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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. 56 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

    As for places where there's always murders. I have to mention one of my favorites Hudson University. Almost everyone at that school is either a murderer or victim. After awhile you start wondering why anyone would go there and how the no one at the university finds that odd. 

    Hudson U. must have the rule in place (that doesn't exist in reality, afaik) where if your roommate dies, you get automatic A's in all your classes for the semester.  It's the only explanation.

    • LOL 8
  2. Re: the info panel in the sidebar.

    There is an arrow on the far right of the very top of it that seems to work in reducing it.  Clicking on it hides the poster information and posts, leaving only the statistics about the thread itself (# of Replies, When the thread was created, and When the Last Post was posted). 

    The reason I say "seems to work" is because I think the arrow might be broken.  I have to click it twice to hide the information.  The arrow starts pointing down by default, while the panel is fully open.  First click spins the arrow 180 to up, but the panel stays open.  Second click spins the arrow back down, but the panel collapses up into the stats bar.  The arrow button works as a simple toggle after that, but the direction it points seems to be backwards in regard to function.

    Also, it appears that this needs to be done on a per-page basis.  I can close the panel then click to move to the next page in a thread, and the panel is open again on the new page.

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  3. 18 hours ago, Kromm said:

    Ditto for Mahjong.  Unlike Go, most of us have likely played this one (or at least the loosely based solitaire game with the same tiles), but let's be honest about how it would come off if a bunch of white people were shown playing it, or the baggage of scenes with Asian people doing so (always older in the stereotype, right?). 

    Depends on if a majority of those white people were older Jewish women.   A lot of yentas play, and the game has apparently been a big thing in Jewish-American culture since just before WWII.

    18 hours ago, Kromm said:

    Dominoes?  Either seen as a kiddie thing, or if shown played seriously, yet another Asian stereotype, typically two old Chinese guys sitting in a park playing it. 

    I wouldn't consider Dominoes an Asian stereotype.  But then, I'm from the Southern US, so I'd consider it more an African-American stereotype.


    10 hours ago, Bastet said:
    11 hours ago, Zella said:

    People never play strategy games like Risk on TV--at least not that I recall seeing-

    Kramer and Newman had an epic game going on Seinfeld.

    And I seem to recall an episode of a short-lived NBC sitcom called Day by Day (which also featured Julia Louis-Dreyfus) had one episode where the character played by Christopher Daniel Barnes was playing a regular game of Risk with a group of his friends/college classmates.  But in the episode, he ruined the vibe by bringing his new girlfriend to the game as another player.

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  4. Went down a small, weird internet rabbit hole and landed on a show that I'm actually surprised hasn't been rebooted yet in this age of reality TV.  Wikipedia shows that all of the Big 4 networks were looking into either reboots or shows of a similar concept to this one in the late 2000s, so it's a bit of a surprise none materialized.  I'm referring to the '80s perennial classic event program, The Circus of the Stars.

    For those too young to remember, and for those old enough to forget, CotS was an annual special on CBS where all sorts celebrities, everyone from Harry Anderson to Pia Zadora, trained to become circus performers.  And every kind of act was represented; the various animal acts, the trapeze, the high-wire, clowns, juggling, tumbling, etc.  These specials usually showed clips of the stars training for their acts, the trapeze and high-wire in particular, then showed each act in its entirety.

    But what I'm thinking for a reboot is an actual series.  There's still the actual circus itself; that's the obvious season finale.  But the episodes leading up to it would focus on the training portions.  There's still the big arcs for the high-wire and trapeze.  But there's also room for the smaller acts.  And while many of the animal acts, like big cat taming, wouldn't fly today, acts involving dogs and horses still seem feasible and not as cruel.

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  5. 6 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    I've read where it was a word combined from stalker and fan.

    That's a form of backronym.  As noted, the term really comes from Em's Stan track and video, and that definition was retroactively added to it.

    17 hours ago, Blergh said:

    I suppose what could separate the 'stans' from the regular fans might be if one were to attempt to ask the question  "What would [blank] have to do in front of you before you'd be willing to say 'Yeah, he/she went too far! He/she was wrong! It's ALL their fault and they need to just take their medicine! I'm DONE with them!?'"

    Aka the Chris Brown question.  He physically abused Rihanna, yet still has a stanbase that says "he could beat me up all he wants, 'cause he makes sick tracks."  R. Kelly used to also be defended like this (see the related Boondocks episode), but since he's stopped making music, his stans are dying out.


