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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. On 3/23/2021 at 6:46 PM, Lantern7 said:

    Is Patrick out for good? Poor guy.

    It sounded like he's only out because of the COVID bubble, so it's possible that he could return after a two-week quarantine.  But the team competition might be over by then, and there'd be no reason for him to return.

    On 3/24/2021 at 7:13 PM, Quickbeam said:

    Why, oh why are they laying sod in a desert? Argh. 

    Because it's a tract of McMansions in SoCal.  Lawns are part of the whole deal.

    On 3/24/2021 at 9:47 PM, Grizzly said:

    Did not know how dangerous picking oranges is.

    Normally it's not as dangerous as this.  There's not usually a racing factor involved, so there's not typically all the running around and trying to work faster than is reasonably safe.  That said, there's still the danger of falling off unstable ladders/trees, so it's not as if it's totally safe under normal conditions.

    The whole competition though, mainly with Swifty's fall, is another tick on the column that makes me wonder if they'll continue this show.

    On 3/24/2021 at 11:08 PM, mlp said:

    I was totally rooting for Merryl, partly because I have a lot of respect for all she's accomplished in life and partly because I barely knew Iraida was in the competition before tonight but I figured Merryl's age would catch up with her eventually. 

    My mother commented after Merryl's punch-out that Merryl probably needed the money the least of the cast.  She's a retired military officer, so she has a good pension.  So her getting eliminated isn't really going to be bad for her, and will end up being better for the one who does win in the end.

    8 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Celi has been more determined, gritty, and willing to get dirty than I expected at the beginning. But was any Survivor fan shocked that she volunteered to sit on the Sandra bench?

    Not exactly.  She is the smallest and least physically strong of the Savage Crew.  (Though she might be the strongest mentally...nursing is no joke.)  And that was a task that needed lots of strength; moving trees, bricks, hundreds of pounds of sod, etc.  It was logical for her to sit out.

    That said, it was a mistake for her to sit out.  The main problem Savage Crew had on that task was one of communication.  And that's Celi's main strength in the team comps.  (Again, I attribute that to her profession.  Proper communication in a hospital can mean the difference between life and death.)  As we saw in the previous episode, she was the one that was double-checking the Savage Crew's painting job and calling out the mistakes.  And they were listening to her.  So she seems to be the core of their communication.

    This comp, she was reduced to the cheerleading role she takes for the individual competition.  Which wasn't really helpful, because it couldn't be.  (To use a metaphor from Phil's other show, she was the team member not doing the Roadblock, meaning that she couldn't say or do anything to help the one(s) doing it, lest the rules be broken and a penalty be invoked.)  Without their primary communicator, the whole team's communication fell apart.  Leading to the chaotic situation we saw.

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  2. On 3/17/2021 at 6:34 PM, Ceindreadh said:



    There's an official Taskmaster podcast hosted by Ed Gamble, which I presume is going to feature season 11 as well. 

    Given that they conveniently just finished going back over Series 2, I would presume that that is the plan. 

    It'll likely be the same as how they did the podcast for Series 10, with the podcast episodes coming out soon after the tv episodes complete their closing credits.

  3. 10 hours ago, I Want My MBTV said:

    I love Phil but there is clearly something wrong this season when over half of the contestants that have punched out have done so due to reasons having nothing to do with going to OT. 

    It makes me wonder if there's going to be a future for the show.  It's not looking encouraging right now.  Insurance costs have to have gone up, making it more costly to produce the show.


    2 hours ago, ItsJessMe said:

    It kind of annoyed me that Celi stepped in. If they hadn’t had a nurse there, the medics would’ve certainly been capable of doing their job. It seem to me that she was trying to run the show and not let the medics do what they were there to do. 

    I don't think she was trying to run things; just that her training kicked in.   Person in need of medical assistance = cheerleader mode off / Nurse mode On.  Angel and Phil being bystanders, fine.  But the professional nurse, not so much.

    Also, I'm sure it helped Patrick psychologically to hear a familiar voice that he knew was capable of helping him and/or explaining procedures while he needed help.  The other medics are relative strangers; Celi's an acquaintance/friend.

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  4. 4 hours ago, jabRI said:

    I didn't get the vibe they were all donating their money to Angel, rather that they had an extra motivation to fight for the win so he'd continue to get his share of the winnings (1200) since he is out of the running for the big prize. 

