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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. 2 minutes ago, Maverick said:

    The writers always complained about how Roddenberry's vision made it difficult to write interesting stories, but the reality is the show had much darker characters in the early seasons when he was still involved.   Lore, Q and the Borg were all more sinister characters in their earlier appearances and you also had characters like Armus and Nagilum. 

    I do note that all the "darker" characters you have listed were the antagonists.  Most of the complaints about writing "interesting stories" I heard revolved around the protagonists, meaning our main cast/Starfleet.  Those were the characters Gene was protecting; wanting them to always be paragons of virtue.  Antagonists acting in a darker manner was perfectly ok, since it allowed for the heroes to shine that much brighter.

    That cringe-worthy line that Wesley has in the Season 1 episode Justice (with the planet of the practically naked blondes and blonds), "I'm with Starfleet. We don't lie."?  Gene truly believed that.  (That's why he had that line put in the mouth of his expy.)

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  2. 1 minute ago, Irlandesa said:

    Yep. I  thought of sing, sang, sung.

    I was trying to think of a second, but I don't know why I couldn't think of those words.   And now Ring, Rang, Rung finally came to mind as well.

    This does lead to an interesting question for this thread.  When someone uses incorrect grammar but there is an underlying logic that applies elsewhere (as in this example), is that less offensive than the other grammatical mistakes we tend to grouse about?  ( I would have asked if they were more acceptable, but I doubt that would fly here.)

  3. 16 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    One of the hardest things about working in a library is having to silently deal with coworkers who insist upon calling their workplace the lie-berry.  The worst offender is someone who is almost my equal in the organizational flowchart and I die each time she utters it.  

    Funnily enough, there is a worse offender in general: The Riddler. Here's proof:


    3 hours ago, Irlandesa said:
    5 hours ago, meowmommy said:
    8 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

    Now, lest I sound too pedantic, I had to break myself of using "brang" as a word.  I.e., "Who brang the potato chips to the party?" Bring, brang, have brung.  (Also, swing, swang, swung.) Um...nope!

    Not pedantic, but curious how you acquired the "word" in the first place.

    Some of it is regional. A lot of it is based on the logic of similar verbs.

    That's what I thought when I saw this conversation and line of thought.  Eg: Spring, Sprang, Sprung.


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  4. On 8/12/2020 at 10:14 PM, Lantern7 said:

    Next week: individual firefighting-themed task!

    I think both tasks are firefighting themed.  But the team task looked like dealing with a brushfire.

    So I'm predicting a captain showdown between Young and Myles in that task.

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  5. 6 hours ago, kaygeeret said:

    Dang SVNBob - - you sir, are right again!

    I may have to hire you to fact check all my stuff.  I humbly give two thumbs up to you.  I really do appreciate your keeping the record straight.

    You're welcome. 

    For some reason, I retain certain details from shows I watch better than other things; and some details more than others.  In this case, I had also done a rewatch of this season fairly recently (between 1-2 years ago), and Season 7 slightly more recently, so some details were refreshed more than others.  Plus, the old TWoP recaps are still available, which helps me to see if I'm remembering things correctly or not before I post anything.

    And since you asked, it is indeed after this season (and speculated because of this season) that the Roadblock rule of 6 maximum per team member was instated.

    We're also of like minds about the Yield and the begging.  I personally don't care for TAR rules that allow teams to interfere with other teams.  Run Your Own Race is the maxim I watch by.  And "wealthy" Americans begging for money, so they can continue in a competition for more money is just distasteful.  But I do also like that most of the teams that had to do so did try to hit up people that could afford to, like their fellow Racers and tourists, and tried to avoid taking money away from locals...even if a good portion of that money would stay within the local economy.

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  6. 6 hours ago, kaygeeret said:

    I stand by my dislike of the sweet little flower who wouldn't cut her hair.  I get that she is a model - ever heard of wigs?

    While I agree with your dislike of that couple, and also acknowledge the existence of wigs  --

    As I recall, both of them objected to doing that Fast Forward for the other's modeling career, not their own.  (As in, she was more concerned about his lack of hair affecting him getting jobs, and he about hers.)  Ok, yes, she did object to cutting her own hair first.  But her stated reason in a TH was his hair and his career, not her own.

    Still stupid, and still somewhat vain, but ever-so-slightly mitigated by each them having more concern for the other than themselves.

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  7. Something new in the TV podcasts genre.

    Katherine Greene and her husband Hank (yes, that Hank Greene) have a new podcast called Taskmistress.  In it, they're going through the individual episodes of the Dave/Channel 4 series Taskmaster, and seeing if Taskmistress Katherine agrees with the judgements of Taskmaster Greg Davies.  She does her own scoring, and Little Hank Greene does the comparisons.