    One can't really talk about stan culture without mentioning the K-pop scene.   The worst kinds of stans can be found throughout K-pop audiences.  There's the same kinds as mentioned above: the over-sharing stans that drive away potential fans by being too intense, the ones that purchase way too much merch in attempts to get closer to a group or particular member thereof, the hyper-defenders that

    But there's also a different kinds of stan in K-pop, and it's actually catered to by the music companies.  Most idols have "dating clauses" in their contracts.  These clauses typically mean that said idols are not allowed to (publicly) date anyone, as they need to be seen to be "available" as potential boyfriend or girlfriend material by the audience.  So there's the "X-idol is my girl/boyfriend" stans. 

    And woe unto any idol that flaunts these clauses and actually dates someone, because they and their companion are going to get slammed by these stans.  Mainly the other person is going to get lots of "stay away from X" messages and other hate-mail.  Which leads nicely into -

    16 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

    I've never understood the extreme negative of this phenomenon.  The people who go out of their way to hate a celebrity - to the point of creating a website devoted to that hate for instance.  I mean really you honestly have nothing better to do with your time than to constantly post, and encourage others to post, hateful stuff about someone who has done you no harm and you will never meet?  

    The corollary to the stan: the anti.  K-pop fandom is full of them too.  For every group, there's usually an official fan forum (or cafe), several unofficial ones, and at least one anti-cafe.  Since K-pop idols are supposed to project a specific image, anything that any idol does that deviates even the slightest from that image or what "they're supposed to do" based on Korean law or cultural mores, the antis nitpick on those deviations.  And in the anti-cafes, those nitpicks are amplified in the echo chamber to the point that many antis poke directly at the idols via social media.  This behavior has been a contributing factor in multiple suicides in K-pop.  (See the cases of Sunni and Goo Hara...although there were a lot of other circumstances involved in the latter, not the least of which was the former.)

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  6. 1 hour ago, Nashville said:

    Have to take that up with @SVNBob; as the original poster on the Lexicon thread, he’s the only one who can edit that post.

    And right now I can't even do that.  Might be because of the update; might be because the post is too old to edit anymore.

    I did put a list of season abbreviations on page 2.  But that's also a little outdated, and also uneditable.

    I will start working on compilations to collate everything posted in the Lexicon thus far (with attributions to the contributors) that will be posted sometime in the future.

    • Love 7
  7. For the sake of completionism on the bug reports:

    I'm sure everyone's noticed this, but since the start of the update, even before the Customized Homepage returned, every user's profile picture next to their posts has had a larger white square surrounding it.  Even those with the default "First letter of their Username" pictures.

    There's also a version of this where my profile pic in the menu on the top of each page seems to be slightly shrunken into the top left corner of a white square that was the size of the picture before the update.  I assume this is the same for everyone else as well.

    These seem to be the only places that profile pictures have this white border.  They look normal on profile pages, in the hoverbox when you mouse over these "bugged" pictures, here next to the text box for posting, and in the notification list.


    But speaking of notifications, the bell and envelope icons in the page top menu are now black in Dark mode.  They were white before the update, and are white in Light mode, so it might be a transparency thing.

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  8. The new Sentai season, the 45th anniversary one, has been airing in Japan for a few weeks now.  While it looks to be a decent season so far, I think this one might not get adapted into a Power Rangers season. 

    There's a couple reasons. 

    To begin with, the premise of the season has the "regular world" merged with a world populated by humanoid robot people called Kikainoids.  And 4 of the team are Kikainoids; there's only one human member of the team.  This means that 4 members of the main cast are in full-body suits the entire time.

    The "ranger" forms of these 4 are also full-body suits, meant to invoke the Megazord of the the seasons they represent: Red Zyuranger (MMPR Season 1), Yellow Gaoranger (Wild Force), Pink Magiranger (Mystic Force), and Blue Boukenger (Operation Overdrive).  They also represent the main recurring themes in Sentai; Dinosaurs, Animals, Magic, and Vehicles.

    On top of that, part of the gimmick is that instead of piloting mechs, these 4 grow and transform into giant mechs themselves; T-Rex, Lion, Dragon, and Dump Truck.  Then they can combine, but very differently.  Think Batman villain Two-Face; each one is a vertical half of the combined form.  Yellow and Pink are the right sides, while Red and Blue are the lefts.  So there's either a Yellow/red and Pink/Blue, or a Yellow/Blue and Pink/Red combo during the mech fights.

    As for the human member of the team, his ranger suit is the most traditional, but in multiple senses of the word.  His costume is actually a throwback to the leaders of the first two Sentai teams, Gorenger and JAKQ.  So he's a White Ranger with rainbow stripes, and his helmet has big blue "bug eyes", complete with dozens of holes to see out of.  (Those two are also the two Sentais that don't have a giant robot; the next season introduced the concept and tropes to the franchise.)

