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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. With the contestant threads in place (thanks to our mod @Whimsy), it's time for me to get the Tribe Tracker started.

    Since it's been a while, and because there also might be a few newcomers since Survivor got several new fans over the hiatus, allow me to re-explain the concept of the Tracker.  This topic is here to help prevent confusion about who is who (such as non-sarcastically asking "There's a [Name] on this season?"  The Purple Edit is real....), which tribe (if any) they're on at any given time, what advantages are in play and who holds them, what advantages are out of play and why/how, and pretty much anything else I need or decide to keep track of.  And all hopefully posted in an easy-to-read format.

    As has been the case for the past several Trackers, this first post is the alphabetical (by first name) list of the contestants, with links to the first post of their individual threads which contains their Survivor "Before" headshot (again, thanks @Whimsy).

    The Tracker will be updated after every episode, using the following general rules:

    • The first post after this one will divide the list by tribes including tribe names and colors, but maintain the alphabetical order as above.  This will continue in tribe lists throughout the season.
    • Strikeouts will indicate someone or something leaving the game.  Departed contestants will be listed in a new section of the Tracker, either Pre-Jury or Jury (depending on which phase of the game it is), in the order of their departure (down to within an episode in the case of double-boots) and not alphabetically.  Reasons for departure other than a vote-out (usually medevacs) will be noted.   Once the Jury phase starts, the Pre-Jury section will be consolidated under a spoiler tag to save space.
    • Advantages in play, like HIIs, will be nested underneath the name of the people that own and/or posses them (since those can be two different things.)  The ownership history of an advantage will be further nested underneath it, if/when it changes hands.  Once an advantage is out of play (by any means), it will be moved to a new section of the Tracker, the Advantage Graveyard.  When an advantage first enters the Graveyard, the full history will be on display.  After that, the history will go under a spoiler tag.
    • When a tribe shuffle first happens, I'll bring in the Tribe Codes.  These (starting as) 2-letter codes will be listed before each player's name, and show their tribal history in the game.  The first letter will the initial of their starting tribe, and the second letter will be the initial of their current tribe.  Any additional shuffles, except the merge itself, will add to these codes in the same manner.
    • If/when HIIs are played, I'll use the following terms in their histories in the Graveyard.
      • A correct idol play is one that negates votes against the person who received the majority of the votes and would have been eliminated without said idol play. 
      • A successful idol play is one that does negate votes, even if only 1, against the person the idol is played for.  All correct idol plays are successful, but not all successful plays are correct.
      • An incorrect idol play means that the idol did absolutely nothing and was most likely wasted.

    I think that covers everything about the Tracker.  But I'm always willing to consider alterations to make things more understandable.  So feel free ask questions and/or make suggestions.

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  2. 10 hours ago, magicdog said:

    If this episode were made today, I would have had them go their separate ways, because obviously there were trust issues on her part.  She treated him like crap!!  It wasn't until the real bad guy was caught before she finally thought he was telling the truth.  

    I think you could make the episode with the same ending today, by going into her backstory and explaining why she had trust issues.

    Give her a past relationship with a verbally abusive and gaslighting ex; one that was actually involved in criminal activity (drugs is an easy and generic choice).  Her relationship with Sargent, in which he treated her perfectly, is the first since said ex.   And Sargent knows the whole sordid affair.  That could make the whole story still make sense, including the reconciliation.

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  3. Speaking of ExX, the last two stories have been interesting.  In both, they seemed to resolve with a more natural explanation for what was going on than some of the earlier and more outlandish stories.

    The most recent episode about the Van Meter Monster had lots of DNA samples of a few different animals come up, and Phil's hypothesis about misidentified birds being likely suspects seems to hold true.  Plus Jessica actually tried debunking the story from the 1900s, and probably did, with her noticing the bat shadow.

    The previous story about the "feral humans" in the Smokies also had evidence of actual human DNA, and ended with speculation that it's just people that chose to live way of the grid.  But they never mentioned what seemed to me to another plausible explanation.  They kept talking about how people, hikers specifically, get lost in those woods all the time.  And they kept bringing up the fact that the feral humans apparently had "misshaped" heads/faces.  Seems to me that the two are related, and that these feral humans are hikers that had bad accidents involving severe, but non-fatal, head injuries.  Ones that could cause all sorts of physical deformities if not properly treated, and brain trauma like amnesia.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    He did eventually come out to eat his dinner but when I said “potty”, he would hide back under the table.

    Cosmo might benefit from some hurricane advice I saw on Facebook, if you're able to use it.


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  5. 6 hours ago, Nashville said:
    • Big Fucking Move (BFM): a game play calculated (not always successfully) to effect a significant strategic shift in the course of the season’s progression.
    • Big Move Fever (BMF): the sometimes-irresistible impetus felt by a player (or players) to make a BFM.

    Now these I can work with, and also take the third option for the debate.  (Which I honestly should have thought of earlier.)

