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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. On 10/28/2020 at 6:08 PM, Fukui San said:

    I've started listening to Off Menu by Ed Gamble and James Acaster, who I first encountered from Taskmaster.

    You'd probably like the official Taskmaster podcast then.  Ed is the host, and the episodes come out shortly after the new series' episodes air (so only 3 episodes thus far.)  Each episode has a Taskmaster-related guest (Alex, Nish, and Jo in order), and they discuss both the episode that just aired and former contestants also talk about their own experiences.  Ed also announces the next episode guest in advance, so the audience can submit questions for them.

    I have no idea if this will continue between series 10 and 11, but I get the feeling Ed would like to do so if possible.

  2. 2 hours ago, Kromm said:

    If you find them via the usual methods, some British shows have returned, just with partitions or distancing.

    Taskmaster (discussed above - on their own YouTube channel) - https://www.youtube.com/c/Taskmaster

    This one is very interesting, and a very auspicious start on their new channel.  To begin with, the live studio audience is not present; it's only the contestants, the Taskmaster, and his assistant on set.  The studio audience watched the episodes "live on tape" after the original recording sessions, but before broadcast.  And they're currently doing the same thing for Series 11 recordings.  The contestants' chairs are all spread out in a larger arc than the previous series, and further away from the Taskmaster.  And Greg and Alex are also separated.  They even moved the table with the Taskmaster trophy in-between the two of them, which is a nice touch.

    Typically only two tasks per episode, the top of episode prize task and the end of episode live task, are done in the studio with the assembled cast.  They've had to make some changes to the live tasks, to account for the very pregnant Daisy May Cooper.  (She found out she was pregnant while shooting her tasks, and gave birth to a healthy child after all the studio recordings were completed.)  The majority of the tasks have always been pre-recorded and done individually, and they were all apparently completed before UK lockdown. 

    But there are some "team tasks", where the contestants have to interact with each other.  One team, Richard Herring and the aforementioned Daisy May Cooper, was luckily able to record their team tasks before social distancing was required in the UK.  The other team; Johnny Vegas, Katherine Parkinson, and Mawaan Rizwan, had to record their team task attempts after distancing was required.   This required the production team to make some alterations to the tasks.  But it the one team task aired so far is any indication, not a whole lot was changed, so it's still fair* to compare the two teams.  (*As fair as the Taskmaster chooses to be.)

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  3. On 10/21/2020 at 9:06 PM, Seelouis said:

    Am I crazy or did one of the sisters - Michelle or Victoria - say “bonjour” to the white bearded guy and “merci” to the cab driver?  

    They did.  But to be fair, they're from Louisiana.  French would be the more natural second (or third, depending on their household growing up) for them to speak.


    On 10/21/2020 at 9:11 PM, Grizzly said:

    Funny thing is I thought the red lipstick was D'angelo's color!

    You and my mother both!



    On 10/21/2020 at 11:13 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

    I'm not surprised the Olympians are out.  They only just missed being eliminated in the first leg.  Then the group flight to Columbia equalized all the teams, but from the first task they were behind again. 

    Nor was I, for the same reasons.  One of the last teams to the cave, last to find an hourglass and sign in on the check-out board, last to get a cab, etc.  Combine that with their less than stellar performance in the first episode (other than the goat racing.  I concede they did that better than anyone else.), and their time in the Race was always going to be limited.


    22 hours ago, theschnauzers said:
    On 10/22/2020 at 12:24 AM, displayname said:

    Why are Will and James tagged as "Boyfriends" instead of "Dating"???

    Because at the time, that’s what they were. They had already being backpacking to different places around the world together. IIRC, from what I’ve seen, they were living together as well. These days, they’d be described as “engaged.”

    According to something read elsewhere, Will and James were known as the "Backpacking Boyfriends" before the Race, so that might have something to do with it as well.  And technically, these days they'd be described as "Married".  Apparently they got hitched during the two-year shelving.


    3 hours ago, chaifan said:

    Re: "boyfriends" vs. "dating"... Someone upthread asked why they didn't use "boyfriend and girlfriend" with straight couples.  I think it's because that's a really long tagline to fit on a screen.  "Dating" is shorter.  And there's not much difference between "dating" and "boyfriends".  Maybe Will & James preferred "boyfriends".  Who knows? 

    But before reading all that, my thought was that they'd been in a longer-term relationship than Team Tinder, who I think said they'd only been seeing each other for 8 months in their introduction in the first episode.   Thus Will and James being "Boyfriends", versus a couple "dating" for less than a year.