    The overall gimmick are the Sentai Gears, which give the team special powers/attacks based on previous Sentai teams.  For example, in the first episode, they use the Ninninger (Ninja Steel) gear to give the slow Red a ninja-speed boost in a fight with the footsoldiers.  And in the second, the trio of White, Red, and Yellow use the Hurricanger (Ninja Storm) gear to do one of the special shadow theater attacks.  And each gear is numbered with each season it links to.  So the two gears I mentioned were numbered 39 and 26, respectively.  And each ranger also has their "season number" on their forehead after transformation.  16, 25, 29, and 30 for the Kikainoids, and 45 for the sole human.


    Given all the numbering and references there will be to seasons and themes that never got adapted for the US audience, I highly doubt Hasbro will want to touch this season.  Which, given how badly Gokaiger was adapted into Super Megaforce, is probably a good thing.

    • Useful 1
  9. New episode of Expedition X last night; the first of a two-parter on the Beast of Bray Road, a Wisconsin "werewolf".  Josh even got out in the field for this story.  Given it was a two-parter, there's no "conclusion" yet, but a VO promised there would be one in part 2 next week.


    I'm pretty sure the Beast is just a black bear.  All the evidence found seems to point that way.


  10. A podcast I recently discovered that I've been enjoying a lot: Escape this Podcast.

    It's self-described as a show that's a mix between tabletop RPGs and escape room puzzles.  Each episode consists of a virtual escape room described  in audio form (with occasional pictures) and someone, either the guest(s) or the Australian hosts, need to solve the puzzles and escape.  There's a big play-along element as well, as the notes and images for all the rooms are available to look at while listening, or for you to run on your own later.

    The show, currently on season 8, has an alternating structure for the seasons.  Odd seasons are entirely stand-alone rooms/episodes, while the even seasons have an over-arcing story connecting the rooms.  And starting in season 4, they also do a sister podcast on the same feed; Podcast this Escape, where they do a post-mortem of the room and talk about where the guests think the story is going in the even seasons.

    There's also quite a variety in the guests.  Lots are from other podcasts or the escape room community.  But there's also a few celebrity names; Peih-Gee Law and Adam Klein from Survivor, Alex Horne, Ed Gamble, and Rose Matafeo of Taskmaster fame, and someone named Neil Patrick Harris.

    From what I've listened to, you can really start with any episode in an odd season (although there could be potential spoilers if the guest has been on before or someone makes a reference to a past room/story) or the first episode of any even season.  But given this site, I'll recommend the first episode of season 5 as an entry point, as it's one of NPH's appearances.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Fretful said:

    Only one man eliminated by a challenge.    

    If you count Freight Train, it's technically two.  But yeah, only one eliminated in Overtime, as opposed to 4 or 5 women. 

    32 minutes ago, Fretful said:

    Last season, 3 of the final 4 were men.  Same this season.

    But what's interesting to me is that 3 of the F4 have never been to Overtime; only Swifty has.  Last season, at least two had.

    • Love 2
  12. Per a post from Brennan's Instagram: yesterday, April 8 2021, marked the 20th anniversary of he and Rob crossing the Finish Line and becoming the first winners of TAR.

    What a long, strange trip it has been.  And here's to more to come.🍹

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  13. 22 hours ago, candall said:

    Basically it was three shorties on Dirty Hands trying to work around Angel's tight back and sore shoulders versus that ten foot Savage Crew dude who could stand flat on the ground and reach up with the power drill to secure the ceiling.

    Scott actually made that challenge unfairly weighted in favor of Savage Crew.  I think their structure should have been just a couple feet taller so as to require him to use elevation equipment like everyone else had to.

    Then again, it could have been worse.  Swifty's probably also tall enough to reach.  Had he been in play, either by not sitting out or if Dirty Hands had their full crew, it likely would have been an even bigger blowout for Savage Crew.

    18 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Angel has been out of the individual competition the longest, he should have been the freshest. Not sure why his back and shoulders were so tight.

    He and Liz said going into this final team comp that since they didn't have to save any strength or energy for the solo competition anymore, they were going to put everything they had left into the challenge.  Angel's problem was that he'd already been doing that in every competition up to that point.  It all finally caught up to him at the worst possible time.

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  14. 7 hours ago, I Want My MBTV said:

    The thing with Dirty Hands and the cars was just stupid.  You didn't have to be a mechanic, they weren't repairing a car.  If they had just thought about it like a puzzle (which is what it was) they would have been fine but they saw cars, no Freight Train, and psyched themselves out.  