    $2400, but agreed.  I was under the impression that Freight Train handed Angel the cash wad in the manner of a sports team captain handing a trophy to the team's MVP, which allowed his hands to be free to receive the other trophy, the "badge". 

    If Dirty Hands had decided to give all the team challenge cash to Angel, we would have heard about it, including another teary-eyed TH from Angel himself thanking them for doing that.

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  5. On 12/3/2017 at 7:31 PM, Star Aristille said:
    On 12/3/2017 at 3:58 PM, Roccos Brother said:

    Gross and vomit. Disliked Nick and Starr (odd name) from the very start.

    It was a nickname for Emily.

    Plus it fits with their family name of Spangler (the nickname makes her Starr Spangler.)  And it was also kind of cute when she was dating Dallas (as in Texas, the Lone Star(r) state.)

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  6. That is the player Tony gets compared to quite often.  I just refuse to say his name if at all possible, and I guess I assumed that that particular comparison was commonly known enough that I didn't need to.  Mea culpa.

    That said, I found out about an interesting podcast.  It's called "Escape This Podcast", and it's basically a cross between an escape room and a role-playing game.  The Australian couple that host the podcast and create the scenarios invite various guests to play through the virtual rooms and stories.  I bring this up here because in the second episode of their most recent story arc episode, the guests are Peih-Gee and Adam.  Pretty fun show from the sound of it.  (I would recommend listening to the first episode of the story first, as there might be some spoilers otherwise.)

    Links and whatnot here: https://www.escapethispodcast.com/


    This is also Peih-Gee's second appearance on the show.  And that episode takes place in the middle of an even bigger story arc, so there'd be more lead-in episodes to listen through before getting to her.  It didn't get mentioned here then, because it was about 1 year ago, and the majority of the thred talk of the time was surrounding how the WaW reunion would/could function at the start of...well, 2020. 

  7. After the failure of Taskmaster, The CW is trying importing and adapting some other British programs.

    This time they're planning on airing a couple series of Would I Lie To You?, as a conceptual lead-in for an American-produced version to also air on The CW. 

    They're also doing a mixed-nationality season of "Killer Camp", which The CW apparently already aired a full-UK series of.  Concept seems like a cross between the old Fox series "Murder in Small Town X" and the relatively-recent ABC series "Whodunnit?", but dressed in the tropes of the '80s slasher movies, like Friday the 13th.


  8. 7 hours ago, TeapotWakeen said:
    8 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    They said he “broke a zero tolerance rule” which usually refers to sexual harassment, although in these strange times, I’m guessing...purely guessing... it was related to Covid safety protocols.  

    or making homophobic comments, or threatening violence. Sounds like good riddance...

    Or it could be something as simple as a "no alcohol/drugs (even legal recreational ones)" rule.  Which would make extra sense, given what both the challenges in Episode 3 featured; operating heavy machinery.  Since they could be called upon to do that at any time during the show, the crew would want to be sure that none of the cast would be trying to do so hungover or the slightest bit stoned.  So a zero-tolerance rule for that would make sense.

    Mikey does seem like a guy that would barely think anything of cracking a brew or two during his off-work time.  Which is fine in his normal life; not going to knock the guy for that.  However, he does also seem like a guy that doesn't necessarily read/understand his contracts, or one that thinks the rules don't necessarily apply to him.   So it could have been a case of him defaulting to thinking "Off work; time for a beer" not realizing or remembering the show contract forbade that.  Or him thinking "They'll never know if I sneak a drink or two" and getting caught.  (There's even a slim possibility that he was hungover in the fishing boat task, and that contributed to his attitude that led to the Splashdown.  But that's even more speculation than the rest of this.)


    4 hours ago, BarneySays said:

      Ordinarily, these shows are quite happy to scold an offending contestant on air.  It's odd they would say he "had to go home," clearly creating the impression in the viewer's mind that he had a personal matter to tend to, if he in fact broke a hard and fast rule.  That means they chose to lie to the viewers.  Not a good look. 

    Not necessarily.  By airing what they did, they made Mikey's exit look as good as possible.  Meaning that they weren't trying to bury him on the show, and make things harder for him back in his real life (as other shows on CBS have done to players they've pulled, even if some of those contestants deserved the dragging).   That makes my scenario of him thoughtlessly having a drink after the hagfish as he would after a normal day's work make even more sense.  Still a contract violation, so he'd deserve the punishment, but something relatively minor, so he wouldn't deserve backlash.