    On 10/21/2020 at 9:15 PM, xcrayon2215x said:

    The two blonde girls would have lost to Jerry and Frank had Leo and Alana and might have been eliminated had that not happened. I am glad Phil pointed out how lucky they were. .

    6 hours ago, ElleryAnne said:

    My first thought had been that the editing was deliberate, foreshadowing future drama.  Between showing Leo/Alana talking about how nice the blondes were and how they wanted to keep them in the game, and then Phil asking the blondes about how helpful Leo/Alana were, I figured there was a good chance we'd be seeing the sisters use a Yield on Leo/Alana in an upcoming episode. 

    But maybe I'm just cynical.

    No more cynical than I am, because I thought the exact same thing.


    3 hours ago, chaifan said:

    I have no problem with "alliances" or whatever you want to call them.  Yeah, it's a RAAACCEEE, but there is a strategic element to having allies.  In this episode, the teams on the first plane were smart to plan to stick together.  They had 1/2 hour on the second bunch, and that's not a lot of time.  If they could save time by working together, it's more important to create a larger gap between you and the last place team than to finish in first.  So all that seemed strategic and didn't bother me.

    Precisely.  TAR Maxim #2 (#1 is Run. Your. Own. Race.) is "Alliances should be temporary and mutually beneficial."   And that's what this alliance appeared to be to me.  They were the 5 teams fortunate enough to get the first release time after the overnight in the cave; none of them "chose" to ally with the others.  They just all agreed it was "mutually beneficial" to work together to maintain their lead, and let the other group teams struggle against each other to avoid last place.  We saw more of that logic at the Yield.  One team (the Beards maybe), specifically said that they weren't Yielding in hopes that one team in the second group would use it on another team in that group instead.  And the Blonde Sisters almost did.

    As for the "temporary" part, I suspect that the alliance ended at the Mat, and that any alliances between those teams will shuffle around in the next episodes.

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  4. 7 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I'm pretty ambivalent on the gay couple, the blonde sisters, the nerds, the Indian couple, and whoever else I forgot that clearly made a huge impression on me.

    Do you mean the Indian siblings?  I get them not making a big impression, but I don't think they should give the wrong impression.

    Though including them, it does mean that there are 3 teams of Asian ancestry on this race.  Add in the African-American father and son, the Olympians, and DeAngelo of the NFL team, and that's half of the Racers to start this season that are not white.  I think that might be a first for TAR.  (I've missed several seasons, so I very well could be wrong.)

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  5. 13 hours ago, Netfoot said:
    16 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

    Also I'm completely fine with the show using Day-O for the Road Block.

    Was there some objection to this? 

    On Twitter there was.  Someone snarked on #AmazingRace that they were doing the most cliche island song possible.  Phil responded to said tweet, bringing up the costs of getting the rights to music.



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  6. 1 hour ago, AimingforYoko said:

    I've learned to let this go, since it's right up there with faze-phase in its ubiquitousness, but since we're in this thread, it's jibe.

    Is it?  Wait a sec... *googles*  Huh.  So it is.  I stand corrected.

    I would guess the the blurring of the b and v sounds common in Spanish (similar to that of the l and r sounds in Asian languages) contributed to this happening.

  7. 7 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    Great location and tasks.  I like most of the racers so far and really felt for the dyslexic Olympian. 

    Dyscalculic.  She said her issue was getting numbers mixed up, which is actually dyscalculia, not dyslexia.  In other words, dyscalculia is dyslexia for numbers.

    Now, it is possible she has both.  Or the more likely possibility is that she doesn't know the difference between the terms and was just using the more commonly known one.

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  8. 3 hours ago, SVNBob said:

    I think that part of the documentary was also on the "Whammy" set, with Todd explaining how Michael's system worked.   They'd also set the board up to replicate the original patterns he deciphered, so that one of the other two could "beat" Michael's score.

    Quoting myself to correct myself.

    I found the GSN documentary on YouTube.  While they might have shot the segment with Larson's competitors on the then-current Whammy! soundstage, it looks like it was in one of the wings or off-stage somewhere.  And it didn't use the Whammy! board, but a mock-up of the original.  And it wasn't hosted by Todd Newton; it was Peter Tomarken himself.


    And while looking for that, I found out that in the rematch, James Larson was also the winner.  So no actual redemption for either of the others.

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  9. 33 minutes ago, opus said:

    Anyone remember when (I think it was on the Todd Newton ‘Whammy’ version ) they bought back the two players who lost to Michael Larson?

    That was part of GSN's promotion for the documentary they made about Larson.   A special "rematch" episode, with Larson's brother standing in for Michael.