    • BAM: Big Ass Move.  See BFM.
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  6. I have been working on the promised updated Lexicon.  Mostly it's been editing entries to be more clear and concise, making sure people are getting their bylines for their entries, and organizing the entries into categories for easy posting and reference.  But there are a few entries that I could use a little help with.

    First off, one that there was a bit of discussion about when first posted, but never fully resolved...starting around here:

    On 5/30/2017 at 8:20 AM, cherrypj said:

    Since @Nashville and @KimberStormer agree to disagree, why not make "Big Move" into "Big Fucking Move," or BFM?

    Too close/redundant with BMF? (Which is the new "resume builder.")

    Currently, only BMF is in the list of initialisms and acronyms.  The definition for that contains the phrase "Big Move", so another initialism or acronym might be redundant.  I'm not sure though. 


    Then there's these two potential terms and definitions.

    On 9/18/2016 at 6:01 PM, ratgirlagogo said:

    The Edgardo blindside is so perfect I almost feel like it ought to be its own category term,  like Pagong, especially since the term blindside has become so diluted.  "We Edgardo'ed that guy!"

    I don't think this one is that necessary, but I can be convinced otherwise.


    On 9/19/2016 at 1:28 PM, NutMeg said:

    I cannot help but think that "having Stephened oneself out of the game" has a very clear meaning and should somehow figure in the lexicon. Despite the term not being likely to be used much. Because you have to 1) get the ability to steal one vote, 2) blinders that only let you see one target, 3) an, hmm, let's say interesting, strategy that makes it seem like it's the best idea ever to use the vote you "stole" differently than yours, 4) an inability to read the room before the vote (i.e. just 5 min ago, you were saved from elimination by someone playing his idol for you). So 4 very specific things needed to make it possible to use your advantage to get yourself voted off.

    This one is also an extreme edge case that may not need to be included.  But maybe with some refining....

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  7. 18 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

     I understand Hawaii, but Georgia?

    Georgia has decent infrastructure and subsidies for shooting TV; reality TV in particular. 

    Remember that show Hunted from a few years ago; the one where pairs of civilians were trying to evade being captured by law enforcement personnel?  (I know @Nashville does, or they may be trying to forget.)  That was mainly shot in Georgia.

    I think Tyler Perry has a filming compound in the state as well, so Survivor might have been talking to him about using some of his facilities.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

     I’m somewhat curious how they will pull it off.

    Per the interview I posted, part of how they'll do it is fewer challenges; specifically fewer RCs.

    Which makes a logistic sense.  There had been a basic 3-day cycle with RCs, IC/TC, and one day of rest.  Can't cut IC and TC, so it comes down to less rest or fewer rewards.  Or more likely both.

    One "advantage" to fewer challenges means that more time per episode will have to be spent at camp on strategery.  Which is a thing many of us old-school fans have been wanting to see come back.

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  9. The last I heard was that TAR33 was cancelled after 3 legs due to COVID and nothing has restarted yet, because they want to be sure everything is safe first.

    That said, it's good to know that BB fans know that TAR is a superior show if they're lamenting its loss.

  10. 16 hours ago, Hiyo said:

    Doesn’t Trill have it’s own science academy, one that rivals the Vulcan Science Academy?

    They do.  However, I can see Trill also having a small Starfleet Academy campus in their system, if not on the homeworld itself.  I can also see that the Starfleet campus would give credit to "transfer students" for classes taken at the Science Academy, much like colleges and universities do today.

    But even though several Vulcans do join Starfleet and attend the Academy (one of the other contenders on Relva VII with Wesley and Mordock was a Vulcan), they would not have an Academy campus on Vulcan itself.  Whether because of an illogical "arrogance" about the superiority of the Science Academy, or because of the actual logic of having cadets living off-world and interacting with people of other species and other worlds to learn about their cultures as opposed to remaining relatively cloistered within Vulcan culture, even in a Starfleet setting.


  11. Per Memory Alpha, the main Academy campus was in San Francisco.  But there were various annex campuses and facilities on Earth and other planets, both in and outside the Sol system.

    Notable examples: the flight training range is near Saturn, with Mimas one of the designated emergency evacuation centers.

    There is also an entrance exam facility on Relva VII.  Wesley took one of his entrance exams here, as did Mordock, the Benzite Wesley befriended throughout the tests.

    There's another campus on Psi Epsilon (or Upsilon, depending on which okudagram you read) III.  Daniel Kwan (who committed suicide in "Eye of the Beholder", kicking off the plot of that episode) apparently graduated from that campus.

    And while it's not indicated, it's my headcanon that there are campuses on the homeworlds of most other Federation members, like Betazed and Trill.  But specifically not Vulcan; they have their Science Academy.

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  12. 2 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

    why didn't Uhura get it when she pushed against Sulu's sweaty torso?

    We don't know she didn't. 

    But some people were more capable of handling the condition than others.  See Bones and Scotty in particular.  (Although, given that the disease acted like it made people inebriated, I still maintain that those two were just used to working in that state.)  Assuming she was infected, I guess we can list Uhura alongside them.

