's idol (as Kim gave Sophie half in order to activate the thing), so that kept her name out of the loop.


    On 4/16/2020 at 1:58 AM, grandmabegum said:

    Seems like there's a lot of chatter about a revote. I agree that there's a very good possibility that this would happen based on my thinking that they wanted to flush an idol out. But if they did revote, that would mean that no one played the idol the first vote. So I was just curious if there was a rule that you could play it after any vote.

    Incorrect.  Had Kim played the idol for Tyson instead, there would have been a 2-2 tie between Denise and Sophie.  Then there would be the revote.  And Denise would have been voted out 5 or 6-2 (depending on if Sarah got to vote twice again on the revote).


    Per the idol rules, they do have to be played before the first vote.  They can't be played in the event of a revote. 



    19 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I wonder if the episode was re-edited to include more family stuff in light of the pandemic.  So many of us haven't seen loved ones in weeks but we at least get to talk, text, Zoom, whatever.  Perhaps some of us are sick or have loved ones who are sick.  Maybe we have financial worries or job insecurity.  Maybe we still can't find toilet paper.  Whatever is going on it seems the producers thought a big dose of the feels was what we need.  Yeah, I had a cathartic cry, not only when the participating players saw their kids, but the folks on EoE island did too.  That was a nice gesture.  

    Poor Sandra.  Lol.

    No need to lament for the Queen.  She and her family were having a private party in Ponderosa.


    16 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    He played with Rachel the season that he won. He was voted out before the merge in HvV. I am not sure if he made the family visit in his first season. I can't remember who his visit was from for the Blood vs Water season but it could have been a friend.

    There were no loved one visits on either BvW season.  Because everyone had a loved one with them at the start of the game.


    13 hours ago, AncientNewbie said:

    I think that's just a function of the casting. The winners, even now that the show isn't a cultural touchstone, still do a lot of press and work the con/appearance world. There are a lot of established relationships that are going to impact this season that aren't easy to sum up on tv in the shorthand way they need to cover things. The "poker alliance" touches on it because that's an easy summation but it's more than that. And I also think it's more nebulous for the younger (or newer) cast. I've mentioned before how Nick is everpresent on former castmember IG accounts, but I see others there too--there's an ease of interacting through social media.

    Took a while for someone to bring this up.  Irony of ironies, the Poker Alliance actually became real in this episode!  It shattered almost immediately, but it still became an actual thing for a while.

    • Love 3
  21. Forget the massive loved ones' visits.  That TC meant lots of change on the tracker.

    Koru Tribe:

    • (SY) Ben - 1
    • (SD) Denise - 3
    • (SD) Jeremy - 2
      • Safety Without Power "Advantage"
    • (DD) Kim - 2
      • Dakal Idol
    • (SS) Michele - 0
      • 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
        • Spoiler
          • Can be flipped only once at one TC.
            • If it lands "Safe", holder granted immunity.
            • If it lands "Not Safe", holder not granted immunity.
          • Expires after use or after F7TC, whichever happens first.
    • (DS) Nick - 3
    • (DY) Sarah - 1
      • Steal-a-Vote
    • (DY) Sophie - 2
      • Yara Idol
    • (DD) Tony - 3
    • (DE) Tyson


    On the Edge/Jury: 

    1. Natalie  - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Found HII good for 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Found Safety Without Power "Advantage".
          • Sold to Jeremy.
        • Found Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity.
          • Sold to Sarah. 
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
    2. Amber - 0
    3. Danni - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    4. Ethan - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
    5. (SY) Rob - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
          • Spent in Challenge
      • 1 Un-powered Immunity Idol
    6. (SS) Parvati - 3 (maybe less)
      • Found 50/50 Coin "Advantage"
        • Sold to Michele for 4 tokens
      • Bought Peanut Butter
    7. (DS) Yul - 0
    8. (DS) Wendell - 0
    9. (SY) Adam - 0
    10. (DE) Tyson - 0
      •   Hide contents
        • Tyson's First Round of Edge Activities
          • Found Idol Nullifier.
            • Sold to Parvati.
          • Bought Peanut Butter.
          • Bought 1 Challenge Advantage
            • Spent in Challenge
          • Won Challenge, and returned to main game. 

    Extinct:  Queen Sandra


    Advantage Graveyard:

    •  Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Natalie on EoE.
          • Sold to Sarah.
        • Sarah used to attempt to get a Steal-a-Vote advantage from Sele.
          • Successfully stolen.  
    • Idol Nullifier
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Tyson on EoE.
          • Sold to Parvati.
        • Parvati voted out without playing.
          • Presumed Nullified.
    • EoE Idol #1.
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Natalie on EoE; viable for only 3 TCs.
          • Sold to Sandra.
        • Sandra sold to Denise for 1 fire token before final usable TC.
          • Deal was for 2 tokens; 1 payable before TC, and the 2nd after returning to camp after TC.
        • Denise played on herself.
          • Negated 4 votes.  Played correctly.
    • Sele Idol #1.
      •   Hide contents
        • Found by Denise.
          • Half given to Adam to activate idol.
            • Adam returned half to Denise to restore idol.
        • Played by Denise on Jeremy.
          • Negated 0 votes.  Played "incorrectly". 
    • Return from the Edge Challenge #1 Advantage
      • Spoiler
        • Allowed those who purchased it to not have to dig up a bag of string that would otherwise be buried deep in the sand at the Challenge.
        • Purchased by Natalie, Danni, Ethan, Tyson, and Rob.
          • Parvati and Yul did not have any tokens, so they could not make this purchase.
          • Amber gave her token to Rob, so she also could not make this purchase.
    • Safety Without Power
      • Found by Natalie on EoE; allows holder to leave TC before voting.  Holder cannot be voted for, but loses own vote in process.
        • Sold to Jeremy.
      • Jeremy played at F10TC, allowing him to head back to camp before votes were cast. 
    • Steal-a-Vote
      • Stolen by Sarah
        • (See Steal-a-Steal-a-Vote Opportunity).
      • Sarah stole Denise's vote.
        • Vote cast against Denise.
    • Dakal Idol
      • Found by Kim.
        • Half given to Sophie to activate idol.
          • Sophie returned half to Kim to restore idol.
      • Played by Kim on Denise.
        • Negated 2 votes.  Played successfully.

    Remember, by my terminology, a successful Idol play negates votes, even just 1.  A correct play negates the votes for the person that received the majority.

    And with Tyson back on the Edge, I now have a retroactive reason for keeping his first round of Edge activities listed under him.  Keeps me from having to move them again.


  22. That bag could just as equally be Tony's.   And I guess I assumed it was.

    Both Sophie and Tony started on Dakal, the red tribe.  So they both have red bags, as does Kim, Sarah, and Nick.  Everyone else started on Sele, and they all have blue bags.

    So there's really 5 people that bag could belong to.  More, if someone left their bag behind when they left for the Edge.  (Which realistically would only be Sandra.)

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