    I think that part of the documentary was also on the "Whammy" set, with Todd explaining how Michael's system worked.   They'd also set the board up to replicate the original patterns he deciphered, so that one of the other two could "beat" Michael's score.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Kromm said:

    What's in the theory on why his personality would be so different?  It can't ALL be down to drugs. 

    It's stated in Gilligan's Island that Gilligan and the Skipper are "war buddies" (presumed to be the Korean War).   So between drugs and PTSD, there's enough basis for a personality shift.

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  11. 8 hours ago, Blergh said:

    the radio announcer never gave any name for Gilligan himself besides that one name (and even the writers never were in agreement whether that was his surname or given name much less if he actually had any other name).

    Fan theory is that he's Dobie Gillis's pal Maynard G. Krebs, and that Gilligan is his middle name.

    This was alluded to in one of the Dobie Gillis tv movies, but was never actually made canon.

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  12. 8 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    In order for a computer to sort while ignoring the beginning article, all possible articles must be entered, and/or the sort algorithm must ignore the article, and/or the items must be entered in the form of: First, A. 
    In other words (punny?) it’s cheaper to sort without considering beginning articles of A, An, The, La, Le, Les, etc.   
    That’s probably why telephone books never ignored initial articles, which gave rise to a lot of businesses with names like “AAAA Hotel.” 

    But libraries will continue to sort beginning with the first letter of the first word after the initial article so that books can sit on the shelves in a logical manner. 🙂

    This jives with the information I found when looking up answers to the previous question.  Business practices still tend to ignore initial articles, while the NISO guidelines say to include them.

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  13. 5 hours ago, Anduin said:

    I was just going through all my music bookmarks when I hit upon a problem. Does Acid King go before or after AC/DC?

    That is an interesting point to ponder.  And looking around, there's not exactly a standard.

    To begin with, everyone seems to agree that the digits 0-9, in that order, come before letters.  Number words spelled out though, go by standard alphabetical order.  After that, it diverges.

    Some (mainly business) practices decide to "spell out" the symbol when alphabetizing.  So in this case it'd be Acid King before AC "Slash" DC.

    However the NISO guidelines put non-punctuation symbols (which include brackets of all kinds and quote marks, but not dashes or slashes) ahead of numbers.  So it'd be AC/DC before Acid King.

    In the end, I agree with a comment I saw on another forum (although that discussion was mainly about how to alphabetize bands named after fictional people; ie. does Jethro Tull go under J or T.).  To wit: it's your collection, so put them in the order that makes the most sense to you.

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  14. 8 hours ago, Daisy said:

    clearly Lex hasn't watched Frozen because then he would have learned to Let it Go.

    If Lex could let things go, we wouldn't have gotten the Mohawk of Hypocrisy.

    • LOL 4
  15. On 9/22/2020 at 8:28 AM, FakingIt said:

    Do we just start over again?

    Starting again should also include potentially adding a theme to the round.

    Example themes:

    • Only Mammals
    • Only Reptiles
    • Only Birds
    • Only Insects
    • Only Aquatic Creatures
    • Fictional/Mythical Creatures and/or Cryptids
    • Scientific Names!


    And so as to not derail....



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  16. Per Reddit, there's a promo airing on CTV in Canada for the new season, and it has the October 14th date on it.   I'm posting it below, but it apparently contains spoilers.  So I'm tagging it, along with the reason why.   (That and it might autoplay otherwise.)


    According to the comments on the Reddit thread, the three close-ups of teams (the two hugs and the high-five) are presumed to be shots of them checking in at the Mat.



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  17. 13 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    The world is really full of assholes.  Anyone who harms a helpless animal is really a pathetic human being and belongs in prison.

    Why a dumpster?  Only a horrible piece of garbage does that to an animal.  Take any unwanted pet to a no kill shelter where they can have a chance to find a loving home.  

    The only reason someone would dump an animal in a dumpster is because that person doesn't care about animals or living creatures in general.

    While I agree with the overall sentiments, that kitty may not have been abandoned there by a human.  It's just as likely that it was born to a feral or semi-feral mother, and was simply in the dumpster looking for food.

    In either case, it's still good on @tinkerbell's son and his gf for taking in the kitty.

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  18. 1 minute ago, Blergh said:

    Let's also not forget that the manager Rudy called Michael Nesmith  'Wool Hat' instead of his actual nickname of 'Mike' in the pilot! It seems that 'Wool Hat' was originally supposed to be Mike's moniker in the series

    I was just coming here to say the same thing myself.  I thought that that name was even attached to his face in the 4-headshot closing credit bit, but it turns out that wasn't part of the original pilot either.  And it turns out Mike wasn't the only one with a name change, as Micky is credited under a different name.