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  9. 18 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

    Showrunners will think that there isn't an audience for TZ anymore and I don't think that's true.

    Putting a show strictly on a separate subscription service is not a good test of whether there is an audience for it or not.  Airing the show on CBS proper, and it faltering there would be.

    (Star Trek doesn't count.  Trekkies will always be.)

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  10. Getting caught up after the bad week here in Texas.

    On 2/24/2021 at 8:35 PM, DEL901 said:

    Maybe he got turfed because of pushing that delivery guy into the water?

    To be fair to Mikey, he technically did not push Patrick.  He pushed the stack of Dirty Hands' traps that were legitimately blocking some of Savage Crew's access to their boat.  Tara had tried to get her crew to stack them closer to the Dirty Hands' boat, but this was early enough in the challenge that they didn't quite get what she meant and why.  And it looked like Patrick was moving behind the traps to try to move them out of the way/on to the boat right as Mikey shoved them.  Him in motion over the water + the movement of the trap stack = Splashdown.

    That said, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that deliberately interfering with the other team's/other contestants' equipment during a challenge is grounds for a DQ.  Which would also explain Tara going over and pulling on Swifty's rope during Overtime.  She might have been thinking "better DQ'd for a rule violation than to actually quit."

    Props to Swifty though.  While he wanted to win Overtime, he didn't want to win that way.  Him offering to keep it fair by having them both take an equal break is just another example of how this show is different. 

    Same with both Sarah and Iradia helping Merryl up after her faceplant at the start of the hagfish challenge.  Sarah helping made sense, since she and Merryl are both Savage.  But Iradia is Dirty Hands.  And it was an individual competition to boot. 

    Moving on to the most recent episode, I wasn't surprised when "Knuckles" was one of the worst two in the individual challenge.  She'd been getting a lot of the "sob story spotlight" in the episode, which is typically an indicator of someone about to lose.  Angel's been getting the spotlight in every episode thus far, like Danny and Murph from Season 1, so I'm currently expecting hm to make the finals.

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  11. Just read a recap of a Zoom Q&A Sandra did online recently.  (As in earlier this week recent).

    Some highlights:

    She definitively says that the differences between Tony and the player he's most compared to is that you can get along with Tony, and that Tony bathes on Survivor.  Tony may play aggressively, but he's not a bully about it like the other guy.

    She said that she would have voted for Tony had she stayed on WaW and been on the jury.  But Yul would have been her choice for winner if it couldn't be herself or Tony.

    Going back to her first season, she said that the Morgan Tribe were pissed when they first got to the village and saw that Drake had Sandra's Spanish language skills on their side.  Apparently Peachy told Morgan Tribe that they had 4 or 5 people that took Spanish in college, so they ought to be able to string together a sentence.  Also, TPTB apparently went back after the cast left and bought back everything the Survivors sold/traded, so Sandra got back her chain and shoes.

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  12. 8 hours ago, magicdog said:

    He was.  


    I always had a problem with the Trilogy woman being Sam's daughter since Sam's [soul or consciousness] is swapped for that of another person so the kid born in that relationship should genetically be that of the person Sam temporarily replaced, not Sam Beckett's.  

    It was sort of the other way around as I remember it.  Bodies actually changed places, so Sam physically replaced whomever he leaped "into".  But their "aura" stayed behind, which is why he looked/sounded like that person and had their reflection.  (Which is how Sam got "pregnant" that one time: he leaped into the mother, but the baby, as a separate person, stayed behind.)  So Sam would truly be the genetic father of the girl from Trilogy.

    They did the same in reverse for the rare times we saw someone in the "Waiting Room" at QLHQ.  The person Sam "was" was there, but looked like Sam to Al and everyone else in the future year of 1999.  Which was played to interesting effect when Sam leaped into a escaped serial killer.  Said killer, "wearing" Sam's aura, broke out of QLHQ and almost started a new spree.

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  13. Just now, Anduin said:

    Jeremy Irons can come back. American accents can work in fantasy, see James Earl Jones in Conan the Barbarian, but not Wayans.

    No disrespect meant to Mr. Irons.  He was good in his role, and the accent was not an issue.

    I did forget the other highlight of that movie, although it's really more for the BTS story that goes with it.  Tom Baker (aka the Fourth Doctor) was cast in the movie as an ancient and powerful elf.  The story he tells is that he thought the role was an elk, and that's the reason he wanted the role.  (Tom's a bit weird like that.)