    Precisely.  That was one of the reasons that Dirty Hands lost that team challenge; they walked into it with a defeatist attitude.  That made their loss a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    The other reason they lost is the same reason Savage Crew lost in the previous challenge; lack of communication.  Whereas Savage Crew did communicate well this time.  When Phil said that the Dirty Hands car looked like the Savage Crew's lawn, that was actually a metaphor for both competitions.

    • Love 5
  15. Necroing this thread for a fun-ish reason.

    A while ago, I read a thread on reddit in which the poster opined the theory that series 7A, the last episodes of the Pond story, was actually shown out of order from the Doctor's point of view.  Meaning that, like River, we weren't seeing events in actual chronological order.  Said poster then watched the series in a shuffled order, and posted that it seemed to work.  Well, I also had to try it, as did a few of my friends.  So we recently did.

    1. Angels in Manhattan.  Yep, this was the first story, not the last.
    2. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.
    3. Power of Three.
    4. Asylum of the Daleks.
    5. A Town Called Mercy.
    6. The Pond Life minisode (that was originally the lead-in to Asylum.)  This was included for one scene that I'll mention below.

    And it does actually seem to mostly work in this order.  It's a little timey-wimey, but doesn't really refer to that.  As one of us put it, it turns all the foreshadowing into a history lesson.

    There is one change I'd make if anyone else wants to try this experiment, though.  I'd flip the order of Asylum and Power of Three.   Doing that puts everything after Angels in an order that seems to correspond to and/or symbolize the Five Stages of Grief.

    1. Dinosaurs has the Doctor acting like things are normal.  It also starts in Egypt and features Nefertiti, Queen of "De Nile".
    2. What better represents Anger in Doctor Who than Daleks?  Plus there's the intro scene of Amy with "HATE" written on her knuckles.
    3. Power of 3 has the Doctor asking to stay with the Ponds; literally bargaining for more time with them.
    4. Mercy has one actual suicide and a second one considered.  Very apt for symbolizing Depression.
    5. Pond Life has the running plot of the Doctor leaving voicemails for the Ponds, until the final segment, when he uses the sonic to erase the message he just left.  In this order, this moment gives the impression that he's finally accepted that he has to let the Ponds go.  So he does.

    In the end, I think this shuffled order does work really well as an alternative take on the series.  I'd recommend trying it at least the once.

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  16. I've been subscribed to Ro's channel for years now, and got her first cookbook at a signing event (back in the before-times.)  She's adorable, if a little hyper, so I wish her all the best.

    For anyone interested, but without HBO Max, she posted a full episode on her YouTube channel.


    She also did a virtual watch party video for the launch of the show.  That video is also on her channel.

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  17. 7 hours ago, aradia22 said:

    Also, I don't know if she counts as a celebrity, but I'm trying to absorb the Lindsay Ellis "controversy" from last night and it's a massive woof. Right now I'm on the side of her not handling things perfectly but it certainly not being a cancellable offense. I feel like there's no good way to talk your way through that sort of thing if people are determined to be offended.


    2 hours ago, aradia22 said:

    I agree that she wasn't cancelled. But there are people on twitter cheering about how they successfully cancelled her. And I was making the point that I don't think anything she said (about Raya and her later defenses of herself) warranted a reexamination of who she is as a person or whether you should support her as a creator. At least in my opinion. 

    I would guess she left because of the harassment. Based on her past experiences, I can't imagine it was good for her mental health, if it wasn't outright triggering. She's been on the internet long enough to know how to "take it" but like Lindy West, Natalie Wynn, Carlos Maza, Anita Sarkeesian, etc. let's just say she's been targeted to an extreme degree by the worst kinds of people before. No one should have to subject themselves to that even if your business is creating online content.

    I'm of the opinion that a majority of the hate and "criticism" she's getting for this current "controversy" is these same people taking this opportunity to dog-pile on her again.  They don't actually care about the "issue" in question; they just care about being opposed to her opinion and flaming her.


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  18. On 3/25/2021 at 10:47 AM, Nashville said:

    Doubtful; they’ll still have to deal with COVID protocols to a degree for both cast and crew, there’s a metric shit-ton of moving pieces to a production like this, and in Fiji it’s already well-established where all the parts go.

    Exactly.  While I do advocate for a change of location as much as anyone else here, the fact that they have the "permanent" location in Fiji is actually a greater benefit right now with the added COVID complications.  With their infrastructure already in place, a crew that is already familiar with the area, and locals that are familiar with the crew, things have to be going almost as smoothly as they would for a "normal" shooting season.  Setting up in a new location would add even more time and more of a delay to an already delayed season.

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