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  13. 8 hours ago, SnarkShark said:

    Does that mean you're speculating it's actually a sequel and not a reboot? 

    Could be a sequel, in which case the "Doogie" name comes from someone who heard of/worked with the original 14-year-old doctor.

    Or it could be a re-boot, but one where the original show was also on TV in their universe, so the nickname was someone making a reference to that show.

  14. On 8/3/2021 at 8:07 PM, SnarkShark said:

    The nickname seems silly here, but I'm sure they'll wank some explanation. 

    Probably via a direct comparison to the original Doogie. (Either the character or the show.)

    Sounds like they did a version of the original theme song on the ukulele for this version.  That seems like a nice touch.

  15. Whenever there's some new activity in The Vault, I take a look to see what got archived.  When I looked at the N-Z archive just a couple minutes ago, there were some shows tight at the top that belong over in the A-M.  Biggest Loser, Colbert Report, Daily Show with Jon Stuart, Librarians, etc.  The only commonality is that all the shows in question do start with "The", which might explain everything.  But all of them are at the top of the alphabetical list, above Naked and Afraid.

    I know this is low priority and not a bug as such.  But I thought I'd report it in case someone wanted to look for those archives and couldn't find them in the A-M vault.

  16. 7 hours ago, rmontro said:

    First off, the more people involved, the further that money gets diluted.

    True.  So hypothetically, let's say there were just two.  "Cooper" and Reca.  Makes splitting the $200k really easy, and each still gets a substantial portion.


    7 hours ago, rmontro said:

    Also, what if one of the "decoys" gets caught, and wrongly convicted?

    That would depend on the exact charges.  Conspiracy would be the only thing they could actually be convicted of, and that wouldn't be a wrong conviction.  But charges directly relating to the hijacking wouldn't stick.


    7 hours ago, rmontro said:

    if Reca really did bail out of a plane that night, he was also taking his life in his hands.

    Keyword: If.  He claimed to, as part of his claim of being Cooper.  But no one witnessed his "landing".  All the truck driver saw was him walking/limping on the side of the road, then eventually entering the diner.  No evidence of a jump or landing then.  Which is why there was that big metal detecting search in the woods that Josh joined (the one that "overshot" the timeline with the unfired bullet from the late 1800s that they found.).  They were looking for parts of the parachute to help corroborate Reca's confession.

    And I never meant to imply there were multiple jumpers; only multiple men in suits walking around near the woods in various places in the Pacific Northwest on Thanksgiving eve 1971.  Like a proto-flash mob...but in different locations.  Or this scene from The Thomas Crown Affair:


    In any case, this is deep in the realm of pure speculation and unprovability.

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  17. 11 hours ago, rmontro said:

    Another DB Cooper show.  Will the DB Cooper story ever stop being fascinating? Probably not. 

    Only if it ever gets truly solved, and maybe not even then.  As has been said, DB Cooper stepped out of a plane, and into infamy and myth.

    The lack of answers and evidence have helped keep this case alive.  And the fact that "Dan Cooper" is such a blank slate, so he's incredibly easy for Hollywood to project any kind of backstory onto to make an interesting interpretation of the character.

    One thought I had about the case, when they brought up that Reca did have credible eyewitnesses to part of his story: Maybe there were two (or more) people involved.  Multiple men in black suits and white shirts "deployed" throughout the Northwest to create different "sightings" of Cooper, in order to throw authorities off the track.  That would explain Reca's witnesses, but him being totally removed from where the money was eventually found.


    After watching the episode, I read through the Wikipedia article about Cooper.  There's a list of several "suspects" and/or people who claimed to be Cooper.  Reca was listed, as were the other names thrown out at the beginning.  But there was one surprising name; Barbara Dayton.  She claimed she dressed up as a man to stage the hijacking, in order to get back at the FAA for not allowing her to become a pilot.  But she recanted the story when she learned that charges could still be brought against "Cooper".  She died in 2002, and the FBI never commented on her story.


    10 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

    I too was surprised to have another DB show, but I enjoy the topic.

    Well, this year is the 50th anniversary of the event, so I'm not that surprised.  (That's also probably the reason it got worked into Loki.) Plus, it's another fully US-based story, so it's one they could look into this past year.


    After the Atlantis show and a repeat of the sunken prayer bell in Myanmar, they aired a repeat of the Forest Fenn episode.  At the end, there was a tiny bit of followup.  They added 3 black screens with white text to say that the treasure had been found and confirmed by Fenn before his passing, and that the finder is remaining anonymous and not revealing the location.  Nothing we hadn't discussed upthread, but it is an "official" acknowledgement from the show.

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  18. 17 hours ago, Luckylyn said:

    John/Chiana Farscape - Sometimes they would flirt and at other times they would have a brother/sister dynamic.   They weren’t each others endgame but were aware of each other’s attractiveness.  They were close friends with some sexual tension that wasn’t consummated

    Well, technically it was consummated, but there were time travel shenanigans involved.

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