    • LOL 7
  14. Over the last couple weeks, we have continued on with our watch of this season.  There wasn't too much to post about in the two episodes from last week, except the debut of the U-Turn.

    I think I've made my stance on this clear in other threads, but since this season is the first time it was used, I should opine here as well.  When this season first aired, I did not like the U-Turn.  As with the Yield, I am not necessarily a fan of mechanics in TAR that allow for one team to interfere with another.  (I still espouse TAR Maxim #1: Run Your OWN Race.)  However, over time, I've come around a little on both.  I may not like either, but I don't think they're "unfair", as they are parts of the Race, and I admit that there are circumstances where I could see myself using them; mainly by delaying another team in a race to avoid last place.

    Which is what the Blondies thought they were doing when they used the U-Turn.  They saw another team while headed to the U-turn, and thought it was the last-place but generally strong Lorena and Jason (when in reality it was TK and Rachel).   Thinking they were that far behind, they used the U-Turn.  Taking into account the mistaken identity, it was a decent use of the U-turn.  And a successful use, since it did contribute to the Philimination of Lorena and Jason.   (Still, Karma and their lack of team cohesion stemming from the U-turn usage slapped them down in the next leg.)

    This week, though, we mainly talked about airport drama.  There was lots of it in the flights from Lithuania to Croatia.  Some teams making reservations over the phone versus waiting at the airport until ticket counters and travel agencies open.  Some connecting flights getting delayed leading to secondary scrambling.  And the major issue, Azaria and Hendekia purchasing business class tickets, when the rules state they can only purchase economy tickets.  (Getting upgraded at no additional cost is fine, as that's on the airline.)  All of this was interesting and drama-filled to watch, and we lament that things like this can't happen anymore with the changes to the structure of TAR.  We get the logic of why the changes have happened, but we still miss the drama.  However, we do also acknowledge that sometimes, this drama does lead to foregone conclusions of the team in last place, as it did in this case.

    The other big thing we talked about was the Fast Forward in Italy.  The infamous "go to this studio, only to learn there that it's a tattoo parlor, and you have to get permanently inked to claim the FF" FF.  An FF technically worse than the head-shaving ones.  But I had the same reactions as I had on first airing.  To begin with, TAR picked a tasteful and relatively small design for this tattoo; a pair of Fs (for Fast Forward) in a nice script font.  And I recall originally thinking about what I would do to alter it after the Race, namely filling in the gaps in each F with yellow and red.  My mother was thinking about how it could be altered to be our initials, which is possible.  I also said, on top of this being a relatively tame tattoo, it is one that comes with a story, so it has an added cool factor.  

    Additionally, I opined on which teams would and would not have done this FF.  Other than Nick and Don who did, I said that Kynt and Vyxsin and TK and Rachel were the teams most likely to do it.  Ron would probably object to Christina getting a tattoo, and Jenn wouldn't do it and blame Nate for even bringing her to the FF location (as opposed to her bitching about not doing the FF while waiting for him to do the Roadblock.)

    We ended our viewing with Kynt and Vyxsin arriving in last place after a bad self-driving leg in Italy, but getting saved by the NEL.  And then getting told about the other new mechanic this season: the Speed Bump.  After we watch the next episode, I'll have more to say about that, but again, I'm pretty sure I've made my stance on that clear in other threads around here.

  15. 5 hours ago, Anduin said:

    Dungeons & Dragons TV show to be developed by Derek Kolstad, best known for John Wick. My first thought was 'Seriously?' But on second glance, it's not terrible. This weird world with all its arcane traditions and behaviours. I can see that.

    Anything would be better than the '80s cartoon.  And I say that as someone that likes that show.

    Also, anything would be better than the live-action movies from the 2000s.   When Marlon Wayans as the comedic sidekick is the best part of a movie (even better than Jeremy Irons devouring the scenery with glee)....

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  16. On 3/22/2020 at 11:51 PM, SVNBob said:

    Taskmaster creator and the Taskmaster's assistant (little) Alex Horne will be giving out tasks to do on Twitter, using the hashtag #HomeTasking.

    With UKLockdown 2.0 happening, HomeTasking is back.

    But this time, there's a slight twist.  Apparently, the tasks will be ones that were previously done on the show, so there's the additional layer of "I could have done better than those comedians at that" on top of the previous HomeTasking silliness.

    Task #1 is already up and running.  Your time starts now.


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