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  19. In the middle of the 2-hour double-leg episode #7 at this point, and something occurred to me on this watch that I don't think I thought of during the original airing.  But first, we need to go back a little to episode/leg 6.

    Leg 6 is the one from Maputo, Mozambique to Tanzania and Zanzibar.  The majority of the first half of the episode is spent at the Maputo airport trying to get to Dar Es Salaam.  There's a direct flight at 8:30 on one airline, but it's the middle of the night and the ticket counter won't open until 5:30.  At 5:30, all the teams are present when they learn that that flight is full and standby only.  Charla and Mirna take a risk and go to Johannesburg without any further flights booked, while the rest of the teams wait (or are unable to get on the flight Charla and Mirna do.)  The pack is eventually told that the flight is full-full and to try a different airline that will open at 9:45.  Meanwhile, the risk pays off for Mirna and Schmirna, as they manage to get on a flight in Jo-burg.

    At the 2nd airline, the younger teams head up to the airline office while Terri, Ian, and Team Guido wait at the counter for it to open.  The flight all the teams are looking at goes to Dar Es Salaam via a connection in Jo-burg, but the connecting flight is full.  The teams in the office all get on the standby list, as do the other two teams after the counter opens.  After the flight gets to Johannesburg, only the teams that went up to the office and got on the standby list early were able to get on the flight.   Except for Eric and Danielle, who are pulled off the plane because the airline made a mistake.  (Slight diversion from the main story here: Eric handled this surprisingly well, given who we saw him to be on TAR9.  He didn't argue with the airline personnel and just started getting their bags out of storage.  He did offered $50 for someone else to leave the plane instead, but when no one took his offer, he calmly exited and tried to soothe the understandably upset Danielle.  Again, surprising given his fratty nature, but still well handled.)  The guy who pulled them from the plane says that he will put them on "priority standby" for a flight leaving the next morning, and he also puts TerrIan and the Guidos on regular standby on the same flight.  When that flight starts boarding the next day, Eric and Danielle are the only team of the 3 to get on (presumably because of the kerfuffle of the previous day and the "priority standby".)  The last two teams are told about a flight on another airline at noon, and they get on that.

    Meanwhile, in Tanzania, the teams have had to get to a ferry terminal to draw numbers for a series of dhow (boat) rides to Zanzibar.  The boats are scheduled to leave 3 hours apart, and the first 2 of the 3* can only carry 2 teams each. (* The board with the pull numbers has only 3 sets of tags.  But Phil's VO at the opening of the first clue said that there were 4 dhows available.  Retrospect puts this as the first clue of the fuckery to come in this leg.) 

    Long story short (too late), this is an anti-Bunching leg.  Other than a little scramble between The Cha, the Beauty Queens, and Uchenna and Joyce when they get to the ferry terminal (which The Cha win and get the second spot on dhow #1), the end-of-leg order barely deviates from the order in which teams got flights out of Johannesburg.  Terri and Ian get Philiminated and the Guidos are 14+ hours behind the first-place Charla and Mirna. (With Eric and Danielle just ahead of them at only 11 hours behind.)

    Onto Leg 7 (finally).  Teams are headed to Warsaw, Poland.  They are all provided with tickets on flights that will get them to Warsaw at 11:25 am the next day, but they are free to look for something that will arrive sooner.  The four teams in front do manage to find earlier flights (but not without having to wait 7 hours in a travel agency plus more time outside waiting for it to open, giving Eric and Danielle time to show up at the agency), but Eric and Danielle cannot find anything better that isn't full, and The Guidos don't have the time to even try.  Those last two teams take the provided flight to Warsaw via Kilimanjaro.   In Kilimanjaro, the teams are picking up their tickets to Warsaw, when they're told they can't make it as the plane is about to leave.  They haul ass to the gate and the plane is still there, but starting to taxi away.  At this point, Joe (the shorter Guido) runs outside and tries to flag the plane down like it's a cab.  That is unsuccessful, so both teams now have to wait for a flight at 6 am the next day.  This flight lands in Warsaw at around the time the first-place Beauty Queens are starting the next leg by heading to Auschwitz.

    Which finally gets me to my original point.  This set of two legs has been thoroughly killer for three teams, but I don't think it affected any of them as much psychologically as it did The Guidos.  They had to have been having flashbacks to shivering at a cluebox in Alaska and opening a clue to read that the Race was officially over without them even seeing the Finish Line.  While in Johannesburg, they must have started thinking, "Oh my God, it's happening again!  We're falling a day behind!"  And when the provided flight started to leave without them, Joe was definitely in the clutches of a flashback-induced panic attack aided by KF. 

    I don't think any of us thought of that at the time.  But it seems clear to me now.

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