    Just the first episode so far (even if they're using an old feed with over 100 episodes of a different podcast on it), but it sounds like it'll be a fun one.

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  8. 7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Murph seems to have chosen the weaker team, overall. I realize it's a crap shoot that early in the game though.

    Luis was the "captain" that chose the Savage Crew, not Murph.

    However, Danny was the one that assembled the Dirty Hands crew. 

  9. Taskmaster recently announced the contestants for Series 10, the first series on Channel 4.  They also announced that 95% of the shooting was done before the UK lockdown, and that the remaining 5% were team tasks that took the new rules about social distancing and everything else into consideration when they did finally shoot those.


    And for American audiences, Series 8 is premiering on The CW on Sunday.  For that, I have a task preview.


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  10. 6 hours ago, AAEBoiler said:

    My DVD didn't tape anything last night ...  did I miss an episode?

    As stated, not of Josh Gates Tonight.  There won't be an episode next week either.

    However, there was a regular episode of ExU instead.  The search for the lost WASP, Gertrude "Tommy" Tompkins.

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  11. 10 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

    My husband was shocked to hear that I had never seen The Goonies, even though I've told him many times, lol. It's like it finally registered as we were watching this episode, and of course he is now insisting that we watch it, which is fine with me.

    Tuesday August 4th on AMC at 8pm EDT, and again the following day at 5:30pm EDT.

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  12. 2 hours ago, rmontro said:

    Lea Thompson is still surprisingly cute.  I still think Howard the Duck was half of a good movie. 

    Lea was the best part of Howard the Duck.  And she was possibly at (a) peak sexiness in it too.  But now I'm not sure it it's because of or despite having to play opposite an anthropomorphic duck.  Some Kind of Wonderful is a gender-flipped original-script Pretty in Pink, with Lea in the Blaine role, so it's also good flick.

    I learned during this episode that my mother hadn't even heard of, let alone seen The Goonies.  It's a good thing I found out it'll be on AMC in a couple weeks.


    The Secret community on reddit isn't going as crazy as I expected about that one painting Palencar brought up.  But the Facebook group (which Palencar is a member of) has started incorporating that painting into potential solves and other deep-dive analysis.

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  13. An odd little media diversion/rabbit hole.

    Since it comes up so damn often when talking about Survivor, someone on the Survivor subreddit joked that Erik giving up the necklace should have it's own subreddit.  As with any good joke, someone else ran with it and actually created r/ErikGaveUpImmunity.  (It's actually part of a meme to make meme-based and meme-filled subreddits for Survivor contestants.  Eg: r/WilsonsatWar, about Nick from DvG and WaW, and the joke theme Wilsons at War, which is 20 copies of Nick playing against each other.)

    Erik himself is an active Redditor and liked the joke, so he subscribed, and has been posting the occasional video there.  Which is how I became aware* of his YouTube channel.  It's full of a decent array of videos; interviews he's done, interviews he's conducted, animations, speed-runs of some of his comics, a couple of dog videos, and the occasional vlog.

    It's one of those vlogs that's pretty interesting and worth taking a look at.  It's all about his medevac from Caramoan.


    *Actually, I became aware of the YouTube channel first, as the above video got crossposted back to r/Survivor where I first saw it.  I was not aware of the other subreddit until that crosspost.  I guess, technically, I learned about both the YouTube channel and the subreddit at the same time....


  14. 3 hours ago, rmontro said:

    At the end, Josh answers some viewer questions and someone asked of all the potential discoveries, which one did he think would really be found?  He also said he had written in 56 times trying to get a question on the show, and that maybe 57 would prove to be the charm.

    Josh makes a joke out of it and says "I see we're out of time, maybe 58 will be the charm".  And never answers the question.  Which irritated me, because I thought it was an interesting question, and I wanted to see how he would answer it.  It's was a rare occasion when Josh let me down.

    First off, I saw that joke coming from a mile away.

    Second, I doubt that was a "real" question.  The others might be, but since that one was an obvious joke set-up, it probably wasn't.  (Now, if there's evidence of there being an actual tweet or tweet history of that question, then I'm obviously wrong.)

    Third, we have been talking about Fenn's fortune a lot recently.  That was probably the actual answer to that question until last month.

    Fourth, the next episode is Secret-centric.  Another likely answer.

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  15. 11 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I don't think it was the family concept or even the teams of 4 that dragged it down, and I think some of the things they did in the US were cool and interesting.  But I don't know, something was definitely missing (and not just the international travel)

    As I've been saying since my re-watch; it just had the wrong name.  If they had made it an actual spin-off of TAR with a different title, like "The Great American Road Trip", then it probably would have had a better reception over all.  But since it's still classified as TAR8, it loses a lot of points.

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